I have Became Able to Do Anything with My Growth Cheat but I Can not Seem to Get out of Being Jobless

Chapter 172

Translator: Tseirp

The Leviathan’s attack swallowed the island and the island’s shape changed in a blink of the eye .


That can no longer be called lightning . Isn’t that an Eldritch Blast that consumes everything?

“Ichino-sama, that attack was only aimed at the surface! Since the labyrinth is deep underground, Sheena should be all right . ”

“I know … but ―”

Is she really fine?

That labyrinth is not a normal labyrinth but an artificial labyrinth . There were things like pipes trailing here and there .

I can’t imagine the facility’s equipment surviving being bathed in lightning . If just the air conditioning breaks down in that underground labyrinth, the monkeys would suffocate to death .

The Leviathan began moving .

It intends to get closer to the island .

“Ichino-sama, quickly, your spell!”

“I know ― but, I can’t get an aim on it . ”

I’ve not used Ancient Nova even once until then so I didn’t know the speed and the size of the flames . Moreover, since I was adding Boost to it, I didn’t know the speed even more . If only there’s a way to make it stop for a moment ―

Or rather, I missed my greatest opportunity just now .

The Leviathan stopped for a split second when it released that attack .

I would have been able to somehow pull it off at that time .

But I couldn’t wait for that to happen again .

Since there was no guarantee that Sheena won’t die from the next attack .

If that’s the case, I just have to aim at it ―

(If only Marina was here, I could probably hit it if I follow her instructions . )

I knew that I couldn’t hope for something that wasn’t possible but I wanted to somehow make it such that I won’t miss .

“Ichino-sama, it is fine as long as you aim it in the direction of the enemy . And Carol also has a plan that might work . ”


“Carol will dive into the sea ― below the boat . The effect of the Temptress skill manifests even during the day when Carol is underground ― since that is the case, it might work if Carol dives down under the ocean surface as well . Carol has the bucket we used to throw water out of the boat . If Carol turns this upside down, Carol can have enough air to last underwater for a couple of minutes . ”

“Carol, your Captivating Fragrance of the Moon is a skill that invites monsters with smell! Even if it is only released in the air pocket made by the wooden bucket, if that smell spreads into the ocean ― ”

“Carol heard that sharks can smell blood from a kilometer away ― In the first place, Carol doesn’t know either if Carol’s skill works on the Leviathan . ”

” … I will release my magic the moment the Leviathan changes direction . Immediately return to the boat after that . Even if the Leviathan doesn’t change direction and I don’t release my magic, swim back to the boat once two minutes pass . If that saying about the sharks’ olfactory sense is true, even if it doesn’t work on the Leviathan, there’s a high possibility that the smell will cause the monsters that escaped just now to turn back . ”

“Okay . Carol swears on this slave collar that Carol will definitely follow Ichino-sama’s orders . ”

Carol nodded as she turned over a large bucket to capture air and prepared to jump into the sea .

“Carol, the boat might sway greatly once I release my magic . Be careful not to hit your head . ”

“Yes, Carol prays for Ichino-sama’s fortune in battle . ”

Carol said that and dove into the sea .

I heard the sound of the bucket hitting the bottom of the boat . She probably pressed the bucket against there to stabilize it .

I didn’t count how much time passed .

If the Leviathan showed any gesture of releasing the next attack, I would immediately move to attack .

After all, if I allowed the next Leviathan attack, I would lose the meaning for this battle .

Then ― a minute passed .

The Leviathan opened its large mouth and gathered power at its horn .

Shit, I can’t wait any longer!

I thought .

“Boost Ancient ―”

As I was about to cast my magic, lightning suddenly retracted from the Leviathan’s horn .

Then, it changed its direction .

Towards us .

(You’ve done it, Carol!)

The Leviathan was heading straight in our direction .

In this situation, neither the attack speed nor the enemy’s speed would matter .

Aiming directly straight at the enemy would most likely hit .

“Carol, hold on tight! You better not drown!”

I shouted,

“「Boost Ancient Nova」!”

and released my magic .

I was immediately struck with the sensation of my energy being uprooted and snatched from my body .

It was a sensation I had not felt until then, an intense feeling of weakness greater than when I had magical power depletion .

At the same time, a minutely small grain of flame was released from my wand .

Its speed was quicker than the eye could capture but I wondered what was the meaning of such a flame .

That flame struck the Leviathan .

Then, there was an impact . It wasn’t an explosion or a blast .

All the surrounding space was absorbed and the released Big Bang-like destructive power swept the boat backward greatly . (TL: The direct translation was Big Van-like but it didn’t make any sense at all … unless he was referring to truck-san? lol)

“Carol ―!”


The rolling waves swept Carol but I grabbed the hand she stretched out . I felt like I was about to lose consciousness from the feeling of weakness but I summoned the last of my strength and pulled her up to the boat in one go .

“Was it defeated?”

Carol said as she stared at the Leviathan that was still caught within the blast flames .

“Of course . If it survives that, I no longer have any chance of winning ― ah … . . ”

That’s when I came to a realisation .

My level didn’t rise .

Even though my Fire, Water, Wind and Earth Magicians were at the peak, my Jobless job still has room to level up .

If my level didn’t go up, it meant ―

I wanted to think that it was a condition whereby its experience points didn’t come in because it was a boss but it was wishful thinking .

Because a gigantic body appeared from within the flames that was clearing up .

It survived . It was considerably weakened but it was still alive .

” … Its wounds are closing up . ”

It was beginning to self-regenerate .

Does that mean now is the only time to defeat it?

“I’ll release the same magic again . ”

“That’s reckless, Ichino-sama! Your magical power won’t sustain it! Not only is it doubtful if Ichino-sama’s magic will activate with your current condition, we also don’t know what will happen if you activate it! Magical Power Boost might be a trump card for magicians to use during important battles but at the same time, it is also a dangerous magic! If Ichino-sama dies ― ”

“Carol will not be able to leave My World and Pionia would also be troubled … but, there’s Torerul-sama . That person will most likely come to my world to slack . You can appeal to Torerul-sama when that time comes ― I can tell from that attack from the Leviathan just now . If that thing reaches the continent where there are countless people, thousands or tens of thousands of people will die . ”

Coming to this world, I thought that I will be able to do anything with my growth cheat power and Jobless cheat power . No, I believe I can do it .

Therefore, if I don’t defeat it, who will!

“Prepare yourself, Leviathan! Boost ―”

― 『Gan』

A dull sound struck the back of my head and my weakened body suffered immense damage .

When I collapsed, I saw the figure of Carol crying while holding onto the oar .

“Ichino-sama, sorry . But Carol cannot live without Ichino-sama . ”

Carol said as she pulled my body and entered My World — at the same time, my consciousness once again fell into darkness .


The shadows of two human-like beings that suddenly disappeared and the flames that assaulted it just now . And the mysterious smell that controlled its consciousness . The Leviathan that was being wary of all that detected the appearance of a new presence .

“I thought I saw a huge explosion — what happened?”

A human girl on the island said while laughing .

The Leviathan bared its fangs .

Because even though the appearance was different, it could detect that it was the human that asserted itself as the Demon Lord, the one who sealed it .

Then, as the Leviathan was about to release lightning,

“For you who haven’t regenerated your horn, you are out of your depth challenging me . 「Thousand Dark Swords」 . ”

She — the reincarnated Demon Lord Famiris‧Raritei — Kusunoki Miri released a gigantic sword of Darkness that pierced the body of the Leviathan and that darkness swallowed its body .

Then, in the end, all that remained was a calm sea and a burnt island — as well as a small unmanned boat .

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