The Sins of Anna

Chapter 68 Pawns are Moving 26.1

David, I look at him in horror. His face was sunken in like a skeleton. The white of his eyes were yellow. Still I can tell the man that looks like he hasn't eaten in months is David. I say nothing watching him closely. Last time we had meet he was strung out on a new version of Candy and it was obvious his target was my life. Part of me still felt the chill of that day. A smirk appears across his face.

"You know." he says putting his hands in his pants walking towards me. I take a step back forgetting the officer is still there. I bump into him. I feel him steady me so I don't fall. David stops and looks up at the building still smiling. "It's quiet amusing don't you think Anna, that we are to meet again after all this time at the same place where you single handedly began to ruin everything. However; this time Feng isn't going to be here to save you, He has his own hands full I predict at this moment." I feel my stomach turn in knots at Davids words. Had something happened just after I left. David raised his hand as if to wave hello however seconds later from the ally of the hotel six men emerged holding pocket knifes, chains, crowbars. The look in there eyes, you could feel the emptiness. They where not all there.

"These friends of yours" The officer whispers in my ear hand tightening on my shoulder. He was worried and he had every reason to be I was no Ren but I wouldn't go down without a fight. This officer though he had a life probably a family this wasn't his world or his mess. I shook my head confirming his fear that this was trouble.

"Shit thought so." He says half jokingly in his tone.

Looking around us, I notice David stayed far behind the group smiling in amusement. That coward. I suddenly heard the groan of the man behind me. I hadn't realized that one of the men had launched behind us he used his body to shield me and had been stabbed in the back. I feel his weight on me.

"Damn you David. He's not involved, he is an innocent by standard let him go! I shout I shift my weight as I try to lower him to the ground.

David just laughs and turns on his heels. "You should have stayed my obedient doll Anna. Enjoy your final resting place. I have business with your lover. Tying up loose ends. He waves over his shoulder before he climbs in a car parked down the street and peels away like a bat out of hell. Before I can get back off the ground the six men have launch at me at the same time. Fuck, whipping my guns out I take shot after shot from both directs spinning in my place. They stagger back then keep coming. They don't feel pain. They aren't even slowing down. Ren and the Feng Clan was in trouble, Jack and my comrades where probably in trouble. Hell me and this officer where is trouble. I could feel myself wanting to puke as I reloaded and fired off a single bullet into the forehead of a man inches away from in blood splatted on my face. For brief second I could make out the blue gray of his eyes, the pain in them. I screamed out loosing myself to had taken a life as the body hit the ground and didn't get back up. My eyes because as red as the blood on my body and the echoing of every shot resonated with my screams until all six men lay still on the ground. Men who probably had nothing to do with this mess. Who where probably just normal civilians used as puppets and I just murdered them. I stood sobbing my body felt so numb. The groan and coughing behind me stirs my spiraling subconscious from causing me to self destruct.

"Are you alright," I knee down propping the officer up.

"Yeah, just wasn't quick enough." He coughs again trying to laugh. The sound of sirens was now echoing in the distance. I look up at the building. Someone from inside must have been dumb enough to call the cops despite being an illegal establishment. I needed to get out of here if I was caught I'd most likely be questioned, detained, hell probably even arrested. I needed to get to Feng manor. "Go quickly." The officer who I still hadn't learned the name of was hold a pair of keys out. I looked at him perplexed but didn't have time to argue as the sirens got closer. I took the keys hit the button and light flickered in the parking lot to a black beat up 4 door Sedan. I rush over and leave as quickly as I can in the opposite direction of the sirens. Everyone Please be alright.

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