Chapter 263 CH 236: WORDS

The next morning, after another hot moment with Skuld, Sol was surprised to see another woman standing in front of the door.

“Oh…Verdandi. Hello. How have you been?”

Verdandi gave him a weird look and entered the room of Skuld without so much as giving him a greeting.


Then again, he couldn’t really blame her, could he?

The situation had to be insane for anyone that was in her place. Any mistake could mean death.

He was sure that she had to feel pretty awful about–

“How could you do that all night!?” Verdandi's shout came from across the door.

—Well. It seemed that he was wrong about the reasons she was upset.

Sol sat through a few minutes of a heated dispute between the two sisters through which he learned that the sisters had a way to share feelings and emotions through a link unique to them.

Normally, that link was closed, but Skuld had opened it and basically shared everything she felt during the night with her sister.

Hearing this, Sol had to admit that more than anything, he was interested in knowing if this skill could be learned.

It would be rather interesting to use it on a large scale with his other lovers and he was always interested in knowing more.

In the end, *Bang* a smiling Skuld came out with a fuming Verdandi who did her best to not look at him.

“Let’s go, darling. The old witch should be waiting for us. It’s time for me to show you how I can really help you.”

Skuld grinned.

The endearing sight prompted Sol to nod. Though he couldn’t help but feel a little chill go down his spine—He had the feeling that he wouldn’t like what would follow.


Skuld grinned while following behind a clearly uneasy Sol. His instincts were really sharp. What would happen next wouldn’t be to his taste.

But it was necessary. This was in fact one of the most necessary steps to success and she wouldn’t jeopardize it even though it would hurt her heart.

What really made her happy though was that she had managed to plant a seed of interest in Verdandi and Ud’s hearts. The sharing of their sensation had no limit of distance. Even if Ud was at the end of the universe, she would have still felt all Skuld felt last night.

In the past, the relationship between the three sisters and Sol wasn’t exactly smooth from the start. There have been many ups and downs and Sol even had to enslave them for quite a while.

This time, she wanted her sisters to fall faster in love with Sol and what better than to stroke their lust first? After all, lust was always the first step of love in her mind.

‘Well, let’s take everything slowly. Sister won’t be able to reach here in time but once she does, we will have more speaking rights against that old dragon.’

Like this, Skuld continued to scheme and prepare all for a better future where she could be happy with her loved ones.

The only problem was,

p ‘How will Ymir react?’


“Indeed. Depending on how that woman reacts, we can be in hot water.”

It was a few minutes later. They were currently in a large room with a rectangular table at the head of which was Tiamat with Kiyohime on her right and Sol on her left.

Meanwhile, Skuld sat on the other end of the table with Verdandi sitting face to face. The two of them had left the head seat in the side empty out of respect for their sister even though she wasn’t currently present.

After leaving Bastet with Nabu in Tartarus, Tiamat had come back with Kiyohime. They had decided to leave the two alone for now and deal with them later.

Now, they were listening to Skuld as she tried to explain the situation from her point of view.

“As you know, Ymir is a goddess of a very high order. The flow in the future is something she should be able to slightly perceive even though she was sealed.”

Goddesses weren’t omniscient. It was impossible for them to feel all the changes in all timelines. But it was different if the goddess in question was always inspecting it.

That was the case for Luxuria and it should be the same for Ymir.

“Let’s call the other time, the Beta worldline and the current one the Alpha worldline to make things simpler.”

Skuld hummed to herself and continued, “If we are unlucky, Ymir would not attack and would wait for another occasion.”

No one needed to ask why this would be detrimental to them. The one strike Ymir had been preparing for years was like a sword of Damocles hanging above their heads.

