
Chapter 372

After the job was done, the two of them stayed in the city where they finished the mission . They needed to wait for a week or two to see if there was going to be any development regarding the situation they were assigned to . Once they saw no further movement that would mean the mission was a true success and they could head back to base .

One morning Dan felt a bit hungry and when he looked at the fridge he saw numerous yogurt-based products, he checked and saw nothing else bu yogurt . Seeing as there wasn’t anything else to eat at the moment, Dan started eating the yogurt without any hesitation . While he was eating he didn’t notice the note that fell from one of the yogurt containers, which said ’this is Emily’s’

. . .

When Emily returned from her shopping, She quickly noticed the empty yogurt containers . She immediately knew what had happened . Dan who was sleeping peacefully after eating all the yogurt suddenly felt an immense pressure fall down upon him .

Dan woke up from his sleep took some distance from the one emitting such pressure, and quickly went into his full RELEASE state . Dan took a look at the formidable opponent he was about to face, only to see a little girl was smiling at him ever so sweetly .

Dan was confused but he didn’t lower his guard as he looked around but so no one else aside from Emily . That’s when he noticed that the one who was emitting such a strong bloodlust was none other than Emily herself .

"Huh? Is there an enemy? Why are you emitting bloodlust, and why does it seem to be directed at me? Is there something wrong Emily?"

"Mr . Dan, are you the one who ate all my yogurt?" Emily continued to smile while emitting a serious amount of bloodlust . Yet now that he knew it was Emily who was emitting it, Dan was finally able to lower his guard and relax .

"Oh, that, yup I ate it all since I was hungry . "

"Is that so? Are you going to apologize for eating my yogurt? You ate it, even though I explicitly wrote that it is mine . " Emily continued to show a happy smile but her whole demeanor was showing everything but happy .

"Is this why you’re so angry? Don’t sweat the small stuff kid . I was hungry and there was nothing in the fridge so I ate whatever I saw . I’m sorry about eating it, don’t worry I’ll pay you back for all that I ate . " Dan acted a bit apologetic but that was it . He didn’t get why Emily would get so angry about some yogurt .

"I . . . " Emily started to mumble something, but Dan couldn’t hear it so he got a bit closer .

"What did you say?"

"I waited in line for that yogurt! It was the limited Sakura flavor! The next time they’ll be able to sell the same thing would be two years from now, or never! The company is already going bankrupt that’s why they tried to save it with a bunch of these gimmicks . I won’t be able to get one of those ever, that’s why I bought a ton of them . "

Surprised to hear Emily suddenly screaming Dan backed off a bit . Now that he heard the reason for the yogurt Dan felt genuinely bad this time, but not that much, since it was just yogurt .

"Don’t worry kid, here you can have all these in exchange . It’s just yogurt no need to get so angry . " Dan then handed Emily a ton of cash that was bigger than the annual wage of a normal office worker .

Emily hearing what Dan said accepted the money and stopped emitting bloodlust . She looked at Dan with a smile on her face, which disturbed Dan for a bit .

"You’re right Mr . Dan I was being overly dramatic it’s just yogurt . By the way how long before we return to base?"

"About a week from now . Why do you ask?"

"Oh, nothing much . . . Well thank you for the money, I have something else to do . " Without waiting for Dan to say anything more Emily left him behind .

. . .

On dinner that day as they were about to eat Emily made a meal for herself but not for Dan . Being a person that knew nothing of the art of cooking Dan usually let Emily handle the cooking duty .

"How about my meal?"

"Oh, yours? You already ate all that yogurt, eating more than that will upset your stomach . " Knowing this was about the yogurt again, Dan decided to let this slide . It was just one meal, and he did eat all that yogurt so it was alright .

. . .

After morning practice Dan would usually eat a full meal to maintain his muscle mass, and usually, Emily would already prepare a meal for him, but not today . Today Emily left a note saying she needed to take care of some urgent business .

Dan clenched his fist a little bit annoyed . ’Heh, do you think not cooking for me is going to get me? I can cook for myself, as long as I try I’m sure I can do it . ’

Thus Dan Regius started to try cooking . Throughout the process, Dan was able to successfully burn all his eggs even after numerous attempts . He was even able to make a pot explode . After all his trial and errors, Dan was able to make something that resembled food that came out of a horror movie .

It was at that moment Emily suddenly returned . When she saw the devastation that happened to the kitchen she acted really surprised .

"You finally returned . How about you cook me a meal?" Dan spoke with no shame whatsoever .

"There’s no need for that, is there? Mr . Dan has already made a spectacular meal for himself . Or are you telling me that the great and powerful blond devil can’t even eat his own cooking? Is it perhaps possible, that you are scared?"

"Huh? Who the hell is scared? I was just asking if you wanted to cook a meal since you seem to enjoy cooking . I was also going to share with you the masterpiece I made, but if you’re going to act that way then I will eat this by myself . "

In a moment of passion, Dan took a hold of the monstrosity he made and ate it whole . The moment it went down his throat Dan felt like his insides were burning . He even went into his RELEASE state to be able to resist the pain . After a long horrible minute, the pain subsided .

. . .

During dinner time, Dan was expecting Emily to do something else and was going to scold her if she provoked her some more, but to his surprise, Emily cooked up a feast and presented it to Dan .

"You seem to be a bit more hungry than usual, so I made a lot more food . I hope you like it . " Emily innocently smiled at Dan who didn’t, couldn’t suspect a thing from a person showing such a pure smiling face .

"Thanks for the meal . "

Dan quickly gorged himself with food . It was a very delicious meal, but for some reason, Emily seems to be eating modestly at the side . It was at that moment Dan finally noticed something and he started puking as his whole body started shivering, making him feel like he was going to die .

"What happened Mr . Dan!" Emily looked at Dan full of worry, but Dan knew that something was up .

"What did you put in the food?"

"Nothing, I just made it with the usual spices, wait I did add a special ingredient but it shouldn’t make you react like this . Let me see, where was it?" Emily left Dan’s side and started looking for something in the kitchen .

"Oh, I found it . . . Wait! So that’s what it was . I’m sorry Mr . Dan I mixed up the ingredients instead of putting this special spice, I accidentally put in poison in your food . "

Dan who was feeling the full effect of the poison looked at Emily with a weird expression on his face .


"Don’t worry Mr . Dan the poison isn’t that effective, with your body you’ll be able to get over it after a few hours . You just need to rest . "

"The . . . Antidote?"

"Sorry, I don’t have the antidote, this poison is usually my last resort move, just in case I need to escape . I can’t have an antidote laying around so that the enemy could find it and give chase . Well, it’s no biggie, just like you said before, you don’t need to sweat the small stuff, right?"

When Dan heard what Emily said and saw that smile of hers, he couldn’t help but shiver in fear . This girl really knew how to hold a grudge .

After this event for the whole week before they headed back to base, Emily continued to torment Dan and made it all look like an accident . This whole event became a very traumatic experience for Dan .

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