The Almighty Ring

Chapter 538 - Actual Battle Test

Chapter 538: Actual Battle Test

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Originally, Shroder was already struggling to keep up with his opponent with both of his hands. Now that he had lost one of his hands, he was in an even more dire situation. Apart from him, the Electress next to him did not seem to fare well either and may not be able to last much longer in the battle.

“No! I have to help!” Jiang Fei said through gritted teeth.

“Captain, it is theoretically possible for you to defeat these three Bio-Humans. However, on the basis that you do not have sufficient battle experience, I would like to advise you to think twice!” 0541 warned Jiang Fei.

“No way! If I allowed these Bio-Humans to capture Shroder, how would I face Phoenix ever again?” Jiang Fei was a hot-blooded youth. He could not possibly consider everything from a cost and benefit perspective the way people like Han Tianyu did.

“Very well. I shall oblige to your wishes.” After all, Jiang Fei was still the captain. Since Jiang had already made up his mind, 0541 would have no authority to change his decision.

Jiang Fei steered the Gigantic Saber toward a dense patch of forest as he landed somewhere within. He then used 0541’s Invincibility effect to get close to the battle. Luckily, everyone in the area was focused on each of their opponents and none of them had noticed Jiang Fei’s arrival. After all, this was a no-man’s land. Nobody would have guessed that their opponent would have backup.

Jumping Slash!

Jiang Fei got closer to one of the Lower-tier Level Four Bio-Humans and instantly activated his equipment skill. With a single leap, Jiang Fei suddenly travelled a few ten meters and appeared behind the Bio-Human.

“Ah!” The Bio-Human shouted out loudly. However, it was too late for him to react.

Penetrating Qi Strike!

In order to land a killing blow, Jiang Fei activated the Origin Force along with his equipment skill.

This was something that Jiang Fei discovered during his ten days of practice in strategizing in battles. Although the equipment skills limited his movements, they did not prevent Jiang Fei from using the energy within his body. Therefore, when he activated the equipment skills, he was able to boost his attack with his body’s energy.


The completely defenseless Bio-Human was ambushed by Jiang Fei from behind him. Jiang Fei’s fist landed on the back of the Bio-Human. The energy from the Penetrating Qi Strike instantly caused the Bio-Human’s body to explode from within. A huge gap the size of a ruler appeared on the Bio-Human’s back. Amidst the pulpy flesh, Jiang Fei could even see his beating heart.

Simultaneously, the energy which Jiang Fei channeled into the Bio-Human’s body exploded and burned his internal organs into ashes.

In a single attack, Jiang Fei’s sneaky assault ended the life of a Lower-tier Level Four Bio-Human.

“Gahhh!” The Middle-tier Level Four Bio-Human immediately stopped attacking Shroder and turned toward Jiang Fei cautiously.

“Brother Jiang Fei, is that you?!” Shroder asked with a tone of disbelief. He thought his life would have ended here. Somehow, Jiang Fei had shown up to save his life.

“We can reminisce on life later. Here, eat this!” Jiang Fei said as he tossed two medicinal pills to Shroder.

“These are…” Shroder’s pupils expanded. Grand Restore Pill and Evil Purging Pill were famed items in the China Martial Art circle. Other metahumans had also known about their existence since a long time ago. However, these items were heavily guarded by the China Martial Art Alliance. After all, they were only able to get very limited amount from Jiang Fei. Since these were such scarce items, it was almost impossible for outsiders to get their hands on them.

Therefore, not only had Shroder never seen these pills, but even higher ranked mutants had probably never seen them and merely heard about their existence.

“Eat it now. Ask questions later!” Jiang Fei looked warily at the two Bio-Humans before him. The Electress made her way to Jiang Fei as if she would fight alongside him.

However, the Electress did not seem to be in good shape. Her entire body was drenched in sweat. The energy in her body appeared to be very unstable. She must have overexerted herself and would probably have very little battle powers left.

