I Became The Pope, Now What?

Chapter 302 302. Sylvester, The Seducer

"Umm… Was he naked when you massaged him?" Sylvester asked out of curiosity.

The Pope sighed and kept looking at his palms. "I was very desperate back then… I needed him. But I was sure not to touch any inappropriate places, for I am a man of faith and vowed to remain chaste."


'I don't know if I should laugh or feel sorry for him. I sure hope that man won't ask me anything strange. But if he does, I can simply say I'm a minor… Ugh, there is no concept of minors here.' Sylvester was already praying to god.

"But why did he ask that from you? Couldn't he just find a delicate woman to have done it?" Sylvester inquired.

The Pope again sighed. "It's the fate of a man who became too strong. A fate that all Grand Wizards and I suffer from. You see, we are too strong for any normal human to scratch our backs or massage us. Even when bathing, we have to use a metal bar with sharp spikes on it, and by the time we're done scrubbing, even the spikes fade away."

Sylvester nodded in agreement as he could understand that. He, too, had noticed that his body had become tougher. But he knew that there was still one big weakness that would never go away.

"Yet our eyes remain the same as the day we were born."

"Aye, they remain our weakest part. Hence, it's important to master your own body before mastering anything else. When in a situation where it's inevitable you'd get hit, you must know how to react so the hit lands on your strongest part only."

Sylvester knew that the Pope was trying to impart some important knowledge to him. He appreciated it as well.

"Mentor, if you don't mind me asking, what's the point of being a God's Favoured, and how do you decide which year is the best to find the one?" Sylvester asked something that had bothered him for years. And who better to answer than a God's Favoured himself?

"Prophecy is your answer, son. Every Pope receives a prophecy once in their lifetime, a signal that they should start looking for the next in line. It's not always someone from God's Favoured class who succeeds, however. Often, the prophecy is aimed at an already adult man who has just not been discovered yet.

"So, most Popes would take the year the prophecy was made and send out word to find and make a special class for the God's Favoured. As for what's the point? Well, the one to rise to the top, in the end, becomes the official candidate for the seat of the next Pope. But, of course, whether they become a Pope or not depends entirely on their own abilities.

"Because if they couldn't even win that race, they were never destined to become the Pope. And that's where you rest now, young Bard. I'm one hundred per cent sure that you will soon be God's Favoured at the top. But how you prepare to take my seat after me depends on you."

Sylvester bobbed his head in understanding. "Do I get any perks for being the final God's Favoured?"

"Well, you will get one more title attached to your name, but it's insignificant. What matters is that many clergymen will flock to you to curry favours and hope to join your camp. Since you're widely recognised as a genius, I'm sure there will be a considerable crowd. But I'd be cautious, as some of them can be double agents." The Pope warned him.

Sylvester nodded and rubbed his chin in thought, and also somewhat sad for the lack of hair on his damn chin.

'So the God's Favoured tag is just to filter out a candidate likely to become the Pope? But I'm unique as I also have the power of a halo and singing. My advantage in terms of visuals is great.'

Amidst their talk, they soon arrived at the Graced Village just a little west on the Gold Road. It was small but immaculate, and the houses looked well-maintained. The people walking around were also well dressed, and no beggars or poor were in sight.

It was very early in the morning, and it had only been an hour since the sunrise. But, the people were already hard at work. Many eateries were preparing food and filling the air with mouth-watering aromas. Meanwhile, the farmers were preparing for their workday, and the children went to the monastery to study.

Seeing the children running around, Sylvester had a thought. "Mentor, have you ever thought about banning child slavery in general? So that if the parents are enslaved, the kids are kept free, and if a slave gives birth, their children will not be slaves?"

"I did, but they won't allow it to pass. The Supreme Council is filled with many who take donations from various lords and ladies. Having slaves give birth to more slaves is profitable for them." The Pope explained.

But Sylvester shrugged. "You'd be delighted to know that Isabella wants to abolish slavery once she takes the throne. As for us, you can just tell the Supreme Council members that if they don't support, then they'd be seen from the same lens we saw the heathen Cardinals recently—Of course, the message should be subtle.

"Furthermore, let's spread the name of all the slavery-favouring Cardinals and shame them to the point that they either kill themselves or kneel to us."

"Haha, you underestimate how thick-skinned they are, young bard." The Pope laughed. "But the idea is good, and it may work on some. But let's not talk about it. We've arrived."

Sylvester looked ahead and noticed a walled house. The wall was just a metre tall and was made of mud bricks. It was painted with colourful kid's drawings of trees and the sun.

Meanwhile, the house was not too big either, probably three or four rooms big, and only had a single storey.

"He lives very modestly," Sylvester muttered.

"Knock on the door." The Pope pushed him ahead.

Sylvester did so and waited. He looked at the surroundings with interest and wondered why the place was called Graced Village. Was it just because it was close to the Holy Land?



