Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 368 - Reece - Labor Part 1 (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 368 - Reece - Labor Part 1 (VOLUME 3)




Level headed just wasn't something that I could manage right now. I was a mess, literally. I wasn't able to keep my cool, and I definitely wasn't able to stay calm in the face of this major situation. What was I supposed to do now? What was going to happen next?

"Reece, I think you should call Griffin." Trinity, usually the more level headed of us, knew exactly what I should do. I smiled as I listened to her words, and she started to sit up.

"Right, I'll do that now." I nodded and started to reach for my phone, but noticed that Trinity was unable to get into a sitting position, before I grabbed my phone I helped her. She needed me first, and I would always make sure that she was taken care of before anything and anyone else.

Once Trinity was situated, I grabbed my phone and called Griffin. I might have been a tad frantic by the time that he answered the phone.

"Hello Reece, what can I-." I didn't let him finish his sentence before I interrupted him.

"Trinity's water broke." I could hear the panic that was starting to fill my voice.

"Are you sure? I mean, it is hard to mistake that but, there have been times that it has happened." I know he wasn't just implying that my wife just pissed herself.

"Yes, we're sure." I growled the words at him.

"I figured, I just had to ask. OK, do you want to drive her to the hospital or do you want me to send an ambulance?" I could hear movement on the other end of the line; it sounded like he was saying something to Lana. In my panic, I had nearly forgotten that he and Lana were married now and expecting their own set of twins. They were just the latest in the pregnancy craze to sweep the pack. Lana had been one of the Sentinelle members that had come back with us from France, and the two of them mated when they first saw each other.

"I will drive her. It will be fine. Should we leave right away?" I was worried because of the problems that Trinity had already been experiencing.

"Yes, don't delay at all. I will be at the hospital waiting for you when you get there."

After a few more quick instructions from Griffin, I knew everything that I had to do. We already had the bags packed and ready to go. It was best to have them long in advance, with everything that had happened already. We didn't know when we would be going to the hospital for my Little Bunny to be having my little babies. We needed to be prepared long in advance.

"Sweetheart." I went to her and knelt at the side of the bed. "I am going to run these down to the car, I will be right back, alright." I could see a light sheen of sweat on my wife's brow; she had been in pain all day, and it looked like it hadn't lessened at all.

"OK, I will just sit here and wait for you." She tried to smile at me, at the joke she had made, but it had ended up as a grimace when another wave of pain hit her.

"I will be back as soon as I can." I kissed her on the forehead then before getting to my feet and hurrying from the room.

I knew that my mother would still be awake. It wasn't that late after all, and she wasn't the type to go to sleep early. I also knew that she would want to know what was going on, and she could stay with Trinity while I ran down to the car.

I dropped the bags near the top of the stairs and sprinted the rest of the way down the hall to my mother's room. She was in there, light on, but the room silent. She had heard me coming though so she answered the door just seconds after I pounded on it.

"What is it, Reece? You look like you've seen a ghost or something." She laughed at me and my frantic attitude.

"Trinity is in labor. Please sit with her while I take her things to the car." That was all it took, mom was so excited that she was already running from the room, pushing me as she went.

"Go, go, go, go." She was still so strong that she nearly pushed me over in her rush. "Get going and carry those bags. I will sit with her. We have to get to the hospital so I can meet my grand babies." I knew that my mother would be excited when I told her what was happening.

I grabbed the bags I had dropped and ran down the stairs while Mom went straight to my room. This was nerve wracking but exciting as well. Soon, I was going to see my children. Soon, my Little Bunny and I were going to be parents. This was the happiest day of my life.

There were more people that I needed to tell though. There were more family members that needed to be there. So, with a little maneuvering I managed to shift the bags in my hands and pull my phone from my pocket. The first person on my list to call was Eve, Trinity's aunt turned mom. I knew that she would be there with her husband, Wesley, the uncle turned dad. They had raised my Little Bunny into the wonderful woman that she was now.

