Chapter 711 Victory By Mob Action.

The weak morale of his enemies broke even further when he got within a kilometer of them. A heavy gravitational field settled on their shoulders and brought them to their knees. The gravitational field covered more of his enemies the closer he got to them. 

This initiative of involuntary submission started from their front lines and then extended back to the bulk of the army. So their enemies were kneeling down in waves the closer Soverick got to them. That is not a posture meant to be taken when you have an army running toward you and calling for blood.

The ones at the back that saw the soldiers in front of them kneeling down knew something bad had happened. No matter how talented someone is, fighting on their knees is a very bad idea. It is either they are doing it on purpose because of a stupid reason or because they are being compelled to do so, or they may be surrendering.

Whichever one it is, it is not a good thing for an army to kneel. So the ones at the back tried to run away, but the people behind them that are not aware of the changes boxed them in. The delay in running away doomed them. They should have run before the battle started. That's when they could because it is too late for them now. 

Soverick got closer, and more of his enemies experienced what it felt like to have a force in the thousands of tonnes resting on their shoulders. It is not the weight of the world, so they were not crushed. It is just the weight of the very bad decision to oppose him. They were forced to kneel, and the wave of kneeling continued.

Things got worse for their enemies when Soverick's side got within 100 meters of them. That is the distance needed for ranged attacks because of the suppression of divine sense.

He ordered his eager soldiers, "Attack." 

Ranged attacks flew from his soldiers toward the opposing side. It was carried out eagerly and in large quantities. Their enemies, on the other hand, didn't respond in kind. It seems that they are preoccupied with something else. They were on their knees, struggling to move. It looked as if they were not taking the battle seriously. They paid for their negligence soon enough. His soldier's spells and physical ranged attacks easily landed on them, which led to the mass decimation of his enemies.

He led his soldiers to destroy their enemies. He himself didn't do much. He just stayed ahead of his troops and prepped their enemies with his gravity field for the Slaughtering that occurred. It was indeed a slaughtering. A slaughter fest, if you will. They were on their knees as spells bombarded them. Those that luckily survived regained control of their bodies to move after Soverick passed them by, but they were too weak and too few to fight off the ravenous beast that followed behind him.

His promise was fulfilled. It was a feast of blood and flesh, with his side engorging themselves in violence. Now no one can blame this entire thing on him alone. He can even say he was simply going for a stroll, and he wouldn't be wrong about it. He didn't do anything noteworthy apart from his attack on Lady Amari. 

He didn't kill her. Killing her will be too easy. She tried to kill herself, though. Unfortunately for her, gravity is sometimes called a bitch for a reason. A concentrated burden of a heavy dose of gravity made her unable to move an inch. He captured her and cut off parts of her body again and again after they healed. He didn't injure her too much. He damaged her just enough to keep her close to losing consciousness from the pain. Her brand didn't activate, so he could continue his ministration of pain without interruption.I think you should take a look at

"What do you have to say for yourself?" He asked her after removing all four of her limbs and part of her torso.

She didn't flinch when he cut her with his blade, and she remained silent even now. She is lying on the ground with gravity pressing down on her. Her wounds aren't bleeding. Her body is like a structure made of puzzle pieces, so her injuries look like a portion of her was torn out. Those portions are restoring themselves piece by piece as she regenerates. That's how soul bodies work.

Her rate of regeneration is very fast. Arms and legs regrow in real-time. He didn't use any laws so that she would be able to regenerate quickly. It is so that he will be able to cut her again and again without waiting for too long. After all, he is not after her death. It is the best he can do in this situation. Things would have been better if he had his new forged artifact with him. She will surely scream when her consciousness is pierced and hijacked by an unliving thing.

Salvini came up beside him. She said to him. "She is tougher than she looks."

He grunted in reply. Their victory has not softened his stance towards her. He is still wary of her. Lady Amari was the one that responded to her presence.

"I know a secret of yours." She said to Salvini.

Salvini's eyes narrowed. "Is that so?"

She nodded. "It is related to him, isn't it?" She gestured with her head to Soverick.

Salvini folded her arms confidently. "I don't think I know what you're talking about."

She, in fact, knows what Lady Amari is talking about. She can't predict the future if it is related to Soverick, but she can predict her moods and reaction to some things. So she knows that it is a secret that she isn't worried about being divulged. She narrowed it down since it is related to Soverick. She had said it so many times, but Soverick didn't believe her. Maybe now he might believe it if someone else says it.

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