Sylvester looked back up. But, instinctively, he took a step back as there was a woman who had no business being as pretty as she was. Spotless pale face, green eyes, jet black hair, and a six-foot-tall athletic figure. Her clothes were simple yet seemed like a regal gown on her. Heck, her voice seemed like a song of a cuckoo.

Sylvester fixed his clergyman robes and spoke in a calm voice. "I am…"

However, when he glanced at her face, she had the same reaction that he had not long ago. Her eyes seemed wide, and her little mouth seemed slightly open while she stared at his face.

"I am Sylvester Maximilian, the Bard of the Lord, a God's Favoured Candidate. I am from the Holy Land, here to see the respected Healer Darwin Hendrix." He introduced himself.

The woman kept staring at Sylvester for another good minute before speaking. "Have I seen you before?"

"No, I'm sure I'd have remembered a graceful face like yours if I had," Sylvester replied with some healthy flirting.

"Oh…" She blushed and stepped back a little. "My husband is inside. Please come in, respected…"

"Who dares flirt with my wife!" Suddenly, a roar resounded from inside the house, and a tall, six-foot-five man with broad shoulders, grey hair and a beard, with nothing on his torso, walked out with a giant axe.

Sylvester frowned and bowed his head. "May the Holy Light enlighten us, respected healer. Forgive me if my words offended you. I merely appreciated the beauty of nature that your beloved spouse is. You are graced by the Lord, I must say."

'Fuck, why is she feeling even more lustful towards me now? What did I do? And… Good, the old man is not angry anymore.'

"Clergyman? Ah, so it's one of you virgin lots? Well, come inside. You arrived at just the right time, as I have a task for you to do if you want my help." Healer Hendrix turned around and walked back into his house.

Sylvester had to slide from the little gap the woman had left for him to enter. She was in a trance-like state for some reason.

"I'm Elaine, my lord!" She spoke once he walked past her.

Sylvester just nodded and followed the Healer inside. The Pope also followed behind him. And soon, they sat on a mat inside the house in front of the Healer.

The room was full of various cupboards on the walls filled to the brim with multiple jars holding ingredients. The Healer also sat on the ground on the mat, but he had a small, low-height table in front, on which he kept a few parchments to write about various symptoms.

"So you're the famed Bard? What can I do for you?"

Sylvester patted his leg. "I fought with Shadow Knight and sadly, at the same time, had a rank-up to Archwizard rank. Since I had to keep fighting, I had some adverse effects. I'm suffering from a Solarium Blockage on my leg."

The Healer rubbed his beard. "You fought the Shadow Knight? Impossible!"

"Light Magic works like a charm." Sylvester created a small ball of light on his fingertip. "So, can you help me?"

The Healer nodded and stood up. He disappeared into a room and returned with a little girl, about five years old.

"Reeee! Gimme candy! Gimme candy! Reeee…!"

The girl was screeching like a banshee, and there was no end to it. She kicked her legs and arms and slapped the poor healer.

"Here, this is my daughter, Daline. She's like a demon incarnate, and I need you to calm her down. You make her silent, and I shall heal you." Healer Hendrix said with a frustrated frown on his face.

"Let me go! Let me go!"

'What kind of request is this? How long has she been screaming to break a Grand Wizard's patience?' Sylvester wondered.

But he still gave it a try. "Can I hold her?"

"Be my guest."

Sylvester took the spoiled five-year-old from the Pope's arms and made her sit on his lap, facing his chest. She constantly cried and didn't look at him, so he had to warm his hands to gain her attention.

"Daline, look at me." He spoke softly as if singing. "Do you want to see magic?"

"Hmm?" Soon, her eyes opened, and she looked up.

Her eyes sparkled, and her mouth went agape, just like her mother. Her tearful eyes instantly turned into eyes of interest.

Sylvester still proceeded with his trick. He put a small piece of candy on his right palm. "Look here. I can make this disappear right in front of your eyes."

Daline kept staring at his palm and wondered what would happen.

Sylvester had signalled Miraj already. So the furry boy quickly jumped, chomped on the candy, and returned to his seat.

"Woah!" Daline exclaimed in awe. "How did you do that?"

Sylvester smiled and caressed her black hair. Her face was too similar to her mother's and looked absolutely adorable. "Dear, a good magician never reveals a trick."

'Wait, what's this?' Sylvester didn't show any emotions, but when he caressed her hair, he felt something strange near the side of her head.

"Big brother is the best!" She chirped cutely and hugged his neck to leave a peck on his cheek. "I love big brother! Daddy, I marry big brother now—You're old and smelly."



Healer Darwin Hendrix jumped, ran out, and brought his axe again. "You damn scoundrel! First, my wife, and now you dare seduce my daughter! My Daline!"



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