Chapter 262 CH 235: SKULD (2)**

(AN: I began the giveaway for P@treon in the P@treon-only channel. It will last until the 1st of October. The prices are X-boss game pass and PC game pass. Later on, if more people are interested, I will increase the prices and the different types of rewards for the winners. Also I once I set up privilege chapters, privilege members can participate. I will create a Privilege Role on my discord for this. Of course, like I already said, the giveaways wont be only for P@treon and Privilege. I will also do some giveaways for other members. So that everyone can have fun. I really want to build up a good community so help me guys. Don't hesitate to ask me questions in the server. I am really open and like discussing with my readers.

Here is the link for my discord:

Sorry for the message. Now enjoy the chapter.



After Sol fully penetrated Skuld, the two of them stayed silent, savoring the new sensations that were flooding in.

For Skuld, this experience felt rather weird at first. After all, while she did have the memories of having made love with Sol in the future, the current her never did. In fact, unlike the other her, she had never touched any other man. After all, she already had memories of Sol and the future by then.

“Does it hurt?”


Skuld tilted her head suspiciously at Sol while wondering why she was supposed to be hurting but then it came to her.

“Hah. Don’t worry. While we look humans, we aren’t. I have no such thing as a hymen.”

Sol grinned a little before letting a small groan of pleasure because of the sudden pressure around his shaft.

Opening her mouth wide and showing her pointed teeth, she lightly bite Sol on the shoulder and begin to nibble on it.

For Titans, such an act was the greatest expression of love possible.

After all, they lived in a world where it was eat or get eaten.

While intercourse was nothing special, allowing another one to nimble on you was the greatest act of love and the proof of a deep confidence.

After all, if the other person so wished, those sensual nibbles could easily change into very painful and very deadly bite marks.

She knew that Sol had no knowledge the traditions of her race, but it did not matter.

Right here, right now, in the hand of her beloved, she was the happiest woman alive.

“Sol, since I do not have a hymen, you know what it means, right?”

After stopping her antics, she whispered with a sweet and alluring voice in his ear.

Sol didn’t need more words of encouragement. It had to be said that the exotic body of Skuld was something Sol enjoyed greatly.

Her body was so supple, that it seemed that he could fold her in half with no problem. Her beautiful glistening pink skin, which he was sure Freya would die for, made him gulp in anticipation. Her hot vagina exercised a suction force of the like he had never felt and if he wasn’t careful, he was sure that she would suck every last bit of his semen in a jiffy.

Taking her by the waist, Sol lifted her slowly, savoring the sensation before pushing her back in one swift movement.


Skuld let out a moan of pleasure at the sudden shock of his shaft hitting the entrance of her womb. Normally such action should have been rather painful but for her, it only brought pleasure.

Letting go of all reservation, she began to move up and down by herself while sticking her small body to Sol, increasing the friction between their skins. Her dark pink nipples were hard and brought her even more pleasure.

However, all of that was nothing. The moment when, like her, Sol began to nibble on her collarbones, Skuld’s eyes opened wide and her mind went blank because of the sudden explosion of pleasure that surpassed everything she had ever felt.

Sol might have not felt it, since he wasn’t a Titan. But for her, the moment Sol nibbled on her, her preservation instinct immediately went at full throttle while she had to fight her urge to strike down Sol then and there. The war between her animalistic instinct, the pleasure, and her reasons brought her to a new peak and resulted in her lower part becoming completely flooded while her expression grew vacant.

While Skuld was shaking and moaning because of the waves of pleasure that threatened to break her mind, the convulsion brought by her moist cave made Sol reach the brink and, holding her tightly by the waist, he sank down all the way to the root and released all of his white murky liquid deep in her stomach.

Once Skuld came down from the high of her orgasm, she gave out a lazy smile and proceeded to lick the sweat on Sol’s face.

“Hah~Darling really filled me up.”

Chuckling lightly, she slowly pulled herself up from Sol while giving a low moan because of how sensitive she still was.

Once his penis was completely out, Sol was surprised to see no residue of semen fall seep out of her. After holding back for so long, he had been quite backed up and was sure that he spilled a lot in her.

As if understanding his silent question, something she seemed always able to do, Skuld give her usual gentle smile.

“Titans can not procreate outside of very specifics moment and after undergoing a special ritual. Outside of that moment, any semen while is devoured to prevent pregnancy.”

Since Titans were constantly at war with each other when not fighting the power of Order, pregnancy was nothing more than a moment of weakness for them. Many of them had evolved in a way that even removed the ability to procreate in its entirety.

Skuld and her sisters did not go that far but she wouldn’t let herself get pregnant now. Either way, her desire for motherhood was quite weak. She only cared about Sol and her sisters.

“I see.”

Sol gave a strained smile as she mentioned how she devoured his spunk but simply let it go. He gave her a kiss on the forehead before hugging her tightly.

“Thank you.”

He did not say for what. But Skuld understood very well. She knew that he did not say more, not because he couldn’t, but rather because words alone were not enough to express everything he wanted to say.

“Thank you, for believing in me.”

Even if one had to be careful, and she knew that they would at least listen to her a little bit, this did not mean that they would really believe her.

However, this hadn’t been the case with Sol. While he had shown a healthy amount of skepticism in her words, he had never belittled her and did his best to prepare for the incoming calamity.

Her darling was well and truly her darling.

“I love you. Always has and always will.”

Sol gave a gentle smile and kissed her on the lips,

“I like you too, and I think I am falling for you.”

He did not sugar coat his words but he was not worried because he knew that for a girl like Skul, a forthcoming answer was always the best and as he thought, Skuld chuckled.

“I am not worried. I am sure I will make you fall for me.”

Of course — if she could, she would be the only one to have his love…

Skuld’s eyes flashed sinisterly for an instant before she shook her head.

While she wanted to have her darling all to herself, she had already seen how Sol would become without his beloved ones around him.

Furthermore, with how powerful Sol was out to become he would surely uncover any of her deeds.

It wasn’t a supposition. After all, there were many futures where she did kill his loved ones in secret.

Although that didn’t end well for her. Sol could be pretty revengeful.

‘Well, I just have to avoid them.’

She didn’t want to make friends with the witches or that crazy Lilin bitch who nearly killed the other version of her once.



“You seem preoccupied…”

“Haha!” Giving an awkward laugh, Skuld evaded his gaze and forced him to lay down on the bed.

“Shall go for another round?”

A girl in love always had some secrets she did not wish her lover to know of.

(AN: You didn't really think that a thousand years old Titans who lived through world-ending wars was just a sweet gentle girl, right? Only Sol and her sisters can make her show her sweet Side)

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