
Chapter 16: Waking up , submitting and report

Chapter 16: Waking up , submitting and report

(Edited by MaruPoyoPoyo)

2 hours have already passed after that and I think it’s time to change the night shift, however, since Lucas and Triss look like they’re sleeping comfortably, it made me feel bad to wake them up. Thus I decided to continue the watch duty. Around one hour after I started the night watch, Fall can\'t endure it anymore and fell asleep. Now he’s sleeping together with Lucas and Tris.

Ruu and Rin take naps in turns so they can keep me company during the night watch all the time. Well, I\'m really thankful. The sleepiness is blown off by just having someone to talk with after all.

And the morning arrived without any incidents, Lucas and the others have begun to wake up. The first one to wake up is Tris, well both Lucas and Fall have low blood pressure after all. Both of them are men right…..


"Good morning, Tris. I will prepare the water, so go wash your face."


Bringing a bucket, I use magic to fill it with water. It’s really convenient right? Magic. Even though it seems that it can’t be used for cooking, we can quickly prepare ourselves like this. Tris moved slowly while washing her face and I hand her a towel.

"Aー, thank you....Tsuchio-san?" -Tris

"Ou, have you finally woken up?" -Tsuchio

"...is it the time to change shift? Although it is pretty bright..." -Tris

"No, it is already morning..." -Tsuchio

"...Nananana, it is what??? Is that true?!?” -Tris

Tris suddenly screams out in a loud voice. Wait, that’s too noisy!

"Why didn\'t you wake me up!?" -Tris

"Because you looked like you were sleeping so comfortably..." -Tsuchio

"It’s not ‘since you’re sleeping’! We decided to have shifts for the night watch, wasn\'t that the agreement!?” -Tris

"Even if you say so..." -Tsuchio

I pointed at the two who’re waking up because of the loud voice just now.

"Uuu-h....Huaaaaaー....Guu" -Lucas

"Aaaaaー" -Fall

Lucas who made a big yawn falls asleep once again. Fall who\'s eyes are still closed had drool dripping from his mouth.

"You wouldn\'t be able to do the night watch like that. While still half-asleep, you can’t possibly do it properly.” - Tsuchio

"That’s also true but, it\'s so.... Hey, both of you, stop sleeping! Hey, get up get up!!" -Tris

Oh, Tris is waking the two up. It’s a scenery different from usual, it is pretty refreshing....

"Tsuchio-kun, please wake me up next time..." -Lucas

"I\'m sorry, Tsuchio-san! I completely fell asleep..." -Fall

After we were able to somehow wake up the two of them with my help. Fall who heard my story apologized many times and Lucas became sullen with a sulky look. Cute.

"You two, you guys know it yourself right? That falling asleep too fast is a bad habit? Even if I wake you in the night, you guys will either not be able to wake up or immediately fall asleep after I wake you." -Tsuchio

"But..." –Fall

"There is neither no nor any protest. You should be the one who wipes your own ass, that’s what you call being an adult" –Tsuchio

"… Tsuchio-kun, you aren\'t an adult then..." -Lucas

"Shut up!" – Tsuchio

It isn\'t like that. It is a problem about preparing myself mentally. Rather, judging from Lucas and the others, I am pretty much an adult right.

"This talk ends right here. Now, let’s quickly eat breakfast and finish the rest of the tasks. Because it felt like we are already behind quite a bit, we must begin to do it quickly!" -Tsuchio

"Ye~s, but if something like this happens next time, you must change shift with us properly okay?" -Lucas

"Okay, okay, I will do it properly, when you guys can wake up properly." -Tsuchio

"It is a promise right?" -Tris

"Uuu, I\'m sorry Tsuchio-san..." -Fall

"Fall, stop apologizing, you only need to make sure that you don’t do it again, that\'s all I care about." -Tsuchio

"Yes.... I’ll be careful." -Fall

Well then, let\'s eat the meal quickly and restart the task.

"Tsuchio-dono, is this it?"

“Which? which... Oh, you got it right, as expected of a poison magnet, you are always hitting the bull’s eye."

"I am not happy at all about that you know..."

"Well, don\'t be like that. With this, the task is finally over."

(毒物 ,(ホイホイ) = means someone who attracts something, for example, Lolicon hoihoi is someone who attracts lolicons and so on, or so that’s what I read on the internet)

Tris picked it and puts the poisonous herb which was hard to distinguish in the bag and with this we finished the task of collecting items. Phew, it was quite difficult....

"What time is it now?"

"Since it is about time for the sun to set, we just barely finished on time."

"I see. If that\'s so, then is the training almost done?"

"Even though I suppose it’s only been one day, it felt a lot longer than that..."

