
Chapter 384: Rune Item

Chapter 384: Rune Item

Date- 28 Mar 2321

Time- 08:19

Location- Southern Capitol region, SS-rank Gate dungeon Storm Horse Grassland

“Girl, is that your final answer?” Feeling embarrassed by Susan’s rejection, Lorenzo became aggressive and tried to change Susan’s answer using his dominance.

“Old fool, stop it. Don’t be a sore loser.” I came to Susan’s rescue after seeing her display of loyalty. I could not just stand by and watch Lorenzo bully her.

“Boy, you got a good employee right there. Haha.” Lorenzo laughed as if nothing had happened. This was what made me cautious about Lorenzo. What do his actions mean? Is he just doing his job as the trusted aid of the Southern emperor? I guess this is it. All in all, Lorenzo is a chill old dude, but his incompetent master made it so that he had to ask questions that she did not think of or consider. Anna was the type who did not overthink about stuff, so it was Lorenzo’s duty to point out the obvious even though it meant him coming off as petty and villainous.

“Haha, Old man, you must be so embarrassed right now.” Anna laughed, pointing at Lorenzo.

“..” Luna just shook her head, not knowing if she should pity or laugh at her grandfather for his situation. A renowned titled card emperor like her grandfather was now facing such a comical situation. Luna decided to cut some slack for her grandfather for being unfortunate enough to become the subordinate of Anna.

“Anna, you seem to be forgetting the point here. Shall we begin with the demonstration? After all, you spent 75,000 low soul jades and three broken runes over those cards.” Luna chose to put an end to the conversation as it was going to end up embarrassing her grandfather.

“You don’t have to remind me of that. Wyatt, now can you begin the demonstration.” Anna asked me to start the demonstration, having concluded the discussion on the cost of creating the A-rank rune-based mecha cards.

“Yes, your highness. Cortney, clown mask, you guys can begin. Start with the first tier and then slowly move to the higher tiers.” I asked Cortney and the Clown mask to begin the demonstration of the Gale eagle rider ring and Terrain back Tortoise ring cards I gave them. The cards were of A-rank, and Susan’s realm was not high enough to equip them while Anna, Luna, and Lorenzo were the clients, and of a higher realm, so I could not ask them, leaving me with two options to help me in the demonstration of the cards, Cortney and the Clown mask. Like I planned.

“Okay,” Courtney and Clown mask nodded in unison, and summoning their grimoire, they activated the cards as green and yellow coloured gem rings appeared on each of their left Index fingers, respectively.

“Those rings you see on their fingers are the Item cards I have created. Equipping that ring, the card apprentice can switch between three tiers, Tier1 Powersuit Tier2 Mecha exoskeleton armor Tier3 Beast Mecha. Now let me demonstrate what the tier1 power suit looks like and what it is capable of. Ladies, the stage is yours,” explaining the item I have created, I handed over the floor to Cortney and Clown mask.

“Activate, Gale Eagle Rider Power Suit”

“Activate, Terrain Back Tortoise Rider Power Suit”

Cortney and Clown Mask yelled together. Soon both of them shone with bright green and Yellow light, respectively. As the glow on them disappeared, the attire of the Cortney and Clown mask had changed from regular clothes to tight green and yellow power suits.

“This is the power suit you speak of? It looks like a regular thin armor; what’s the difference?” Anna asked. Anna may be all about fun, but when the talk becomes about business, she becomes oddly serious.

“You could not be more wrong. If my guess is not wrong, the Synonium alloy is used as thread to woven this power suit. So it means it can display all three converted abilities of the Synonium alloy. Extreme temperature resistance, structure memory recovery, and Shock Absorption. Just based on the fact that this power suit is made up of Synonium alloy thread and can display all three abilities of the alloy, this power suit is worth it.

Not to mention that it’s powered by broken runes, so I am guessing they can also display the power of broken runes despite not having ego gem. Go ahead, you guys, show the skills of the broken runes.” Luna’s eyes shone as she explained what she guessed about the power suit and its capabilities.

Cortney and Clown mask started to manipulate the wind and earth elemental powers given to them by the runes powering their power suit. Seeing the capabilities of the power suit in action, Luna grew excited.

“So this what you meant by rule power-based. Haha, they are similar to the rune Items that the old fogies in my university make. How the hell can a high school student do something so magical?” The more Luna thought her, the more her excitement grew, but it did not take long for her excitement to turn into disbelief and astonishment.

“I do not think that it is similar to rune items. The power suit must be using the beast’s skills of the beast will he add as an ingredient. It seems as they are using rune power because the skills they used are powered by a rule power generator.” Lorenzo was also as surprised as his granddaughter, unlike her, who was stunned by utter disbelief. He tried to explain why the item I created was not rune items but just regular items running on the ruling power.

