The Sage Who Transcended Samsara

Chapter 930: Paying Respects

Chapter 930: Paying Respects

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

In the lonely mountain ranges stood a tottering temple. The gate of the monastery had collapsed as the ancient Buddha stood dappled. In the cold wind, mournfulness filled the air.

Wearing a green jacket, Meng Qi suddenly appeared in the temple, his expression was gentle, hiding his feelings deep inside of him. Slowly, he walked to the hole in the wall and faced the lotus pond.

In a prance, the green lantern on the incense burner table in front of the Buddha statue lit up. It bathed the room in a hazy glow and filled it with melancholy. It had both warmth and an unexplainable loneliness.

The bright moon hung high in the sky, shining quietly upon the pond causing the many lotus flowers on the pond to be bathed in brilliant moonlight. The lotus flowers showed no hint of being dirtied by dust, beautiful beyond belief.

Meng Qi stood at the boundary of the pond with his back against the green lamp. He quietly looked at the lotus, he was focused and gentle. There were hints of peacefulness but also hints of loneliness.

“I have finally understood the tangle of ‘Letting go of the Past’ and got rid of the layers of binding karma, breaking everything that has happened in this life in exchange for the ease I feel now. I no longer have to worry about losing myself when I am met with a situation when I am not in control of my own body. At those times, I will still be able to make decisions that I am able to live with and not need to consider others...” he narrated to himself as well as to talk to the lotus. Half of Meng Qi’s face was lit up by the moonlight while the other half stayed in the shadows. His hair was mostly black but at his temples, some white showed traces of what he had been through in the past.

“Ten years of waiting and ten years of suffering, I have managed to merge ‘Letting go of the Past’, ‘Karma Transfer,’ and the ‘Dao Yi Seal’. I have also managed to forge my own ‘Ignoring the past’ blade, focused on breaking the binds of the past and karma relationships. At the same time, there is still the specialty from Principles of Karma from the Nirvana Realm of viewing one’s destiny, the ‘Dao Yi Seal’ and ‘Spreading Dao to the Universe’ which combined to form ‘To not seek for an afterlife’ blade. It expands the range to control one’s destiny and change karma,” Meng Qi’s spirit was like the moonlight, tranquil and peaceful yet lonely and quiet. As he slowly narrated what he had been through, in front of him, there seemed to be a beautiful and smiling white dressed spirit that held a joss stick and eavesdrop.

“In addition, I also created a combined attack ‘Devouring the Universe in Chaos’ which is also ‘Returning to Wuji’... my Wu Ji Seal has just had a minor accomplishment, it is strong at defending but weak at attacking, so I borrowed the idea of the ‘Seal of Yin Yang’ where the sword would evolve to spin Yin Yang and mimic the Wu Ji chaos...”

“Speaking about this, I should add ‘Grand Burial of Galaxies’ and ‘Yin and Yang triad’, what is the origin and what is the final. I have also constructed numerous cutting techniques, even the Tyrant only has six decapitations, I am almost there.”

“When I was young, I always thought that in the future I would combine what I learned and be the pioneer in creating my own martial art, becoming a Patriarch. Everyone would then respect and look up to me, at that time I even thought of a name for my art already. It would be called Book of My Art and illustrate my journey in the martial arts world, just hearing about it sounds like a model, but now that I think about it, it is kind of embarrassing. If you were alive, I bet you could think of a very good name...”

“The Dharmakaya that I have achieved is called ‘Indestructible Original Form’ which is a combination of the Indestructible technique and Premier true form. Although the former is a Taoist Dharmakaya, it is also a characteristic of Bodhi’s third eye. All in all, it can be said to be from Buddhism. Similar to the combination of Buddha Golden Body and Premier true form... related to famous people such as Qing Emperor and God of Thunder. The merging of the Buddhism track all seem to be conscious chances and choices, and if the rumors are true, I am afraid that it came from Lord Yuan Shi...”

“Thinking carefully, it is not a must to be on the Buddhism track in order to achieve transcendence. The Heavenly Primogenitor is an example of an exception. It might be that others are met with some difficulties and wish to experience a different route so as to use that to comprehend. When taking similar paths, the scariest thing, which is also a taboo would be to confuse cause and effect.”

“My Indestructible Original Form Interior Realm is like a cave, when in front of the Legendary Realm it can then become a true part of Heaven and Earth. But the difference between mine and others is that all my acupuncture points are layer upon layer of the universe. All five viscera and six bowels are added to Primordial Spirit to develop mutually and infer heaven as well as a little small spirit as a symbol of Da Dao. The latter two combined together to form the real world, once they completely take shape, it will no longer be just heaven and earth but the starting form of a multiverse... now, it is not yet perfect, the four elements, earth, fire, wind and water are unrestrained. If you were not a lotus flower but a human, I am afraid it will be hard to survive. I have left something here for the time being, I have left connection I made with the Dao Yi Seal...”