"Reece? Is something wrong?" Eve sounded scared when she answered the phone, most likely because of the last time she had gotten a call late at night from someone that was close to us.

"No, nothing is wrong Eve. Quite the opposite. Trinity is in labor. I am taking the bags to the car, and then we will be going to the hospital. I thought you might like to be there when the babies are born."

"EEEEEE!" I heard the squeal of excitement come from her side of the line, and I had to hold the phone away from my ear. After that I heard Wesley on the other end of the line yell out to her.

"What in the Goddess's name is going on with you woman?" He was only pretending to sound harsh and angry because I knew for a fact that Wesley was a big pushover when it came to Eve.

"Trinity is going to have the babies!" Eve squealed the words at him, the excitement in her voice spilling over to him when he finally responded the way she wanted him to.

"Really?" There was joy in his tone as well. "Well come on, let's get going."

"We will meet you there Reece." Eve spoke happily and excitedly before she hung up the phone. They really were nice people.

The next person on my list to call was Noah. He was my best friend and Trinity's cousin turned brother. He cared about her a lot, and it had occasionally caused strife between the two of us. He had even punched me in the face and broken my cheekbone on behalf of Trinity, and I am glad he did. I was an idiot at the time, and he helped to wake me the fuck up. He is a good guy, a hell of a friend, and the best brother my wife could ask for.

"Reece? Is something wrong? Is Trinity OK?" He was so much like his mom when she answered the phone that it almost made me laugh.

"No, nothing's wrong. We're about to head to the hospital." I held the laughter in completely.

"You just said nothing is wrong. Why are you going to the hospital?" There was anger and fear in his voice.

"Trinity is in labor. The twins are coming." I heard the joy in my voice, telling everyone was building up my excitement.

"Oh Goddess, is it really that time? I'll be there soon. Nikki might not be, she has to stay home with Elias unless her parents will watch him."

"We will understand. See you soon."

I called Riley next, he was like a brother to me. If Noah wasn't like a brother to Trinity, I would have called Riley second, I hoped he wouldn't be upset if he found out.

"Reece, you do know that when it gets to be closer to ten we have kids that are asleep, right. You shouldn't be calling me this late." Riley always pretended to be upset when I called him, but there was always a hint of a laugh in his voice so he gave it away too easily.

"Well, I just wanted to let you know that Trinity is in labor, but if you would prefer not to know-."

"Wait, really? I'm already on my way." I could hear him moving around, and it was clear he was telling the truth. That was good, I wanted him there with me as well.

"Thanks man."

"Don't mention it, you were there for the birth of my first kid, would have been for the second too if it hadn't been for the extenuating circumstances. I wouldn't miss this for the world, man."

Almost done with the calls now, and they were going quick. I had just stowed the bags in the back of the car and started it so that it was getting warm. I didn't want my wife to be chilled when I carried her down here now did I?

"Hey Reece, what can I do for you?" Carter answered casually when I called him.

"Hey Carter, I just wanted to call and let you know that Trinity is in labor." I was moving a lot more quickly now that I was not burdened by the bags or focusing on not falling flat on my face in my haste. I was running up the stairs three and four at a time now.

"No shit, that's awesome. Emmalee is in no shape to come see her, but I will come first thing in the morning if that is alright. I don't want to leave Emmalee or the baby at night."

"That's fine Carter, I just wanted to let you know. You are her brother after all."

"Thanks Reece, I truly appreciate that."

"We will see you in the morning. At least then Trinity should be done having the babies and be rested somewhat. It will be better for you then. I will send you pictures tonight. That way Emmalee can see them."

"That will be great. I just know that Emmalee is going to try and rush to the hospital with me even though she shouldn't." I heard him laugh.

I was almost to the room now so I told him I would call him back later and hung up the call. It was time to take care of my wife and take her to the hospital. Before long, I would be meeting my children for the first time.

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