“Alright!” Shroder trusted Jiang Fei enough not to hurt himself. Otherwise, Jiang Fei would not have shown up to save him.

Shroder tilted his head backward as he swallowed the two medicinal pills.

In all honesty, Planet Namek’s potions worked like a charm. As soon as the Evil Purging Pill entered his stomach, Shroder immediately felt the toxins being quickly removed from his arm. He could feel his arm again. After he swallowed the Grand Restore Pill, not only did the speed of recovery in his eroded arm increased, the wounds from his past had also disappeared.

Apart from the large amount of energy he had expended, Shroder basically recovered to his prime state.

“Thank you, Brother Jiang Fei!” Shroder said to Jiang Fei.

“You can thank me later. Now, both of you, focus on that Lower-tier Level Four metahuman. I will deal with this Middle-tier Level Four metahuman!” Jiang Fei said as he charged at his target.

“Alright!” Shroder nodded as he and the Electress both cornered the Lower-tier Level Four Bio-Human.

Although they were previously overpowered, it was due to the fact that they were outnumbered. Moreover, one of their opponents was a Middle-tier Level Four being. Therefore, Shroder and Electress were both terribly oppressed in their earlier battle. However, it was now a case of two against one. This was their chance to exact revenge.

The combination of lightning and flame created magnificent sparks. Soon enough, the Lower-tier Level Four Bio-Human was subdued by the two mutants. It was only a matter of time before the fellow was utterly annihilated.

At the same time, Jiang Fei was occupied with fighting against the Middle-tier Level Four mutant on the other side of the battlefield. Although Jiang Fei had previously fought against Void Manta, who was also a Middle-tier Level Four metahuman, Jiang Fei was partially protected by 0541. Now that 0541 had very little energy left, Jiang Fei had to rely on his own powers to defeat this Middle-tier Level Four Bio-Human.

“Come on! Japanese guy, let me show you how strong I am!” Jiang Fei struck with his fist as he shouted. A wave of cold energy shot toward the Bio-Human.

“Gahhh! You Chinese men again! You are always ruining our plot!” The Middle-tier Level Four Bio-Human shouted angrily in retaliation.

“Bang!” Although he was upset, the Bio-Human was not slow in his response. He too emitted a green energy beam which collided with Jiang Fei’s attack. The explosion from the collision caused Jiang Fei to stumble backward slightly and the energy vortex in his body even vibrated several times from the collision.

“Holy crap! My energy level is only that of the Lower-tier Level Four. If we fight with energy blasts, I will lose for sure!” Jiang Fei frowned.

Since fighting with energy blasts would put Jiang Fei at a disadvantage, he decided that it was better to fight against his opponent up close. Although these Bio-Humans were not people from Tokyo, they spoke perfect Japanese. Moreover, although these Bio-Humans had very strong capabilities, they had rather rusty movements. This was not apparent when they used their energy blasts. However, in close combat, such minor delays posed a great threat to their lives.

According to 0541’s analysis, these Bio-Humans were probably mutants who were captured by the Japanese. These mutants had lost their free-will and rationale when they had been turned into Bio-Humans. Thereafter, the Japanese controlled them through the implanted chips in their bodies. Therefore, all of these high Level Bio-Humans were more like Bio-machine humans being controlled by remote controls.

Since it was pointless to fight fire with fire, Jiang Fei would have to bet on his tricks. After all, he had learned a nameless fist fighting technique from old man Hai. Therefore, he would not be at a disadvantage against non-Chinese martial art opponents.

Force Punch!

With the use of the added speed from Force Punch, Jiang Fei suddenly got very close to the Middle-tier Level Four Bio-Human.


Although the Bio-Human frantically blocked Jiang Fei’s attack, he was still pushed several steps backward by Jiang Fei’s Force Punch. At the same time, Jiang Fei activated his frosty energy to freeze up the Bio-Human’s body. The Bio-Human’s body was now covered in ice and his movement speed drastically reduced.

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