I Became a Ruined Character in a Dark Fantasy

Chapter 145

Chapter 145


As Charlotte’s pupils narrowed sharply, he added, “It didn’t seem like a lie to me.”

“Yeah... I thought so....”

Charlotte muttered and looked ahead again.

“Thank you for being honest, Ian.”


Ian stared at her profile for a moment. Just as he was about to speak again, she interrupted.


Without turning her head, Charlotte continued in a low voice.

“Right now, Thesa comes first. I don’t want to complicate things with other issues. So, whatever you were going to say, can you save it for after everything is settled, Ian?”

She’s quite perceptive.

Ian chuckled softly and turned his gaze to the back of the moving carriage.

“No problem.”

“Then can I ask you one more thing?”

“You don’t need my permission for that.”

“The seed of the Tree of Life you mentioned earlier, do you really have it?”


Ian reached deep into his pocket dimension and retrieved a seed slightly smaller than his palm. After confirming the information, his eyes twitched slightly. The name had changed.

[Tree of Life Seed.]

The description remained the same: grants additional skill points upon consumption.

Charlotte, glancing at the seed, added, “So you were asking about it for... Thesa’s sake, right?”

Wondering what she was getting at, Ian shrugged with a short laugh.

“I was asking about it to see if it could be sold. To trade properly, I needed to know its value.”

Though he hadn’t uncovered everything, he had made some progress. Another mystery that he hadn’t solved in the game was now clearer. And it seemed to Ian that only the elves could fully unlock the seed’s potential.

If its effects on lifespan and mana increase applied to humans, they wouldn’t let the elves monopolize such benefits. Even if the method was a closely guarded secret, it wouldn’t escape the Emperor’s attention.

The same went for nobles and wizards. They would challenge the risk of stopping their hearts if it meant gaining longer life and more mana. It made sense that they gave up because it was impossible.

“I see... I guess I was jumping to conclusions.”

Charlotte nodded and licked her lips.

“But you never know.”

Ian’s voice continued.

“Maybe this could help her too. After all, she is a fairy.”

Of course, nothing was certain.

He didn’t know how to use the seed properly. He didn’t know if it would work on a vampire fairy. Even if it did, there was no guarantee it wouldn’t just create a stronger demon. He didn’t even know if Thesaya would survive until they arrived.

Despite this, Ian decided to consider the possibility.

The outcome of Thesaya’s death was too certain and clear to need further thought. There was enough room to think about other possibilities.

Charlotte chuckled softly. “Yeah. You never know. Just like you said.”

There was no more conversation. The two riders silently followed the carriage, cutting through the darkness.


“Today, Philip and I will ride the horses. You two can ride in the carriage.”

While Philip packed up the campsite, Mev mounted her horse with a somewhat embarrassed expression. She seemed to feel guilty for having slept soundly during the night march.

“I won’t refuse,” Ian smirked and climbed into the carriage.

Charlotte, who had been silent the whole time, also readily took the driver’s seat.

As the carriage started moving, Philip, riding alongside, cautiously glanced at Charlotte. Her silence kept him from starting any conversation.

Ian, however, didn’t mind. He didn’t want to break the rare calmness.

Ian soon reached for the items lying haphazardly in the carriage corner. A dagger, a knife, and a long rapier. These were the items Findrel had used. All were finely decorated and of high quality, and he was able to see their information. The rapier was even of rare grade.

[High Fairy’s Rapier.]

Removing the throwing knife from the lowest strap of his belt, Ian replaced it with the fairy’s dagger and then grasped the rapier’s hilt.

The hilt of the rapier was short and elegantly decorated with silver. Beneath it was a small ring where a finger could be placed, suggesting it was meant to be gripped with the index finger looped through.

Typical fairy style... ridiculously ornate.

Ian drew the sword. Mev, walking beside the carriage, glanced at the thin, long blade.

“Hmm....” Ian inspected the long blade, frowning slightly.

The blade was sharp, but it was clearly designed more for thrusting than slashing.

He could imagine how Findrel fought with it. Mocking his opponents with the agile movements typical of fairies, he would have killed them in the most painful and cruel way possible. He must have been skilled in swordsmanship to handle such a weapon.

Well, it’s too thin for me to use.

Ian smacked his lips and sheathed the sword. If he used it, the blade would probably snap in two after a few swings. He leaned the rapier against the seat beside him and spoke casually.

“I meant to tell you something yesterday.”

“Hmm? Go ahead.” Mev looked at Ian.

Ian continued leisurely. “The elf I killed yesterday was from an Imperial noble family. The third son of a family called Aynas. Do you know them?”

