Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 15

‘If he managed to perfectly reproduce an ice bolt on his first attempt, I don’t know how’d feel.’ Regardless of its crude and rough shape, Frost successfully used chakra showing that he had a talent for it. His results were just a bit more normal, still genius level but closer to hers.

She grabbed the icicle and lightly squeezed to check how solid it was.

“Crack!” With just a little pressure the thing began to crack before quickly collapsing and returning to simple mana.

Seeing this dampened Frost’s spirits, he didn’t expect his hard work to break so easily. Maya however smiled at seeing this, not for any evil intention but out of pride, this was already considered impressive.

“Most impressive young master, not only does it seem that you have talent in magic, but your skill with chakra is also just as good.” She nodded strongly towards him internally admitting her loss in terms of talent.

“Thanks Maya,” Frost smiled and blushed from embarrassment.


“Now all you need to do is practise.” Maya’s evil smile returned.

For the next 24 hours including breaks Maya had Frost practise shooting tougher and moving targets with his ice bolt spell all while tossing things at him to break is concentration. On the chakra side it was relatively easy until he was able to create simple weapons like staffs and daggers as well as partially cover parts of his body with decent strength ice armour. After that Maya began attacking him with her fists, constantly smashing his armour and weapons to smithereens and sending him crashing into the walls. Every time he got injured, ran out of mana or was too tired to stand she would cast a healing spell on him and or they’d take a tea break before resuming the torture.

After the 10-hour mark Maya stopped holding back her enjoyment, laughing as she tortured him, forcing Frost to endure her attacks like a mad drill sergeant. Even far in the future Frost would have nightmares about this hellish training regimen.

“That should be enough.” Said Maya after sending Frost flying for the umpteenth time. After 24 hours of this brutal training Frost was prone on the floor trembling and convulsing in pain.

“[Greater heal]” constant unfettered attacks caused the wounds on his body to be beyond basic healing spells. Maya had to use a higher level of healing magic if he had any chance of standing up anytime soon.

“You should have no issues using magic and chakra in basic combat now.” Maya was incredibly impressed with his results. Frost rapidly improved throughout the 24 hours causing Maya to repeatedly increase her strength and speed.

‘He should have no issues fighting anyone with D-rank combat ability, hell he could even give entry C-ranks a run for their money.’ Even in the final hours when she raised her speed to the C-rank level Frost could keep up with her attacks fairly well, dodging and blocking most strikes.

“Ughgghh!” Frost groaned as the spell filled his body with energy healing the majority of his wounds. He slowly stood up, his body still shaking. Even though he was in such a bad condition his smile told a different story. Frost was ecstatic, he enjoyed every moment of the training. Even though the pain was excruciating he could feel his strength growing every time he was attacked.

Maya looked over at his body struggling to stand and his large creepy smile with interest.

‘He must be an M,’ she thought.

“Do you need another heal?” Frost stumbled a few times while straightening his back, so she offered in case there was any lingering damage.

“Cough cough no I’ll be fine.” He rejected her offer while coughing and tensing his body until he stood straight. He refused an extra healing spell a few times throughout the training, feeling that it would be a waste to remove the pain as though he would miss out on something important.

“Alright have it your way.” Maya shook her head unable to understand his thought process. She looked around the training room in wait. Remnants of wooden and stone targets were dotted around, most of which were covered in shards of ice. Luckily training targets were free to purchase otherwise they’d be in major debt. The most eye-catching feature however was the thousands of blood stains littered on the walls, floor and even the ceiling, Maya had smashed him against it a few times with her uppercuts.

Disturbingly this leftover carnage was only from the past few hours. Everything in the training room would repair itself over time erasing their remnants of battle. If it didn’t there wouldn’t have been any room for them to continue training, the floor would have been covered by broken training targets.

“It’s truly a very useful room.” Maya couldn’t help but voice her thoughts. The training room was briefly described to her by Dark as being akin to a simulation room. Everything would be free in the room because it technically didn’t exist and couldn’t leave. Since the room was so overpowered and way to useful Dark put restrictions in place.

· It can only be used with your guardians.

· Only guardians can prepare and summon training equipment.

· It was temporary.

Just like how Maya would eventually part from Frost so would the training room as its sole purpose was to help Dungeon cores gain enough strength to survive on their own. Anymore would be seen as unfair in Dark’s eyes.

“Yeah, I agree,” Frost had managed to regain his stability and walk over next to Maya.

“We’ll have to make good use of it in the time we’ve got young master.” She smiled teasingly sending a shiver down his spine.

“C...couldn’t agree more Maya.” It’s true that he did enjoy the results of the training, but he still feared the means.

“We’ve got roughly 24 hours before the dungeon becomes public. We still need to do some weapon training but other than that I think we’re ready. Is there anything else you want to know or do before that?” They’d been in this room for an entire day, so she felt like doing something different.

“Hmm let me think.” Frost went silent as he tried to think of things to do.