Since many things happened. Overall, it was good because I tamed Rin and she is a very rare monster that you don\'t usually see. If I killed her or let her run away, surely it will only make me regret it in the future.

"Well, the sun will set soon! The signal for the end of the training, if I’m not wrong, it will be the same and they will shot magic to the sky again."

"Yes, that’s right."

Just as we were talking about it, a fireball was fired up into the sky and makes a big explosion.With this, the training ended.

"What should we do after this? Should we just wait for the teacher to come here?" -Tris

"I wonder? Maybe we should go under that fireball?" -Lucas

"That could be right, for now, let\'s go and look around." -Tsuchio

It seems Lucas’s prediction was right, when we walked right under the fireball, we were able to return to the entrance of the forest. Now, what kind of reaction will the teacher have, when she sees Rin.

"First of all, let us go find the teacher." -Tsuchio

"Yes, we have to hand in our task after all!" -Tris

We were able to quickly find Mr.lang since he is tall and also his voice is loud.

“You\'ve returned! Please hand me the bag and the paper on which the task is written!" - Mr. Lang

I took out both items and gave them to the teacher. After giving it a peak inside, "Okay, for the time being, I think you’ve gathered everything! We will do a more thorough check afterward, you guys can go rest! Since it’s dinner after this!" -Mr. Lang

"I understand" -Tsuchio

I pass the teacher and head to the tent. He wasn\'t able to touch on the topic of Rin at all.... Although he definitely took notice.

"Haaー, I\'m tired~" -Tris

“Good work, it’s okay to lie down, but don’t fall asleep.” -Lucas

"Since you won\'t be able to eat right? The dinner." -Tris

Tris plops herself down on the floor when I come back to the tent. Well, I understand that feeling. Although I also want to sleep, but I still have a little business.

"Well, let\'s finish it before the dinner" -Tsuchio

"Oh, is something the matter Tsuchio-kun?" -Tris

"It\'s nothing. I will go out for a moment, don’t be late for dinner okay?" -Tsuchio

"I see, Tsuchio-san also don\'t be late" -Tris

"I understa~nd" -Tsuchio

After I got out of the tent, I went to the place where the tamer’s familiars are gathered. Maybe, I thought that she will be there….

"Ah, There’s she is. He~y, Sasha-sensei" -Tsuchio

"...yes, what is it?" -Sasha

It is Sasha-sensei who is in charge of my taming class. I thought that she would probably be monitoring the familiars over here.

"No, it’s not really anything important you know" -Tsuchio

"That\'s fine. I don\'t think you need to tell me right now then..." -Sasha

"... it’s an important thing so please hear it" -Tsuchio

"If that\'s so, please tell me from the beginning" -Sasha

As usual, her attitude towards me is harsh... No, it is not only me.

"The thing is, a unicorn entered the forest, so I tamed it.... What should I do?" -Tsuchio

"You shouldn\'t lie you know, a unicorn isn\'t a monster that a greenhorn like you can tame....Unless it is terribly tired." -Sasha

"No, I didn\'t lie about it. Look, it\'s right over there." -Tsuchio

I waved my hand at Rin since I saw her, she looked at me for an instant and answered by giving a snort.

"...Are you really the one who tamed it?" -Sasha

"Yes, an adventurer party failed to defeat it, I tamed her after they fought." -Tsuchio

"And then, those adventurers are?" -Sasha

"They were killed by her. Ah, There are no corpses. My slime has eaten them" -Tsuchio

Anyway, it is necessary to tell the truth about the details of Rin\'s taming. If I say it here, there won\'t be trouble in the future. It’s also not a crime after all.

"... I see. Since it will only become a monster when you leave it alone, I think that your decision isn’t a mistake. Although as a human being I think there’s something wrong about your action. Uusually you burn it you know, the corpses" -Sasha

"Anything which can be used, is wasted when you don\'t use it all." -Tsuchio

"...Ah, that\'s right. So is there a memento?" -Sasha

"...there isn’t any you know?" -Tsuchio

"Take it out." -Sasha

"Yes..." -Tsuchio

I take out two black bag that looks like magic items. Thrusting her hand into the bag, the teacher who was rummaging through the bags seems to be searching for something.

"There it is..." -Sasha

“What is it, that thing?” -Tsuchio

The thing that teacher took out, were four plates made from metal. There’s that thing right? Since I don’t know what that thing is used for, for the time being, I decided to put it back....

"This is a guild card. It is something like an adventurer\'s ID." -Sasha

"He~, what will you do with it?" -Tsuchio

"I will hand it to the adventurer guild and inform them that these people died. If I didn’t do that, they’ll just treat them as a missing person after all." -Sasha

"If you must do those things... Then what should I do with the bag?" -Tsuchio

"For now, I\'ll take it to the guild as a memento. When there is nobody who takes it, it\'ll be given to the person who picked it up." -Sasha

"Then I will hand it over for now." -Tsuchio

"I will make you do so, even by force." -Sasha

I hand over the two bags to the teacher. Well, let\'s just wait without holding any expectation toward it.

