Chapter 411 Deceit.

The four hollow barrels turned red-hot as they accumulated power. Then they infused that power with Origin energy to form javelins fashioned with the law of fire. Then they propelled their payload at great speed toward the incoming enemies.

The javelins of fire shot through the air at hypersonic speeds, 5 times the speed of sound. The group of transcendent saw the attack and were not caught unawares since Helios fired from a great distance. The lead Colossus dropped the nine transcendents that he is holding while it went forward to defend against the projectiles. The nine transcendents began to transform, some of them became Colossus while the others became behemoths.

The behemoths don't change in height, they still remain giants reaching up to 100 meters tall but they acquire two more arms and don armor made out of hardened flesh. They are rumored to be strong enough to crush almost anything with their four arms.

The two forms of Colossus and Behemoths are mutually exclusive. They are the two possible outcomes for giants of order as transcendents. Colossi possesses a relaxed lock of Order fragments. It enables them to expand their form while Behemoths can't because the lock of Order is very rigid and resistant to change.

Colossus or Behemoths, all of these transcendents that are attacking Helios have something in common. Their eyes are black and white orbs of fire. They are vessels being empowered to the limit of safety. The light in their eyes is not the light of a simple god's descent but a visual indication of the extreme option of a god's empowerment.

These transcendents are using not only the divine power of the Celestial Supreme, but they are also using his god-fire to empower themselves. It is suicidal but it is the only way they know to apprehend a king of law while they are transcendents.

The forefront Colossus continued to run toward Helios to preoccupy him while the others transform. Its two burning eyes indicate that it is the Celestial Supreme that is in control. The Colossus extended its divine sense reinforced with divine power to block the projectiles. The divine sense solidified into small hovering shields that will block the spears.

The Colossus used its eyes and mind to track the trajectory of the projectiles and placed the 10-meter rectangular shields accurately within their path. Colossus can create shields like this because of the loose grip of the chains of order on their body and mind. They are able to use the solidified divine sense of transcendents through the gaps in Order.

The shields were placed more than 1000 meters away from the Colossus giving it enough time to make adjustments if the shields fail. It even added a backup shield behind the first one all in preparation for its failure. The shields didn't fail. The first Javelin struck a shield and created a giant explosion. The same thing happened to the next three javelins. The Colossus sighed in relief after confirming the efficacy of the shields.

"This is enough then." It said and picked up speed.

The ground shook harder as the feet of the Colossus increased their frequency of smashing into the ground. It has confidence in its shields so it can move forward without being too cautious.

The four hollow cylinders reloaded and discharged their payload for another round. The Colossus matched forward undaunted. It moved its shields around to intercept the continuous attacks. Its confidence has been boosted by the successful blockage of the first four attacks, so it had no worries about what will happen next.

The javelins struck the shields and exploded far away from the Colossus. It was another waste. Helios's attacks failed to penetrate the shields but he didn't give up. He fired more projectiles at the Colossus.

The Colossus yelled in bravado at Helios, "You will fall beneath the might of order."

The next wave of projectiles arrived again. The first javelin hit the well-placed shield and penetrated it. It also penetrated the backup shield cleanly. Then it continued on its way to the Colossus.

The Colossus was about to snort in derision at Helios' continuous yet ineffectual attacks but the passage of air was disrupted in his throat when his shield failed him.

The outcome was not expected to say the least. It caught the Colossus by surprise but he has time to react since the shields are so far from it. It may have reacted late because of the shock, but it still reacted. The Colossus is not a transcendent for nothing. The Celestial Supreme increased the power of the blazing fires in its eyes and created a much stronger shield. But its effort was futile. The javelin suddenly sped up doubling in speed and reaching Mach 10. The Colossus miscalculated and the shield was too late to be useful as the javelin closed in on it.

The javelin aimed for the chest of the Colossus so it used its large arm reinforced with power to try and bat it away. It didn't go well. The javelin sank into the arm and exploded. The explosion spread fire across the arm destroying it in moments.

The Colossus wasn't given time to handle pain. Its distraction with the first javelin made it miss the other incoming ones when they also doubled in speed. So another javelin took its right leg and then the left leg.

The Celestial Supreme is the one controlling the power of his god fire and he is limiting its output to a level he estimates will be enough to subdue a high god. Helios is a new King of law so his estimate should have been enough to match him.

His estimate was enough for Helios's first round of attack and the second. That should have been the end of it. Unfortunately for the Colossus, Helios was pretending to be weak. He is not an ordinary king of law. Helios's deceit cost the Celestial Supreme the life of one of his transcendents and the fight has only just begun.

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