I Became a Ruined Character in a Dark Fantasy

Chapter 146

Chapter 146

"If that person wasn't lying, it means they’ve figured it out too," Ian said indifferently.

It was hardly surprising. Every hidden path gets discovered, eventually.

Philip, looking as if he’d lost everything, sighed deeply. "No matter what, I didn't expect we'd run into them so soon... How..."

Ian snorted briefly. With patrolling guards around, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Even if they had made it past this point, they would still have encountered guards. Verifying the group's identity was inevitable. In that sense, it was actually fortunate they discovered their presence early.

"Now’s not the time to be hesitating. What should we do, my lord? Should we turn the carriage around now? If we hide until nightfall—"

"It's too late." Charlotte cut him off.

Nodding calmly, she added, "It seems they’ve already spotted us."

Sure enough, the riders had halted.

"Oh, Lu Solar..." Philip sighed, closing his eyes.

Turning the horses around was now out of the question. If they hadn't been noticed, maybe. But stopping or turning the carriage here would be as good as confessing their guilt. Even if they didn’t follow, they would monitor the road for some time, and if they followed, it was certain the guards would skip any polite procedures.

"We have no choice. We must continue." Mev said in a low, resigned voice.

While Philip ran a hand down his face, Charlotte looked back. Ian, understanding the meaning behind her look, smacked his lips.

"Let's see how things unfold."

"...I am so sorry, my lord."

Misinterpreting his words, Philip lowered his head.

"It was my mistake to trust those words and not prepare for variables. I will do my best to remedy this."

"And how will you do that?" Ian asked bluntly.

Philip, exchanging a determined look with Mev, spoke up. "We must use our lord’s reputation. Didn’t you say her fame had reached the North? I will reveal our lord’s identity to them and explain our urgent mission."

"I believe that’s the best course of action, Ian. Even if things don't go smoothly, we won't end up in a bloodbath." Mev added cautiously, seemingly worried that Ian might draw his sword.

It doesn’t seem that easy...

Thinking this, Ian nodded.


"Um, even if we end up turning back, don’t worry. There is another hidden path not too far from here. As it was my oversight, I will guide you even if it means losing sleep. You two can rest in the carriage..." Philip added, looking as if he would bow his head.

Ian merely shrugged.

Of course, he had no intention of turning back. He had a way to handle this situation. But that was the last resort. If Philip could achieve a positive outcome, it would be the easiest solution.


Mev soon lowered her visor. The patrol was closing in rapidly. They, too, had moved off the main road and were approaching the valley in a broad formation. The slow pace of their advance showed they were keeping an eye on the group, which continued to move forward without stopping or turning back.

The soldiers were well-equipped. Their horses were well-maintained, each saddle carrying a similarly positioned crossbow, and their uniforms were uniform, adorned with the Empire's emblem. Their armor was a mix of chain and leather, complete with helms that covered their noses.

None of the soldiers took their eyes off the carriage. Their disciplined demeanor was befitting the Imperial regulars. Ian noted the man with an armband on one arm, riding a slightly better horse in the center.

That must be the patrol captain... and the lieutenant behind him. They’re unnecessarily thorough.

Then again, even in the game, the Imperial regulars were leagues above the frontier kingdom’s army. Their equipment and discipline were top-notch, not just the elite troops on the front lines.

Even after the world went into chaos, they still behaved like this. They would rush in to inspect anyone at the slightest hint.

While Ian was lost in thought, the patrol stopped at a reasonable distance. Soldiers with crossbows aimed at the carriage.

"Stop! If you don’t halt, we will fire!"

The patrol captain shouted from the front. Charlotte pulled the reins, and Mev and Philip also stopped obediently.

"You have stepped onto Imperial territory. State your identities and surrender!"

It didn’t seem like they wouldn’t listen at all.

Thinking, Ian glanced at Philip, who, despite his tense and stiffened face, slowly urged his horse forward. He stopped and shouted.

"We are neither criminals nor fugitives! The person behind me is Sir Mev Riurel, a follower of Lu Solar, a disciple of Tir En, the Red Knight of the battlefield, and the Savior of the Weak!"

Under his helmet, the patrol captain’s brows furrowed.

"The Red Knight of legend? Also known as the Agent of Vengeance?"

"Yes, exactly!" Philip’s expression brightened slightly as he continued.

