The Sage Who Transcended Samsara

Chapter 575: The Order of the Jade Virtual Palace

Chapter 575: The Order of the Jade Virtual Palace

Translator: Transn Editor: Transn

Meng Qi, wearing the mask of the Heavenly Primogenitor, reappeared in front of the stronghold of The Immortals, the Azure Palace in the dimension of the Azure Heaven. Like Qu Jiuniang had done before, he went to the chambers within the Palace and looked for the charm that allowed members of the guild to summon their leader, the Primogenitor Lingbao. The stronghold of The Immortals was similar in essence to the Samsara Square of the Dominator of the Realms of the Six Samsara. Members of the order could enter freely but could not stay for long periods of time.

Meng Qi had decided not to go back to the mainland from the Qiao Provinces. Instead, he had opted to directly terminate his mission and return prematurely. This would result in the failure of his task, forfeiting his claim to any prizes, but it was the only way he could return as swiftly as possible without suffering additional delays. The circumstances surrounding the remnants of Mount Kunlun was a great enigma. Meng Qi had thought that the matter could tolerate no delay lest any unwanted twists and changes arise.

Unlike most artifacts and items, Sprite of Herbs was considered a living entity, therefore Meng Qi could not bring the sprite with him in his Space Ring. Instead, he cast a spell to seal its Vital Spirit and placed it in the care of Zhang Yuquan until his return.

Meng Qi had already lost track of time when he finally saw Taoist Chonghe. He was in the raiments of his persona, the “Primogenitor Lingbao”, reappearing directly within the enclosure of the Azure Palace without having to pass through the outer entrances.

The leader listened intently as Meng Qi reported his experience, his gaze distant and still. He had no reaction and kept quiet even after Meng Qi concluded his report, looking as if he was deep in a trance.

Suddenly, Primogenitor Lingbao heaved a long and heavy sigh. “I have long searched through thickets and fen for any bizarre sign, yet until now I have found nothing of any sealed dimensions in the realm itself. It is a great wonder that you are able to detect its existence in just your first visit.”

His voice turned serious. “This could be attributed to the destiny and Karma that you have shouldered with the accession of the Heavenly Golden Scripture. This is too perfect to be considered coincidental.”

He pondered and then spoke again after a brief pause. “The influence of your destiny is too strong. There has been overabundance of fortune, adventure, and Heaven-sent kismet coming your way. Who would have thought that even The Buddha’s Palm Primary Instruction would end up in your hands when you were thousands of miles away from our battlefield while we were all fighting for it? For a practitioner of martial and mystic arts, this might not bode well for you. The unexpected undertakings and the perils that they entail could be overly overwhelming for you. It is beyond your ability and yet it does not belong to you. Just like a rootless tree or a brook without its source, the excessive dependence on it could one day spell your demise.”

Seeing that Meng Qi was unperturbed by his warning, he felt more comfortable to continue speaking. “The most pressing matter at hand is, where did all the encounters and fortunes originate from? Were they pre-destined for you to bear, or was this an intricately devised scheme of one’s planning?”

“Thank you for your advice, Master Primogenitor,” Meng Qi said reverently, cupping one hand in the other before his chest. “I have long been aware of this. I have been in anguish wondering about it, searching for means to prevent it and to safeguard myself if and when the time comes.” Meng Qi acknowledged the counsel of the Master Primogenitor with a calm steadiness.

Meng Qi had been tense as a taut bowstring ever since his many encounters, his senses tingling with alarm. The counsel of the Heaven-destined Cultivator and Master Lu, the incidents involving the small jade joss and the Buddha’s Lamp which were once in his possession, and the most recent episode of the Buddha’s Palm had rattled him greatly, warning him that fatal perils and risks came hand-in-hand with such purported coincidences!

Unsurprisingly, Meng Qi was hardly shaken by the warnings of Primogenitor Lingbao.

“You are aware. Good.” The Master Primogenitor was relieved. “Have you found any means to safeguard yourself thus far?”

Sensing his opportunity, Meng Qi quickly said, “Since the risks come from both Destiny and Karma, I have decided that the conundrum can only be solved in the same way. I have amassed and studied mystic arts that involve Karma, and I have finally grasped a cursory mastery of the Fruits of Karma technique. Still, the technique has deep engrossments with Ananda, the Monster Saint and other entities which I may not yet know of. I plan to continue my search of other disciplines or techniques that will increase my harness of Karma to study the Seed of All Karma and integrate my understandings with the Fruits of Karma to create my own saber discipline which would allow me to sever all Karmic burdens to free myself!”

“That is a good way to proceed. It is a pity that the Skythrowing Palms and the Wu-Ji and Yin-Yang Seals do not necessitate command over Karma. Otherwise, the complexities of the Seed of All Karma itself would have been able to help with the blade stroke of Karma of your own creation.” The Primogenitor Lingbao spoke with earnest before he fell into another of his mumbling fits. “Still, there might be other mystic arts and techniques concerning Karma as well...”