The ambience was serene and harmonious as Meng Qi retold his tales, if only in front of him were people instead of lotus, then it would have been perfect.

“Immortal Luya has raised the condition of three people to complete three tasks but he had a grudge with Yuan Shi and was unable to completely trust him but can only attempt to do so for now, if he was able to keep his promise, then can he consider others...”

“You have been heavily influenced by the Devil Buddha, I wish to use you to implicate the Golden Emperor, your name is definitely not on the God’s list yet but belong to the Seal of Samsara. I will borrow it for a while, get the Seal of Samsara back and resurrect you...”

“I don’t intend to go to the Jasper Lake yet. Although it will be better for Zhi Wei to escape as fast as possible, but Immortal Lu Ya can use just a small amount of energy to manipulate the Immortal beheading knife. I do not dare to proceed forward as this would inevitably lead to danger. I will first wait for the realms to stabilise and in the meantime, increase my ability in the art. Those who seek speed will not achieve the end result...”

A wind blew past causing some water to spray out of the pond. The lotus flowers swayed as if to nod their head but only resulted in the feeling of sadness.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps could be heard. Meng Qi did not turn around but continued gazing at the moonlight and looking at the lotus.

The sound of footsteps entered the tottering temple, it was a young lady dressed in a lotus-coloured gown. She was youthful and had a divine grace and fragrance. She was refined, filled with confidence and did not seem to be petty. But she lacked vigor and vitality, seeming to be gentle. It was Mu Yunle.

She held a long blade and her expression was thoughtful. She looked at the Ancient Buddha and the light from the green lamp that was in front of her. After staring blankly for a while, she suddenly turned sharply to look out of the broken hole in the wall. Looking at the green sleeves bathed in moonlight, looking at the white hair at the temples, she felt like she was looking at someone familiar and also a stranger at the same time.

“Senior...” Her disbelief forced her to call out softly.

Meng Qi turned his head and smiled fondly, “Why have you come here again?

Surprise and delight filled Mu Yunle’s eyes as her mouth subconsciously turned up into a smile. Senior was no longer disguised as the grey dressed monk, no longer silent and lonely and no longer looked tired and beaten, as if his heart had turned to dust. He was now dressed in a brilliant green, with a peaceful expression seemingly at ease. It was as if he returned back to life. The only giveaway signs were the white hair at his temples and his gaze that seem to be hiding his feelings. He was even recounting the past.

“The Nine Demonic Sects has a conspiracy again, the nearby plains have been undergoing turbulent times. With my skill and the realm I come from, I have no way of interfering and have decided to return to the Great Jin Dynasty to evade the crisis. Before I left, I wanted to return to this temple to take a look. After all, I once met a senior here who is powerful enough to shake the world with his Frenzied sword and could be a valuable resource,” Mu Yunle said cheekily. It was harder to change one’s character than to change rivers and mountains.

Meng Qi lifted his head to look at the sky, smiling he said, “Now you know yourself, next time you will know others. The restlessness in the plains is about to come, it’s good that you know to hide and protect yourself. At your age you have already reached this realm and have this kind of power and name yet you are not arrogant and cocky or overconfident. A person of your type is really hard to come by.”

Seeing that the Frenzied Blade senior has come alive and that his speech and expressions are normal, made Mu Yunle feel gratified, “It is good that senior is like that.” Mu Yunle accidentally let the words slip out.

Meng Qi smiled, “Any more pain, any more guilt, and any more torment, once ten years have past, it will be vented and lose the superficial denseness, leaving only traces in one’s heart.”

Not really understanding, Mu Yunle nodded her head.

The wind was light and the moon was quiet. Mu Yunle chatted with the Frenzied blade senior for a while, talking lightly about topics ranging from Huan Hua sect’s characteristic swordplay to the different characters of the elders and disciples. They even talked about her own Master Liu Su to the Demon Emperor Qi Zhengyan who made people shudder when they hear his name. Mu Yunle gained a lot of advice.

The sky gradually brightened and Meng Qi stood up, bidding goodbye to Mu Yunle, he started on his journey to afar.

Mu Yunle’s right hand touched her chin as she stared blankly for a while. She then breathed a sigh and headed back towards the South.

What a pity she was born late.


Fairy lane, Aquamarine Palace.

The fairy wearing the Lord Guang Fa facemask left Fairy lane and entered the Aquamarine Palace, intending to find guard Buddha Dou Mu to discuss something.

He passed through the winding corridor and only just stepped into the main hall when he was suddenly stunned. In front of him stood and unfamiliar, green sleeved man.