“Guys, I do not know what the rune item is and do not understand why you people are making such a big deal about it. Will someone care to explain?” Afraid I might have shown my capabilities more than I should, I could not help but panic. And ask Anna for an explanation.

“Wyatt, If it’s you, nothing surprises me anymore.” Anna seemed to also agree with Luna’s theory that the cards I have created were rune items.

“Yeah, okay. Could you stop singing my praise and skip to the explanation part?” I know I am fantastic. I do not need anybody’s approval over that. What I did not realize was what a rune card is, so I asked Anna to stop being awed and explain why they are awed.

“I am telling you it’s not a rune item. You guys are mistaken. They are using the skills of the beast wills, which are powered by clean rule power supplied by the rune power generator. Why don’t you understand?” Lorenzo was adamant that the cards were not rune items. And his argument was reasonable. The cards allowed its host to use the beast will’s skills powered by the rule power generator. But the only problem with Lorenzo’s theory was that the skills added to the card from the beast will do not include wind and earth manipulation.

The beast will skills added to the Gale EagleRider Ring from the Gale Eagle Beast Will are Wind Blade, Energy Feather Shot, Gale Cyclone, and Gale Tornado.

The beast will skills added to the Terrain Back Tortoise Beast Will are Terrain shell shield, Terrain Tail slam, Earthquake stomp.

Courtney and her mother were using Wind and Earth manipulation, respectively. These two skills were derived from the broken rune powering rule power generator that powered the ring cards and their abilities. So yes, though what Lorenzo said was correct, but in this case, he was wrong. The critical thing to notice was that the skills of the Beast Wills, when used using soul energy, are less potent than when powered using rule power.

“Grandpa, I know what I felt. And we do not have to speculate and come up with or guess the analysis as the creator himself is here. If we are him, everything will become clear. Wyatt, did they use an ability derived from the Beast will or the broken runes.” Luna was not happy that her grandfather denied what was right in front of him just because of his prejudice against the creator.

“Well, the skill they used right now is called broken rune control. Meaning the host of these cards has total control of the broken runes powering their rings. They can manipulate the broken to their will.” I answered Lina, hoping once they were done with their argument, she would explain to me what a rune item is.

“Uh-huh, the item cards you created are indeed rune items.” Having proven that her guess was correct, Lina celebrated, ignoring her grandfather’s face burning red out of embarrassment.

“Ah, Wyatt, my lucky charm.” Anna hugged me out of the sheer joy of confirming that I could create rune items.

“…” Susan was surprised to see Anna openly hug me without any reservation but remembering what happened in the VIP box and the words that Anna said, ‘I am horny, let’s fook’ Susan was no longer surprised but entered deep contemplation.

‘…’ Cortney looked at how close the southern emperor and her only friend were. She hoped that her relationship with her friend was not strained but stronger than ever.

“…” I did not speak, nor did I push away Anna’s advance, just kept staring intently at Luna, waiting for her to explain rune items to me.

“*cough* Anna, behave yourself.” Letting out a fake cough, Luna asked her cousin to act reserved in her company. And then finally, she began explaining what a Rune Item is.

“I have already mentioned that many people have tried to create artificial Ego Gens to store and cultivate broken runes right,” Luna asked

“Yes, you also mentioned how they all failed. Instead of creating an artificial ego gem to store and cultivate broken runes, they ended up with the Rune Jewel, which can only store runes but not nurture them,” I answered what I remembered from our previous conversation.

“Good, there is more to that story about how the greatest Card creationist ever successfully found a way to nurture a broken rune and not harm the host. And they are none other than Rune items. The rune items not only do not harm the host but can also be used by card apprentices who do not have ego gems.” Luna started explaining the rune items from the period of its creator itself.

“Luna, skip all the bs about the great card creationist and his journey to finding the rune items. This is not your class, these people here are not your students, and I do not plan to be bored to sleep.” Anna asked Luna to skip all the background story and other unrelated information and jump to rune items and how they are made.

“Remember how I said the rune jewels are the failed product, then these rune items are the working product.” Heeding Anna’s advice, Luna skipped to the end directly.

“Are you telling me Rune items are artificial ego gems, but you just said that the project of creating artificial ego gems for storing and nurturing them was a failure, didn’t you?” Luna’s explanation was self-contradictory, she just said the artificial ego gem creation project was a bust, but now she says rune items are the artificial ego gems. ‘Well, which is it, women?’ I thought, running thin on my patience.

“Well, rune items are not artificial ego gems. They are more like separate living beings. With a body, spirit, and awareness. How do I explain this to you? The creation of rune items is more profound than you think. I do not know how to phrase my sentence to help a high schooler understand it.” Luna was stuck, not knowing how to explain the rune item and their creation in layman’s terms.

“Well, try me. After all, I created a working rune item without even knowing about it.”

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