The Sage Who Transcended Samsara

Chapter 636: Many Meetings

Chapter 636: Many Meetings

Translator: Transn Editor: Transn

The Three-clearness Monastery of Langya city was an ordinary Taoist monastery where the common folk nearby would come to offer prayers and burn offerings. The monastery was not aligned with any sects or martial guilds. It was not located in any site of great prominence or significance, yet it was no less popular amongst the residents of the city.

The monastery has only a handful of martial practitioners, wielding powers below the Exterior level, all of whom obliged to Meng Qi’s request for accommodations.

With the matters of his lodgings settled, Meng Qi had brewed some tea and was about to take the first sip as he pondered over Ruan Yaoguang’s puzzling demeanor earlier when a steward came to his door. The steward reported that the Golden Badge Arrestor of Peng Province, Nie Zhi has come to visit.

“A Golden Badge Arrestor?” Meng Qi was surprised by the sudden visit. He got up immediately and went to the door.

The lands of Jiangdong included both Jiang Province and Peng Province. The city of Langya was the capital of the Peng Province which has a magistrate’s court manned by a division of the Six Fan School. The division in Langya was led by a Golden Badge Arrester and his assistant, a Purple-ribbon Arrester, both of whom were in charge of all judicial affairs of the province. The present Golden Badge Arrester was Nie Zhi, a Peerless Master Pro of the Five-fold Heaven.

An Arrester of such caliber equal to Nie Zhi would normally be revered with great respect and esteem. But in the city of Langya, a man of his prowess could easily be overshadowed by the greatness of the Ruan Clan. The Clan itself has more than a handful of kinsmen who possessed powers that could dwarf that of Nie Zhi’s with little difficulty. Moreover, the Patriarch of the Ruan Clan was a former Minister of the Political Affairs Hall who still commanded strong respect even within the Imperial Court. Thus, like his colleagues stationed at the cities of Guangling and Yedu, Nie Zhi has always shied away from notice unless needed to with most of his focus on the neighboring Peng Province and other nearby cities.

“Why would he come now to visit me on his own initiative?” Meng Qi walked through the doorway of the courtyard, still puzzled, and saw Nie Zhi waiting for him.

He was an old man with hair white as snow, yet with pretty teeth and a face without any wrinkles, looking youthful and energetic. With a strong laughter, he spoke, “You are indeed one of the most remarkable of your generation, young nephew. The blow that you unleashed earlier was most astounding that I myself would have avoided its terrifying force if I had been your opponent.”

He was clad in the dark-crimson garb of an Arrestor of the Six Fan School, adorned with threads of gold and a golden badge which hung from his waist. Tall and erect Nie Zhi stood, a man of vim and vigor despite his age.

Meng Qi noticed that his guest had addressed him as “Nephew”. This made him wonder if his guest was trying to fraternize with him due to the prominence of the Su Clan in the organization of the Six Fan School, or if the matter he had come to discuss was indeed related to the Su Clan. With one hand cupped on the other in respect, Meng Qi bowed and replied, “You are very modest, Uncle.”

Nie Zhi roared with laughter again, “On the contrary, I am but an old and feeble man, my boy. Very old indeed.”

As he spoke, he stepped through the entryway into the courtyard. Noticing this, the steward knowingly wandered away.

They took their seats around a stone table in the courtyard. Nie Zhi turned his head around and surveyed the surroundings. A light breeze blew by them. He found nothing was amiss and cast a spell to separate themselves from the outside to prevent any prying ears.

“Your surreptitious departure from your family’s residence, the havoc that you have wrought and your silent disappearance for more than a year before your brief re-emergence in Jiangdong has distressed your father and your uncle. They have been terribly worried about your safety. Woe betide if I were to miss you when you have made such a dramatic appearance here.” Nie Zhi spoke with a slightly amused expression.

Meng Qi could not help but feel embarrassed. He was hardly close to his own kin, caring only for Su Ziyue who was related to his uncle on his mother’s side. Following the resolution of his incarnation’s Karma, he has since never corresponded to any of his kin save for Su Ziyue and Gu Changqing, writing to both of them, giving them guidance and advise on their practice of martial skills.

“I have incurred the wrath of many powerful enemies. It would only be easy for them to ambush and hunt me down if I were to reside permanently there. It is prudent that I keep myself away from home,” Meng Qi answered, choosing his words carefully.

