Chapter 710 Let Loose The Dogs Of War.

We are all set." Salvini returned soon after.

All his lieutenants have surrounded him. Now would be able a great time to embarrass him. His lieutenants turning on him in front of everyone will be quite the show. Fortunately, the oath will not allow that to happen. That kind of blatant betrayal cannot happen. 

The oath has not clouded his judgment or given him false confidence. Their oath ensures false loyalty and nothing more. He is still on the lookout for a betrayal and has been doing so nonstop since they met him. He is highly suspicious, but he acted with the confidence of someone that can not be betrayed.

For now, they are on his side. His lieutenants came with their groups who would lead the other troops into battle. They number almost two million in number.

"Good." He said as he looked them over.

He began to address his side. "The battle will start soon."

He pointed at their enemies. "We are to face them. Tell me, what do you see?"

One of his lieutenants answered. "Enemies."

Many more gave their answers. "Obstacles." "Warriors."

Many answers were provided by his eager troops. Then silence returned when he raised his hand.

"You're all right. You just don't see what I see. I see the defeated. I see dead men walking. Their fate was sealed the moment they decided to stand against us. Their end is inevitable. They will be defeated." 

His voice resounded with uttermost confidence. It ignited the confidence within all of them. They all already have a little confidence inside of them. It is the difference between the two armies. His soldiers are not here for a noble reason, nor are they fighting for a noble cause. They are fighting for victory, and they have that confidence within them that they will achieve it. So his words made their victory a matter of course. It also ignited that little confidence in them.

Their enemies, on the other hand, don't have any confidence at all. They are fighting against an overwhelming opponent, so they don't believe that they are going to win. They are full of fear and are hoping for a miracle.

He pointed at their enemies and said to his soldiers, "They will be defeated by you."

He let that sink in before he continued. "Why will they be defeated by you? Because you are fighting on my side. Because you are fighting on the side of victory. Victory is not a question here. Victory is certain for us. The question is, what kind of victory you will achieve."

"Will you break their flesh?" He asked them.

His soldiers roared in affirmation. "Yes."I think you should take a look at

He asked again, "Will you break their bones?"

They roared, "Yes."

He roared too, "Will you cut them open and spill their guts?"

They roared their answer, "Yes."

"Will you take their broken bodies as your bounties?"

They went back and forth, roaring about how they will defeat their enemies. He fanned that ignited confidence into bloodlust. They all have confidence because they are on his side. Can they possibly lose? No. They know that, and their enemies know that. Now they just have to put in the work to claim the victory that they want.

"Follow me then, and I'll offer you their broken bodies as bounties. Will you join me in this feast of blood and flesh?" He asked them.

"Yes." They roared even louder. 

Their roar resounded across the battlefield and sent chills down their enemy's spines. If those fools didn't know before that they made the wrong choice, now they know it for certain. Now they know that their defeat is certain. Fear began to creep out of the depths of their mind into their bodies.

Then Soverick pointed at them and ordered his army with a great shout, "Get them!!!"

He led by example by being the first to move. He flew slowly above his army instead of bolting straight for the enemy so that they could keep up with him. His lieutenants followed closely behind him while the rest of the soldiers took off running after them. They advanced like bloodthirsty beasts craving blood and flesh. 

Soverick had fanned the flames of confidence into a craving for violence. They don't want just victory anymore. They want to break and toy with their enemies. They want to fight and have fun fighting. This battle will not be a fight. It will be a massacre. His soldiers are like the dogs of war. He has stoked their rage. Then he unleashed them on his enemies. He has let loose the dogs of war.

The battlefield became chaotic even before the two sides met. Lady Amari's side began to break up before the actual fighting started. The morale of her troops is very low, so the sight of their enemies matching on them in an imposing manner made deserters of many of them. As for Soverick's side, they began to fight among themselves. Lady Amari had planted betrayers on his side. They reared their head in hopes of disrupting the momentum of his side.

Even if he wins this battle, nothing will change the fact that his troops are not of one mind. His haters might say that it is his fault for not fostering cooperation among his soldiers and that he is not fit to lead. He doesn't care about that. He is leading a mob, not an army. A mob is not organized, but he will still lead them to victory. 

He will show his haters what makes him fit to lead. He didn't turn back or address the chaos behind him. He continued moving forward toward their enemies to bring them down. His lieutenants followed him, and so did the bulk of his army.

They kept their eyes on him and followed him. He is their great leader that will lead them to victory. They will continue to rush forward if he is rushing forward. His army didn't stop despite the chaos. It continued to move forward, albeit with less momentum. But that is already enough for him.

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