Really? Indeed? Meng Qi watched the Primogenitor Lingbao with widened eyes.

The Primogenitor Lingbao recovered from his daze. “I am not well-versed in the techniques and disciplines of such natures, but I shall be on the lookout in the future.”

“You have my most sincere thanks, Master Primogenitor,” Meng Qi said gratefully, his hand clasped upon the fist of the other as he bowed gratefully.

Without further ado, Primogenitor Lingbao held Meng Qi by his shoulder and with his other arm, he pointed into the space in front of them.

A crack appeared before them – a crack of space and dimension. Bright light poured out from it, enveloping them in pure white before drawing them into the void. Meng Qi felt as if he was passing through various barriers of fluidic nature whilst they traversed through gloom and chaos.

Primogenitor Lingbao had elected to force an entry!


The “Primogenitor Lingbao” and the “Heavenly Primogenitor”, both in the masks of their persona, appeared in a lush valley covered in rolling, green sea of trees.

The Sprite of Herbs was there to greet them. Glancing timidly at the Primogenitor Lingbao, its leaves quivered with fright as it spoke. “Here lies the first barrier of the seal.” He pointed to the valley before them.

The Primogenitor Lingbao projected his aura and powers. A rush of energy poured like the strong waves of a sea. He cast a few spells and observed, yet nothing happened.

“I cannot find the barrier,” he said calmly, looking at the Sprite of Herbs.

The sprite shivered with fear and babbled. “I-if you do not have the token of authority... O-only the true heir of the Jade Virtual Palace can see... if... if he channels his powers using the techniques of the Line of the Jade Virtual Palace! The Heavenly Golden Script, the Eight Nine Mysteries technique or the Guangcheng Designs would do!”

The Eight Nine Mysteries? Meng Qi was worried that the Heavenly Golden Script that he mastered was lacking in essence to the true and complete mastery that only the true heirs of the Line of the Jade Virtual Palace of Mount Kunlun would have. Seeing as the sprite had mentioned the Eight Nine Mysteries, he could safely channel his powers using the Eight Nine Mysteries to fully simulate the effects of the true Heavenly Golden Script in order not to be branded a pretender to the legacy of the Line of Mount Kunlun.

The aura of the most ancient and harsh poured from his body. A shade of gloom descended around them, simulating the events of the Primordial Creation.

As if on cue, a faint glow of gold shone before them. A golden entrance finally appeared.

“I see. There really is a seal,” said Primogenitor Lingbao with mixed emotions.

Light of intense radiance shimmered like the ripples of water when Meng Qi and the Primogenitor Lingbao walked through the entrance together. Another valley, one that was richer in life and vigor, opened before them.

Lusher trees, gnarled and old, stretched with audacity into the skies. Thick shrubbery, bizarre flowers that bloomed healthily, as well as trunks of thick and strong vines blanketed the verdant valley as the robust fertility of Nature manifested itself before their eyes.

“Master, only we of the Line of Mount Kunlun have the privilege to come here. None of the earlier intruders would have amounted to anything!” The Sprite of Herbs exclaimed boisterously with pride.

Indifferent to the flattery, Meng Qi flatly asked, “Where is the next layer of the barrier?”

The Sprite of Herbs hurried forward, leading Meng Qi and the Primogenitor Lingbao onward. They passed a field where numerous ginseng and lingzhi mushrooms thrived. At length, they came before an ancient stone stele. A mottled old headstone that bore the hallmarks of the decay of time and the abuse of weather.

Once again, Meng Qi used the technique of the Eight Nine Mysteries to simulate the effects of the Heavenly Golden Script and unseal the barrier with hardly any difficulty. Like before, a golden door appeared before them.

“As expected, there are levels of barriers that extend deep within...” Primogenitor Lingbao faintly whispered beside him while Meng Qi was still filled with amazement.

What has happened? Meng Qi’s eyes fell on the stone slab.

The stone stele had no aura of that most exotic minerals and produce emit nor a hint of the Dharma and Logos of Nature, as if it was but a mere piece of ordinary rock. Upon it was the simple engraving of an ancient seal script.

“No flowers or herbs of magical and exotic properties of this realm shall achieve sentience.”

What the... Meng Qi’s eyes opened wide as an inexplicable dread crept into him.

The sight that greeted him would not have struck him with such eeriness if he had seen the words under different circumstances. He would have dismissed it as a mere statement on a memorial plaque if not for the fact that, as the Sprite of Herbs had said, save for a few herbs that had originated from Mount Kunlun, no flora of the surroundings around them had been able to achieve sentience!

Was the inscription a prediction, or was it a written rule?

“Have you noticed anything peculiar, Master Primogenitor?” Meng Qi asked, glancing at the companion at his side.

The Primogenitor Lingbao shook his head in reply. “Nothing. I did not detect any sign of magic or or the channeling of any energies of Nature. The rock seemed ordinary.”

Such a mysterious seal! The fact that the stone stele held no secrets was the greatest enigma of all!