"We are on a very important and noble mission, and only briefly entered the Empire out of necessity. We will cause no trouble and plan to return to the frontier soon. We would be grateful if you allowed us passage!"

A few soldiers exchanged glances. The captain scrutinized the carriage and Mev. His lieutenant whispered something to him. As Ian scratched his chin, the captain spoke again.

"I can see you are not lying! But this is not the frontier. Even a renowned Red Knight needs proper authorization to enter. In fact, because of your reputation, you must follow the proper procedures even more rigorously!"

"...." Philip’s smile froze.

Ian also clicked his tongue.

As expected, it came to this.

As Charlotte looked at him with a relaxed demeanor, the captain continued.

"Turn the carriage around and return to the frontier! That is the best I can offer in respect! If you refuse, we will act according to military law!"

"Ah... Lu Solar, help us..."

As Philip sighed softly, Charlotte calmly spoke. "I know you don’t like this, Ian. But given the situation, we have no choice."

Her eyes gleamed strangely as she reached out her hand.

"Leave it to me. I will handle this cleanly."

"...Well, it can’t be helped." Ian shrugged as he pulled out a thin, long book bound in black leather from his pocket dimension.

Charlotte, receiving it promptly, smiled.

"I’ll be back soon."

She stepped off the driver's seat and walked briskly.

"...? Charlotte?"

Philip, who was about to turn the carriage, looked down at her in confusion. His eyes widened as he whispered urgently.

"Where are you going? Charlotte? Charlotte...?"

The patrol was equally startled by her actions.

"Stop immediately!"

The captain, who had been frowning at Charlotte, shouted belatedly. The crossbows, which had lowered slightly, were once again aimed at her. The air, which had momentarily loosened, tensed and chilled.

Charlotte, finally stopping, lifted her chin slightly. Surveying the soldiers calmly, she shouted.

"I understand you are just doing your duty! But inside this carriage is Sir Ian Hope! Lay down your weapons and step back immediately! If you do not comply, it will be considered blasphemy!"

An astonished silence followed. The patrol captain blinked in disbelief, then furrowed his brow.

"Blasphemy? How dare a beast utter such impious words!"

"You insolent fool!" Charlotte's roar, mixed with a low growl like a beast, was enough to make the soldiers' shoulders twitch despite the distance.

She continued, "The North is not far! How can you not dismount upon hearing his name?"

"Wh-what are you—"

"Yes, ignorance is not a crime. Fine! Listen carefully, all of you!"

Without giving them a chance to respond, Charlotte declared, pressing the documents to her chest with her right hand.

"A Holy Warrior of the Stern Goddess. The Bearer of the Ember that reignited the Sacred Flame. The Final Punisher of the Giant Kingdom, and the True Champion of the North recognized by Karha."

Her words, unlike before, were deliberate, each phrase delivered with forceful emphasis, her voice resonating widely. Ian sighed inwardly. Not only had she become skilled at introductions, she was clearly enjoying it. She had never been like this before.

"The Dragon Slayer who pierced the heart of the Corrupt Dragon, and the sole, official Agent of the Great Platinum Dragon."

She finally paused, raising one arm as if indicating the carriage.

"Behold, Sir Ian Hope, the new Superhuman of the North! Dismount and show proper respect!"


Of course, no one dismounted. They only stared at her with dumbfounded expressions. Mev and Philip were no exceptions. Mev stood rigid as if dead, while Philip gaped at Charlotte with his mouth open.

The patrol captain was the first to regain his senses.

"Can... can you prove those words?"

"The Brilliant Goddess and the Stern Goddess shall testify, and Karha shall vouch. If you wish to follow Imperial law, the proof is in my hand."

Charlotte raised her hand. The patrol captain, after signaling to his lieutenant, dismounted.

"I will verify it."

Two riders approached Charlotte. She handed over the documents to them, the book to the captain, and the parchment to the lieutenant. The captain’s expression, initially one of mere perplexity, changed to astonishment in a few seconds.


The book was an official certificate from the Church of Travelga, with the seal of Archduke Olaf of the North. Written in gold dust ink on high-grade parchment, it was nearly impossible to forge. Ian had only used it once when he left the North.


The lieutenant was equally stunned. The parchment was a certificate from the Temple of the Brazier, with multiple seals from border fortresses. Both documents unequivocally proved Ian’s importance and protection by the North and the church. The captain and lieutenant looked at each other, then dismounted simultaneously without hesitation.

