
Chapter 109 Welcome To The Union.

Dragons, Demons, Elves, Dwarves, Humans and a Vampire, these people now lived together, fending off against Star Beasts and surviving.

Since there were more people now, hunting became a lot easier.

They now hunted in groups.

And since the problem of food was dealt with, life became easier for them as well.

There were also some times when a bunch of beasts would come where they live and attack them, however, since all these races worked together, defeating these beasts wasn\'t very hard.

These people knew, together, they were safe, ate enough, had enough rest and all in all,

They were content.

10 years passed by.

Since their survival was now ensured, as intelligent races, these people now aimed for growth.

The first thing they improved among themselves was the way they talked.

Usually, they would only let out grunts and laughs and use expressions, and hand gestures to talk and understand each other, however, they soon realized that it was inefficient.

Especially when they were fighting against beasts, they can\'t focus on their allies since they don\'t have that much time to see and interpret what their ally was trying to say.


They came up with an idea to use their mouth.

They then started using certain words and communicated with each other with their mouths.

The more they used these basic words, the more convenient things got and the more they started liking them, thus, more words were made.

And years after years, a language was made.

Now, they don\'t need to \'see\' what their ally was talking about, all they needed to do was, \'hear\', this was a lot easier.

The use of hand gestures and expressions stopped.

However, not everything that happened in these last 10 years was good.

Since they were intelligent and do not move on instincts, distinctions were made.

There were 2 Dragons, 42 Demons, 6 Elves, 6 Dwarves, 2 Humans and 1 Vampire.

Demons were the strongest.

Demons possessed something that they named, \'Ability\'

One could produce Dark Mist that could Devour everything,

One could possess Star Beast\'s Body.

One had the ability to mould Star Beats\' Body as much as they want and even force it to burst apart.

And more and more.

Out of those 42 Demons, only two demons had the same ability. That meant that these demons had 21 different abilities.

Of course, some abilities were absurdly strong, and some were weak, however, in the end, since they were more in number and were strong even if they fought individually, Demons became the most dominant group in Union.

Yes, Union, this was what these races named their group.

After the Demons, came the 2 Dragons.

Dragons were huge and strong.

Although there were only 2, they possessed incredible strength and high body defence. Damaging the Dragons was hard.

They were complete monsters.

Also, the Dragons had something they called \'Fire Breath.\'

This wasn\'t something unique, as the name suggested, they could shoot flames from their mouth and these flames were searingly hot.

After Dragons, there was Vampire.

Azriel, although there was only 1 Vampire, no one dared to look down on him.

He was the strongest out of all these people present here.

Unlike demons, who had one Ability, he had many.

He termed them, \'Skills\'

Not only that, but this man also had high regeneration that seems to be getting stronger in time. Even if his limb gets chopped off, it doesn\'t take time for it to return to normal.

He was a complete monster.

Therefore, he walked around the Union without anyone daring to stop him.

He was the strongest after all.

After Vampire, came Elves.

They were good with Magic and controlled different Elements. Their teamwork was good as well and they killed Star Beasts efficiently.

Dwarves and Humans were the weakest of them all.

Dwarves\' short frame doesn\'t allow them to fight more and humans don\'t seem to have any speciality.

However, no one said anything to dwarves, although they were weak, they knew how to build things.

Those 6 shorties were the ones who build a place for everyone to live in, except for the dragons, of course, they were also the ones who made that wall that protected them.

Not only that, but they even built lots of traps that help when the Beast Tide attacks a Union.

Dwarves also built weapons and interesting items for Union members to use.

All in all, Dwarves were valuable.

Humans, on the other hand, weren\'t.

Therefore, those two humans were forced to do miscellaneous things.

Since the Union members were trying to upgrade their lifestyle now, cleanliness was the thing they like the most.

​ Therefore, humans were forced to clean, then, they were made to look and mine for resources so dwarves could make interesting items.

However, this did not mean that humans were treated poorly, in the end, they were members of the Union as well, therefore, they were given adequate rest and although there were some shooting disdainful looks at them, everyone still treated those two humans well.

"Everyone! Get up! A beast tide! Beasts are attacking us!"

While everyone was eating cooked meat while sitting around the fire, a Demon rushed back and warned.

"Huh?" Azriel frowned.

"But this isn\'t the time yet, there are still 60 moons left…" the Male Dragon muttered.

"Alright, whatever! It\'s not like they can win against us.

Our traps would kill them before they could even make it here!


A Dwarf laughed.

A small smile appeared on Azriel\'s face and he shook his head,

"Alright, let\'s not waste any time. We shall end this battle as quickly as possible."

"I agree."


All 61 beings stood up and walked in the direction of the Beast tide.

They were strong, they were sure of their victory, however, that didn\'t mean they would let their guard down.

Even if it was a small Beast Tide, they would still use all their strength to deal with it.

After all, things will end faster that way.

These 61 beings then stood on top of the walls and looked at the Beasts who were rushing towards them.

There weren\'t many, most probably 100 and they didn\'t look so strong either, this battle was going to be an easy one.

An excited smile appeared on Azriel\'s face, he raised his hand, and a Big Blood Spear was formed.

Seeing that Spear, the Beasts paused and then, a Lion-like Beast, who was leading the Beast tide, opened his mouth.

"Stop, we are not here to fight."

Azriel and the other frowned.

This was the language they had created.

How did that Beast learn it?

"We are the same as you, we are not like those Beasts who walk around and move with instincts, we can think and plan as well."

As if proving what he said, the Lion picked up a stone with his mouth and threw it in front of him.

As soon as the Stone touched the ground, sharp Earth Spikes were shot out of the Ground and the Dwarves raised their eyes in surprise.

"We also know that this wasn\'t the only Trap you have placed here." The Lion muttered.

"How do you know our language?" Azriel questioned.

"We have been watching you for many years now, we picked it up from you." The Lion answered.

"What do you want?" A demon questioned.

"We don\'t want to live with those Idiots, we want to join your Union." The Lion answered.

Azriel, however, wasn\'t very sure.

"You are Beasts, how can we trust you?"


The Lion paused and then, it sighed.

It then stepped forward and then, its body began to change.

The Lion turned into a Man who now stood on Two legs, had 2 arms, and although he still had his ears and tail, he didn\'t look like a Beast at all.

Similar to him, the Beasts following him changed their appearance as well.

"It this better now?" The Lion questioned.


Azriel turned silent.

They were different from other Beasts, he could feel that as well.

However, they were still enemies.

"How can we trust you? What if you backstab us?" It seemed that the Dragon had the same worry and he questioned.

"We get nothing out of it." The Lion answered.

"Huh? The Beasts get to get rid of troublesome enemies, there are a lot of things you can get out of it."

Azriel muttered.

The Lion shook his head and chuckled,

"You really think those \'things\' could come up with a plan like that?"

"…" Azriel turned silent.

"Also, I do not want to disrespect you people, but if those Beasts actually wanted to get rid of you,

There is nothing you could do about it.

You will be helpless and you know it as well."

The Lion muttered and Azriel\'s face turned cold.

However, he knew it was the truth.

There were many Beasts who could destroy this \'base\' they had created without much trouble.

These Beasts, however, were territorial and doesn\'t leave their territory.

That is the only reason their base stands strong.

"I agree with him, I think we should let them join us." The Dragon turned towards Azriel and muttered.

"Indeed, we would get more manpower as well." A Demon who only had one eye nodded his head as well.

"Alright, I agree." Azriel shrugged.

Then, he turned towards the Lion and smiled,

"Welcome to the Union."

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