Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 333

That night Maya went all out in her cooking, preparing a multitude of dishes that really hit the spot. It wasn’t as good as the meals provided by the Phoenix fledgling restaurant or Ramsey’s star restaurant but had a tasty home cooking feel. By the end Nanna and Loki were rubbing their inflated bellies with satisfied expressions, very much appreciating Maya, and Frost’s cooking.

“Thank you for the lovely meal master, it was delicious.” Findlay finished his plate clean, licking his lips in satisfaction. Not only did he get to partake in a glorious meal that was prepared by his master and mistress, but he was allowed to dine at the same table, filling his heart with gratitude. He could think of no greater reward for his efforts in defence of the dungeon.

“You’re very welcome Findlay, glad you enjoyed it.” Frost replied with a bright smile before summoning a couple barrels of low grade beer. “Please take these back with you to share with the others. We don’t have many intruders at the moment so they can let loose a little, they have my permission.”

Findlay’s eyes grew red at his master’s words before he responded with a strong military bow, moved by his master’s magnanimity. Such rewards would greatly increase the loyalty of his other monsters, making them work even hard in achieving his goals.

For Frost however it was a simple thing, two barrels of low grade beer only cost him 100DP, a low expense but with high returns.

As Findlay left with the two large barrels on his shoulders, Nanna and Loki had started to fall asleep. Their eyes struggling to stay open as they laid against one another for support. The combination of their excited states from Frost’s return to stuffing themselves silly with food made them very drowsy.

Frost and Maya’s eyes showed warmth at such an image, they both gently picked up one of them each and carried them to their beds. Tucking them in tight before planting a kiss on their foreheads, acting very much like caring parents.

Kiba decided to join the two kids in their room tonight so as to give his master and mistress some privacy, plus he too was quite tired after such a lavish feast, ready to call it a night. He parked his large fluffy behind at the end of their beds, more than happy to share the space. Nanna and Loki were hard to not get attached to, Kiba like Maya and Frost had fallen victim to their cuteness.


Frost rubbed Kiba’s big tiger head with affection before walking out with Maya at his side, they could now appreciate some alone time together.

The moment Frost closed the door to Nanna and Loki’s room Maya’s eyes showed intense desire as well as demand. It was finally time for her to get what she was promised....the fabled [wine of the abyss]. She grabbed hold of Frost’s arm tenderly and looked up at him with puppy dog eyes, begging him to take it out.

“Haaaaaaaaaa” Frost deeply sighed as he clearly understood that he was of far less interest to her in comparison to the [wine of the abyss]. “Get the glasses and join me on the sofa.”

“Hehehhehehe” Maya couldn’t hold back her excitement, giggling as she swiftly let go of Frost and retrieved the big, high quality wine glasses from the kitchen. While Frost sat himself on the sofa and retrieved the bottle of [wine of the abyss] that his father had rewarded him with.

There was very little decoration on the bottle, just a simple label with the name [wine of the abyss]. The cork however did have a black moon etched on the top, a common sigil in reference to Dark. He would not be the one to open such a high grade bottle however, that would be left to the professional alcoholic that was his guardian/girlfriend.

Maya arrived with the glasses in record time, a fervent expression on her face as she placed her large butt next to Frost, eyeing the bottle in his hands. Her throat felt parched, and her heart was beating a mile a minute. This was one of her dreams come true, getting to drink the wine brewed by the Dark God himself. Her desire was palpable.

“I’ll leave the honours to you since you have far more experience with this kind of thing.” Frost could see the desire in her eyes and couldn’t help but admire her unmasked passion, finding her quite adorable. He gently passed the bottle of wine to her while leaning back and appreciating the lovely sight before him.

Maya audibly gulped as nervousness racked her body, she delicately examined the bottle, feeling every inch of it before focusing on the cork. No smell was escaping meaning it was perfectly sealed. After taking deep breath to calm her nerves she applied the corkscrew and twisted slowly, afraid to damage it in anyway.

“Pop!” Eventually the cork was released from it confines and brought with it a heavenly scent, that quickly assailed their noses.

“Uummmmmm.” Both Maya and Frost couldn’t help but moan in pleasure as the smell filled their noses and reached their lungs, making them feel weightless and surrounded in bliss. It was astounding that just the scent of the wine had such a strong effect, what would the taste do.

“No wonder it’s a godly wine, Dark God-sama infused it with divine energy like a spirit chef.” Maya spoke through licking her lips and deep inhales, her desire to taste the godly liquid unrivalled.

“Well, what are you waiting for pour the glasses!” Frost was just as much moved as his partner, eager to taste the divine wine. Mana rich food prepared by low level spirit chefs was already amazing what could something with divine energy possibly taste like, he had to know.

“Patience! We need to do this properly. First we must enjoy the smell and allow it to air for a couple minutes.” Maya was no less rushed to taste it but knew from experience that if they rushed it the taste would not be at its optimum and such a wine deserved the optimum. She had no idea when or even if she’d get a chance to partake in such glorious wine again so it must be done right.

“Fine we’ll do as you say, you’re the alcoholic.” Frost struggled to hold back his desires for the wine, so he redirected his attention to his lovely girlfriend, eyeing her beauty and explosive figure. His hands silently wrapping around her lithe waist, bringing her body close to his.

“I prefer connoisseur young master.....what do you think you’re doing with that hand of yours?” Maya giggled in response before she felt Frost’s hand pull her close to his body and start caressing her back.

“I’m redirecting my desires why? Do you want me to stop?” He replied with a charming smile as his hand gently caressed Maya’s lower back in a loving manner.

It was hard to tell given that both of them sported flushed faces from the wine’s smell, but Maya blushed at his reply before shaking her head. She liked the feeling and it served well as a distraction. The strong divine injected smell of the wine had made them both a little tipsy. As the minutes passed the couple grew closer to one another, rearranging their positions to a lying down pose. Frost on the bottom while Maya rested against his chest.

“Aerating’s done, time to pour!” Maya sat up from her young master’s chest, finally the waiting was over, the suspense was killing her, and Frost’s naughty hands kept drifting.

Picking up the bottle delicately she poured three fingers worth of the thick purple liquid into the two glasses, releasing another wave of intense aroma. The smell alone could get someone drunk, good thing they waited until the kids went to bed otherwise it may have harmed their growing bodies.

Maya handed Frost his glass while holding hers and trying to think of a good toast, as per tradition when drinking wine.

“To the dungeon’s health and longevity.” After a few seconds of thought and not wishing to delaying drinking any longer she came up with something simple and cliché.

“To our future.” Frost however was no less cliché toasting to his and Maya’s future together which brought a smile to his girlfriend’s lips.

Clink! They tapped their glasses together before taking the first sip of the fabled godly wine. Emptying their minds so as to appreciate the flavour to the fullest.


Frost and Maya were hit by an explosion of intense flavour. Tones of sweetness, cherry and full bodied grape ran across their tastebuds causing them to dance in joy. The taste alone was far greater than anything Frost had ever drank but then came the waves of divine energy. They not only amplified the flavour but filled their bodies with revitalising energy, making them tingle all over. Once swallowed the wine seemed to warm the stomach, aiding in digestion and soothing excess acid before the divine energy spread throughout their body strengthening it through baptism. Even Maya’s mighty S-rank fenrir body showed signs of improvement. This wasn’t a wine it was a god damn miracle elixir.

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