This was a pavilion hall for worshipping for the Three Pristines, tall and dignified Lord Yuan Shi, the one who understood all living things Lord Dao De and the vast and broad Lord Ling Bao. But the green sleeved man was standing in front of the three statues, directly facing the praying mat, seeming to reminisce about something.

Lord Guang Fa had already attended three meetings and recognised all members, but he had yet to lay eyes on this person.

Could it be a member of the Preparatory squad?

That’s not right, he is wearing a mask!

The thought had just rose and before he could react, he saw the green-sleeved man turn around, facing him directly. The man wore a dignified mask that was old yet young, yet middle-aged.

Lord Yuan Shi!

In this split second, Lord Guang Fa suddenly felt stifled. The green-sleeved man wearing the mask of Lord Yuan Shi had been just nice standing at the front bottom of Lord Yuan Shi’s statue. One small, one big, one front, one back, the living aura felt deep and boundless while the statue set off the enormity and spaciousness of the empty hall. Both of them mutually reflect one another, as if Lord Yuan Shi had truly descended!

This feeling was stronger than Buddha Dou Mu and he was not able to guess... Lord Guang Fa suddenly had a feeling as if he needed to bow his head to Lord Yuan Shi.

Quickly, he regained control of himself and remembered something, “I heard that in the mountain ranges, there is someone with the nickname Lord Yuan Shi, he closed himself off for years, never attending any gatherings, could this man be you?

“He has broken through death’s door and his ability surpasses Buddha Duo Mu, I wonder if he has a Dharmakaya?”

At this point, aaaa the sound of the opera floated through the air, Da Qinggen, who had nothing better to do strolled slowly and squarely into the main hall.

Lord Guang Fa knew that he is not ordinary to have survived hundreds of thousands of Kunlun herbs and that he still had to seek him for teachings regarding immortality. Hence, Lord Guang Fa treated him with respect, bowing appropriately as he entered. However, Da Qinggen had paused distractedly.

Da Qinggen looked at Meng Qi who was standing below the statue of Lord Yuan Shi and saw his mask of Lord Zhang Yuan Shi. He felt muddled and could not conjecture as to why. There was a very familiar aura and both his knees suddenly felt weak as he fell to the floor in a kneel,

“Palm, Old Master Palm.”

Good heavens, Old Master Palm has actually appeared!

Something is wrong, it cannot be Old Master Palm, its Old Master, its Old Master, the Premier Nine Seals of Yuan Shi is here!

Under Lord Guang Fa’s stunned gazed, he crawled forward and hugged Meng Qi’s left leg. Tears and snot were running down his face and he cried and exclaimed, “Old Master, I have missed you!”

“You have finally mastered the Art and become Yuan Shi, our Jade sect can finally be looked up to and breathe now.”

Meng Qi lightly moved his left leg and said in a low voice, “Not bad, you did not lie.”

Da Qinggen was slightly stunned and understood Old Master’s directions. He was both pleased and bewildered, “Old, Old master, have, have you met that person?”

“Mmhmm,” Meng Qi nodded his head slightly.

At this moment, Buddha Dou Mu Ye Yuqi realised the movement here and shifted over. She saw Meng Qi.

He came into Fairy World and into the Aquamarine Palace without anyone realising!

In her astonishment, she saw Meng Qi and realised that he radiated a similar feeling to the Lord Yuan Shi statue behind him. Standing there, he made it hard for people to believe their eyes.

“You made a breakthrough?” Ye Yuqi knit her eyebrows asking.

This aura, this power, it felt like she was looking at her older sister’s husband becoming the Earth God and did he possess the legendary traits?

This made her fully convinced that Meng Qi had achieved Dharmakaya. The only problem was that he seemed to be even stronger than Su Wu Ming when he had his breakthrough years ago, and seemed to be as strong as the Su Wu Ming now. This was ridiculous and hard to believe.

Meng Qi smiled saying, “Just had my breakthrough”

He confessed.

Lord Guang Fa was both shocked and delighted. He was shocked because unbeknownst to anyone, another Dharmaya present had arrived from an unknown place. He was however, also delighted because Fairy World finally had a Dharmakaya!

Ye Yuqi looked around and signalled to Lord Guang Fa and Da Qinggen to leave the room first, before saying, “I heard previously that you left Jiang Hu and was thinking that maybe you had already broke through. Now that I see it is true, I will have to hand over the responsibilities of Fairy World to you.”

Meng Qi shook his head and said, “I am unable to handle the responsibilities of the Fairy World.”

Ye Yuqi looked at him in puzzlement, her eyes expressing her bewilderedness.

He paused for a while and added on,

“Because I am not a Samsara Traveller anymore.”

“What?” spat out the normally composed and calm Ye Yuqi. Her eyes seemed to contain waves that moved up and down with the ocean.

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