
Chapter 220: Lucy

Chapter 220: Lucy

Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 9:02

Location- Sky Blossom City, The Sky Blossom Card Stadium, Arena 38

“Arena 38, Winner Lucy Robert”

The second set started at 8:50 and since the card fights had a time limit of 12 minutes, the second set of the first round lasted till 9:02. After witnessing Tom’s victory over John. I turned my gaze towards Arena 38 where Ed Bright was supposed to fight against Lucy Robert. To my surprise, the duel at arena 38 had long reached its conclusion with Lucy Robert as the winner. Yes, Eb Bright, one of the lucky few to be blessed by my calamity daughter core lost to nobody.

Thankfully the VIP boxes smart array window screen had a recap function which allows me to see what transpired in Arena 38. Yes, I Banned three bright brothers from using their second transformation but the 1st transformation of the calamity core was more than enough for an opponent like Lucy Robert.

Arena 38 recap,

Ed and his opponent Lucy both got on the arena 38. Unlike previous times Ed was not talkative or tried taunting his opponent. He seems to be taking this duel seriously unlike his old self who would underestimate his enemies. Looks like the calamity daughter core has enforced some positive reinforcement on him.

“3.. 2.. 1.. Fight!”

As soon as the match began Ed summoned both his undead summons, Skeleton Fiend and Undead Scorpion. Then Ed ordered Skeleton fiend to engage his enemy as Vanguard while the undead scorpion served as his bodyguard. Until now I saw no fault or lack of judgment on Ed’s Part. As a summoner card apprentice with a bronze grimoire, this is the most Ed could do being limited by card ratings of the bronze grimoire. Thankfully he did not need to focus on the defence card thanks to the Viltronian physique provided to him by Calamity daughter core.

“Dessert Cannon”

“Hexa shield”

Lucy, unlike Ed who chose to hide behind his summons, activated her origin card and went on offence as soon as she heard the referee start the match. I was curious about Lucy’s origin card Dessert Cannon, what the fuq is a Dessert Cannon? Does it shoot cakes and biscuits at its enemy? Turns out I was right, both of Lucy’s arms turned into two huge cannons and started shooting Cheesecake.

[Card Name: Dessert Cannon

Card Type: Origin Card

Card Rank: Unique Grade

Card Rating: -/-

Card Durability: -/-

Card Effect: The host’s forearms turn into Cannon and shoot explosive shells in the shapes of all kinds of Dessert known to the host.

Additional Effect: Sugar High – turn sugar in to bomb. the explosive power of the Dessert shell’s shot by the cannons depends on the amount of sugar in the Dessert shells.

Restriction: the host should sacrifice the Dessert shaped ammunition to the origin card. Note: Max ammunition per Cannon x300 ]

[Card Name: Hexa Shield

Card Type: skill Card

Card Rank: C-rank Uncommon Grade

Card Rating: 14-stars

Card Durability: [98/100]

Card Effect: the host can summon a 4-meter radius hexagon shaped 6 layered energy shield.

Additional effect: Shock resistance, Enhanced durability, heat resistance, Self-repair]

Shock resistance – Thanks to its 6 layered arrangement the shield can absorb all the shock waves directed at the host.

Enhanced Durability – Being stacked on layers all the 6 hexagon shields are more durable as any damage obtained will be equally distributed between all 6 shields.

Heat Resistance – the shield is resistant to all forms of heat. The summoned Hexa shield has a high-level heat resistance and it can protect the host behind the shield from extreme temperatures.

Self Repair – when not under attack the shield can generate and repair itself using the soul energy stored in the grimoire.


Before everyone could soak in the surprise of cheesecake shaped ammunition the duel had reached its conclusion. Within a blink of an eye, the result of the Card fight in arena 38 was decided. It seems it wasn’t just me who missed the duel and had to watch the recap, everyone in the audience focusing on arena 38 had to watch the recap. Because the results of the duel were concluded within a second. This match may be the fastest victory during this tournament with a record time of 2.56 seconds.

