The Sins of Anna

Chapter 57 Family Always 20.1

"Ren wait damn it!" Maliki Shouts chasing after Ren. "Are you seriously abandoning her after everything?" Ren slows his pace as he turns too look back at the manor. Of course, I didn't want to leave her but the pain of Silverman clans betrayal, the death of my mother never in a million years would I have thought that he could forgive that incident. Anna, maybe she really will be the death of me. Sighing I turn to the limo. The door being open for me as I approach. I slid in, Maliki slides in right beside me. Good bye Anna. I whisper looking back at the manor.


I stood on the outskirts of Silverman manor watching has Ren and Maliki got in the limo. For a second, I thought he was going to change his mind and go back in to find me. I was deeply hoping he would. I feel my heart break as he got in the limo and I watched it pull away. I won't cry not this time. It's not over, I will be at his side again. I take a deep breath trying my best to keep up a front. A hand squeezes my shoulder from behind.

"Angelia, you can go after him. I won't stop you. If you like I will even hold his flight until you get their honey." Silverman was comforting me as we watched. This man behind me is my father, but to me he's a stranger. I can't help shuddering at his touch.

"Please, I beg of you. I know I'm your daughter. I get it, but please, please let me at least stay as Anna." I want to stay the woman Ren had loved. I feel my voice shake. I looked back at him. Pain was on his face, but he nodded in silent agreement anyway.

"Will you go after him?" He asked again.

My shoulders slumped he doesn't want me right now how can I, "No but I want to help him for that I need your help and your clan's strength and resources." I say turning to him serious. I could see a smile in his eye as if a glimmer of hope seeped in.

"Of course, Anna, anything you ask it's yours. Can I ask for something though?" I want to cringe to his question I could only image what it will be. "I don't expect you to call me dad, but rather then Silverman can you at least call me by my first name as well." Come to think of it I had never heard his first name before. Everyone referred to him as Silverman. It wasn't a hard request. In fact it was plenty fair.

"I nod in agreement, "What is your first name?" I ask apologetically tilting my head in curiosity.

"No need to be sorry Anna, my names Daniel Silverman." He smiles back at me. I turn looking out at the gates one more time. Before I allow him to escort me inside.

I know I was hurting him, but I really didn't feel comfortable in the room that was supposed to be mine I asked to stay in the room that me and Ren where going to share originally. He didn't argue or try to force the roll of daughter on me, but I could see his pain and it made my stomach twist in knots. I was allowed to relax in my room till he summoned me, were I would be introduced to the clan members. I took this chance to set things in motion. I pulled out my phone first looking up Maliki's number sending him a quick text I'm sure there on the plane by now, but he will contact me as soon as he can that I'm sure of. Then I dialed Mikes number chances are he doesn't know what's going on and I want him to hear it from me not Ren these two became as dear to me as brothers. They where family and I loved them. It rang three times when the line suddenly picked up.

"Anna, what's wrong why are you calling?" I can't help feeling bad that he is now worried, but it would be a natural response I guess because; I'm supposed to be with Ren and Maliki. Normally I would have no need to call him unless something was wrong. "Anna you there?"

"Yeah, sorry I'm here." I try not to cry on the phone. "Mike, I need to tell you something and it's complicated. I just hope you will understand and not hate me or Ren." My voice breaks.

"What happened Anna." He asks gently. At times like this when he's not being a weird goof ball I can feel his feelings seep through, we are a family. A tear drops. I explain the events that took place he didn't even sound shocked to the news, my guess is he probably knew or suspected my parentage and decided the information was irrelevant so left it out of his report to Ren probably because of how Ren would take it. "Anna hang tight little sis I'm on my way there and I will bring you home. Ren's a moron and blinded by the past. You belong with him." I am shaking my head though I know he can't see me. "Anna? Did you hear me?"

"I heard," I being to cry I don't want to, but hearing him say that I belong with Ren depressed me I had thought the same thing, but I was quickly pushed aside. Now I need to prove it, not just think it. "Mike I can't come home. Not yet, I say stifling my cry. I need your help thought. You're the best there is at research and digging up dirt and I need it dug up on Ren and his family and the incident that took place little under twenty years ago when his mother dead and then Silverman clan was attacked by Feng over the incident. After hearing it something's just not adding up.

"You thought that too. I know something's but not a lot I was still pretty young when this all happened, what are we looking for? Any ideas?" Hearing his no bullshit business tone in place I can almost imagine him leaning back against the wall arms crossed over his chest as he normally would if I was talking seriously. Tilted his head looking at me contemplating everything I said. I could see it all.

"Firstly, Silverman said he handed a guy over to Ren's father the one that killed Ren's mother as requested but that the man wasn't one of his. So, who was he? I say holding up my finger as I think of everything I want him to investigate. "Secondly." I pause this isn't something I know for a fact, but it's just doesn't sound like Feng Clan Style, now Black Panther clan yes. I need to know "When Silverman's wife was killed." I stop.

"Your mother, What about it?"

"He said she was raped and stabbed to death by Feng clan, but I can't help feeling this isn't Feng style. I might be presumptuous, I mean know what Ren can be like, I know what business we are into, but I just don't feel like this makes since from what I have learned." I wait, as there is a long pause. God please tell me that I'm right. I suddenly here a little laugh.

"Alright Anna I get it, so you think everything was a set up to force the two clan to betray each other; honestly woman you're a genius sometimes I swear. Why no one had thought of this before is beyond me. The clans had been so close before. we where a strong alliance. Anyone would want to break that." I can hear him laughing so hard I imagine him bent over shaking. I don't get why it was so funny, but it looks like he's on board. "For you I can do at least this much. If anything this shouldn't be to hard to uncover."

"Thank you, Mike, but this isn't for me it's for Ren even if I can never come home I want him to have piece of mind. I don't want him seeing me with hatred like his does with Silverman."

"You, no way he could." He says becoming serious again I can't help feeling sad again because he hadn't seen how Ren took the news. How he had push me off. I was no longer Ren's equal I was more like scum least it's how I felt. "Can I ask one more thing, you and Maliki don't forget me and loose touch I want to know what's going on wit you guys and Ren." I almost whisper the last part.

"Little sis you're the only woman right to be head of this house I promise, you will have a place here and when ever you need Feng help our army marches just give use the word my lady." I can't help smiling at Mikes comfort as we said our good byes as he reassures me that its more like see you later.

I close my phone taking a deep breath. I feel so exhausted and it's not even dinner time yet and I just want to sleep and pray it's all a bad dream. I still know though when I wake Ren won't be here. I feel tears welling up again as I walk over to the window looking over the garden and just stare out thinking of him. This isn't good bye.

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