“As long as the Empress is not afflicted with a bunch of penalties like she was in the Beta worldline, it’s impossible for Ymir’s strike to wound her as much as it did there. In fact, B Darling was even sure that if Tiamat was properly prepared and used her dimension and territory as well as her avatar and Zone, then she could totally take the full hit without any worry. But…”

But this was only if Tiamat was fully prepared and in top form. If Ymir didn’t attack there, then she could do so when their guard was down like she did in the Beta world line.

“My vision of the future in the alpha world is extremely blurred because there are too many high powers at play currently. Even if I were to see a complete far future it wouldn’t be something we could put our confidence on. There are so many variables that the big picture of the future is constantly changing.”

Tiamat tapped her finger on the table as she thought deeply, “Firstly, I like to say that I have achieved some enlightenment during my fight against Luxuria. I just need one day to reassess myself and I will most likely grow a little stronger. My understanding of the inheritance I want to impart to Sol has obviously also grown.”

Everyone opened their eyes wide. Tiamat was already so strong. It was a wonder she could increase her level now. But then again, this was normal for her.

Her concept was Pride and her Zone was [Defiance]. The simple fact of having refused a goddess's direct order and even fighting one was the highest level of Pride and Defiance possible.

“But, it will take time If I want to impart everything to Sol.”

Skuld smiled, “Time is the last thing you have to worry about. How long do you think it would take for him to understand everything?”

Tiamat narrowed her eyes in thought. How long would it take her to impart her knowledge to Sol and how long would it take for him to understand it?

This was a tricky question but if she had to make a guess.

“Between a few weeks to two months?”

This was an extremely generous evaluation. If it was someone else, she wouldn’t even give them one year. Even someone like Kiyohime would take a few months.

“My inheritance is based on four concepts. Dimension, Defiance, Chaos, and Pride. I based it on Lucifer’s zone [Rebellion] and added the power of my Chaos body to upgrade it and make it completely mine.”

Kiyohime who had stayed silent all this while mumbled, “This is why you never taught us. Not even Blaze”

Tiamat shrugged, “To get my inheritance, one must have all those four elements. The most important of which was being a Dimensional Mage. None of you could satisfy me.”

“Until Sol.” Kiyohime finished quietly.

“Indeed. Until Sol.”

A heavy silence fell between the two of them. Kiyohime did not ask childish questions such as, ‘Why didn’t you explain everything to us?’

She knew that Tiamat had no obligation to explain anything to them. She had always known about the inheritance but not all the details and she would have never known, if not for Sol.

‘Jealousy is truly an all-encompassing and ugly feeling.’

“I will go deal with the security and visit Tartarus to recuperate Nabu and Bastet.”

Kiyohime left those words. Unwilling to stay since she knew that her presence or absence would change nothing.

Looking at her departing small and lonely back, Sol couldn’t help but release a sigh. He wanted to say something but since everything was tied to him, whatever he said would only sound like he was taunting her or looking down on her.

Sol did not want to see how an enraged Kiyohime could act, for he knew that it wouldn’t be a pretty sight.

Tiamat meanwhile watched in silence, putting no effort into keeping Kiyohime here. She believed in her daughter and knew that this wouldn’t be enough to put her down. None of her children were weak mentally.

Once Kiyohime was out, Skuld continued as if nothing had happened, “Two months is a little pushing it. But I can make do with one.”

She mumbled a little before nodding to herself. Then, she gave a deep look at Sol,

“Darling. Do you fully believe in me?”

Sol did not shy away from her gaze as he answered clearly, “No.”


“Verdandi, calm down.”

Both Skuld and Sol ignored Verdandi’s outrage at Sol’s words as he continued, “I don't believe you fully. But…I believe enough to take a gamble.”

Skuld grinned, “You won’t regret this.”

It was time to change this ill-fated destiny.

(AN: I just realized three inspiration capsule gifts. Haha this is a really funny name since it did inspire me even more. Thanks guys for the gifst and thanks to all my rewards willing to read here on WN or on P@atreon. I know it ain't easy and I will do my best to thanks with by continuing to write a good story. Have a good day everyone.)

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