The Sage Who Transcended Samsara

Chapter 1172: Things That Are Meant To Happen Will Happen Sooner Or Later

Chapter 1172: Things That Are Meant To Happen Will Happen Sooner Or Later

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

Whenever the night was quiet and Kunlun Mountain was enveloped with clouds, lights could be seen occasionally, or the howls of beasts and cries of birds could be heard. The only thing that was missing was the liveliness of humans.

Within the Jade Palace, He Mu and Fang Huayin had not returned from their adventures, so Daqinggen was fully absorbed in his games. In such a huge Taoist Temple, Meng Qi was the only one seen sitting at the main hall, in front of the Premier Statue. As the glaze lamps burned, the fragrance of lotus flowers filled the nostrils while the wind blew.

His eyes were half-closed, the real spirit who could see the nature and Light of Wisdom had long ago transcended into the Real World, and ascended to the infinity peak. Looking down on all directions, all that could be seen was twisted and folded, absolutely different from the normal mode.

This was the Legendary’s point of view!

As if his body was in the Celestial World, engulfing the entire universe, Meng Qi’s Divine Sense spread and extended toward more and more universes.

But the amount of universes was infinite, like the bubbles on the Sea of Chaos. In order to achieve the Stamp Of All, aside from the natural appearance of the Imprint of Additional Self following the birth of the Universe or the separation of the Universal Fragment, there was another long process of practice.

At the same time, the universes, caves, fragments, or worlds that already attained the Imprint of Additional Self had to deepen the communication and increase the synergy for them to gradually grow until they are capable to move and control the power of star system level.

These were the two main big aspects of the Legendary practice, the primary one was the Water Mill Kungfu. After fulfillment, one could try to break through the levels to enter the last stage of the Sea of Sufferings, then control the Creation Realm and possess the Great Magical Direct Knowledge.

Although Xiao Sang had been revived and fulfilled his greatest wish, the pressure of the Devil Buddha and the Golden Emperor remained. Heavenly Lord Yuanshi’s shadow was blurry and was not able to differentiate good from evil, so he could not relax at all during his practices.

The main hall gradually became darker, as if it fell into the Sea of Chaos. Meng Qi was like a statue in the darkness, so unreachable that it was impossible to touch him.

Right at that moment, he opened his eyes abruptly. There was an ancient glaze lamp with an indescribable color burning quietly at his foot, shining across all things within a few million miles away. It was as clear as daylight without missing a spot.

Suddenly, a black muslin shrouded over the Bright Moon, and each of the lantern-like White Stars suddenly dimmed. The void above Kunlun Mountain was boiling unreasonably, then a shadow with two heads, six arms, and holding the White Lotus Books descended. It was accompanied by the Music of Kong Ling and the petal rain of the Heavenly Flower. It was no other than the Luo Sect’s Feng Dian Ambassador!

He was not anymore the old Feng Dian Ambassador who needed the Elixir of Life. Instead, he had revealed his true form, the original owner of his power and the original body of this look!

There it was, another mighty person from the Legendary Realm who had awakened earlier!

At the same time, blinding light rays shined across the sky above Kunlun Mountain. A palm with equal bone and flesh appeared out of nowhere, holding a glaze lamp that lit the path home. The Celestial Lamp Ambassador who was handsome like a scholar finally recovered after a few days of rest.

With dull eyes, Sha Wujing who was wearing the Skull Glaze Prayer Beads and carrying a scepter, highlighted the presence of the Feng Dian Ambassador using the ubiquitous technique.

A great shadow rose beside him, with both palms sealed together, shaped like the mouth of the Treasure Bottle, he enveloped the shadow of Kunlun Mountain. It felt like the surroundings were instantly confined in an enclosed container, isolating the internal from the external, forming the celestial world. This caused the mighty people in the Legendary Realm to lose the ubiquitous technique.

It was dark all around, whilst the blurry city lights from a distance flickered, unreachable and untouchable as if they were from another realm.

The Celestial Vase Ambassador!

Another ambassador under the Ajati Matriarch!

But it only took a few days for the Luo Sect to gather the Four Great Ambassadors. It was obvious that the Golden Emperor really cared!

Opening his eyes, Meng Qi did not rush to attack, but sighed, “Things that are meant to happen will happen sooner or later...”

The resurrection of Xiao Sang was impossible to hide from the Ajati Matriarch. She would surely have sent someone to the Jade Palace to investigate!

The Feng Dian Ambassador stepped forward with his voice loud and clear, “Teacher Su, the Ajati Matriarch has always been soft-hearted, she would never want to put you in a bad place. We hope that you will cooperate with us, and let us check the Jade Palace and your Universe of the Internal Realm. If you are to be stubborn and difficult, we will not hesitate to use harsher means.”

At this moment, it was apparent that the Celestial Vase Ambassador had gotten the power of Lifeless Heaven from the Void Hometown and the Sea Calming Pearl to cut out the Real World from Kunlun Mountain. Besides, the Moonlight Bodhisattva and the people of Bhaisajyaguru had surely paid the price. Meng Qi stood alone against the Four Great Ambassadors, not moving a single muscle. He smiled and said, “This matter is not up for debate.”