Ed was not to be blamed for his loss because most of the participants participating would also have achieved the same results. Who would have thought a cute loli would be packing so much explosive power? Thankfully Lucy was not aiming for Eb’s life. Otherwise, Eb would have lost one or two limbs in the explosion instead of being seriously injured and suffering from a 1st-degree burn. This was the condition of Ed despite having a Viltronian physique so one could imagine the amount of explosive power in the Cheesecake ammunition.

Lucy Robert is the female heir of the Robert family. Despite being 17 years old looked like a middle schooler thanks to her petite figure. Being the female heir meant she had to be the ideal woman but unfortunately her figure did not allow it even the people working under her did not take her seriously. But Lucy was an ace in other areas, she was a talented card apprentice and a ruthless leader. Thanks to her origin card it did not take long for her to consolidate her strength in the family and suppress all the patriarchal-minded voices against her in the family.

With the signal of the referee, Lucy did not hesitate to activate her Origin Card at the beginning of the duel she knew that though her opponent knew what her origin card was he would still underestimate the power behind her dessert shaped ammunition so she planned to use it to her advantage right off the bat. But Lucy did not aim at her opponent, instead of his skeleton summons as knew that if she directly aimed at her opponent he may lose his life.

Sugar High, the additional effect of her card allowed Lucy to create explosion shells with unimaginable destructive power. Higher the sugar content in the dessert shaped ammunition higher the destructive power behind the Dessert shaped ammunition.

The catch of this additional effect was there was basically no limit to the amount of sugar she can add to her Dessert shaped ammunition meaning that there is basically no limit to the destructive power behind the Dessert ammunition she fires at her enemy’s. One ammunition of hers can be equal to a punch from a toddler or a punch from a Card emperor; it all depended on the amount of sugar in the ammunition. Therefore Lucy personally made all her Dessert shaped ammunition using the Baking occupational card.

The two cheesecakes that Lucy used to attack Ed’s skeleton packed enough explosive power to disable a Card Grandmaster. Thankfully the explosion force was is in the forward direction otherwise even the Hexa shield summoned by Lucy could not protect her from getting out unscathed from her attacks.

So, Ed never stood a chance against the ammunition which could even disable Card Grandmasters, with his Card soldier realm and Viltronian physique. The full brunt of the explosion was bore by the skeleton fiend summoned by Ed. While Ed was only in the outer part of the explosion range still Ed was was thrown out of the arena stage disabled, heavily Injured and with 1st-degree burns all over the body

Seeing the recap of Ed’s duel I realised I could not completely rely on the participant info list given by Bright brothers. Lucy was a Black colour level threat but she was marked as an Orange colour level threat.

Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 8:58

Location- Sky Blossom City, Above The Sky Blossom Card Stadium

[Unknown Contact calling… Ans/reject/ignore/reply]

Anna who had left VIP box no.1 did not leave instead stayed wanting to watch the man who made her heart race in action but she was distributed by an incoming call to her grimoire, the call was from an unsaved contact but still, Anna decided to pick up the call,


“Hello, Daughter. how are you?” A husky male voice sounded from the other side of the call and addressed Anna as Daughter.

“Fuq! It’s you, Traitor. You have lost all the right to call me your daughter. Get this through your head I am not your daughter. Your daughter is dead. Knowing you, I bet you didn’t even attend your daughter’s funeral. Oh! Wait I killed everybody related to her so except you she should have nobody to bury her and give her a proper send-off.” Hearing the voice Anna went berserk and started yelling and cursing. As this voice belonged to the man who stole her mothers happiness. This voice belonged to the man who betrayed her grandpa, uncle and her clan. This voice belonged to the man who was the very reason for the sadistic bitch she is today. This voice belonged to the man who was the cause of every wrong and sadness in her life.

“You know me well my daughter. Talking to you reminds me of your mother. By the way, how is she fairing?”

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