Is this destiny?

Chapter 628 - Team Building Activity (2)

The snow was falling like there is no tomorrow.

Jeff looked around and could barely see outlines of nearby trees. He was concerned: how are they going to get back? The fresh snow covered up the path they made when they came here, so tracing back their steps will be impossible.

The only way to go back is to rely on Aiden and his sense of direction. And Aiden has a good sense of direction, Jeff is confident in that. Aiden never got lost no matter where they went. He had a knack of spotting the landmarks and surrounding in general, always knowing which way is north like he has an in-built compass.

Everything was silent, except for two axes hitting the trunk of a tree. But even those sounds were muffled by the heavy snowfall with no wind whatsoever.

Jeff shook his arms to loosen up sore muscles. When he was going at the tree, his arms were aching. But now that he is standing, the cold is creeping in. He grumbled internally: 'What team-building when the only thing I get to choose is between cold and ache?'

Jeff took the thermos and sipped still hot coffee. It gave him a dose of a much needed energy and provided the heat to his sore limbs. That made him less grumpy.

Felix is hitting the tree with his axe. So far, he took two breaks and is on the verge of taking another one. But he wants to take few more swings… and few more… because with each swing he is closer to going back to Sophia. 'Wait! After this we need to chop the tree into one meter pieces? Aiden must be kidding!'

Felix does not know how long they are doing this, but it can't be less than two, maybe even three hours already. They are getting close to bringing the tree down, but to dissect it further? It will take the whole day, especially because their fatigue is building up.

Aiden was swinging at the tree while his thoughts were processing what Jeff said. Did he really stop trusting that Sarah can handle difficult situations? No, that can't be true. He knows that she is the most capable girl he ever met. Thinking back, he always believed in her. But he never wanted her to face any danger. He remembered Valentine's day, when they faced those people in the alley… he didn't want her to dirty her hands or to put herself in danger, even though he still didn't grasp the extent of her capabilities at that time. That is right, he was always protective of her. Even after he found out what all she can do, he wanted her to be safe. Is there something wrong with that?

Another thing bothered Aiden: what Jeff said about making choices. He wondered, is he really making decisions in Sarah's place? That is not what he wants. But can he stand aside and only watch while she makes a choice that can put her in harms way? He can't. He knows he can't. But maybe he should not deny her the right to choose. How can he find a balance between those two?

Aiden's mind was trying to find a solution when suddenly he thought that the tree is giving in.

"Felix, out of the way!", Aiden warned Felix.

On a reflex, Felix stepped back. "Do you think it's enough?" Felix could not conceal his excitement.

"Let's see." Aiden pushed tree with his hand, and it swayed a bit. It was just a bit, but enough to tell them that they are almost there!

Jeff happily approached and all three of them pushed the tree toward peak of the mountain.

With few coordinated pushes the tree swayed, each time more than the previous one… tree cracked where it was thinnest, between the cuts they made, and fell down!

They expected a large crack, a thud, or something, but it was eerily silent. After a faint cracking sound, the tree fell into the thick snow and it was covered by it in an instant. The effect was the same as if it feel in the water, just without a splash. They could not see more than one-two meters in front of them because of a heavy snowfall, but they knew that they got this part done: the tree was down!

Jeff, Felix and Aiden were about to cheer for this victory, when Aiden's body stiffened, and he grabbed Felix and Jeff by the shoulders. It was only a split second, but the muffled rumbling sound coming from somewhere uphill was unmistakably the sound of danger.

"Run!", Aiden bellowed as he grabbed the backpack which was right next to his leg.

Jeff also got a hold on a nearby backpack and pulled Felix to follow Aiden downhill.

Felix wanted to get third backpack as well, but it was far away and Jeff was pulling him away, so he gave up on it.

Jeff was not sure what is going on, but he knows that if Aiden says to run with such a panic-stricken-expression, they need to run. Also, Aiden dashed downhill as fast as the thick snow allowed him to go if they lose Aiden out of their sight, how will they find their way back?

Three of them ran, following Aiden as fast as they could while rumbling sound behind them was getting louder by the second.

Aiden spotted a large rock sticking out of the snow and pulled the guys that way. When their bodies pressed on the snow below their feet, they realized that the rock is towering above them. They huddled together just in time when a violent snow-wave hit the rock in a terrifying and magnificent display of force of nature.

It took less than a second before they found themselves completely surrounded with snow which rumbled all around them. Few seconds later, everything was calm and silent again.

Three of them moved carefully, compacting the snow around them and creating a small snow-cave in the process.

"What was that?" Jeff asked when he calmed down and took a seat on the ground.

"The treefall caused an avalanche." Felix concluded.

Aiden nodded in agreement.

In few minutes, three of them dug an opening for fresh air and to observe their surroundings. The heavy snowfall was obstructing their view and besides faded outlines of few nearby trees the only thing they could see is: white.

"Where are we?", Jeff asked Aiden. "Are we close to the girls?"

"I don't know.", Aiden admitted.

"You don't?" Jeff looked outraged by Aiden's response.

"While running, I was looking for a spot where we can dodge the avalanche which was catching up with us. I didn't have any time for sight-seeing. And with this heavy snowfall, what do you expect?", Aiden grumbled in his defense while pointing at the endless whiteness outside their newly made snow-cave.

"Calm down, you two!", Felix finally lost his patience. Jeff and Aiden are bickering the whole day, and he had enough of it. "We have this place as a shelter.. Let's wait for the snowfall to slow down, and then we can make our move."

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