Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 367 - Trinity - Bed Arrest Part 10 (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 367 - Trinity - Bed Arrest Part 10 (VOLUME 3)




Mom spent a lot of time out at the Canyons for the next week. That was understandable, she was very excited about her new grandson. During the time that she was there, I had a lot of video calls with her, Emmalee, and Carter. I loved seeing how cute the baby was. He looked so much like Carter; Emmalee had made the right choice when she made him a junior.

Juniper didn't come over as much over the next several days either. She spent a lot of time with her nephews and niece and helped Acacia acclimate to her new life as a mom. It was made easier for Acacia as well because of the fact that she had Cedar's mom who had raised twins and her own mother who had raised nothing but multiples. She had a lot of people there to help her, and Juniper was learning as much as she could from this time as well. She would need it.

This, however, left me feeling somewhat lonely. All I wanted was to see the people that I was used to being around on a regular basis. None of the people that I typically saw were here for me now. I did see Falena from time to time, but she had her own job to do, as did Rawlynne, even though she was about to take time off of work for having her own little baby.

Nikki came by once in a while, but she was busier than I thought she would be. I guess the craziness of the current situation was affecting her as well.

I think Vincent could tell how lonely I was getting though. When he came for guard duty, he brought Heather and Faith with him. He must have dropped Renea and Conner off at school before he came to work.

"Trinity." Heather was happy to see me, and I was overjoyed to see her and the baby. It felt like it had been so long, and I had completely missed Faith's first birthday party. I didn't forget to get her a gift, ordered online of course.

"Oh my Goddess, Heather, she has gotten so big." I couldn't believe that she had just turned a year old just nine days ago.

"I know. Can you believe that tomorrow is the first of December? It's going to be so busy. What with the kids going on break from school and everything." She was beaming happily and looked like she was glowing. I couldn't help but be happy for her, and a little jealous that she wasn't stuck in bed. "Plus, I have wonderful news." She looked like she was glowing as she looked at me, excitement spilling over.

She didn't say anything to me, she just took Faith's coat off of her and showed me the onesie she was wearing. It was pink and said 'I'M GOING TO BE A BIG SISTER' and there were flowers embroidered around the words.

"Oh, Heather, that is amazing. You're such a wonderful mother, I am so happy to hear that."

"Thanks Trinity, I am happy that I can share this with you. Outside of our family you're the first person that we've told, even my parents don't know yet." She was grinning happily, and I couldn't help but feel how much of an honor this was. I have known Heather for a little over a year now and while she wasn't the closest of friends, I was happy that she was in my life.

I spent the morning and most of the afternoon hanging out with Heather and Faith. Heather did finally confirm that she had been undecided on the little girl's name until Vincent had become my guard. She found out that my middle name was Faith, and she fell in love with it. That made me smile for most of the day.

Just after breakfast I started feeling some of the practice labor contractions. They were a little worse than that first day, but I was able to ignore them for the most part. There were the occasional pains that were just a little too much for me to handle, and I cried out a few times.

"Are you OK, Trinity?" Heather sounded worried when I made these sounds of distress.

"Yes, it's just the Braxton Hicks contractions. Griffin said it was my body's way of preparing for when the babies come."

"Yeah, it is. They can last for a long time. I've never had twins, but mine weren't this painful." She was still scared and worried about me.

"When I first felt them, I thought my whole stomach was going to rip right off of me. It was so painful. I guess the more active the babies are the more it hurts." I grimaced at the thought since the twins had been very active through most of the pregnancy.

"I guess. That makes sense in a way." She was still looking at me with eyes that said she wasn't sure what she should do.

Heather stayed through lunch, and we managed to play a few board games. Apparently, Heather's parents were picking the kids up today so she didn't need to worry. When the pain got to be too much for me, I asked if Vincent could help me to the sofa so we could just watch a movie while Faith took a nap.

It was all I could do to sit there and not cry out in pain from the practice labor pains. A little while before dinner, Vincent carried me back to bed and left for the day so he could take Heather home. Reece was still in the house, as was Noah and Gabriel. They would all be around if I needed them.

I was too tired to want to do anything much at all. I tried to read a book on my tablet that was next to my bed, but I couldn't concentrate on it at all. When Reece came back to the room with dinner, he brought it to me in bed. Vincent had told him that I was having a hard day so he didn't want to move me around much at all.

The food was good, and I wanted to eat, but I couldn't force myself to eat it at all. I just felt like I was overly full already. Maybe the babies were positioned wrong, and they were blocking something. I didn't know what it was, I just knew that I was tired from all the pain that I had been in throughout the day, and I knew that laying down would help.

"Reece, I am going to bed early. I am just so tired already." He could clearly see the exhaustion in my eyes so he didn't say anything about the fact that I was going to sleep before eight thirty.

"Alright, Little Bunny, I will just sit right here next to you and do some paperwork. I want to finish it all before the babies come." He smiled at me and actually tucked me in before kissing the top of my head. I was asleep instantly.




I knew that it had been a hard day for Trinity. Vincent and Heather had said that she was experiencing false labor, or Braxton Hicks contractions, all day. That must have been truly exhausting for her, and it was no surprise at all that she went to bed early.

Not even being eight thirty at night, it was too early for me to go to sleep, but I was hesitant to leave her side. I wanted to give her all the physical and emotional support that I could. So, instead of going back to my office to work, I decided to do it while sitting in the bed next to her.

She had fallen asleep almost instantly, but she wasn't sleeping very soundly. The pains were still there, and I could imagine that she was not getting much rest from it at all. I looked over at her frequently and saw a crease in her brow that told me she was in pain. I wanted to make that pain go away, but there was nothing I could do.

At perhaps a quarter after nine, just about an hour after she had fallen asleep, there was something strange that had happened. I felt a wetness that seemed to be spreading across the mattress. I didn't even think anything stupid about it, I knew what it was instantly. And so did Trinity as her eyes flew open the moment she felt it.

"Reece!" She sounded scared and definitely like she was still in pain.

"Trinity?" I responded to her instantly, clearing away the documents that I had on the bed. They weren't damaged but I wouldn't have cared if they were.

"I think my water just broke."

"I think you're right." I tried not to panic. I tried to stay as calm as it appeared that Trinity was. I was trying really hard to be the level headed husband here.

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