The Sins of Anna

Chapter 53 Secret Exposed 18.1

The following evening, we were met by a white limo at the private plane hangar to take us directly to Silverman Manor. In a way it felt good to get away from the trouble that Candy was causing. Though I was also worried about leaving most of the men to still deal with it. Ren assured me everything would be fine. With that in mind my thoughts drifted off to dread what this meeting with Silverman was about. I still hadn't told Ren about the meeting. I felt so uncomfortable as we sat in silence. Ren was next to me Maliki across from us. I look out the window trying to distract myself.

"You look about as uneasy as you did the first night I took you home." Ren suddenly broke the silence. His was watching me from the corner of his eyes.

"If memory serves me right you also weren't happy about me looking at you while you were driving me home or being there for that matter." I say sticking my tongue out at him then return to look out my window. The sound of a clicking breaking the moment of silence and the smell of smoke caresses my senses as I looked back to see Ren putting his lighter back in his pocket of his suit taking a deep puff of his cigarette. I know smoking is bad for you and that I'm crazy, but I love that smell on him and damn he looks so sexy while he's smoking. Beats me how, but it feels weird to not see him smoke.

The limo comes to a stop in front of a high security fence around a massive mansion. I notice men circling around with what looked like metal detectors waving them under the limo. Three German Shepard sniffing as they circled the vehicle suddenly we move again as the security outside signals the go ahead. The gates close immediately as the limo pulls through and rounds about to the front of the manor. The doors open, and a hand is held out to me to help me out. I take it not wanting to be rude and realize that the hand I just accepted was Silverman's. Without thinking I pull back instantly as if I had just been bitten. I turn to search for Ren worried because when it comes to this man he becomes hostile. however he elegantly strolls over as if he saw nothing. I release a quick breath of relief that isn't missed by Silverman as I catch a smirk. He turns and walks towards Ren, hand extended.

"Lord Feng, thank you for coming so quickly." He holds out his hand, Ren just stares. The awkwardness grows. The old man chuckles as if in a very good mood and blows it off as he just turns and leads us into the manor.

"Lord Silverman!" A Scrawny young man about sixteen years of age I'd guess his hair a golden blonde with the hint of Silver falling into his eyes. Silverman stopped and turned toward the boy obviously not happy about the interruption. The boy began whispering into the old man's ear. Ren grunted with annoyance. I nuzzled my head against the side of his shoulder his eye meets mine he doesn't have to say anything I know what he's thinking. If he really wanted a truce, why the secrecy. Ren's hand gently circles around my hips as he pulls me to stand close to him. He was tenser then I had noticed. Suddenly the silence is broken as Silverman sighs and speaks loud enough for use to here.

"Yes, of course I will be right there. While I do that; take Lord Feng and his party to their rooms." Silverman gestures towards us. The boy looks at Ren with a worried look on his face though considering his reputation it be surprising if he didn't. "They are my important guests and will be treated as such. Do I make myself clear Sean?"

The boy nodded, "Of course my Lord."

"Sorry we must part so soon however there is an important matter that I must handle right away. If you'll excuse me. My nephew will show you to your rooms for your stay here." Silverman turns on his heals walking down a long hall in the opposite direction from where his nephew was heading without a word. Ren held tightly to me as we turned and followed the young man. Without a word and many turns in, we went deeper into the manor the boy suddenly stops.

"This will be your male companions room." He says opening the room to let Maliki in then turns and heads down the hall. Ren looking even more annoyed ushers me behind him. This boy differently lacked manners when it came to guests, I couldn't help thinking. About five rooms down the hall from Maliki's the boy turns right going around the corner then stops at the end of the hall it had double doors. He opened it just the same as Maliki "This will be the woman's room." With the way that came off his tongue for some reason pissed me off. It's as if he made me sound dirty or vial or something. Ren certainly hadn't missed it he was glaring with an intensity that would make me afraid.

"You mean our room, don't you?" Ren stared down at the boy who suddenly squirmed uncomfortably. Stumbling for his words.

"No, my Lord I was told this was the girls room and was instructed to take you to another."

"Then we leave now." Ren growled grabbing onto my hand heading back the way we came.

"Wait," The boy called after." He didn't make eye contact. "It's just that this room was made for my cousin who disappeared when she was a baby. Please don't tell him I told you. He wished for her to sleep her"

"Is that why you sounded so salty when you said I would sleep hear." I asked in wonderment. He nodded his head. "Then it's solved I also do not wish to sleep in this room. I am Ren Feng's fiancee my place is by his side. That means in his room as well." After that conversation Silverman had had with me, there is no way I want to be in the room of his lost child as if to take her place. The Boy looked at me almost approvingly. He turned waving his hand for us to both follow. We are taken to a different wing of the manor where we are stopped in front of a door. When it opens we are greeted with a beautiful, extravagant room. Across it is glass doors that exit onto a balcony overlooking a marvelous garden. Ren strolls over to the window and instantly leans against it and looks down. Again, I am filled with curiosity as to why he has this habit.

