
Chapter 215

Chapter 215

After arriving at the bottom of the Medical Building, Jun Zishu and Ren Nanying quickly climbed up the water pipe to the roof. Despite carrying a full backpack, Jun Zishu still climbed up the building very quickly.

“Is the backpack heavy?” Ren Nanying asked.

“It’s okay. It’s not very heavy.”

They had left the food court early in the morning, and two hours had passed since then. So, the sun was already high up in the sky right now. Paired with all the running and climbing they just did, Jun Zishu and Ren Nanying were covered in sweat.

“Were you angry just now?”

After hesitating for some time, Ren Nanying decided to ask the question that had been plaguing her since they left the supermarket.

“No,” Jun Zishu said, shaking her head as she took a look at the zombies below.

Despite what Jun Zishu said, Ren Nanying noticed that the girl’s manner of speech sounded different than usual. However, Ren Nanying dared not continue pressing on the matter. She had a feeling that Jun Zishu would grow annoyed if she did so.

After the two sat on the roof for around 15 minutes, most of the zombies below had already scattered, and only two zombies continued lingering around the water pipe.

“Should we wait for them to leave? Or should we climb down and get rid of them?” Ren Nanying asked.

“Let’s just go down. I’m getting hungry, so the sooner we get back, the better.”


Jun Zishu was the first to slide down the water pipe. As soon as she was within reach, she promptly stabbed her fruit knife into one of the zombies’ heads. Then, upon landing on the ground, she kicked the second zombie, causing it to stumble and fall on its back. Immediately afterward, Ren Nanying went and dealt the finishing blow.

Once the coast was clear, the two girls dashed for the food court with wild abandon.

As the cologne covering their scent had already grown faint, they quickly attracted the attention of the surrounding zombies. In no time at all, another zombie army had begun chasing after them.

Jun Zishu was the first to reach the kitchen window. After climbing into the kitchen, she leaned out the window extended her hands to Ren Nanying. However, when Ren Nanying jumped up and caught her hands, Jun Zishu suddenly felt a heavy pull that nearly dragged her out of the window.

“Were you always this

heavy?” Jun Zishu asked in surprise.

“A zombie caught my foot.”

A zombie had caught Ren Nanying’s right ankle, so she couldn’t pull herself up. As a result, her body remained suspended in mid-air as she held onto Jun Zishu’s hands.


Ren Nanying frowned as she desperately shook her waist and kicked her legs in an attempt to kick off the zombie’s hand. However, because of Ren Nanying’s actions, Jun Zishu also started having difficulty holding onto Ren Nanying’s hands.

“Quickly come over and help!”

Jun Zishu turned around and yelled for Lin Su and the others to come to help her.

Immediately, Lin Su got onto the kitchen counter and held onto Ren Nanying’s wrists. Meanwhile, Liu Manman held onto Jun Zishu’s waist and pulled her back.

“I can feel more zombies grabbing onto my leg,” Ren Nanying said, gritting her teeth. It’d be over for her if the zombies managed to take a bite out of her feet.

“Hurry! Pull with everything you’ve got!” Jun Zishu shouted.

At this time, everyone had already come over to help. However, the zombies outside were simply holding onto Ren Nanying’s legs too tightly.

[Host, there’s more than one zombie holding onto her leg. What should we do?]

Will she get infected if she gets bitten?

[Yes. Did you forget how she died in the original storyline, Host? She died from getting bitten.]

Jun Zishu frowned. She had just separated Ren Nanying from those two traitorous bastards. There was no way she could let Ren Nanying die now.

“Use more strength, everyone!” Jun Zishu shouted again.

“It’s no use. You can’t pull me up,” Ren Nanying said, gritting her teeth in pain. She felt like a piece of rope getting tugged from both ends right now, and it hurt a lot. The only thing she could do to avoid worsening the situation now was to keep her left foot raised and prevent the zombies from grabbing it as well.

“Who’s the person furthest back? Come forward and take my place in grabbing her hands,” Jun Zishu said.

Hearing Jun Zishu’s words, Jiang Mubai, positioned at the rear of the line, quickly moved forward and extended his hands out of the window to grab Ren Nanying’s hands.

“Manman, once I let go, quickly switch to holding Jiang Mubai’s waist, got it?”

“Got it.”

Liu Manman didn’t have the leeway to consider what Jun Zishu was trying to do. Then, as soon as she felt Jun Zishu moving back, she promptly switched to pulling Jiang Mubai’s waist.

Meanwhile, after Jun Zishu let go of Ren Nanying’s hands, she dropped her backpack and worked her neck a little.

Lin Su noticed Jun Zishu’s actions, so she hurriedly asked, “What are you trying to do, Zishu?”

However, Jun Zishu did not answer Lin Su’s question. Whether it was to prevent Ren Nanying from harm or avoid failing her mission, Jun Zishu decided to give her idea a try.

After climbing onto the window ledge, Jun Zishu glanced at the zombies before jumping out of the kitchen without hesitation.

Unlike the incident at the Medical Building, Ren Nanying could see Jun Zishu very clearly as the latter jumped by her.

“Jun Zishu!” Ren Nanying bellowed. Unfortunately, she had no way of pulling the person who had jumped down back up again.

The zombies were more interested in living and moving targets. So, upon seeing Jun Zishu jumping down and running into the distance, they promptly chased after her in excitement.

When the weight on Ren Nanying’s feet reduced, Lin Su and the others finally managed to pull her into the kitchen.

“Hey, hey, hey! Don’t be impulsive! We went through a lot of trouble to pull you in! Don’t go jumping out again!” Liu Manman said as she held onto Ren Nanying’s hands, her heart in disarray.

“But she’s outside! She’s getting chased by all those zombies! What if something happens?!”

