The Sins of Anna

Chapter 23 My Lord is My Love 6.4

"Oh common, I didn't interfere last night and I am accepting her as my sister, I just wanted to have some fun with you." He smirks at Ren holding his shoulder.

"Hey Anna, so tell me was I just as forceful as Ren the night you met?" He walks over wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I try to squirm free.

"What kind of crap are you saying now to her you sick bastard." Ren grabs my arm jerking me over to him. Unable to hold back listening to these two I bust out laughing at their little banter back and forth. It would seem Ren also loses his cool with this guy.

"You guys get along so well," I wipe tears from my eyes it's hard to breath I am laughing so hard. I see Ren look more annoyed looking down watching me laugh bent over in front of him. Suddenly grabbing my upper arm, he tugs me jerking me around to where my back is against the hall wall his other hand on the wall trapping me, his eyes freezing me to my spot as he is staring at me then let's go of my arm and grabs my chin.

"Little thing if you don't stop laughing and mocking me then I'm going to make you stop." His mouth moves closer to me. Panicked I put my hands on his chest and push him back.

"You can't, who knows who's watching, last thing you need is a scandal with someone like me." He glares at me even more for stopping him.

"Like who, we are the only ones here?" He tosses my chin aside annoyed.

"How about the person in the building across the way with a high scope camera." Maliki points out the window no longer smiling, Ren turns surprised, walking to the window looking out his expression becomes dark as he leers out to the building across for us. There really was someone, whew that was a close call I can't help thinking.

"Mr. Hashiro… we are, having issues sir." The staff member comes out weary to interrupt.

"Don't worry about it, I was just scolding two useless idiots on place and timing. I'm on my way." He turns and goes back in as we follow behind.

It seems when he ignored the star actress because of what Maliki did she become angry and is now refusing to shoot the commercial all together. Ren put back on his best smile to try and fix the problem, but his words lacked the sincerity and sweet talk. What happened to the womanizer I know? I can't help pondering.

"Miss. Lane I understand if I have offended you however if you can't regain your professionalism then you're as useless as a mule and can be replaced. Shocked from Ren's rough words compared to his smile she freezes just staring.

Without her giving a reply Ren turns walking away and starts to call the project manager and staff.

"Miss. Lane will be replaced, we will finish this shoot today without her please inform the president of 2 Love Cosmetics." Ren announces to the filming crew.

"No need I am already here." a voice speaks up from the other side of the studio a man in a white tailored suit short blonde hair in his mid-thirties just little shorter the Ren walks toward Ren and the staff.

"So, Mr. Hashiro; do tell me who you plan to replace her with, that we will be able to finish today without Miss. Lane?"

Ren looks around and smirks at me, I instantly know this means more than just a simple smile. He turns, his calm steps echo in the suddenly silent studio. I turn to try and exit the studio before I'm caught knowing full well he won't chase me here, however Maliki grabs the back of my jacket before I open the studio doors and Ren in a low voice growls at me.

"Where do you think your running off to, you got work to do." I shiver fills me as he drags me back to the crowd behind him.

"We will us this unknown amateur, this isn't a hard script and she's defiantly gorgeous enough to do it justice don't you think." He pushes me forward for the president to inspect me. All eyes on me make me uncomfortable. I see the man looking seriously at me up and down then nods in agreement.

"Mr. Hashiro," I whisper, "do I really have to do this." I plead with him to not make me do this. He puts on that damn business smile to me and leans close to my ear so that only I can hear him.

"Think of this as damage control my dear since you are partly at fault that this happened." He whispered his lips close to my ear.

So, he wants me to take responsibility for Tara being unprofessional, I hate those kinds of damn people more than anything. All they do is cause trouble for others and now I'm in the damn mix. Damn womanizer I just want to kick him in the shins, he should have just ignored us not like Maliki was going to do anything for real.

"Sir, I am no actress." I pout addressing Ren as professional as I can sound.

"If I do this it is only to teach her that her way of thinking is wrong and that her job is in danger, I don't want this to be the real commercial film." I whisper back to Ren looking at him seriously from a glace our cheeks are close enough to touch.

"But of course, just imagine you're thinking of me while acting it out." He shows me that same damn smile he gave Tara and others he works with.

"Oh, so I need to act like I want to kick the crap out of someone for being pushed around all the damn time." I say turning around to face him hands on my hip as I smirk back at him.

He frowns, stands up handing me a script by hitting me on the top of the head with it for my remark I'm sure, and then ushers me to a changing booth. There are two women trying to pick out the outfits batting back and forth what would suit me.

"If I might be so bold ladies, I think this white sundress with floral patterns would be good, and the makeup enhance on her green eyes." Ren boldly takes the dress off the rack holding it up to me as they watch.

"Why yes you are so right!" They clap their hands together in awe and excitement as they dress me, and do my hair and makeup. They chat and start asking me about how I knew Ren.

Honestly all I can say though is that I am a journalist working on an article for him because which magazine that's running the article is still secret. They seem sad when I tell them that, that's all there is too it. Seems when he got annoyed with Maliki for screwing around they thought I was his girlfriend. Like that would ever happen, I sigh. Reading over the script in one scene I am supposed to have just been dumped and sad, no words all feeling in the eyes and movement. Then I spray the perfume and all my worries are gone I am standing in a field of wild flowers as a man comes and sweeps me off my feet. Reading that I can't help feeling sick because of the cheesy commercial I mean seriously who wrote this crap like perfume can make it all better and the fact that I must let someone I don't know touch me my skins crawling. Honestly after everything with the gang incident and even David, the thought of someone touching me makes me uneasy. The only exception is Ren and I wish he wasn't the exception because everything is so hot and then cold.

Ren stands right next to the camera as I walk out onto the set, this scene I go bare foot there is water coming down as if to show rain to amplify my pain. Looking out then turning and holding myself I look up for a second seeing Ren he's looking at me. Looking away I imagine him calling me worthless and abandoning me crosses my mind. I close my eyes a tear comes forth dropping down my cheek as I turn to face Ren I feel my heart break and I don't know why. They cut the scene everyone remains silent I am quickly taken to the change room and quickly dried off and changed into a spare set of the same outfit with makeup redone. Neither of the woman say anything. Was it bad I wonder not that it matters I guess as I sit in silence. I come out and they are all viewing the clip. It seems this one is shot in black in white, but somehow, they left my eye color visible because they are vibrant green as I look up toward the camera before I close them a tear falling a sad expression appears as I reopen my eyes. In the back, I here a few whisperings.

"Hey did you see that?"

"Yeah, Amateur, are you kidding me she looks like she's a pro crying on cue like that most people use tear drops."

"Was she cheating and hid them?"

I walk over to the project manager and Ren waiting to be told what next to do. Ren glances over a sincere smile on his face as he looks at me, holding out his hand to invite me closer. When the project manager sees me come up next to Ren he calls out to the crew to get ready for the next scene. I start out on the street pulling out the perfume from my purse spraying it on me, a big fan blows glitter to make the perfume seem to work like magic then I am taken to the next set filled with wild flowers. I am supposed to feel refreshed and alive I know this feeling recently. I lean down as I smell the flowers, brushing my hands through them as my smile slowly grows then I turn standing and a man enters the stage I know I don't know him but I blink as if hypnotized all I'm seeing is Ren as we come closer in the flowers. He takes my hand and seductively pulls me closer, our foreheads touching. The director calls cut and the again before me is a stranger. I start apologizing and I back off. Looking around I catch Ren's eyes from across the room he makes his way towards me when I feel a tap on my shoulder. Surprised I turn around there is the President of 2 Love Cosmetics.

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