His intention was clear in his speech. The Feng Dian Ambassador did not talk further and flipped the pages of the White Lotus Books in his hands. The few words on the cover wrote, “Forthcoming Sutra of the Ajati Matriarch!”

As the books started to move, the Music of Ethereal Void echoed instantly, entangled with the loud voice a while ago, “A lesson to all living beings: the Six Desires will always be bitter, there will be Samsara, and there will be sufferings across all lifetimes.”

This statement was accompanied by a sudden rise of Black Gas at Kunlun Mountain. The void opened up dark whirlpools one by one as if they were paths to Samsara toward sufferings.

My Word is the Rule!

Meng Qi lifted his gaze slowly, like a statue in the darkness opening its eyes.


The red, green, yellow, white, and black altars brought out the ancientness of the Five Emperor’s Sacrificial Altar. It seemed as though the building had stood there for thousands or even millions of years. They were embracing the tall Heaven Conferring Platform with nine floors, submerged in the order of the Heaven and Earth Movement.

At the top of the Heaven Conferring Platform, the mighty people of the Legendary Realm who were also the Emperor’s descendants, Shaoxuan and Xi’e sat at the edge, overlooking the immortal descendants and strong people of the Great Dynasty who were focusing on decorating for the Restrictive Ceremony with the theme of vicissitude.

Previously, the secret phase of refinement had started after the Medieval Chaos of Devil Buddha. Then several million years down the road, most parts of the Heaven Conferring Platform were formed slowly, until now that the Heavenly Time had come to face the Final Trial. It was the perfect opportunity to decorate it entirely.

After such a long preparation, it needed not more than three days to finish eighty to ninety percent of the Heaven Conferring Platform. However, for the rest of it, either they decorated according to the Heavenly Time, or just improvised right at the spot, and it took them about two to three months to finally reach the end of the construction.

During this period, although Shaoxuan and Xi’e possessed the ubiquitous technique, they stayed alert and stood guard themselves, afraid that the Buddhists and Heretic Demons would come and cause damage.

In front of them, the Last Ship floated silently. Xi’e lifted his head to look at the White Stars which were comparably as high as the Bright Moon, and through the Strong Wind and Mystery Fog, he saw the Yu Yuqiong Tower up in the air.

These stars were the mighty people of the Legendary Realm and Creation Realm who was deep in sleep, transformed from the Fragments of the Real World!

“Teacher Su had witnessed the Legendary realm and triggered the change of the Final Trial. If the Heaven Conferring Platform could not be completed within this year, there will be a lot of Buddhas and Immortal Lords returning, and hope will be lessened,” Xi’e exclaimed.

Their early awakenings still needed to go through processes, or else it would bring extremely great damage to themselves, much like Sha Wujing. That was why within this year and a half, the Real World could remain the same.

Shaoxuan smiled bitterly, “Those who have returned earlier might not stand by and just watch.”

He became more and more worried as the progress reached the end.

If the construction of the Heaven Conferring Platform was successful and could house the specialty of the Real World, it could instantly radiate to the many universes, leaving the Stamp of Humanity and letting the current Emperor, Gao Lan to accumulate enough amounts of the Imprint of Additional Self in the shortest time possible.

And this was just one of the least useful features of the Heaven Conferring Platform.

How could it be possible for others to ignore it?

Within Changle City, Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu found an inn to stay in and were focused on practicing.

After some honing these days, Yu Banshan found that there were limited directions in which he could practice the Premier Golden Stamp. Because there should be no regrets in the dark trial, and since his art level was considered low, he was covered by the Wu’Ji Seal that could hold all things and managed to level up. Leading this path was barely doable, otherwise, he would need to consider the Arts of Eight-Nine.

After meditating for some time, he felt his heartbeat quicken. He stood, walked up to the window and looked out. He had a feeling that Changle was abnormally peaceful.

It was already late at night, but as the capital of the world and the inn was near areas with active night lives, it was abnormal to have such peace.

After looking around and seeing nothing unusual, Yu Banshan felt like he had made a great deal out of something measly. Just when he was about to turn around, he paused abruptly.

That was because from his spot, he could clearly see that the Heaven Conferring Platform had vanished!

It disappeared!

A huge thing as such actually disappeared!


Both Shaoxuan and Xi’e seemed to be chatting freely, but they were always on alert. Suddenly, their hearts shuddered and they stood up in harmony. Light-colored azure stones engulfed the left side of the city and white lotuses with fragrances surfaced from nothing. Then, they bloomed, and a sense of peace spread across the horizon.

“Maitreya!” Shaoxuan and Xi’e’s gazes deepened, each had one hand holding on to the Last Ship.

The white lotus flowers formed a platform, and a fat, golden-bodied Buddha with huge ears appeared. He looked vaguely like the former Crown Prince of Dajin Dynasty, Zhao Qian. He smiled politely and said, “Misters, the Heaven Conferring Platform will soon bring conflicts and cause misery among all living spirits. My heart is filled with compassion, and I cannot bear to see this happen. Therefore, I have come to discuss with you, why don’t you let a fat monk like me take care of it?”

Within the surroundings of azure stones, there were also hints of other golden bodies.

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