“Well, I recall him introducing himself that way. But I don’t know much about elven families. I’m only familiar with the prominent noble families of the Empire, like...”

“Larmut, for instance.”


“Seeing as there are elder elves, he must have been from a significant family. Anyway, his family might seek revenge since he’s dead. Though I was the one who killed him....” Ian looked at Mev.

“Officially, it will likely be reported that he died fighting the Red Knight.”

“...I hadn’t considered that. But yes, that makes sense.” Philip, who initially seemed pleased just to have the conversation, now had a serious expression and spoke with a hardened face.

“Elves are known to be cruel and relentless in demanding blood for blood.”

“If any trouble arises, it would be wise to clarify that it was Ian Hope who killed Findrel, not you,” Ian added.

Mev, after a brief pause, shook her head.

“If you hadn’t killed him, I would have ended up fighting him. And since I let you kill him, I’m complicit. If anyone seeks revenge, I will face them.”

“Do you mean to make enemies with the elves, my lord...?” Philip asked with wide eyes.

Mev nodded. “I don’t intend to make enemies, but if it comes to that, so be it. Besides, if I back down, Ian will bear the burden, Philip.”

“That’s... true, my lord.”

“That’s quite a commendable decision.”

Charlotte said without turning her head.

“Pointy ears are not worth associating with. Aside from those few exceptions, they’re just waiting to exploit you.”

Most of the powerful ones in this world are like that.

Ian thought, glancing at Mev.

“So, if an elf comes seeking revenge, you’ll fight them?”

“Yes, Ian. That’s exactly what I mean.”

“Still, it’s unlikely that a pursuit team will come immediately, right? It will take time for the news to reach the Empire, and they will need time to investigate.”

Ian smiled slightly while Philip rambled on. Without a word, Ian reached out and held the rapier outside the carriage.

“Then I think you should use this sword.”

“This is... Ian, it’s your spoils.” Mev said, blinking.

Ian shrugged.

“It’s difficult for me to use it with my swordsmanship skills. I thought it would suit you better, but I hesitated to give it to you, worrying it might cause misunderstandings with the elves. But since you don’t mind, here.” Ian added, lightly shaking the sword as if urging her to take it.

“It’s thinner than the one you’re using now, but it’s still a decent sword.”

“...Then I’ll gratefully accept it.” Mev finally smiled faintly and took the sword. She held it with both hands and carefully inspected it.

“And having two swords, using them as needed, is enough. Thank you, Ian. An elven sword is quite a precious gift.”

“No need to mention it.”

We’re definitely accomplices now.

Ian thought, turning his gaze.

Philip, who had been blinking at Mev, finally asked. “My lord, what about me?”


“Don’t I get anything...?”

“You said you didn’t want to make enemies with the elves,” Ian smirked from one corner of his mouth.

“That’s just a manner of speaking! Do you think I’d just stand by and do nothing if you’re fighting, my lord? I don’t mind not receiving a gift, but please don’t think of me as untrustworthy— Oh?!”

Ian, without looking, tossed something toward Philip.

Philip nearly fell off his saddle in his haste to catch the item thrown by Ian. He quickly checked what he was holding.

Ian’s voice followed. “It’s the dagger that the elf used.”

“My lord...!” Philip’s face lit up with emotion, completely different from his earlier demeanor. He stared at the silver-inlaid handle and sheath with fascination before clutching it to his chest.

“Truly, you know how to touch someone’s heart, my lord. No matter what elf comes after us, I, Philip, will risk my life—”


“Yes, my lord?”

“Now shut up. Let’s travel quietly.”

“Yessir...!” Philip replied with a smile and quickly turned his attention back to the dagger in his hands.

That elf sure left behind quite a lot.

Ian shrugged and leaned back deeply in his seat.

No additional pursuers from Stoneville appeared. The group continued without stopping, and the next day, Philip led them off the main road. They were taking a secret path, known as a rabbit hole, to sneak into the Empire.


“I wonder if we might wander into another demonic realm,” Philip muttered, scanning the foothills from his horse.

No one responded, but he continued in a low voice.

“Traveling through uncharted areas has been unnerving ever since that incident. You never know when we might step into cursed grounds again. I’ll be relieved once we set foot on Imperial soil....”

“....” Ian half-listened to Philip’s words as he chewed on jerky. The jerky from Stoneville was tough and tasteless, not surprising if it was made from rat meat.

Charlotte was also chewing jerky. Since hearing Findrel’s words, she had spent more time lost in thought. Whatever was going on in her head was known only to her.