"Hopefully this sits better with you the boy says watching Ren." Ren nods not saying a word. "My uncle will be with you after he is done dealing with important preparations for tonight." The boy quickly takes his leave without another word.

I stand silent unsure what to do when I hear a sigh escape Ren's lips. I can't help but smile. "Poor baby." I say laughing at him. He looks my way letting out a half-amused snort, an eye brow arched like he does when he's amused.

"Yeah sure is hard, keeping myself held back from killing everyone here." I sigh not amused as I walk over to him. I turn leaning my back against the window and sitting on the seal of it. I can hear him laugh under his breath. Guess my lack of amusement was apparent.

"What now?" I say stretching my arms in front of me restless.

"I suppose we wait for whatever comes. If something happens though we need to be ready."

I look up at him. "Do you think he would invite us all the way out here just to start trouble?"

"It's what I would do if I wanted to take out a head with no one to notice, is lure him out." Ren's face was serious, and I could feel my nerves beginning to crawl. Could this be a trap? "Honestly no, I don't think this is his plan or else why invite you and Maliki but, things can always go wrong when you least expect it."

A knock comes, the door slowly opens as both our gazes falls on the driver to the limo. He appears in the doorway with our bags in hand. Lays them on the bed and quickly leaves without a word. Gently Ren pushes off the wall next to the window as strolls over to the bags. His eyes intense as he examines them. "Is something wrong with out bags?" I ask little worried. For Ren he always must be concerned and perceptive, but I can't get use to this knot in my gut when he becomes intense like this. His hand now on the zipper as he opens the bag I come over standing next to him. He grunts "Bastards went through our luggage. Remind me to burn these and by you new clothes when we get home." Seriously I get all worried for nothing because of him. I slug him in the shoulder and walk around to sit on the bed. "Anna, I think I've been far to nice to you if you think you can hit me and get away with it." His words seem harsh his tone and face read playful.

"Your scared the crap out of me all because they might have touched my clothes you jerk. I'd say you deserve it accept my punishment." I say playfully back as I finger through my clothes folding them back up. I love when we can be alone because he's just Ren not the Lord of this shadowy world he lives in. "We also aren't burning my clothes, its called a washing machine if your so worried about it." I can't help wanting to laugh at his reaction to my clothes being looked through it's sadly to be expected they don't trust us and we don't trust them and it's how it is.

Zipping up the suit case I cast mine to the floor and lay back on the bed. The weight at the end of the bed shifts lighter then becomes heavier Ren crawls his way to the top his arms holding his upper body up over me. His eyes gleaming in mine. I can't help losing myself in his gaze. The warmth of his hand now on my cheek, I cover his hand with my own turning my head placing my lips on the palm of his hand gently kissing it. I turn back seeing my reflection in his eyes. "Ren…" He leans down his lips gently on mine. I whimper with discontent when he breaks the kiss, I want him to kiss me more, and much deeper like the fire that is heating my body.

"What's wrong my love unsatisfied?" Ren says not really as a question but as a statement. He smiles mischievously down at me. This butt he's trying to tease me on purpose and damn it, it's working.

"Your evil you know that don't you. Make me want you, need you then leave me hanging. Maybe I should go back to that movie store and pick out that movie you suggest several months ago and help myself, what was it called again?" I say smiling at him playfully. My fingers sliding through his hair on his neck. I can hear a growl come from deep in his throat his main arm wraps around my waist his body weight pushing harder against me.

"And you say I'm the evil one for pete's sake woman now I better not leave this room for a year with that comment."

Knocking on the door interrupts our playfulness, "Jesus what timing these people have." I can't help but laugh at Ren's disappointed look as he climbs down to the end of the bed and stand to go answer the door. As this time the person didn't just enter which I was thankful for. I sit up on the side of the bed looking to see who it is this time. The young man from before Silverman's nephew is their when Ren answers the door. He says nothing waiting for the boys to speak.

"Pardon if I was interrupting Lord Feng my uncle is calling you. He would like you to meet him in his office I will take you there." The boy stares at his feet as he speaks.

"We will come immediately" I say coming to Ren's side.

The boy looks from Ren to me looking worried. "I'm sorry Miss but the master wants to speak with Ren alone."

"No way in hell is that happening!" I blurt out without thinking. Ren stifles a snort like laugh. His arms folded across his chest as he leans back against the door frame watching me and the boy.

"I'm sorry but I cannot permit…."

"The hell you can't! don't give me that crap you don't trust us and frankly I don't trust anyone here either. So, if Ren is going then so am I and the only way you're going to stop me is by force." I blow up at him.

"Now that's something I'd like to see you try and do kid, personally I'm betting she will kick the shit out of you in five seconds flat if you try to stop her further." Ren says grinning at the boy who was looking at him as if begging to help him with me. I stand arms folded cross my chest.

"I'm not kidding I'm going,"I stomp my feet. "Or we are leaving, and Silverman can just eat shit and die!"

The kid bows his head, "very well but he won't be happy about this."

"Tough shit." I mumble, Ren chuckles as he wraps an arm around my waist. "That's my girl." I hear him whisper in my ear as we follow behind Silverman's Nephew.

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