
Chapter 333: Problem Solved

Chapter 333: Problem Solved

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Chen Mu was overjoyed to watch the amount of liquid extract in the reagent bottles continually increase. Xi Ping connected with a big seller for the extracts, so they weren’t going to have any trouble with sales down the road.

In his investigations, Xi Ping had discovered only two establishments in the Pascal Region that could produce the purple and the blue extract of fluorescent purple. But it couldn’t compare with the quality of that produced in the snow silkworm ravine. They couldn’t even produce the other few rarer extracts. Only a few in the Heavenly Drum Village District could produce the best among them, the red extract of fluorescent purple.

The reason Stinger had so respected Xi Ping was mainly because the red extract was included.

So long as the mining of the purple fluorescent ore continued, Chen Mu didn’t need to worry about funding issues. That didn’t mean he relaxed, however. Since the profits from purple fluorescent ore mining were so high, many people would certainly be red-eyed with greed. He was afraid that when the time came, all manner of tricks would be deployed. Chen Mu specifically told Jiang Liang to be vigilant and to keep up his guard.

At the same time, Chen Mu could finally get all of that off his mind to do his own thing. Apart from his daily training, he was researching the purple fluorescent ore. The resources Xi Ping had provided said it was an outstanding material for card making, which was why the price was so high.

As a card master, how could Chen Mu remain indifferent to such an outstanding card making material? However, he didn’t know anything definite about how it was used. Among the information Xi Ping had gotten, anything relating to how it was used was rather fuzzy.

In the field of card making, the higher the price was for materials, the more excellent their performance would generally be. Chen Mu had seldom encountered really high-priced materials like the liquid extracts from the purple fluorescent ore.

The purple extract was about 80,000 Oudi per gram, and the red extract could go as high as 3 million per gram. White sort of amazing performance might they have? Chen Mu was curious.

The identification of any material required expending a huge amount of one’s energy. By that time, apart from specialized agencies, people would only rarely attempt such projects. Of course, Chen Mu had no way to do it, with just the analytical instruments alone requiring a huge outlay. He didn’t have the spare change to do such things.

He didn’t understand it, but someone did—Ru Qiu. Having been selected as the next dean of the Origins Academy card making division, how could she not know something about it?

Ru Qiu did have a rather good understanding about that sort of material, after all. “The liquid extracted from the purple fluorescent ore is a kind of natural card ink. It has many different colors, which also distinguish the different properties. For example, the purple extract is suited for making jet stream cards. Until now, it has been one of the card inks most suited for doing so. But the quantities required are rather shocking. To make a single jet stream card probably requires about 500 grams of the blue extract. What’s the price like here for the blue extract, Boss?”

“It’s 80,000 per gram,” Chen Mu replied.

“That’s a lot cheaper than in the ordinary residential districts. I seem to remember it being 140,000 per gram there. But even at 80,000 per gram, 500 grams would require 40 million. Forty million just to make a single jet stream card is really too expensive. That’s why people are seldom likely to be so extravagant as to use the liquid extracts to make card ink; they are more likely to use them as additives.

“Another characteristic of the liquid extracted from the purple fluorescent ore is its compatibility. It can be fused with most materials, and that can increase the card ink’s efficacy. The different colors produce completely different results. For example, the purple extract can increase the harmony between the ink and the card blank. Research into the results of adding the purple fluorescent extracted liquids has been one of the hottest topics for the last few years.” Ru Qiu was talking away nonstop about it when she suddenly asked a stupid question. “Why did you think of asking about the extracts from the purple fluorescent ore, Boss?”

Even Chen Mu didn’t know how to answer that question. He could only say, “We can now produce the extracts.”

“Ah!” Ru Qiu covered her mouth in surprise and asked in a daze, “Since when have we been able to extract liquids from the purple fluorescent ore?”

“Don’t you know?”

“I don’t. I’ve been assisting sister Sue for the last few days, and I have been so busy my head is spinning.” Ru Qiu put on a look of suffering. But she was soon excited again. “Boss, does that mean we have a lot of the extract from the purple fluorescent ore?”

Taking a look at Ru Qiu, Chen Mu knew what she was thinking and had to straight-out destroy her fantasy. “We don’t have much, and we have to sell what we do have.”

Ru Qiu’s spirits abruptly wilted. She had just been thinking she might get the boss to give her some of the extract do to some research.

Seeing her expression and thinking about how hard she had been working for that period, Chen Mu couldn’t quite stand it. He said, “Wait a little while until our production has increased, and I’ll be able to put some aside for your research.”

Ru Qiu immediately raised her head, her face overjoyed. “Really? Boss…”


Ru Qiu’s introduction about the purple fluorescent extracts set Chen Mu’s mind itching. Still, the thing he needed most at that time was a lot of money. He couldn’t do anything but repress his curiosity.

Fortunately, it was a consumable product. That meant the market would be bigger. The thing Chen Mu most needed to be concerned with just then was how to increase production. The simplest way would be to get more equipment. But he’d had to throw out 150 million for just one piece of equipment. He didn’t have the ability to squander the money for several.

His communications card sounded. He glanced to see that it was Qiao Fei! That rather surprised Chen Mu. Why would she call him? He had really formed a deep impression of that outlandish woman.

“Do you have extract from the purple fluorescent ore on your hands?” Qiao Fei appeared on the screen and broke right out with the question.

