The Sins of Anna

Chapter 25 My Lord is My Love 6.6

Ren doesn't even bother to entertain his comment and turns and heads to the elevator I follow suit as we get in Maliki stands outside saying he has something to do before he heads up. The doors close we stand their alone in silence. Ren looks annoyed now that it's just us too.

"I have to get off on the 6th floor at the development department for a conference you should just wait in my office till I return got it." Ren says breaking the silence. I nod not able to speak.

"Geez, honestly," he suddenly wraps a strand of my hair around his hand placing his lips to the strands and smelling it. He isn't even touching me yet but my stupid body quivers in obedience.

"Are you still mad at me?" I ask cautiously. Glancing back at him.

Sighing he drops my hair reaching around me and hits the emergency stop button on the elevator, making us come to a stop. He wraps his arms around my waist from behind pulling me back to lean against him as he props his chin down on my shoulder.

"You are so slow when it comes to shit like this; I wasn't mad at you. I just wanted to cut off his fucking lips for trying to sweet talk you and convince you to sleep with him. I never imagined he would try something like that so boldly at work but then again you looked so irresistible while you were filming. Please tell me you were thinking of me while you had those seductive looks." I nod to his question as I hold his arms tightly around my waist. Part of me was wishing time could just stop here. That was short lived though as he loosened his arms stating he had to get to that meeting and restarted the elevator. As it dinged open and he exited swiping his card and hitting the top floor button. I see him wave over his shoulder.

Up in the office I enter to find someone already waiting there. A man not much taller than me, he looks so young in that suit, short blonde hair, and blue eyes. Noticing my presence, he turns and smiles to me.

"Hello, their Miss, is boss man in?"

"Oh ah, he's in a meeting but his assistant will be up here shortly he had to prepare something before coming up." I say nervously, how could he even be up here?

"Your Feng's new little toy from last night, right?" A sadistic smile expressed on his now creepy face.

"What, what are you talking about Sir. I, I don't know what Feng even is." I start backing away.

However, he charges at me pushing me hard and slamming my back against the wall next to the door his hands gripping around my throat tightly. I can't breathe. I struggle to try to get into my purse but it's no use desperate to get air I start hitting his arms but he's stronger than he looks I desperately kick and land between his legs. This is the second time today I have hit a guy there. Groaning in pain he hunches over as I slip away digging for my gun I point it to him as the door to the office opens and Maliki looks at me then in the direction of where my gun was pointing as if this isn't unusual.

"Mike quiet being a cry baby it's your fault and I'm sure you deserved it, and you," Maliki looks at me putting his hand on top of the gun. "Do you plan to shoot Ren's' other best friend?" Shocked at what he says I drop my arms that had been ready to shoot the strange man.

This man is Ren's best friend? I look over confused and uncertain then back at Maliki. The man now standing pats me on the shoulder walking past me and sits on the sofa lighting a cigarette.

"It's nice to meet you little sis, though I won't be completely happy about this meeting if I end up never being able to have kids." He looks at me grinning from ear to ear as if he's a stupid little kid himself. I can't believe him, he attacks me then says he will be upset if I damaged his package.

"Who the hell do you think your blaming, you're the one that attacked me." I growl pissed off this bastard attacked me then act like it was nothing.

"And what's this little sister business."

"Well that parts easy to explain, Ren is like a brother too us as we have been childhood friends. You are the woman he has brought in so naturally we see you as an adopted little sis, cutie pie." Mike winks at me crossing his legs elegantly as he makes himself at home on the couch looking more adult than a minute ago, "As for the choking, it was a joke, I just wanted to test you before we get to training you. Seems you have a fight back mode in you, that's good. Means you'll probably survive, probably. But seriously kicking a man between the legs that's a pretty low blow."

The way this man talks is making my head hurt his playful nonchalant manner as if everything's a joke. I look at Maliki who doesn't seem to pay mind.

"That's because I had no other option." I reply looking back at Mike.

"Mike that's your own stupid fault you were close enough for her to do so, on top of that when your life is on the line all weak points are open game, low blow or not, not like you were using it anyway. Maliki says face still cool and collected as he reads the papers on his desk. Also; you left bruises on her neck so you were taking it to far, if our brother sees them he's going to kick the crap out of you. Might even kill you not that I'd care if he does, one less headache to deal with." He's now smiling at Mike mischievously. I feel Maliki is also very scary compared to his cool demeaner most of the time.

"Oh, if only, I will welcome the punishment from our brother. Ever since meeting her he hasn't touched me even once. I so do miss his affection" The man starts hugging himself making noises like an overly excited little girl squealing, I couldn't help feeling the creeps, was he serious?

"To think Ren thinks I'm the one with a sick habit but you actually want him to beat you because you get off on it you sick fuck. So, is there a real reason for you coming here?" Maliki shaking his head in disbelief looking up at Mike as if he's had enough.

I stand there just listening confused a little between these twos banter.

"Anna come over here and sit next to me on the couch." Mike ignores Maliki's question inviting me over patting the seat. I reluctantly take a seat on the far end of the couch giving us space. He gives me a pouted expression when he sees this, a deep sigh escapes his lips that I can now see close, as pink and as soft as a girl.

"No trust, no trust, tsk, tsk. Well, that's probably a good thing." He smiles then turns to Maliki who's at his desk still. He reaches into his jacket and pulls out a folder and holds it up.

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