
Chapter 97: Twilight

Chapter 97: Twilight

Fang Yu knew that with the information she had, she now has the possible access to two of the fragments of the Pan Gu Divine Tablet. But with the miraculous property of the tablet, Fang Yu knew that keeping the fragments on her hands will be a bad move.

Why not just let Ling Tian and that bratty boy fight with the other fragment holders? And when the time is ripe, she and Fang Lin will swoop in, getting all the benefits.

But Fang Yu knew that before this all-out war for the stone fragments can even begin, she had to beat Ling Tian first in the sect missions.

Fang Yu knew that with Ling Tian’s cunning, he already had a way to tackle with the missions. What Fang Yu has to do was to know what are these plans of his and thwart him before he could succeed.

Fang Yu sighed, knowing that this was going to be a momentous task.

The ship continued to sail slowly as it headed to the Solstice Kingdom.

5 hours later.

Fang Yu who was busy manipulating her mana, felt the ship grind into a halt. She then felt the ship slowly descending as she heard the voice of the item spirit.

“Hello everyone, we have arrived at the Solstice Kingdom already. That means, ALL OF YOU SCRAM FROM THIS SHIP!” The item’s sprits’ voice changed from calm into enraged in a matter of seconds.

“From now on, you had to find your own place to stay. As for me and this spirit ship, we will be going back already!” Fang Yu and the other’s felt a suction force that unceremoniously threw them out of the spirit ship. All their things were also thrown away at the same way.

The spirit ship then ascended and flew away, heading to the direction of the Capital City.

Fang Yu and Tang Ya stood up, rubbing their rear as they stood up slowly. The other disciples with them experienced the same thing, with some of them silently cursing the item spirit.

“She sure is a brat....” Fang Yu muttered to herself as she slowly went to pat Tang Li on her head. But she did not feel any part of the cute child. Fang Yu paled, realizing that Tang Li was missing! Was she left at the spirit ship, or was she thrown somewhere else?

“Tang Ya, have you seen where Li’er went?” Fang Yu immediately described the matter about Tang Li’s disappearance. Tang Yu frowned as she analyzed the situation.

Empyrea, who had been listening at the sidelines, approached them and said,

“If you are looking for the baby, I think I know where she went.”

“So, she was not left at the spirit ship?”

“Because of the sudden throwing by that item spirit, Tang Li was surprised and momentarily undid her invisibility. Then while she was in the air, she seemed to have sensed something, and she went flying towards that direction.” Empyrea pointed her finger at the largest structure in the Kingdom, a large castle.

The castle was filled with chains that ran across its walls. Multitudes of winged creatures flew around the as huge walls enclosed the castle. The atmosphere that it exudes was so dark that even Fang Yu can feel some despair just by looking at it.

“You mean that Tang Li went to that castle?” Fang Yu immediately realized the reason why Tang Li acted this way.

By observing the conditions of the castle, Fang Yu was 100 percent sure that this castle was the castle of the King of the Solstice Kingdom. Not only that, but with the security measures put all around the castle, the dragon must have been inside this castle too.

Everyone knew that the dragon in this kingdom was actually a Divine Beast. With Tang Li’s Divine Beast Bloodline, she could have sensed the bloodline of the dragon.

With Tang Li being a curious child the she was, she might have decided to rush over to the direction of the dragon’s bloodline without asking the permission of her Sis.

“Drats! Let us rush towards the castle then!” Fang Yu immediately ran, with Tang Ya and Empyrea at her heels. As for the other disciples, even though they were confused, they followed Fang Yu’s lead.


Around the moment disciples arrived, Wang Hao was sleeping in one of the inns in the Solstice Kingdom.

When they arrived at the Solstice Kingdom, Wang Hao had to stop using his teleportation to prevent anyone from suspecting them.

With this sudden reduction in speed, they only managed to find an inn once the legitimate start of the night arrived.

Eleanor and her siblings slept in a separate room from Wang Hao. As for Boner, Fang Lin waved his hand and stored Boner on his space pocket.

This made Wang Hao to be alone in his room.

Wang Hao sighed, feeling aggrieved as he remembered Eleanor turinng enraged when he offered to be in the same room as her.

“You hooligan! Trying to take advantage of me! Even if you are that handsome, I will not succumb to your seductions!” Eleanor discreetly wiped some drool from her mouth as she pummeled Wang Hao outside her room.

“Hmmph!” The door closed with a bang as Wang Hao sadly rented the room beside Eleanor’s

Wang Hao felt as if he could not sleep, so he just read some books he kept on his space pocket.

5 hours later, and he was about to reach the climactic point of the novel that he was reading when he felt a familiar energy signal from a distance. He looked out his window. And he saw a spirit ship streaking at the night sky.

Wang Hao focused his mind and reached out to the energy signature of that spirit ship.

Wang Hao smiled as he realized that this ship has the energy signature of Li Daozi. Not only that, but he also felt 24 unique energy signatures that were recently in the ship.

Out of these 24, Wang Hao knew 5 of these signatures. He detected Fang Yu, Tang Ya, Tang Li and Shi Poyun. Even though Tang Li can make herself undetectable, she had not reached the level yet to hide her own energy signature.

As for the fifth person, Wang Hao grimaced, as remembered something unpleasant. He himself did not know the person, but this person’s energy signature reminded him of something familiar in the past.

But due to his memory seal, he could not remember what it is.

“Well whatever,” Wang Hao put this matter at the back of his head first. He smiled, clearly feeling excited upon the addition of new pieces.

“The Solstice Kingdom is the game board, and we are all just but some tiny game pieces here. But, it is us pieces that will determine the future of the Kingdom! The Kingdom is now at the verge of something new. Will it survive and shine brighter than before? Or will it succumb to the darkness and fade into the night sky?”

Wang Hao set the book he was reading at the top of his table. He stood up as he stretched his body. He looked up at the sky from his opened window. He reached into the sky, as if he wanted to grab the stars. He clenched his hands as he declared solemnly,

“Let the Twilight Games begin!”

“That sounds really cringy. Eww, please stop” Boner muttered inside his space pocket.


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