I Became The Pope, Now What?

Chapter 301 301. Sylvester & Boris

'Yes! Yes! That's what I've been waiting for! All the planning, all the killing, all the suffering--For this! This Olive Branch! The one that matters the most... Finally!'

Sylvester was screaming in his mind, but his face only showed a simple, calm expression as if he wasn't really shocked or excited about it. After all, the guilt trip must never end.

"Wasn't I supposed to be under your mentorship for every alternate six months already?" He asked.

The Pope patted his shoulder. "This is different. Now, I shall teach you all I know about magic, fighting, and faith. I will ensure your great potential is not wasted even an ounce."

'Good, good! What else?'

Sylvester bowed his head with respect. "I will forever be indebted, your holiness."

"No, don't call me that. As I said, I will be only a mentor when there is none other around us. And no, you are not indebted. Rather, this is my duty as a Pope. You are a talent found once in a thousand years, and if I don't develop you, then I deserve not to be called the Pope. But first, let's get you patched in Graced Village."

'Fuck! No! No! Please no! Don't come with me!' Sylvester cursed in his heart. After all, his greatest fear was anyone finding out that he had elven blood. And not just any elven blood, but the blood of the damn king of the heathens.

Of course, he could not say that so openly. "Understood, your holiness."

Sylvester focused on the mother and child that had accompanied him. He then pushed the wheelchair and returned to the Pope's Peninsula again to send the woman to the Sick Bay. There, she would be treated free of cost until she returned to good health. As for the kid, he could stay with her, and his food needs will be cared for too.

The people quickly put everything behind them and focused on their daily lives. The pilgrims were mainly happy as the evil men were killed. But for the Administration department of the Holy Land, it was a gigantic headache as too many positions were now empty. Especially the lack of the Cardinals and the Archbishops was going to hurt a lot as they oversaw many vital departments.

Though, it was a boon in the long term as they committed corruption in their departments as well.

Sylvester still needed to finish his planning, however. He wanted two of his guys in the Supreme Council, and he already had two names in mind. So, after sending the Pope away with a plan to head out for the Graced village in two days, he went to meet the two Cardinals in a secluded place.

"Cardinal Robert Maxim and Cardinal Cornelius. It's a pleasure to meet you again." Sylvester shook the hands of the two men and sat down by the chair. They were at an empty eatery's first floor in the Guild's Peninsula.

Cardinal Robert Maxim was the man Sylvester had recently met. The man who didn't help his sister due to his misplaced, overly loyal mind. Of course, that incident had now changed the man, as Sylvester helped him immensely. Not to mention, the man's senior, the head of the Weapons research and production division, was conveniently among the names of Cardinals who sinned and died.

Hence, it had opened a position, and Sylvester wanted Cardinal Maxim to take it. With that, by default, he'd be a member of the Supreme Council.

As for Cardinal Cornelius, the man was previously the Suprima of the Duchy of Ironstone, where he was compromised due to the Witch's wicked plans. But Sylvester had expanded the role of the Cardinal in his report so out of proportion that the man was invited to Holy Land to work.

Of course, Sylvester ensured that the man knew it. Furthermore, the Cardinal was a great friend of Sir Dolorem. With that, he had some leverage over him. Moreover, Sylvester knew that the man had sex on many occasions with that ugly Witch--Hence, the man didn't deserve to be a Clergyman anymore. But Sylvester saved him by keeping that fact a secret in the report.

Sylvester explained his plan and asked them if they were willing. "So, give me an answer before I forward your names."

Cardinal Cornelius was all happy. "Of course, Lord Bard. This is a great opportunity, and I'd love to serve the faith from the highest platform."

"Good, but I hope you won't go corrupt or object to my rightful promotion--Only to find your neck on a stone block." Sylvester gently gave the wise words of warning.

"Of course. I am a man of faith, and I only serve the Lord. I have no love for money or women."

Sylvester nodded and looked at Cardinal Maxim. "What about you, your eminence?"

"How much time will the council take from my daily schedule?"

"Not much. You don't have to attend any meetings every single day. It's occasional, but the best thing is that you shall be the one running the Weapons research and manufacturing division. This means you can further focus on your projects and ideas--Of course, all in return for doing the 'right thing' in the Council." Sylvester's words couldn't be more indirectly direct than that.

He was clearly telling them to help him and favour him whenever needed.

"I accept the offer, Lord Bard." Cardinal Maxim also agreed.

"Great!" Sylvester stood up. "You two will most likely receive a letter from the Pope's office soon. Once your background is checked and cleared, you'll become a Supreme Council Member. This time, I'm sure the Holy Father will not hear anyone's opinion to stop your appointments."