"And then, about the unicorn that I just tamed...." -Tsuchio

"It can’t be helped since you already tamed it. I will inform the academy\'s side about this, so you must hold it’s rein tightly. Because if she runs wild, we don’t have any choice but to kill it." -Sasha

"...Those things, I’ll never let it happen." -Tsuchio

"Of course, since that\'s the tamer’s responsibility. It is your freedom which monsters you tame, but if you tame a monster that you can’t control and let it go on a rampage, I can expel anyone from school. Please remember that." -Sasha

"Ussu*" –Tsuchio

"If you already understand, quickly go back to your tent. It’s already dinner time you know?" -Sasha

"Oka~y, then what about teacher?" -Tsuchio

"I will eat here. It’ll be bad if the person who’s standing on guard leaves right?" -Sasha

"Then, I will get it for you. You also can’t leave this post right?" -Tsuchio

"….Thanks" -Sasha

(TLN: Ussu : the way to to said yes)

Well, I will get it quickly. Even just a little bit, I have to raise her mood!

“Come to think of it, what kind of familiar does teachers have?" -Tsuchio

“…Leaving that aside, why are you also having your meal here?" -Sasha

The dinner is big bread and a soup with mushroom, wild grass and meat. These isn\'t any of the things that we picked up....

"Well, Since it’s a rare chance I think it’s good for us to deepen our relationship that’s all!" -Tsuchio

"I’ll make you repeat the class you know?" -Sasha

"Wha, I’m not hiding anything you know!? It’s just, I have many things that I wanted teacher, who’s a senior tamer, to hear..." -Tsuchio

“…Well, if it’s just listening, I’ll listen to it. If it doesn\'t deviate from the things in my class, there’s no question that I cannot answer." -Sasha

“Then, please tell me what are teacher\'s familiars." -Tsuchio

"My familiar is Garm. Right now it’s inside my shadow." -Sasha

Garm? Well, if I am not mistaken, Garm was a mysterious dog that appeared in norse mythology. It is a monster with four eyes and blood dripping from its body, it’s the watchdog of the underworld. It stands in the way in front of the gate of the nether world to prevent anything from escaping. It growls at those misers who doesn\'t give anything to the poor. In the end, I think it got into a fight with the gods that ended up in a draw.

"You said it’s in your shadow, how can it enter your shadow?" -Tsuchio

"My familiar, since it evolved from a shadow wolf to Garm, it can use the magic from the one before it evolved. I should have already taught you about it?" -Sasha

"Aa, that\'s right! You said it in class!" -Tsuchio

However, Garm huh.... What kind of monster is it? It sounds pretty scary....

"That Garm, could you show it to me?" -Tsuchio

"...Well, I think it\'ll be okay. When this training is over, I was planning to show it anyways. Mug, come out!" -Sasha

From the teacher’s shadow, Zing! Something jumps out and lands in front of me. It’s darkish red fangs and it’s strangely big claw, it’s a wolf that\'s the same size as Rin. Although it has two eyes, around its temple there is a pattern (The one that exists on butterflies\' and moths\' wings) on each side. Since there’s two of it, it looked like it has four eyes. (Tl. note: The Garm has two eyes but there’s a pattern that looks like eyes on each side of his temple. It is like the pattern on butterflies\' wings.)

"So this is Garm eh~. It is big.... It is about the same size as a horse you know." -Tsuchio

"For an A-rank monster, this guy’s considered to be small." -Sasha

"Eh, this fellow is A rank!?" -Tsuchio

Rin said she is B rank, Ruu who’s par with her may also be on the same rank as her. It is a monster stronger than both Ruu and Rin... It’s my first time seeing one.

"It’s considered B rank if it’s alone, but in a flock, it can get up to lower A rank."

"… Is it in a flock?"

"That is... Since it’s formerly a wolf, of course, it’ll move in a flock. This kid you know, it’s the leader of its flock.”

So they’re treated like that huh... it’s really different from the earth after all. Or rather, flock’s leader? So that mean she also tamed other wolves?

"Umm, how many Garms did teacher tame? "

"I have 6 of them."

6!? What is that, won\'t that become a fluffy heaven?

"You\'re not just a teacher for show e~h..."

"That\'s natural, isn\'t it? What did you think about me up until now?"

"No~, hahaha..."

So there is still a sky above the sky huh… something like taming the whole flock, strategically it’s quite useful. I should also think about the collaboration between Ruu and Lime with Rin.

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