The Sins of Anna

Chapter 38 Trouble at Feng Manor 10.3

"Do forgive me my Lady I came as soon as I heard word, I wouldn't miss the chance to escort you around the town if I had it in my power." Blah I want to puke being so courteous to her royal bitchness, but I just smile no matter what she says.

When I first met her, she seemed like a bubbly air head but, I soon learned of her true colors. She's actually sharp and cold. She's also; quite the little actress when she wants to be. That's why when she's with Ren, she's like an obedient dog. She goes from dress store to dress store. Trying on many things and saying that nothing it worthy of her. I am used to hold her things as she looks at jewels, bags, shoes talking about when she's Ren's wife she'll have him buy her all the beautiful things she deserves. I can't help thinking how this chick is some piece of work and loco. Does she really think she will control Ren to do whatever she asks? More than that I see him more likely stabbing her in her sleep from driving him crazy. I have seen his killing aura I can't imagine once he's pushed so far that he will hold back even on his partner. Several times I have feared for my own life being with him. Though I'm not telling her that.

'Hey Anna, I got an idea lets ditch the driver and just go walking. What do you say." She suddenly asks bouncing around hugging on me like we're best friends.

"My lady perhaps when things cool off and this area is safer. I'm sure you have heard the reports of the ambushes on the Feng Clan. As Lord Feng's bride to be, you will be a high target." I try to calmly explain and persuade without aggravating her. However, she wasn't listening.

"That's why I have you Anna, common please we will be okay if you're with me."

"I must object I cannot guarantee your safety and that is my soul purpose here. I will not risk your safety on a whim of wanting to take a stroll." I stand firm and usher her back to the car. As we are driving down the road she's still complaining I tune her out, man she's like a spoiled brat.

Sound of the door opening catches my attention as she opens the door and runs out at a stop light. Panicked I give chase. When I finally catch up to her we are suddenly surrounded. There's no way I can take them all. I need to keep her safe.

"You! Get down low to the ground and shut up." I shout she looks at me horrified. If she had just listened to me. I will make her pay for this. As she gets down low I quickly grab my guns from the harness and begin open firing. The group of men surprised swiftly take cover.

"Move your ass I shout grabbing Brittany and running as fast as I can drag her. However; we are eventually cornered and I'm out of ammo. I hear Brittany suddenly on the phone calling for Ren. You idiot this is a trap for him I grab the phone smashing it against the wall. Doing that though cost us, bags over our heads and tied up we are thrown in a car that drives for what seems like forever.

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