
Chapter 146 - Fiancee (4)

At the office of the account manager, Grand MC Hotel.

After one month of working in the office, Wirata had sorted out quite a few untidy accounts and paper works. This was a big responsibility as it was a big hotel. But the present manager did get an excellent salary worth the headache.

Until she came across a suspicious account from the restaurant department.

Wirata paid attention closely and looked into it immediately. She looked at the previous months\' accounts and reports about the food purchasing procedures of the hotel restaurants. The lists were long and big amounts of money as it was a seven-star hotel and there were two main restaurants here.

She frowned at the numbers. The expenses appeared to be higher than before. In the last few months, the pregnant manager was absent and seemed not to pay much attention in detail. Obviously, she just signed and passed it on.

When Wirata checked the items\' price and compared them, the result got her a headache. She asked for bills of the months that she was suspicious and looked at it like a crazy person.

She even rang and checked the price online for the specific supermarkets where the restaurant\'s chefs ordered goods and ingredients from. She contacted the supermarket and asked about the slips and so on.

She checked the income and expense accounts of each month, compared and calculated the net profits. She found it did not make sense that the restaurants were doing excellent but the net profits were lower than it should be, not losing but should get more profits according to the number of customers that were always packed. There must be a leak somewhere.

Wirata learned that The person responsible for food supplies and bookkeeping was Mary Ross, a thirty-six-year-old woman who was the restaurant manager. There was a rumor that she was Michael Mackenzie\'s woman. When he came to Las Vegas, he would ask for Mary to serve him.

Wirata did not know if it was true or not as it was not her business to put her nose in. But for this suspicious account, she needed to talk to this woman.

Therefore, Wirata invited Mary Ross to see her in one afternoon. A good-looking woman with a sexy appearance in the hotel uniform which was a grey suit. She wore makeup professionally walked into the office with arrogance and pride.

"What is it about?"

She asked straight out with an unfriendly tone and her face was displeased when she stood in front of Wirata\'s desk.

"Please take a seat, Miss Ross."

Wirata said with a smooth tone and indifferent expression on her face.

Mary sat down unhappily. She looked at the Asian woman who the hotel employees were talking about. The woman was the boss\'s girlfriend!

Mary had worked here for many years. She was quite powerful over some staff here. As fifteen years ago Michael Mackenzie, the president of Mackenzie Enterprise, came here. Mary had an opportunity to serve the drinks to him one night. That time it seemed he was in a sad and depressed emotion so he drank a lot.

Mary did not waste the opportunity when he went up to his private room she offered to serve him in there. That\'s when the rumor started that Mary was the president\'s favorite. Mary was pleased with it and she took advantage to claim to be the top man\'s woman.

Wirata looked straight into Mary\'s eyes. Mary felt uncomfortable with the dark sharp eyes that showed confidence and inner strength. She tried hard to hold her ground and it was not easy.

Not many people could stare with cool and smooth posture but still, be able to make the opposite person feel the powerful mind behind the eyes.

 "I have the time to check the accounts in which you are responsible for. It is not exactly right. Can you explain why the expenses are so exaggerated like this? "

Wirata asked directly without wasting time. She pushed the files in front of Mary and sat quietly, waiting for the explanation. Wirata had made the red marks where she was suspicious and also the lists of goods\' prices.

Mary glanced and snapped the papers to read with broody face and she did not care to hide it.

"What are you trying to say? I don\'t understand. I can\'t see anything wrong with the reports. You\'ve just come to work here only for one month and I have been here for over fifteen years. Do you know who I am?!"

 Mary asked with an arrogant and angry voice. Nobody dared to question her work before. This hotel made a lot of money and they did not care about a small amount of money that disappeared on the way. The account manager who had a maternity leave had never asked Mary like Wirata just did.

"Well, I don\'t care who the heck you are, Mary. What I want to know is what I just asked you. Please explain. I already made numbers and details for you there. If you are smart you should understand it right away. For example; the price of soy sauce. The information said you bought it from the Yam Asian Supermarket. Look at the first page."

Wirata said and pointed at the paper she marked red. She felt thankful to her mother for teaching her to look at the thing in detail and thank the time when her mother made her write down the lists of ingredient and she knew how much a bottle of soy sauce cost and how much it was used in cooking.  

"Soy sauce seemed to be bought a lot and often. The bills were repeated and the price was wrong I called the supermarket to ask already. I sent copies of the recent bills to them to check. They said the bills were not from their shop. And I looked around the city. There is only one Yang Asian Supermarket in this area. Your bills even have their address on. It means all these are fake. And this is only the first error I want to state, there are the second, the third, the forth and so on. Please read from the paper in your hands. And I have all afternoon to listen to your explanation after that."

Wirata said with a cool confident voice. Her face was still smooth her eyes were looking straight.

Mary suddenly felt the tension in her temples and stomach. Her face turned pale and she avoided to make eye contact with Wirata. The woman hurried to look down at the paper in her hands. She read for a minute and looked up to Wirata with fierce eyes.

"You are accusing me of faking the slips and stealing money?! Who do you think you are to dare to accuse me like this. And do you know who I am?!"

Mary shouted with an angry voice when she could not control her fear. Therefore, she used her loud voice to scare the opposite side as always.

"I just told you I don\'t care who you are, Miss Ross. I am interested in the part of your work. Explain carefully and only the truth or I will ask Chase to join us here right now."

Wirata threatened. She saw Mary\'s face was as white as the paper in her hands. This woman definitely was a fraud. At first, Wirata thought it could be the chefs but now she was confident this woman was a scam and she was responsible for this.

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