The Sage Who Transcended Samsara

Chapter 1119: Southern Sea Purple Cane Forest

Chapter 1119: Southern Sea Purple Cane Forest

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

“Let me help you, my fellow friend!”

Along with the voice, the giant figure overstuffed like the size of a galaxy pointed out his sword. With a flick of his right hand, he formed a white streak of sword power.

At the same time, the swordsman, monk, as well as ancient and magnificent gods began to brandish their weapons at once, either gushing out their sword power, waving their Celestial Parting Sword, or converting the Characteristics of Nirvana Realm to the blade of time.

Shades of red, green, yellow, and white, the continuum of Space and Time, and the Four Swords Power integrated for a battle, hard to be traced as they created a sword formation which was able to display all sorts of damaging scenes from being chaotic till an extreme point, but ended up dying in silence to continuously expanding and eventually became stagnant and turned cold...

All sorts of scenes had resulted from the Four Sword Beams, and the layers of beam approached closely, and eventually surrounded the Afflatus King. It only took a few moments for him to be destroyed or thrown into chaos.

The Afflatus King could sense an extreme danger in his heart, and every part of his body was trembling as though he could witness the end of his life was approaching as he could not find a way to escape from the sword formation.

Even if I manage to avoid it for a moment, but if I could not escape on time, I would end up dying inside!

Most importantly, the sword formation had blurred the karma link, seemingly wiping out everywhere. Time and space ceased to exist, and karma was unstable, leaving behind chaos and getting closer to the state of nothingness. Sooner or later, returning to the state of endlessness, not even his many life-saving secrets could help him get out of this situation.

If this sword formation was at the legendary level, even then the mighty people who were trapped inside would die and lose all their effort of cultivation. It was because, after each cycle of death, the rebirth of the body through the projection would only appear in the sword formation, and would not be exceeded. Therefore, it would continuously wear out and wither away until a dead end.

A chill ran down the Afflatus King’s spine as death was approaching. Just then, a thought flashed through his mind.

The Fairy Slaying Sword Formation!

This is the Fairy Slaying Sword Formation!

Only the first killing formation from the Archaeozoic Era could unleash such power!

After much consideration, he not only could not think of a strategy, but instead, he could feel the fear more immensely as his limbs were numb from terror. He could not even unleash more than two-thirds of his combat power.

A person’s name and a tree’s shadow derived power, relying solely on these four words, the Fairy Slaying Sword Formation could fend off the enemies. The Wuji from the Premier Nine Seals, Dao Yi, and Kai Tian would be able to pull it off, unfortunately, they were not as famed as the Fairy Slaying Sword Formation, thus, the Afflatus King could not recognize them.

The sword power immersed into the body, and suddenly it hovered, causing the Afflatus King to be stunned for a moment. He held his giant hammers close to his chest, sensing the opportunity for an escape, and hurriedly exclaimed,

“What are you doing here at Yun-Meng Lakes?”

When he first created Ju Ze, he had named it after the famous Yun-Meng Lakes. He was very annoyed at this instant as it was merely a visit but somehow had turned into such a difficult situation. If he had known it earlier, he should not have shown off and put on airs like an experienced old witch when the Crab General reported about the request of the monk for an audience.

The Fairy Slaying Sword Formation halted temporarily and not move an inch, Premier Divine Man that Meng Qi had manifested produced a loud voice,

“I would like to consult with you a question, my Lord. How many years ago since the Heavenly Court had collapsed? What day and time?”

Only to ask such a question? The Afflatus King was more annoyed than before. He took a deep breath and said, “As long as you withdraw the sword formation, then I will tell you whatever I know without concealing anything from you.”

Since the other party has a request, then I will have a room for negotiation!

Meng Qi who was holding the sword and ancient seals in hand revealed a faint smile and commanded,

“You still can’t understand, my Lord? Now, you only have two options, either you remain silent, and the Fairy Slaying Sword Formation will wipe out all projections, and vanish your real spirit, cutting off your route of retreat or you can answer my question honestly, and after I kill you, I will spare your real spirit in the hope of Samsara.”

So both options lead to death? The Afflatus King could feel that Meng Qi had a great intention of killing him, causing him to feel shocked yet furious, terrified yet fearful.

“Alright, the worst it could be is just to perish together!” he roared furiously.

As a pet of the Bodhisattva, he could occasionally speak eloquently.

Premier Divine Man, the monk, the swordsman, and the giant figure opened their mouth simultaneously, their voices reverberated across the atmosphere, “Many other people can answer my question, so it will not make a difference to have or lose you.”

“However, it’s different for you, my Lord. How can you compare between being destroyed completely and having the hope of Samsara?”

Upon hearing that, the Afflatus King felt wronged and furious, but surprisingly the emotion of helplessness surged up within him, stirring up his mind with countless thoughts flashing through his mind. He slowed down as he said, “Fine, I’ll give in. Today is not my day.”

“The Heavenly Court collapsed 689 years ago on the second day of the second month at three o’clock in the afternoon...”

