Chapter 410 Ushering The War Of The End.

They found the golden figure still sitting in the air and meditating. The golden figure opened his eyes when he sensed them. They were still kilometers away but Helios couldn't wait for them to come to him. He stood up and did one final check to get ready.

NAME: Helios (Legion-4)

TITLE: Child Of The Virut Plane. Child Of The Sun.

RACE: Sun Giant.

BLOODLINE: Sunfire Royal bloodline.

POWER LEVEL: King of Law.

PHYSIQUE: Half-Celestial Body.



ENERGY QUALITY: Origin Energy.

ENERGY QUANTITY: 204,838,119

VITALITY: 100,000,000,000

ENDURANCE: 100,000,000,000

STRENGTH: 100,000,000,000

AGILITY: 100,000,000,000

PERCEPTION: 100,000,000,000

SPIRIT: 100,000,000,000


AUTHORITY: Celestial Of The Sun.

DIVINE SENSE (GRADE): 10,000,000,000 (B)


1. Fire: 100%

2. Light: 2%

3. Order: 0.001%





STATUS: Excited.

A lot has changed in the short time he became a transcendent. For one, he is not a transcendent anymore. He is a king of law with a power amplification of 100 for mastering a single law. He knows other laws but he can't use them because of the fragments of order that have fused with his existence. He has been condemned to only use the law of fire, light, and order.

His breakthrough gave him more than the Authority of a king of law and the 100 amplification that comes with it. It also increased his stat by 100 times. It is something that happens during every breakthrough starting from the level of transcendent. Each breakthrough multiplies your amount of Authority and your stats by 10. Since he broke through twice, he got 100 times multiplication to his already bogus starts.

The multiplication of power during breakthroughs is common. Even though he broke through twice in a roll, he got what he should get. What isn't common is his power that was multiplied. Normal transcendents have a starting stat of 10,000 stats and a maximum of 100,000 through the absorption of origin energy. They stop growing when they reach this limit, only the blessing of the universe can make them grow after that.

Origin Energy has a limit on how much growth it can afford a transcendent so they need the blessing of the universe or what is specifically called cosmic energy. The only way to get that blessing is to comprehend laws and break through the ranks of a lord, king, titan, and Sovereign. By that time, they will reach 1 billion in stats and have an Authority of at least 10,000. He has 1 billion stats already without becoming a Sovereign.

The multiplication of his abnormal power required a lot more than the universe usually gives to others. His unusual breakthrough caused a strain on the law matrix of the universe and created that phenomenon that is visible throughout the plane. He absorbed a lot more cosmic energy than normal. So the pillar of fire that was created for his breakthrough as a king of the law of fire could be seen all over the plane.

"It didn't work, but we have alternatives. We will break another law of the universe. It is just a matter of time." Helios said to himself and to the others in his mind.

They had hoped to be rewarded for Helios's feat but it didn't happen. Apparently, what they did is not unprecedented. It was unlikely for them to get it anyway since there are several races similar to giants of order that have no restrictions on stat growth. Dragons don't have a limit to their stats. Normal mana entities are limited to 1,000 stats, giants of order to 5,000 stats, but Dragons take the cake by having no limits.

The older dragons get, the stronger they become because they continue to accumulate Stats. So it is highly likely for a lazy dragon to sleep and accumulate a billion stats and then breakthrough because it can, not because it wants to or need to.

His eyes became cold when he is reminded of dragons. He is also reminded of his promise to that dragon that treated him like an ant during the trial of heaven. That dragon had smirked in disdain at him. He promised their entire race Chaos and Legion will fulfill its promise. Revenge will come in time to the dragon race. They will feel what it feels like to be hunted by a superior organism.

"We'll get dragons one day, but for now, I'll take care of this nuisance and usher in the war of the end."

He turned his frosty white eyes on the incoming enemy, "He is going all out huh? That's good, I should too."

Helios activated the runes on his body and began to transform. The surface of his skin morphed and hardened into pieces of white amour. He became encased within a suit of white armor with golden runes etched into it. Then he grew two more pairs of arms making for a total of six.

Four of his arms morphed into hollow cylinders while he put his two remaining arms together. The two arms combined into a large barrel which was then enlarged. Red javelins began to form within the hollow cylinders that the other 4 arms formed. The javelins are made of Origin energy fashioned with the full might of the complete law of fire and combined with the divine power of a celestial.

It is an upgrade on the sunbow that demigods of the sun use. His sun cannon shoots giant arrows instead of the small ones that are normally used. He needs something bigger. After all, this is not an archery test imposed on him by his divine brother. He is fighting the forces of the Celestial Supreme.

"Time to send a greeting. It's basic courtesy." He grinned and said.

The four hollow cylinders began firing their payload. They took turns shooting the javelins and reloading. Firery he'll fell on his targets.

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