Sylvester then headed to his home as he needed to help Xavia in her healing exercise. He hoped to teach a few Bright Mothers in the building how to do it, though, so he could focus on other things from time to time.

'I need to commission a builder for my house too. Sadly, I'll have to dig all the tunnels myself later.' He planned.

He had a lot in mind and little time to focus on everything. He had asked Felix and Gabriel for help as they weren't given an assignment yet. There were also Sir Dolorem and Bishop Lazark, but they were Inquisitors and not accessible. As for Zeke, his job was fixed already, to protect Xavia and Isabella.

Of course, the big man was out of the prison, along with boot-licking apologies from the prison's staff, who only beat Zeke as per the order of the two Cardinals. Sylvester also killed them for being an accessory to the Cardinals' crimes.

Yes, he didn't leave anyone. Not a single soul should rot and one day stand against him, he thought. He knew it was brutal, but he also understood that it was the only language the world understood.

So, the next day, he spent his time at home designing the building he wanted to construct. Furthermore, he also designed the logo he would use in front of the shop.

"This is so cute. It's hard to believe you made this." Xavia looked at the giant poster of the logo that Sylvester had drawn.

It was straightforward but, at the same time, catchy. For the base, it had two circles. The bigger one was orange, and the smaller one was yellow. Then in the yellow circle, a pattern of a happy chubby cat's face was drawn, along with heart-shaped eyes with bananas in them.

[A/N: See it here.]

"Are you sure about the name? Just 'Bard's'? Isn't that too simple?" Xavia asked.

Just then, Isabella jumped over to sit beside Xavia, as if they were mother and daughter. "Sylvester, this is great. Just looking at it, I feel attracted."

Sylvester proudly brushed his hair with his hand. "Well, the inspiration was cute, so this had to be good. As for the name, simple is best. It's memorable, and people can easily associate it with me.

"I will start its construction after returning in a few days. The Pope wants me to join him this time." But, unfortunately, he couldn't share the reason as he had never told Xavia about his injury.

The two women nodded and returned to looking at the poster and discussing the restaurant's possible future success.

As for Sylvester, he went to sleep since he was to leave very early in the morning.

'I hope that Healer won't ask for a price I can't afford.'


The following day, very early, Sylvester heard a knock on his door. It was still two hours before sunrise, so he was very annoyed. But, knowing who he was and where he lived, he didn't shout as if it could be anyone.

But, to his surprise, he had never seen this man. "Yes? Who are you?"

The man, with his blonde hair, beard, tall build and middle-aged face, wasn't even wearing church robes but a formal tunic, pants, leather boots and thin leather armour.

The man creased his brows. "You don't recognise me?"


"Holy Father?"

"Correct! Let's go. I've brought your horse too. Also, my name for the journey is Boris."


Sylvester was not expecting that. But he relented and quickly picked up the bag he had packed the night before. He also put Miraj in the bag as the fluffy cat would not wake up anytime soon.

Then, he bid farewell to Xavia and left the house after locking it. He tried not to say too much to the Pope as he was yet to know the full extent of the Pope's powers. Instead, he wished to analyse the man and create a conclusive character profile about him.

Soon, the two rode side by side on the dark yet beautiful road with lanterns on the side. However, they didn't hurry as the destination was pretty close.

"Why so early?" Sylvester asked for the same reason.

"Because the more people are running around, the higher the chance is that someone will notice that I'm gone--too early." The Pope said.

"You mean you didn't tell anyone that you're going out of the Holy Land?"

"None at all, son."


"Why? Who can stop you even if you want to go? You're the top authority in the church." Sylvester questioned.

But the Pope sighed and looked sad. "You have no idea, young bard. If they knew, Lord Inquisitor and Saint Wazir would have prepared a grand army to escort me like I'm a five-year-old holy virgin. That would have ruined my little vacation."

'He does not seem to be lying, and I can smell the frustrations. He also appears more relaxed from the manner of his speech.'

"So this is a vacation for you? Then I hope I won't be annoying to you, mentor."

"Haha, not at all." The Pope laughed as if this was his first time leaving the Holy Land. "Actually, I decided to come with you because of how weird that healer, Darwin Hendrix, is. I remember the strange request he made to me when I needed him a long time ago."

Interest piqued, Sylvester couldn't stop himself from asking. "What was it?"

"Nothing much, but it was bizarre. He asked me to scratch his back and give him a full-body massage."



The Pope sighed and looked at his palms as if he could feel something on them. "Desperate times call for desperate measures, son. Remember that."



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1 Super Gift = 1 Bonus chapter.

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