Both of them glared at the Sprite of Herbs. The sprite stammered with fright. “I-I don’t know either!”

iThey decided to dismiss the matter for the moment. They walked through the door only to find a large tract of land spread out before them. It was a barren landscape of rocks and stones before them. Not a single weed was found, not even a trace of life. Only a stone stele was present, identical to the headstone they had seen before. A similarly simple inscription was upon it.

“No living entities from this realm would ever pass the First Celestial Ladder.”

What! Horror struck Meng Qi, leaving him quivering with shock as he and the Primogenitor Lingbao exchanged terrified looks.

Indeed, no one from this realm had truly stepped across the hurdles of the First Celestial Ladder! At best, a handful of them were able to display similar prowess and powers through various forms of chicanery.

The Primogenitor Lingbao could not help but feel that something was off though he could not put his finger on it. The stone stele stood simply before them and the engravings upon them were not cast with any enchantment, yet they were like absolute rules or horrifying curses that had been forced upon the realm itself!

Could it be that everything in this realm had suffered restrictions imposed on them by the words inscribed on these rocks? And none had been spared by these seemingly absolute rules?

It would be truly terrifying if that was indeed the case!

What are these powers that this legendary entity had wielded? Absolute domination of the most fundamental aspects of a realm just by mere words!

There was silence for a while. They did not know how to react to the staggering epiphany. Not even the Sprite of Herbs dared to break the silence. Behind the stone slab, another doorway of gold beckoned to them.

They passed through the door and a large empty field opened before them. Nothing grew on the barren land. Only another stone stele, the third of the headstones that they have encounter thus far, could be found. Upon this stele was an inscription.

“This realm is blessed with rich and robust Vital Qi and the abundance of exotic minerals and produce. Yet, the levels of powers of the inhabitants of this realm as well as the crafts of forging of artifacts or weapons are lacking in depth and quality.”

And so they once again witnessed another bold and shocking statement that perfectly described the status quo of the realm like it was a pre-arranged rule!

Was this a mystical Taoist technique which was used to make wishes come true? Or was this a sacred decree by the Heaven Sovereign?

Quietly, Meng Qi and the Primogenitor Lingbao surveyed and studied the stone stele, each wondering about its origins and the secrets that it held. Yet, like an ordinary stone, just like the stone slabs they had encountered earlier, the headstone showed no sign of magical enchantment or tampering.

They walked into another golden door behind the stele. This time, they found themselves before a building. A chamber or a hall of moderate size. In front of the structure, another stele stood. Upon it were words that bore the same tone of indifference.

“There is a part of the ocean that is perpetually turbulent with endless storms of lightning and squalls of merciless winds. Perils await, with hidden vortices and devastating cracks of space and dimension. Sea passage is only open for three months out of the year, after which the routes would be closed off on both sides.”

Meng Qi’s mind was further confused by the inscription on the stone stele. He was certain of one thing though: the messages were like programming protocols set and established by a programmer for a “domain” that he had created!

The god that had once created this realm?

“But not at the earliest beginning of this realm,” said the Primogenitor Lingbao suddenly, continuing Meng Qi’s line of thoughts as if they had shared the same suspicion. He had been silent while he made observations of his own. “These steles look younger in age than the origins of this realm. Somebody placed them here as markers of “Rules” which were thereafter imposed upon this realm.”

By studying the characters used in the inscribed messages he had deduced that the age of the steles was a bit “younger” than the mountains and hills of the realm.

A set of Rules imposed at a later time? But why... Meng Qi was filled with doubt. Still, the great powers of the entity that had erected the steles was evident: all peculiarities of the realm were the designs of the powerful entity whose identity was still a mystery.

They passed through more doorways of gold and stone steles, passing room after room that gradually became smaller as they went further. At length, they reached a tiny room. There was another headstone in the center, and upon it was another inscription which bore the same light and serene tone.

“This place can only be entered by those who possess the skills of the Heavenly Golden Script, the Eight Nine Mysteries, the Guangcheng Designs, the Nine Revolving Mystic Kung Fu, or a token of authority.”

They had not felt nor sensed the existence of any formation that might have forbidden their entry if they had not fulfilled the requirements. Yet everything thus far had been exactly as stated by the inscriptions on the stone steles, like they were the most supreme set of rules that overrides all others in the realm!

“This is not dissimilar to the deep and heavy mysteriousness when I first found the Azure Palace.” The Primogenitor Lingbao was emotional.

Another door awaited behind the stone stele. By their reckoning, this should be the last. They held their breaths, bracing for surprises, and then walked through the door warily with the Sprite of Herbs in tow.

It was only a small space, just a few meters wide. An identical stone stele stood before them. There was no inscription of identical nature to the set of Rules that they had encountered earlier. The stone was empty save for a small engraving on the bottom left corner. A simple declaration of a name.

“Yang Jian of the Jade Virtual Palace”!

Yang Jian? The one whom they also called Yang Erlang? The Lord of Purity and Magic? Meng Qi froze, his eyes wide with shock!

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