...At least she won’t worship that Kruxica or whatever now.

Ian thought indifferently, taking in the drab landscape.

They were passing through the rabbit hole. The end of the winding valley was not far. Once they safely reached the Empire’s main road, they would have successfully sneaked across the border.

Although they technically didn’t need to cross the border in secret, avoiding the hassle and potential fallout of the official procedures was more convenient.

And it’s much quicker this way.

“...Pardon me for saying this.”

Philip spoke again after a long silence.

“Are the dark expressions you two have had lately because of that elf?”

Both Ian and Charlotte turned to look at Philip. He scratched his cheek awkwardly and continued.

“The person you’re searching for is half-elf, after all. I was wondering if there was some connection to that demon, I mean, that person....”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s not because of that.” Ian replied bluntly.

Charlotte nodded and added, “Thesaya. Call her by her name. It’s not a name you can’t speak.”

“Is that alright? Honestly, after hearing your stories, I’ve felt a strange sense of closeness to her. She seems very different from my memories. Back then... she was quite terrifying.”

“She turns like that if she’s starving. Give her enough animal blood, and she’s not much different from other elves.” Charlotte responded calmly.

Philip, pleased that she was engaging in conversation, grinned and continued.

“But what kind of experiments was she subjected to?”

“...?” Charlotte tilted her head.

Philip added, seemingly casually, “Didn’t Ian say she was a test subject?”

“So what?”

“But she’s a vampire, isn’t she? Wouldn’t they be her kin? What kind of experiments would they conduct on their kind? And why would they go to such lengths to recapture her, even bringing an adjudicator? Couldn’t they just create new test subjects?”

Charlotte nodded, as if she had never considered that. She then spoke.

“I’m not exactly sure, but creating vampires requires something called true blood. I think they were obsessed with Thesa to recover that.”

“Hmm. So, the total amount of true blood is limited. But if that’s the case, they could have just killed her to recover it. Why did they try to capture her alive?” Mev asked, her tone contemplative.

Charlotte scratched her cheek.

“I don’t know the reason. Thinking back, I never heard what kind of experiments she went through. She liked to talk, so there was no reason for her not to mention it. She only talked about the pain of becoming a vampire and being confined.”

“The experiment site probably wasn’t in Lu Sard,” Ian interjected at that moment.

Everyone turned their gaze to him.

“If she was kept in Lu Sard and then taken somewhere else for experiments, it fits. Vampires weren’t the ones conducting the experiments; they were just supplying test subjects.”

“Are you saying they create their own kind to sell them?” Philip asked, furrowing his brow.

Ian shrugged. “I have no idea. But if that’s the case, it explains why they look down on hybrids and why they went out of their way to turn an elf into a vampire. That’s just what I think.”

“Someone wanted to turn elves into vampires, and they complied with that?”

Ian nodded at Mev’s question.

“I once had a brief conversation with the Vampire Empress.”

“E-Empress?! ...Sorry, please continue.” Philip, who had unintentionally interrupted, quickly closed his mouth.

Ian continued. “She acted as if she had backing. It wasn’t surprising. If not, it wouldn’t make sense for demons to openly establish power in a country so close to the Empire.”

“So, they live among humans, paying a price in exchange for their place,” Mev said with a sigh. Ian nodded again.

“That’s my assumption. For now.”

“It would take considerable power to make that possible... Do you know the identity of those backing them?”

“I have a suspicion....”

Ian glanced at Mev and added, “To explain that, there are a lot of things I need to cover first.”

“So, it’s not something to discuss immediately.”

“It won’t be too late to talk about it once everything is confirmed.”

“Alright, then....” Mev nodded, and Philip quickly turned his head to look at her.

“Are you going to hold back? We just heard about the Vampire Empress and that there are people supporting the demons, and you’re holding back?”

“There’s a lot he needs to explain. We’ll be together for a while. Is there any reason to rush?”

“Once again, you silence me with sound reasoning... But at least we should hear from Charlotte. Charlotte, continue your story. It’s been days without any progress.”

“I don’t know why this is falling on me.”

This is the chance he’s been waiting for.

Ian chuckled internally, diverting his gaze.

They had reached the end of the valley. Sparse trees, a gentle slope, a field not much different from the outskirts, and in the distance, the main road with a group of riders.

“...?” Ian’s brows furrowed momentarily. He stared intently at the scene and finally spoke.

“Wasn’t this supposed to be a hidden passage?”

Philip, who had been bickering with Charlotte, turned to look at him and nodded.

“Yes, it was.”

“Then what’s that? They look like border patrol.”


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