Still, the pretense that he gave has a certain degree of truth to it.

Nie Zhi shook his head and said, “There are many powerful warriors who watch the capital of Luoyang that evil folks will never dare to trespass its boundaries. It is one of the safest places under all heavens. Why should you be worried about your safety there?”

“Be that as it may, Uncle. There are various security measures set up in the capital that can keep away any evildoers with malicious intent that not even a powerful warrior of the Dharmakaya level would dare brashly provoke. But that is only so under normal circumstances. The outcome can be completely different if one were to deliberately make an attempt on my life in a suicidal endeavor. No security measures, defenders or guards in the capital will amount to anything against such tenacious will to take my life. My life is in constant peril.” Meng Qi was reminded of the previous attempt on his life during his stay in Luoyang. “And I have more than a handful of enemies that are capable of fielding such talents.”

“Because of the affair involving The Buddha’s Palms?” Nie Zhi asked with a hint of interest.

“Moreover, I have incurred the irk of almost every factions within the Nine Evil Path except for the Changsheng Denomination. And I have managed to anger a few of them at more than one occasion, namely Han Guang, the Evil Master. If he had known that I was the one who have, more than once, thwarted his evil plans, he would have long came to claim my life personally...” Meng Qi reflected silently on his inseverable kismet with the evil folks of the Jianghu.

“One way or the other.” Meng Qi replied dismissively. He asked his guest instead, “Do you have news from my family?”

“All is well with the health of all your elders; your grandmother, your father, and your uncle. Despite the loss of your father’s dukeship, the name of the Eight Distinguished Super Arrestors still commands certain respect and keeps any scoundrels at bay.” Nie Zhi knowingly avoided mentioning the name of Ke Weilan, conveniently hinting that she was also fine.

He paused briefly before he continued, “Your father, however, seems to be slightly dispirited since the ordeal. He reads a lot of scriptures and sutras lately.”

Meng Qi nodded gently and asked, “What of my sister?”

“With the devastating ordeal that your family has gone through, little Ziyue has shed much of her youthful immaturity. She has been working hard and has made good progress.” Nie Zhi said approvingly.

Meng Qi and Nie Zhi continued their exchanges like a true uncle catching up with his nephew.

“What do you know of my family’s response to my quiet departure?” At the end of their discussion, Meng Qi could not help but ask.

Nie Zhi replied with a weak smile, “Your father said that you are a free spirit who needs to soar.”

“A free spirit? Is he hinting that I am ‘one who does not sit quietly’...” Meng Qi did not answer. He only giggled wryly in return.

They concluded their small talk and Nie Zhi put on a solemn expression. “There is another matter which has compelled my visit today, dear nephew.”

“Pray relate, Uncle.” Meng Qi had expected that his guest was hardly here for a trivial family talk.

Nie Zhi stroked his white beard as he spoke, “I would like to ask you to help us and supply us with information on the Ruan Clan’s campaign against the Blue-blooded People.”

His words seemed to imply his confidence in Meng Qi’s relationship with the Ruan Clan.

“But I am afraid that the deeper specifics of their plans might not be convenient to be revealed,” Meng Qi grimaced at the conundrum.

Nie Zhi shook his head. “The matter is not of my personal interest. But, as the administrator of the local Six Fan School office, it is my duty to keep myself abreast of everything in case anything turns ugly.”

With a noble pretense to start, Nie Zhi continued again, “For days, the Ruan Clan has assumed a low profile while they have been trying to divine the whereabouts of the lair of the Blue-blooded People. The only movements that we have observed from the clan were the grandmasters of their kin that were sent out to investigate their findings. The lack of information is most vexing.”

“At the same time, there are also several other peculiarities. The Master of the Wang Clan has been taking up residence with the Ruan Clan since he arrived days ago with the Book of Luo, but the Young Master Wang lodges in a Buddhist temple on a hill east of this city and he has kept himself entirely away from the whole affair. On the other hand, He Jiu, the Shapeless Sword and a few of his men are the only other reinforcements that have arrived from the Eastsea Sword Village...”

Nie Zhi finally came to an earnest plea after his long oratory. “I will understand if the information you procure is sensitive and is pertinent to the success of the endeavor, which you may deem unfit to be exposed. I will never begrudge you for it.”

“I will try my best, Uncle.” Meng Qi thought of Ruan Yaoguang’s puzzling demeanor. With rising interest and curiosity, Meng Qi decided to find out more.

