
Chapter 293 - 292 - Proper Welcome

Chapter 293 - 292 - Proper Welcome

Point-of-View: Belia Lasmodeus


Okay, that didn\'t go great...I mean, it was fun, but he definitely came out on top in that negotiation. Sure, I learned that they\'d used a Chaos Magic spell to subdue the Water Spirit...but now that I think about it, I should have been able to figure that out myself, it seems so obvious now. I always planned on giving him the information about Sant, so that part was fine, but...what is with this Chaos Magic spell!?

Why in the hell can\'t I unravel it!? It\'s utilizing a method I\'m unfamiliar with...has Diablo come up with a completely new method to forming Chaos Magic spells? I...I can\'t even begin to grasp so much as the basic concept of this new method, I feel like an infant trying to read the alphabet for the first time, without any guidance!

This is insanely powerful...if he uses this method to form a brainwashing spell and uses it on anyone...they\'d likely never be able to break free of the brainwashing. This is more than simply fine-tuning the Chaos Magic creation method, this is a level beyond that.

He could have seriously crippled me if he wanted to...but like he said, he and I now share a lot of the same enemies, so it\'d be in his best interest to keep me around as a threat to the Rustlands and to Sant\'s forces. Wait, he said he got the idea to cast the spell on me after I mentioned that Sant had blocked me from spying on him...Diablo was seriously able to create a spell this powerful in those few minutes?

Heh...no doubt about it, I definitely ended on the losing side of that conversation. At times there, it felt like he was starting to understand how my mind works...I don\'t like that. And that\'s exactly what makes him such an enthralling opponent!

Now, then...I think it\'s high time I pay a certain someone a visit, it would be rude to not give him a proper welcome, after all...


Point-of-View: Kuro Black


"...she\'s kinda dumb for someone who\'s been around for over a thousand five hundred years, huh?" Remarked Az, as Belia left, "I mean, it was like she didn\'t even have a pl-."

"YESSS!!!" I exclaimed triumphantly, pumping my fist in the air.

"Wha-...hey, don\'t yell so suddenly, you really startled me, Kuro," Muttered Az with a frown.

"Oh, sorry, dude...but this is perfect, we no longer have to worry about her Observation Magic, that\'s huge! And she may be immune to the intruder-killing barrier, but her troops aren\'t, and you\'ve made it so that the barrier will immediately re-form if broken, so it can\'t be nullified for more than, like, a second. I\'m concerned about that burst of power she briefly displayed, but we won\'t have to worry about suffering any attacks in the same way that the Rustlands did," I summed up with a grin, "That went pretty well, huh?"

"Yeah, it did...but can\'t she break free of Chaos Magic spells? And it doesn\'t look like any severe toll was taken on you, so was the spell you used all that powerful-?" He began to inquire.

"Oh, I\'m just hiding it, I\'m genuinely in a lot of pain right now," I replied sheepishly, "I\'m good at bearing it, but man, this is still pretty rough. As for whether she can break free of the spell...let me check with an expert..."

What\'s the verdict, Diablo? How likely is she to break free of the spell?

"Highly unlikely. Remember the spell I made to overwrite a Demon\'s consciousness and brainwash them into thinking that they\'re the original host of the body? Well, as you know, it took a lot of trial and error...and the result was me discovering an entirely new method for Chaos Magic spell creation. A more refined and solid method that\'s all but impossible to break out of. Naturally, it takes a more severe toll than the original method, as you\'ve experienced. I\'m confident that Belia isn\'t capable of unraveling it, it\'s a completely different concept...kinda like how the rules of Alchemy were different in FMA and FMAB, but a lot more extreme-."

Alright, I get the gist of it, thanks, Diablo.

"Sure, no prob! And you know what, it actually feels kinda good to create a spell that she can\'t break out of!"

Yeah, I bet, considering that she created you.

"Well? You\'ve been silent for a while, you good?" Inquired Az, snapping me out of my internal conversation.

"Huh? Oh, yeah...we\'re good, it\'s highly unlikely that Belia will be able to break free of the spell I hit her with, so no worries," I replied, giving him a thumbs up.

"Well, that\'s good, I guess."

"Yeah...but we\'ve still got a lot of concerns," I sighed wistfully, "I definitely don\'t see things getting peaceful any time soon..."


Point-of-View: Belia Lasmodeus


"Hey, Sant! It\'s been so, so long, how are ya!?" I greeted with a grin, walking through a portal.

He hasn\'t changed at all...still had the same head of longish, thick, flowing white hair, along with the matching white beard and mustache, and the same muscular body, along with the white feathered wings and golden halo...well, it\'s not like my appearance has changed, so it\'s not exactly surprising that he looks the same too.