"Every... everyone, lower your weapons and dismount immediately! It’s the Dragon Slayer from the North!"

The soldiers hastily dismounted, some even adopting a prayerful stance. Although his true name was not widely known, tales of a new champion and Dragon Slayer in the North were common knowledge. The fact that this wasn’t the North was irrelevant.

"Though we couldn’t step forward immediately, we hope you understand. As a representative of the Great Platinum Dragon, Sir Hope prefers not to reveal his identity unless absolutely necessary." Charlotte spoke calmly, extending her hand.

The captain, carefully folding the certificates, offered them back with both hands, bowing.

"Of course. How could we harbor impious thoughts toward such a noble figure?"

Charlotte, taking the parchment handed over by the lieutenant, looked back at Mev and Philip, who were still frozen, and added, "The Red Knight and his servant assist him. Though they are not Imperial citizens, they have sufficient rights to be here."

"Of course." The captain, who had previously been strict and stern, now replied with military discipline.

As Charlotte nodded, he added cautiously, "May I formally apologize to the Dragon Slayer?"

"Well..." Charlotte glanced back at Ian.

Sitting indifferently, Ian gave a small nod. It wasn’t something he wanted to do, but the situation had escalated too far.

The captain approached the carriage. Bowing his head, he spoke, "I formally apologize for any disrespect. We were merely—"

"Fulfilling your duties. I understand. However..."

Ian interrupted in a low voice.

"I’d prefer it if the fact that I passed through here was kept secret for as long as possible."

"Yes. We will keep it strictly confidential."

Ian couldn’t help but laugh inwardly. Keeping it quiet wouldn’t be possible. Once they returned to their base, they would surely report it. However, even a day's delay would suffice. By the time the local lords or the church found out, he would be long gone.

"May we proceed now? We have a long journey ahead."

"Of course. My lord, may I ask where you are headed?"


"There are several patrols near the border. As you may know, due to unrest in the frontier, there are more attempts to cross the border illegally. We are obligated to verify the identities of all travelers we encounter."

So, it’s the same situation on every hidden path.

Thinking that, Ian asked nonchalantly, "What happens to those caught crossing illegally?"

"Immediate execution if they resist, otherwise, they are captured and sent back. Most are then sent to various places for years of forced labor."

It meant they became free labor. After their labor period, they would likely become freemen or serfs, a profitable arrangement compared to simply killing them.

Talk about creating an economy from nothing...

"But if we escort you until you leave this area, you won’t have to repeat this troublesome situation. If you give us the chance to make amends for our earlier disrespect—"

Listening to the lengthy explanation, Ian stifled a laugh. They were treating him like some high-ranking church official or a noble. For the first time, he was grateful the Empire was larger than the frontier and the North combined. If this situation were repeated endlessly, it would be suffocating. Anyway, accepting the offer for now seemed the best option.

"What is your name?"

"...! Gregory Basset, sir."

"Alright. Sir Gregory. From now on, what I tell you stays between us."

Determination flickered in Gregory’s eyes. He nodded earnestly.

"We are headed to Lu Sard. It would be nice to pass through a town along the way."

"If you are going to Lu Sard... stopping by Burbrook would be best. It's also close to our base. May we escort you?"

"Then, please do. And my destination..."

"I swear to the Stern Goddess, I will take it to my grave." Gregory, bowing, turned around. His lieutenant, also saluting Ian, mounted his horse.

Finally, Charlotte returned to the driver’s seat.

Taking the certificates from her, Ian muttered, "You seemed to enjoy it too much."

Charlotte shrugged. "I was merely fulfilling my role. But yes, it was satisfying."

What was so satisfying about it?

As Ian laughed softly, a quiet sigh reached his ears.

"Oh, Lu Solar..." Philip, still in a daze, muttered.

Looking at Ian with a bewildered expression, he mumbled, "Is this really happening? Did I hear correctly? So, Sir Ian is... that...?"

Ian looked at Mev instead of replying. She remained as rigid as a statue. Her face, hidden by her visor, likely bore the same expression as Philip’s.

...This is definitely not going to be easy to get past.

Thinking that, Ian clicked his tongue and finally nodded.

"Let’s talk later. For now, let’s go. They’re waiting."

Charlotte snapped the reins as if she had been waiting for this moment. Leaving the dazed knight and his servant behind, the carriage started moving.

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