Meng Qi already had the perfect candidate that would provide him with answers: the Young Master of the Wang Clan, Wang Siyuan!

Some people have tendencies to “kill and mutilate themselves” while Wang Siyuan, affectionately dubbed as “Trickster Wang” by Meng Qi, has an inclination to “take things too far”. He has always suffered from unstable mental conditions. Thus, Meng Qi decided that he would rely on one of Wang Siyuan’s fits where the latter might provide sound advice for Meng Qi to “break the stalemate” of his calculations.

Nie Zhi left, satisfied with Meng Qi’s answer. Meng Qi sipped on his tea as he pondered further. Suddenly, his senses alerted him of someone approaching. He swiftly rose and went to take a look.

There was a blur before his eyes and a grey figure appeared out of thin air in front of him!

“He had gotten so close to me when I had just noticed his presence coming... What incredible powers...” Meng Qi was wary, fully prepared to defend himself.

He looked at the stranger, a middle-aged monk clad in grey. He looked noble and honest except for his pair of eyes which bespoke cunning and deceitfulness.

“Amitabha. My name is Friar Jie Du. It is good to meet you, Master Su.” He smiled jovially as he recited the Buddhist mantra with his palms clasped.

“Friar Jie Du? Literally, “the monk who refrains from gambling”?” But the similarities shared between his name and that of Priestess Jie Sha had not occurred to him for the name of Friar Jie Du was well-known in the Jianghu!

There were various men of the cloth who roamed the vast lands of the world, commanding formidable powers and strength. But nearly all of them were based from temples or monasteries of prominence that even pilgrim-monks were mostly part of a religious brotherhood. Almost all, except for this one. Friar Jie Du was famous in the martial world for being a true independent warrior monk who aligned with no faction but himself. For this very reason, it was incredible that he has achieved the level of a grandmaster on his own and has been named as one of the powerful martial practitioners of the Terrestrial Rankings.

Despite his modest background, everyone could not help but feel intrigued by his mysteriousness. He came and went freely as he wished and was infamous for being obsessed with gambling. He loved to bet on almost anything and has never won a bet. Once, he was even a mere inches away from losing away his hands in a gamble. He had then vowed before Buddha that he would refrain from gambling, but the pain of his consequences had faded as quickly as they came; he perpetually tumbled back into the same obsession that has continually consumed him despite his newly-adopted Dharmic name of Friar Jie Du.

Normally, a warrior of such flaws would either experience immense difficulties in improving or he would be easily ensnared by traps or malicious schemes of any malevolent foes. Yet, Friar Jie Du has managed to survive the perilous and treacherous rapids of the Jianghu until now with his powers enduringly on the rise; another trait which has contributed to his enigmatic history.

There has been much talk about Friar Jie Du revolving around in the Jianghu. Some speculated that he was a Blue- or Green-stair Assassin of the Unrelenting Tower. Some even guessed that the good friar could be the Lord of the Unrelenting Tower himself, and the name of Friar Jie Du was but a mere cloak of disguise. Yet there were also some who alluded to his close relations with the organization of the Iron-clad Building; that he could be leading one of the three most secretive divisions of the organization. Still, there was only one thing certain about him: great secrets and mysteries swirled around him.

Meng Qi responded with a gesture of respect and asked, “And how can I help you, Friar?”

Friar Jie Du beamed gleefully and said, “I have been informed that you, Master Su, are able to lead anyone into the realm of the Lanke Temple to meditate on and assimilate the Primary Instruction of The Buddha’s Palms. The notion is most enticing to me that I have to come to ask this favor of you.”

“But I am not sure if the Bodhisattva will be pleased if I were to brazenly lead strangers into the Pure Lands of the Lanke Temple.” Meng Qi had planned to lead Ruan Yushu and the rest of his companions there. Too many an intrusion could upset the members of the Lanke Temple even if the Candramurni Bodhisattva were to hold true to her vows. The sourness could be detrimental to his future plans.

Moreover, Meng Qi was, by no means, a close associate of Friar Jie Du. Why should he lead a stranger there?

Again, the monk clasped his hands together, “I have just lost all my fortune in a bet. This makes it difficult for me to provide anything valuable for a trade. I have an idea: let us make a bet. I will be in servitude to you for three years if I lose. But if by the graces of Luck, I were to win, you will take me to the Lanke Temple.”