Same red leather armor with white fur around the cuffs, shoulders, collar, waist and the bottom of his trousers. Oh, his four flying deer-like creatures are also still alive...those things were a gift to him from Samsara, they seemed to be immortal like us too, having also been created using Divine Magic like we were.

Tch, I never got a gift from that bastard...though to be fair, the real reason for that gift was to try and encourage me to stop being more chaotic...but it only made me feel spiteful about the whole thing and I just ended up doubling down on my chaos. Ah, good times...

"Belia...what is it that you want? And why are you talking like that?" Came the reply, as the nearby guards surrounded and brandished their weapons at me.

Ahh, I see some Elves, Halflings and Dwarves...it\'s been such a long time since I\'ve seen any of these races. Wow, I think I\'m feeling all nostalgic here...

"Hmph, more like why are you still talking the same as you did over a thousand years ago? Ugh, I forgot how boring you are," I sighed in exasperation.

I found him by using Observation Magic on members of the other races...if my Observation Magic failed in a certain area, that\'d mean that he was there. Right there is what makes Kuro a vastly more exciting opponent...

Kuro made sure that I wouldn\'t be able to spy on so much as a grain of sand in his entire nation, and even when any of his citizens leave the place, I won\'t be able to spy on any of them either. Meanwhile, Sant, with Divine Magic at his disposal, cast a spell on me that was a lot more narrow-sighted, he didn\'t see the bigger picture.

Still...his lack of chaotic drive doesn\'t exactly make him an opponent that can be taken lightly, he\'s still extremely powerful and commands the loyalty of many...I\'d say close to five million, approximately speaking, there were definitely at least a million each of the four races under his command.

In comparison, there are about five and a half million humans remaining in this world, but they\'re all split up, of course...the Rustlands has about half of those, three million people including the survivors from Bronztan...Silvland\'s remaining population currently stands at a little over one and a half million, and as for Abyss...including the humans used as cattle for the Vampires, they have a human population of about nine hundred thousand and a bit.

"What do you want, Belia? Why expend nearly all your remaining Divine Magic to return my people and I to the world? I fail to see how it would benefit you," He remarked with a frown.

"Ugh, of course you don\'t, that\'s just how boring you are, my reasons are obvious," I replied, rolling my eyes, "And besides, you don\'t have much more Divine Magic remaining than I do...well, now, it looks like splitting a fifth of the planet, making it float while invisible and undetectable for over a thousand years took more Divine Magic than I\'d assumed it did...even with your unlimited Restoration Magic, you don\'t seem nearly as unkillable as you used to be."

"You have not changed, I see, even if the way you speak has," He replied, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Sheesh, would you just get over that part? It\'s been over a thousand fucking years already!" I exclaimed in exasperation...ugh, this isn\'t working, he\'s just as hard to provoke as ever...in that case...I turned to the guards around me with a smirk and added, "Well, how nice this is...I haven\'t seen any of your kinds in centuries, this is fun! So, tell me...you all were separated from the freaking planet just because you, very rightfully, wanted revenge...but hey, after a thousand years, I\'m sure those grudges are now long dead and buried, am I right-?"

"Tch, never! Not until every last human is long dead and buried!" Snapped an Elf, his bow trembling as he shook with fury.

Murmurs of agreement echoed around from the other guards...it\'s been over a thousand years, all these races have much longer lifespans than humans do, but with the exception of Fairies, none of the other races live much longer than nine hundred years...which means that all the Elves, Dwarves and Halflings from back then are long dead. And yet, they\'ve passed down their hatred of the humans very, very nicely indeed...

"Enough. The humans of today have no connection to their ancestors that committed those horrendous acts...we will not attack them simply for being descendants of enemies from dozens of generations ago...humans barely live for even a single century, after all," Spoke up Sant, quietening them down.

"I see, I see, that\'s so noble of you all!" I exclaimed with a mock smile, before adding with a slight smirk, "You know what? I think I just might bring the humans under my command here for a friendly visit...I mean, what could possibly go wrong, am I right? I\'ll see you later, Sant...sooo great to see you again."

And with that friendly parting message, I opened myself a portal and left, a hint of a frown appearing on his face as I did...hah, yes! I did it, I wore out his patience and annoyed him!

Now, then...I think I\'ll give the humans of the Rustlands a longer break from my attacks, don\'t want to become too repetitive, after all! Not to mention that the Rustlands still has a ways to go before their defenses are even remotely solid. And Abyss is still getting on its feet, attacking them now is far too early.

And besides...Sant and the four races under him have returned to the world after more than a thousand years...like I said before, it\'d be rude not to give them a proper welcome...


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