Ren Nanying’s eyes reddened as she held onto the window ledge, her fingertips turning white.

“Do you know who she jumped out for? Can you not be so impulsive? Even if you go outside now, you won’t necessarily be able to save her. We must believe that she can return, okay?” Lin Su advised. Although she was also worried about Jun Zishu’s safety, they could no longer see Jun Zishu’s figure from their angle. If they didn’t even know where Jun Zishu had run off to, it’d be impractical to try and help her.

“Of course I know who she jumped out for!”

A bitter feeling spread in Ren Nanying’s heart when she said these words. This was already the second time today that she had watched Jun Zishu dive headfirst into a dangerous situation.

Honestly, Ren Nanying was feeling very grumpy and irritated right now, and she couldn’t help but have the urge to slap herself when she thought about how Jun Zishu had jumped out for her sake.

“Don’t worry. Our goddess is amazing. She has helped us survive up till this point. There’s no way anything will happen to her,” Liu Manman mumbled. Her fists, though, remained tightly clenched as she spoke.

Meanwhile, Jiang Mubai was also in shock over this situation. He didn’t think that Jun Zishu would do such a thing. Although he liked Ren Nanying very much, he wasn’t sure if he could carry out such a self-sacrificial feat in that previous situation.

Subsequently, a heavy silence enveloped the kitchen as everyone quietly looked out the window.

While the others were worrying about Jun Zishu’s safety, Jun Zishu ran a marathon around the university campus as she led the zombies around by the nose.

[Keep on running, Host! Go, go, go!]


Jun Zishu felt that this might be the most she had ever exercised in a mission world. Ever since coming to this apocalyptic world, she had been running almost every day.

After fleeing from the food court, Jun Zishu had made her way to the Art Building and ran a circle around it. Then, she ran toward the Medical Building and circled it, too, running an ∞-shape around the two buildings before eventually running back to the food court.

The zombies lacked the ability to think, so they simply chased after Jun Zishu with a one-track mind. They would only ever chase after her figure. They never stopped for a moment to think whether they should run in the other direction and try to encircle her. Thus, Jun Zishu would be fine so long as she could outrun the zombies behind her and avoid the zombies in her way.

“Ah! It’s Zishu!”

When the others inside the kitchen saw Jun Zishu running back, they sighed in relief. Ren Nanying, in particular, looked like a deflated balloon.

However, Jun Zishu did not try to climb the kitchen window after returning. The window was too tall for her to reach in a single jump. Although the others could catch her hand and pull her up, it was a risky gamble to hope that the others could catch her on the first try. Thus, she ran past the kitchen without hesitation.

Afterward, everyone inside the kitchen saw the massive horde of zombies running and limbering after Jun Zishu, the sight both spectacular and horrific. In a way, Jun Zishu looked like a celebrity being chased after by her fanatic fans.

Meanwhile, when Ren Nanying saw Jun Zishu running past the kitchen, she suddenly thought of something and left the window. Then, she ran out into the corridor and unlocked the back door.

Previously, when they had first fled from the dormitory to the food court, they had locked the back door after infiltrating the food court. So, anyone trying to come in from the outside would need a key to unlock the door. However, a key wasn’t needed to unlock the door from the inside.

By the time Ren Nanying had unlocked the back door, Jun Zishu had already run around the corner and reached the side where the back door was at. When she saw the back door opening and Ren Nanying waving at her from inside, she promptly sprinted toward the door.

Once Jun Zishu had run into the corridor and closed the door behind her, she couldn’t help but sigh in relief.

“Thank goodness you understood me. I’d have to run around the building again if nobody opened the door for me,” Jun Zishu said as she fanned herself with her hand.

Instead of speaking, Ren Nanying lifted her hands and pulled Jun Zishu into an embrace. Then, she buried her head into Jun Zishu’s neck and held onto Jun Zishu tightly, conveying her panic and fear through her hug.

Jun Zishu knew that Ren Nanying must’ve panicked a lot just now, so she simply smiled and returned the hug.

“There, there; no need to be so worried. Look, aren’t I perfectly fine?” Jun Zishu said in an attempt to calm Ren Nanying.

However, Ren Nanying did not answer and simply continued embracing Jun Zishu.

Jun Zishu had tried pushing Ren Nanying away gently, but Ren Nanying didn’t budge.

The iron door connecting the back kitchen to the corridor remained open, so everyone inside the kitchen could see the two girls silently embracing each other. However, none of them said anything since they could empathize with Ren Nanying. They, too, had been scared to death when they saw Jun Zishu jumping out of the window.

Ren Nanying’s silent embrace continued for three more minutes before she finally decided to speak.

“Who allowed you to do that? Do you know how dangerous your actions were?” Ren Nanying asked as she removed her head from Jun Zishu’s shoulder and looked Jun Zishu in the eye.

“Don’t be so harsh on the goddess, Cousin. The goddess was trying to save you, after all,” Liu Manman said in an attempt to help Jun Zishu.

However, Ren Nanying simply ignored Liu Manman’s words and kept on glaring at Jun Zishu.

“I allowed myself to do that,” Jun Zishu said helplessly.

“Do you know how much of a scare you gave me?”

“But there wasn’t a better choice back then. The only way we could get you out of danger was if we distracted those zombies.”

“Not at the cost of sacrificing yourself! This is already the second time you’ve given me such a scare today! My heart really can’t take any more of this! Even if you did it to save me, I still don’t want to see you put yourself at risk!”

“I know.”

Jun Zishu put her hands on Ren Nanying’s face and rubbed noses with her.

“I know it all.”

Ren Nanying was dumbfounded by Jun Zishu’s actions, and her mind blanked out momentarily. They were so close to each other that she could feel Jun Zishu’s body temperature right now. Their lips were also only millimeters away from touching.

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