Concerning this serious matter, although he was in the fishing pool at the Purple Cane Forest of the Putuo Mountain, the earth-shattering activity of the fallen heaven and earth must have left a deep impression on him. Besides, such an activity should be almost the same time as the real collapse of the Heavenly Court.

“Alright, I will confirm this with my other friends. If you dare to deceive me, I will make sure to destroy you completely even when you have reincarnated.” Meng Qi was like the Punisher that Represented Heaven, “Then, when did the Demonic Lord attack the Heavenly Court?”

“695 years ago...” the Afflatus King recalled.

Before he finished his words, two Azure Golden Lights suddenly shone out of his eyes; his body expanded all of a sudden, transforming into a giant goldfish.

The goldfish suddenly inflated to the size of a giant balloon; his once majestic aura convulsed into uncontrollable chaos.

He chose self-destruction, at one point when he was so close to finish answering, and Meng Qi was preoccupied listening to his answer!

The giant goldfish eyes protruded, looking ferocious and soon after, was engulfed by a flash of white glow.

An endless ray of lights burst forth, evaporating the layers of Sword Power, penetrating through the apocalyptic Fairy Slaying Sword Formation.


The loud noise resounded a while later. The self-destruction of a Celestial Being close to the Legendary level was terrifying. Meng Qi felt as though the Sword Formation drifted, close to breaking apart. In this regard, he kept away his Direct Knowledge of Creating Three Manifestations with One Breath. With the help of the link, he descended on the Yun-Meng Lakes in the air.

Later, he lifted his head and saw deep within the sea of stars had a beam of light that ceased to die out.

Is the Afflatus King so resolute?

If so, why doesn’t he choose self-destruction before he answered the question?

A hint of doubt arose as Meng Qi realized something went amiss.

Could this be his last resort to secure his life?

So he could blow up the Fairy Slaying Sword Formation and find a way out?


Deep in the Southern Sea, there was an ethereal place, a pure land that did not seem to belong to heaven and earth.

The Purple Cane Forest stood erect and the tall mountains were high up. It was once the Bodhisattva of Compassion’s rites, the Putuo Pure Land in former years.

The water of the Eight Treasures Pond of Merits and Virtues rippled and a school of goldfish appeared and disappeared from time to time. Suddenly, they shrank and gathered tightly together to form a figure of a goldfish.

This goldfish leaped out of the water surface and faced toward the Nanzhan State with its eyes full of hatred.

Although Bodhisattva of Compassion’s Sambhogakaya Pure Land was incomplete, and the Eight Treasures Pond of Merits and Virtues could not remodel its Dharmakaya, yet with the connected projection of the Reflected Self that bonded, could allow the Afflatus King to take this opportunity to be reborn.

The only problem was that he needed a long time before he could recover to reach the peak of his former self; moreover, he lost his giant hammers Heavenly Weapon.

Yet, if he had not self-destructed his Celestial Demon Body, then how could he possibly be able to break open the Fairy Slaying Sword Formation, and if he had not done so, even with the Eight Treasures Pond of Merits and Virtues of the Sambhogakaya Pure Land and his Reflected Self projection, he would never manage to reform and would reappear in the Sword Formation.

“Such a cunning fellow!” the goldfish demon exclaimed in a teeth-gritting manner.


Upon returning to the battleground of the starry sky, Meng Qi noticed that the broken giant hammers were floating in the air. After a brief prediction, he realized that the Afflatus King had not totally perished, but he was severely injured at the moment, and he hid at a mysterious place which was hard to trace.

“Indeed an experienced Demon King which is close to becoming a Legendary strong person, for only he could escape from this situation.”

“After this battle, he must have fully understood my tactics. The next time we fight against each other, he must be well-prepared; hence, it may not be easy for me to win over him,” Meng sighed with emotions. His level and ability were almost on par with the Afflatus King for now, but his methods of Direct Knowledge as well as martial arts and weapons surpassed the Afflatus King.

Of course, with his development at a tremendous pace, he could be able to crush the Afflatus King to death at his fingertips when the Afflatus King reappeared after recovering from his injuries.

As Meng Qi took possession of the broken giant hammers, he stepped into Yun-Meng Lakes. With a probe of both his hands, he managed to lift Ju Ze in the air, causing it to shake like an earthquake. He forcefully pulled out the Crystal Palace that contained many years of the Afflatus King’s collections.

When he utilized Creating Three Manifestations with One Breath to construct the Sword Formation, he only had the Celestial Parting Sword, while the rest could only be replaced with the Sword Power or use Invincible Blade as a disguise. The three missing Celestial Being Long Swords caused a drawback and loophole, so hopefully, the Afflatus King’s treasure storage area could add to the demand.

In case there was nothing, then he would take all the collection of Afflatus King and his giant hammers, and threw them before the Donghai Dragon Emperor who had a rich collection to exchange for something else.

Meng Qi seized the Crystal Palace, set up the conveyance light and headed straight to Donghai.

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