‘I already know a little about the world and the local area so that’s covered. We’ve been over magic and chakra. Is there anything actually needed other than weapon training?’ Frost continued wrack his head for ideas, he too wanted a break from training but didn’t want to waste the little time he had either.

“Ah!” An idea suddenly came to him.

“Hmm you thought of something?”

“Ummm sort of.” Frost was rather nervous he wasn’t sure if he should ask it or not.

“The Church of Light.” He hesitated before whispering that. He remembered how angry Dark became at the mention of them and since Maya was an avid follower of Dark’s, he was worried about her reaction.

Suddenly bloodlust filled the training room causing Frost to jump back and guard in reflex. Maya reacted in a similar way as Dark only much less restrained. Pure anger and hatred filled her eyes, she clenched her teeth and her entire body tensed as she glared in Frost’s direction as if he said the most abhorrent of words.

Frost’s body started to shake from the amount of killing intent being sent his way, his vision started to blur, and his face turned white, he was terrified.

“Maya!” He used every last ounce of his strength to call her name, the pressure was too much for his body, he felt he could pass out at any second.

His shout worked, moments before he was going to black out, the killing intent receded giving him a chance to breath.

“Sorry,” Maya instantly felt waves of guilt seeing him gasping for air, she rapidly moved in to support his back.

“It’s hu hu al...alright.” He expected some sort of angry outburst, so he didn’t blame her. She rubbed his back gently to help his breathing.

“Do you really want to know?” Her teeth clenched subconsciously as she asked.

“It’s not really a question of want but more need.” If this Church of Light caused such fury in his father and Maya, he felt it was integral to his survival to know about this enemy.

Maya released a deep sigh, her brow furrowed, and her hand tightened on Frost’s shoulder.

“Fine I’ll tell you but I’m going to need something stronger than tea.” She shook her head sighing once again.

Frost and Maya teleported out of the training room and back to the private living space. The training room should be cleared by the time they finished talking.

Maya walked straight towards the cupboards and pulled out two glasses instead of mugs. There was also plates and bowls in there but since they didn’t have any food there hadn’t been a use for them yet.

“Take a seat,” Maya gestured for him to sit at the table while she touched the bracelet on her wrist.

A large green coloured glass bottle emerged into her hand, it looked cold to the touch. Maya proceeded to pour a fingers worth into her glass before downing it in a single gulp.

“Pshhaaa that’s good stuff!” A red tinge grew on her cheeks. She poured another glass for herself and one for Frost.

“Try it,” she pushed the glass towards him with a smile.

Frost grasped the glass and brought it up to his nose to smell it.

‘It smells fruity.’ Assuming it would taste like the fruit tea he had only cold he copied Maya and downed it in one go.

“Cough cough,” Frost coughed as if choking, taken aback by the intense taste of alcohol.

“Hahaha” Maya laughed out loud at his reaction.

“What is that stuff? Cough cough.”

“Sake and a strong one hahahaha.” The sake as Maya called it did have a sort of apple like taste to it, but it was overpowered by the strong alcohol taste.

“Here have another, drink it slowly this time, savour the flavour.” Maya poured another glass for him.

Frost looked at the liquid sceptically, his throat was still burning as he wondered why anyone would drink this stuff.

He sighed and decided to give it another try, slowly this time. He lifted the cup towards his mouth and took a sip allowing the sake to move around his tongue before swallowing.

‘Hmmm that’s actually quite pleasant, I can taste some apple this time.’ His second taste was much better, he took another sip.

“Good, isn’t it?” Maya smiled as she watched Frost enjoy his first taste of alcohol ignoring the fact that he was only two days old.

“Yeah, if I drink it slowly, is there apples in it?” He quickly finished his glass and asked for another.

“Good taste buds, yeah it’s a fruit sake with the main flavours being apples and plums, one of my personal favourites.” Maya happily filled him another glass after downing hers.

“I still don’t see how you’d need this to talk about something though?” Sure, it was certainly a stronger taste than tea, but he didn’t see the importance of alcohol.

“Hehehehe ask me that again after another couple of glasses.” Maya lightly laughed before filling their glasses once again.

5 glasses and 5 minutes later.

“Wheew hehehe,” Frost’s face was as red as tomato, and he felt incredibly giddy. The more sake he drank the fonder he became, even more so than tea. However, after a few minutes he started to understand why Maya needed such a drink.

He was tipsy, his words had even started to slur and his body felt hot and numb. Quite a pleasurable experience he thought. Maya wasn’t anywhere near as bad as him since she was an avid drinker, she only had a slight blush but was in full capacity.

“Alright I think I’m tipsy enough to talk without losing my cool.” Frost’s ears perked up at this, he shook his head to try and regain a little focus.

‘I need to hear this word for word.’

“Where to begin?” Maya continued to pour herself glasses, no longer refilling Frost’s after he became red in the face.

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