“A bet... Old habits die hard with this monk, it seems...” Meng Qi giggled and spoke, “And why would I need you? It is disturbing to have somebody trailing my steps day and night.”

Aware that he himself harbored a great many secrets, having a grandmaster following at his heels would never bode well for him. Especially when he could not take a leaf out of Immortal Yunhe’s book and slip into the Gate of Plenitude at will.

Without allowing Friar Jie Du to speak, Meng Qi hastily continued, “Can you kindly reveal the name of the person who had told you that I was allowed entry into the Lanke Temple?”

He would be incessantly harassed if word of this were to escape.

Like a thief, Friar Jie Du looked around sneakily and spoke in a hushed tone, “I share a little friendship with He Qi. It took me great effort to pry the knowledge from him. Rest assured that no one else knows about this.”

“He Qi, ‘the Sword Manic’...” The mention of the name reminded him of He Jiu and a few of his men being the only reinforcements from the Eastsea Sword Village. Meng Qi gave a small laugh, and tried to decline once more, “Let us see what else you have to offer to persuade me, Friar.”

The monk frowned with despair, “But I am so broke that I only have myself to offer...”

He sighed heavily and turned to leave, deeply saddened with disappointment.

Meng Qi watched the grey figure leave, whose shoes scruffily grazed the ground. Leaving the matter aside, Meng Qi returned his thoughts to the entire affair which climax was afoot.


In the residence of the Ruan Clan, He Jiu was deep in meditation on his bed. He opened his eyes suddenly and rose to his feet. With a smile lined across his face, he stepped slowly out of his doors, filled with brimming confidence.

“Where to, Young Master?” His manservant asked sheepishly.

He Jiu laughed loudly and spoke, “I want to challenge Su Meng to a duel.”

“B-but why?” The eyes of the steward widened with surprise.

He Jiu held his hands behind his back. Passionately, he spoke, “I had gained entry into the levels of the Exterior before him by almost a year. Yet here we are now, martial practitioners of equal levels trying to leap into the First Celestial Ladder. I can suffer no more delays; the divide between our powers will widen if I do not catch up. I should use this chance to challenge him to a duel or there might not be any chance for me to do so in the near future!”

“The fight would hardly be of any thrill to either of us in a duel if the gap between our powers widens. It would only be a one-sided match.”

The manservant hastily added kind words of consolation, “Surely the differences will not be great. Even if he has endured the four Judgments of Heaven, you yourself have also endured one, Young Master.”

Without any grudge, He Jiu remarked with a laugh, “I, He Jiu, am hardly a man of such pettiness. It is true that he gains power at a pace greater than mine. Still, there will be somewhere where his progress will slow at a bottleneck. It might be during the levels of the Half-step to the Dharmakaya, the Dharmakaya or even the levels of a Sage. I will continue my relentless strides with steadfastness. There will surely come a day when we can look once more at each other as equals.”

With mere words, He Jiu expressed his utmost confidence.

Saying thus, He Jiu threw his head back in laughter and stepped out of his room, heading straight to the Three-clearness Monastery.

He reached the entrance of the monastery, where a steward who waited there came to him, “Master Su had anticipated your arrival, Master He. Please follow me into the Three-clearness Palace.”

“Very well,” He Jiu replied. He did not suppress his aura as he came, thus he was not surprised that Meng Qi had noticed him coming.

The steward led him through the square of the monastery and into the halls of the Three-clearness Palace. There, what he first noticed were the three statues seated high above.

The statues of the Primogenitor Daode and the Primogenitor Lingbao flanked the sides of the sculpture of the Heavenly Primogenitor. Looking from the left to the right, one would notice a progression from old, to middle-age, and to youth between the three figurines.

The statues of the three deities each held a Ruyi Sceptre, a green-bluish sword, and a drawing with the taiji symbol respectively. Despite not having any magical properties, the life-like statues were fashioned with great detail that one could feel the wisdom, majesty, sophistication, and greatness permeating from the clay figures. Together, the three represented the highest trinity of Taoist, each with a legend of their own. Together, their mere presence would instill fear and respect into anyone who walked the halls.

He Jiu’s breath gradually relaxed. His gaze wandered down from the three impressive statues and came to rest on Meng Qi who was sitting right below them. Clad in fitting robes of black, he was sitting cross-legged with his eyes half-closed as if he was meditating deeply, his demeanor blending in with the tranquility and peace that filled the entire chamber!

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