
Chapter 271 - Third & Fourth Mechanism Of The Dark Book!

[You\'ve killed all the monsters and escaped the dark battlefield.]

[The dark book has determined that you\'ve broken through the second mechanism in the shortest amount of time. Thus you\'ve gained 280 skill essence.]

Elliot found himself sitting in front of the table as those notifications rang in his mind.

He saw that his skill essence was now more than enough to upgrade his demonic-ranked technique to the intermediate level. So, he didn\'t hesitate to push the button and level it up.

[You\'ve consumed 200 skill essence to upgrade your demonic ranked technique!]

[It has now reached the intermediate level!]

It took only an instant for him to get a better understanding of discharging energy out of his body, using it to invade the point in the surrounding areas, and using both of them to shatter living and non-living things into thousands of shards, making it seem like they were made not out of flesh and blood but out of glass.

"The perverted level of my technique has increased by 1!" Elliot said in admiration of his demonic-ranked skill.

"2000 skill essence? To upgrade the demonic-ranked technique to the special rank, I need ten times the amount of skill essence I used to upgrade it to the intermediate level! What a ripoff."

Poor boy Elliot couldn\'t help but feel pained in his heart.

He only had around 100 skill essence left, which was a far cry from what he needed to upgrade the fearsome technique.

If other people knew that he was crying even after learning a demonic-ranked technique to the intermediate-level in a single sitting, then they would\'ve pulled out a pie and creamed his face! It was nigh impossible to even understand such a high-grade technique in a year. Also, most people had failed to comprehend this technique even after they spent their entire life on it. The ones who did had done it after spending a significant amount of years understanding the mechanism! Yet, Elliot learned half of the techniques in like what, less than a day? And he still had the guts to cry even though he did better than many high-level civilizations combined!

Elliot flipped to the following two pages. The last four pages were left, and he intended to break the mechanism the creator put in them, too, as he wanted to gain some more skill essence.

The mechanism of the fifth and the sixth page was far more hardcore compared to the previous one. The dark book sent his consciousness to a dungeon-type world. He found himself above a floating rock with a void around it. There were four perverted towering at the edges of the floating stone. Each of them had a lid as tall as him. They opened and came out dozens of spider-like machines. He reflected in their artificial red-eyes, and they immediately charged towards him.

"Why must it be spiders? I hate spiders!" Elliot shouted out, revealing that even he found some things revolting.

He didn\'t hesitate before using what he had just learned.

After he put the intermediate-level of the demonic-ranked technique in play, something so shocking happened that even he found his throat turning dry and felt his eyes widening.

All the spider crawlers that had a thick defensive shell on top of them broke apart into hundreds of shards as if they were so fragile that a mere gust of wind caused them to shatter.

"Who created this technique? Whoever the hell he is, I don\'t want to fight him, and I definitely don\'t want to get on his bad side."

Elliot was sure that the creator of this technique was a mass pervert who got off from face-flapping civilization and pulverizing planets. This technique was too overwhelming, so its creator got to be even stronger than him. He didn\'t want to fight such a person as he knew that there was no chance he would chance against said person.

Elliot had just gotten rid of the spider when the four giant constructs around him gave birth to new spider babies!

"Ah, I see how it is."

Elliot understood that the four giant constructs could spawn mechanical monsters endlessly. To put an end to this endless cycle, he needed to destroy them.

Elliot made his move. What did he do? He shattered everything, from the spider crawlers to their birthing machines, into numerous shards. He directly dismantled things that even mountain pulverizing war machines couldn\'t deal damage to, ah!

He broke the third mechanism, which according to the creator, was only so hard to break that any person who manages to do so would get only 500 skill essence.

Well, what he got this time was still more than both the previous two times combined.

But he was still a far cry from 2000 skill essence.

"Hopefully, breaking the fourth mechanism will net me enough to upgrade the demonic-ranked technique to the special rank."

Elliot was pretty optimistic about his future.

What he didn\'t know was that whoever created this technique intentionally made the fourth mechanism so hard to break that no one would be able to clear it.

Many things made it impossible to clear. The first was that a person needed to destroy mechanical armies birthing constructs in eight different areas. Each area had four of them. All of them could produce an unlimited number of monsters. Every twenty seconds, a giant construct would generate a wave of monsters. That meant that if a person took a minute to reach the next area, he would be facing 12 waves of monsters. The other was that each army birthing construct came equipped with an energy shield that could absorb a hundred thousand units of damage, meaning no one below the Magic Emperor or King stage could break them in one go.. The last was that anyone would get exhausted and burned out before ever reaching the eight areas. Breaking this perverted mechanism that tested the limit of combat itself was impossible for mortal beings who were subjected to the limitations of their carbon bodies!

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