
Chapter 288 - Everything Must Come An End Eventually!

"We have nothing left to teach you." The seven lords looked at Elliot as if they were looking at a sponge that could suck in whatever knowledge they threw towards it.

A total of 2 years and 11 months have passed since Elliot started living in the celestial Mountain. He had managed to learn seven different professions. Elliot knew how to use the sword, saber, and puppets! He also knew how to brew celestial wine, the best of the best, create magic formations, one that could stop ten million being on their track and kill a million of them in the blink of an eye. Talisman and machines of mass destruction and endless uses, he could also make. All in all, he was a living, breathing, and walking source of such great knowledge that even if the entire human race gets destroyed, leaving behind only him and a female human, then he would have no difficulty in recreating a creation that would become more glorious than the present-day human civilization in merely ten thousand years!

Elliot looked at the seven lords who looked like they had seen their ancestors and said, "I know."

After saying that, he closed the book and rubbed his temple. The last few years had been a hard drill. He was always reading a book, if not holding it. He went to the toilet with a book, took a dump with a book, and even slept in the same bed with one for more than several hundred days. Now, seeing books was a grueling sight for him, and he never wanted to come across one ever again!

Yet, he was still in a library?


To read the last book out of more than a hundred thousand!

Yes, the book in his hand was the very last one!

After flipping through it, he closed the last book in his hand, placed it on the table, stood up, and left the library with a hundred thousand one hundred and eleven books.

[You\'ve read and memorized all the books in the celestial library!]

[You\'ve gained the title Heavenly Scholar!]

[Title Name: Heavenly Scholar!]

[Description: You\'ve earned this title after gaining enough knowledge to build a Galactic civilization on your shoulders and a woman.

[Effect: +5000 increase in energy capacity!]

The moment the door of the library closed, his outstanding achievement helped him gain a massive boost in his energy capacity!

His total energy capacity increased to 10000 units. He had four celestial channels and two energy channels, giving him 4200 units of energy capacity. Then his body had improved so much by eating one pill after another in this dream-like world that he could store 700 units of energy in it. Moreover, the newly obtained title increased his capacity by another 5000! The amount of essence of life he could hold in his divine soul matrix was endless, though, and he had more than 1 million units of it.

"The only thing I can\'t get my head around is how real this world is. Will the improvement I made in this imaginary world be real and affect my original body? Had all the pills and things I\'ve acquired in this place remain with me once the illusion breaks and my consciousness returns to my body? I have already learned everything this place had to offer. Why hadn\'t the illusion ended? When will I get to go back? Do I need three years to pass before I can return home? That actually seems like a valid point." Elliot said while strolling through a road with cherry trees on both sides.

It was beautiful scenery. Gentle winds occasionally blow, causing the leaves to rustle and petals to fall to the rocky ground, decorating it in a light-hearted pink. The sky above looked enchanting as it was half blue and half-covered with white clouds.

Elliot was walking on this road alone, enjoying the picturesque scenery, feeling a bit homesick but also feeling something else. How long will he be able to enjoy his stay here? Not for long, that was for sure.

One or two months later, the time formation will come to an end. Then, the time flow of planet Xavier would become equal to the time flow of the housing area of the ancient civilization of the spirit race.

"When that happens, I need to return to my world, my reality!" Elliot said, then sighed, his mood dimming. He made many friends and relations in this fake world, but everything felt too real. Elliot felt as if he was at home, as if the celestial Mountain was his family. However, it was all an illusion that he also knew. And eventually, it would come to an end.

"When your heart feels conflicted, chug a jar of wine and sing a poem. All worries of us people are nothing more than a dream. Cloud your mind, release your worries from your heart by using your mouth, and you\'ll forget it."

Remembering the words of the carefree Wine Lord, Elliot decided to get drunk! On his body, there were eight rings. Each one contained knowledge and items belonging to different professions. The most important ones were the first and the fourth ones. The first one had wine in it and the fourth, pills! From the fourth inter-spatial ring, he took out a wine that could make even him drunk and started chugging it.

After a while, he got so drunk that he became inspired by his surroundings and situation and ended up creating a poem!

"Thousands of petals covered the land too light, resting on them for a thousand nights. A magnificent sky too far away, too clear and too white. Sitting below it, a man whose thousands of nights were naught but a mere dream. Dream of a thousand days, eventually it shall come to an end, an end one heart wants, and an end one heart doesn\'t want. A man of two worlds too lonely, too sad. Happy memories; sad memories; lovers and friends; one\'s mother and father; One day, everything shall come to an end." Elliot sang the poem that he made on the spot with a melancholic look on his face.

"What are you mumbling about like a child?" A familiar voice came behind him.

So his godly poem, a skill that he had picked up from the wine lord, was merely the mumbles of a child? Who said that?!

Elliot, who had a red flush on his face, signifying he was as good as an intoxicated bastard, turned around to curse at the person, only to end up with his words stuck in his throat.

The one behind him was no one but his teacher, a person he liked. To use words to define their relation, then he was the fatherly figure Elliot was missing from his life.

Which bastard son would curse his father? Only an ungrateful dog can do that!

Elliot showed him a smile and said, "Teacher! Come, let\'s enjoy the view and drink wine, ah."

The Pill Emperor sighed, "That\'s why I tried so hard to stop you from making the wine lord your acquaintance. See, he taught you how to become drunk under the sun!"

"Hahaha," Laughter came from behind as the Wine Lord joined Elliot drinking wine. "What\'s pure is mine to corrupt. You taught him the responsibility of life, and this lord taught him how to enjoy it."

"Two sides of the same coin. One must know the joy of life and not only its responsibilities." Elliot added with a laugh.

"Ah, whatever!" Pill Emperor also decided to go for it and sat beside Elliot.


At that very moment, the world cracked, and the illusion came to an end!

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