Chen Mu didn’t deny it and nodded. “Right.”

Qiao Fei’s eyes were tightly locked on Chen Mu. “Did you produce it, or are you re-selling it?”

Chen Mu said calmly, “We produced it. What’s the problem?”

Qiao Fei suddenly smiled, and her expression relaxed. “Boss Chen is pretty fierce, after all. You’ve actually gotten the technology to extract the purple fluorescent ore. That’s quite a magical power! I’ve been longing after the snow silkworm ravine for a long time. Too bad I could never get the equipment, and it’s still in the territory of that old demon Wen Zuofu. So, I haven’t paid it much mind. I never thought you would get the benefits in the end, ha. But it’s fine that you got it, so long as you don’t let Wen Zuofu get off too easily.”

Chen Mu shuddered inwardly; his counterpart had long known about the snow silkworm ravine.

“What’s the highest grade of extract you can produce now?” Qiao Fei asked, curious.

“The red extract.”

The expression on Qiao Fei’s face became abruptly strange, her eyes looking as though she were itching to inspect Chen Mu’s whole body.

Chen Mu frowned. “Is there a problem?”

“I’ve just found out you are getting more and more interesting, man! I’ve never been able to find out what’s up with you. If you were to tell me you were from some large firm, I wouldn’t be surprised. There are no more than five organizations in the whole Heavenly Drum Village District able to produce the red extract.” Qiao Fei was looking at Chen Mu as though he were from outer space.

Chen Mu didn’t change his expression, though he’d inwardly raised his guard. Since Qiao Fei had found him out, what about the others? Could they be secretly investigating too?

Seeming to have discovered Chen Mu’s guardedness, Qiao Fei said nonchalantly, “Stop worrying. If I didn’t find out, that old demon Wen Zuofu certainly won’t find out. Ha ha, if that old demon were to find out the entire snow silkworm ravine was full of purple fluorescent ore, I’m afraid his guts would turn green from regret.” After she finished laughing, her expression turned a little serious. “You’d still better be careful. Wen Zuofu’s card artisan troops recently seem to be having frequent mobilizations. I reckon he has a mind to hit you.”

“Thank you very much!” Chen Mu’s expression of thanks was sincere. The intelligence from Qiao Fei was important to him.

“No need to thank me. I’m helping myself by helping you.” Qiao Fei waved her hand as though it were nothing, and she proceeded to say seriously, “Right. Sell me some of the extract. I’ll pay cash.”

Chen Mu didn’t hesitate. “How much do you need?”

A bill of goods immediately appeared on the screen, on which were listed the quantities needed for each of the extracts. Doing some mental calculation, what Qiao Fei needed would cost about 500 million Oudi.

Given their current production, he didn’t know how long it would take to produce that much extract. Chen Mu suddenly had an idea, and he said, “That much extract probably requires 500 million Oudi. I urgently need more machinery right now. If you could use the equipment as compensation, I’ll add in another ten percent for free.”

Qiao Fei looked interested. “What kind of equipment do you need?”

Chen Mu scanned over the bill of goods he’d given Xi Ping, and he then heard Qiao Fei discussing it with someone in a low voice.

After a moment, Qiao Fei raised her head again and readily said, “Ok, no problem! We’ll send over the equipment tomorrow. Five hundred million buys a little more than three sets, but not quite four. I’ll just send over four, which comes out to 600 million. You can wait until we get the goods.”

Chen Mu nodded. “Ok.”

Closing his communications card, Chen Mu hadn’t thought the problem that had been giving him such a headache would be so easily solved. But when he thought of the intelligence Qiao Fei had presented him with, he became abruptly cautious. He called Jiang Liang over.

“Boss.” Jiang Liang saluted with perfect seriousness. With his perception restored, Jiang Liang looked especially sharp that day. His eyes shone with a chill gaze, and the manner of his every gesture was as though he were a completely different person from before. What hadn’t changed, however, was his style of getting things done. He was meticulous and extremely serious.

Chen Mu repeated the intelligence Qiao Fei had just provided him. Jiang Liang showed no surprise, his expression as normal.

“Understood!” Jiang Liang’s voice wasn’t loud, but it sounded like nothing could impress him.

Seeing Jiang Liang in front of him, Chen Mu suddenly thought of Bogner. The two of them looked alike at certain times. It was just that Bogner wasn’t ordinarily so proper, but Jiang Liang always had his eyes straight ahead and no expression. But once any fighting started, both men’s demeanors and gazes became very similar.

Having given Jiang Liang that information, Chen Mu could relax. He was certain Jiang Liang would arrange everything properly. His ability in that regard by himself could top several other people combined.

The next day, the equipment Qiao Fei had spoken of was sent to the ravine. Chen Mu immediately started to do the intense work of assembly. With his prior experience, the work of assembly that time advanced smoothly. Chen Mu assembled four separators after spending only half a day. That meant their daily output would increase five times over.

Yet another issue to cause headaches, however, was the mountain of unneeded parts. The equipment Qiao Fei had sent over cost 600 million. Adding to that the 150 million Xi Ping had spent, it would be 750 million altogether. From that 750 million, not quite 20 percent of the parts had been used to assemble the separators.

In other words, Chen Mu had now piled up 600 million worth of parts, which made him quite anxious.

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