
Chapter 179: - Your Woman


As I watched her, I attempted to get up from the bed, taking care to avoid waking her.

– Tightened

However, at that very moment, her grip on my arm tightened, leaving me with no choice but to stay on the bed without being able to move.

– Sssk…

After holding her for a while and falling into a reverie, I suddenly remembered the letter I had received earlier and reached into my chest pocket to retrieve it.

[What are you saying? I (doon’t?/dunno?) understand!]

– Ferloche

“I thought if it’s you, you might know something, Ferloche… But it seems like your fool persona is the one that currently possesses your body.”

It had already disturbed me when I first read it, but rereading it in the current situation made me even more unsettled.

“…This is about to make me go crazy.”

Lulu was acting strangely.

[Affection System]

[Lulu’s Affection Level: 100]

Just moments ago, when I tried to kick her out of the house, her affection level suddenly skyrocketed, hitting the maximum level.

Despite my emotional attachment to her, I still considered sending her away. It was because if she stayed in my house and became my ally, she would surely be targeted by Ruby, thus being in danger.

Crackle… Crackle…

When I exited the room after cutting off her words coldly, I noticed the Stigma of Misfortune, which I had been certain was gone, beginning to reactivate.


However, that wasn’t the most important thing. What was truly important was the expression etched on her face.


Her eyes turned lifeless, and a whimper escaped her slightly parted lips. Then, she crumpled her body in a pitiful manner.

It had been the first time I had seen such an intense reaction from her right before my eyes.

That sight of her was so eerily similar to what I had seen during Lulu’s death scene in the prophecy’s video synchronization .

“What could this be…?”

Although I hastily managed to address the immediate situation, the real problem lay ahead.

While I could somehow ensure her safety, I knew I would become completely isolated from the second year onwards. Therefore, her association with me would undoubtedly pose difficulties for her.

If things were like that, would it really be okay to let her stay by my side?

Even if I had to resort to somewhat forceful measures, wouldn’t it be better for Lulu if I distanced myself from her?


While I was lost in thought, suddenly, Lulu, who had been asleep, began to toss and turn.

Rustle… Rustle

She then started snuggling her cheek against my chest.


She had a seemingly innocent and happy smile on her face as she did so.


Looking at her like that, I found myself unconsciously smiling along. Why was I acting this way? Despite the additional headaches that occurred from her proximity, I didn’t feel particularly irritated.

“…You’re cute.”

Even in her half-asleep state, she continued to nuzzle her cheek against my chest. For some reason, it made her feel like an actual pet.


So, without me even realizing it, I began stroking her hair, savoring the softness beneath my fingertips.


I continued to stroke her hair as she tossed and turned in my arms for a while. But before long, I quickly snapped out of it and got up from the bed.

“I should stop.”


Inexplicably, Lulu seemed to sense my intentions as she frowned and pouted, almost as if she was about to cry.


I had to stop my actions, releasing a sigh as I began to caress her back.

‘…I should put her into a deep sleep.’

So, with the intention of putting her into a deeper slumber, I continued to gently stroke her back.


Lulu’s sleep-induced murmurs reached my ears.

“…Please, own me.”

Then, my consciousness started to slip as well.


Was it due to the accumulated stress from a long and tiring day, even without the added concern of Lulu? Or was it because my body was not in great shape in the first place, so I got easily fatigued with even the slightest activity?

Or perhaps, was it because caressing her inexplicably soothed my mind?


Lost in such thoughts, I mumbled softly before succumbing to sleep.

“…This time, the new variable seems quite alright.”

Perhaps having a pet or such wouldn’t be a too big of a deal.







Blinking my eyes open, I realized it was completely dark around me.

“It’s already nighttime.”

I stole a glance at the clock; its hands pointed to exactly 12 o’clock.

– Ssk

I carefully got up to check on Lulu quietly.

“It seems like she’s completely asleep.”

Lulu was lost in a deep slumber.


After observing Lulu for a moment, I held my breath and carefully made my way out of bed.

– Creak…

“Well then… slowly now…”

At last, as I opened the door, I discreetly tried to start the things I needed to do, but…

“…Young Master.”


The moment I opened the door, Kania’s unexpected appearance froze me in my tracks.

“Good evening, Young Master.”

She stood there in silence, her usual composed expression fixed upon me.

– Syuhhhh…

Apart from the faint traces of dark magic emanating from her body for some unknown reason and a slightly reddened face, everything seemed normal.

“Um, I…”

“Why is your attire in such disarray?”


I was about to comment about her somewhat eerie vibe when Kania suddenly pointed out my clothing.


I quickly checked if there was perhaps a strand of Lulu’s hair stuck to me, but to my surprise, several buttons of my academy uniform were undone.

“…Did something intense happen?”

That remark flustered me, and I immediately began to fidget with my uniform in an attempt to adjust it. However, Kania approached me first by taking a step closer.

“Um… I-It’s strange, right? It wasn’t like this in the morning. Why all of a sudden…?”

I stumbled over my words, feeling the weight of embarrassment in a situation that was ripe for misunderstandings, as Kania’s demeanor somehow grew colder.

“Uh, Kania, perhaps you misunderstood…”

“Pardon me, but do you happen to remember?”

Before I could quickly explain myself, Kania interrupted me in a frigid tone.

“You made a promise to drink with me tonight.”


It was only after hearing Kania’s words that I recalled the fact that I had made plans to drink with her tonight.

“I-I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. Are you upset? Is there anything I can do…”

I began apologizing earnestly because I felt guilty for forgetting about our plans. But once again, she interrupted me, taking yet another step closer to me.

“Young Master.”


As a result, a moment of silence passed. Our distance from each other had become so incredibly close that there was no space between us.

And then, in the next heartbeat..

“Firstly, I want to apologize for doing something like this to you, Young Master.”

“What’s… ugh?”

An unexpected situation unfolded.







As my body pressed tightly against him, Young Master appeared bewildered and asked in confusion.

“W-Why are you… doing this?”

His breath gently brushed against my face as he spoke, and the vibrations from his body resonated throughout mine.

And… Young Master seemed to be experiencing the same emotions as me at this very moment.


I gazed into his eyes, which were clearer and purer than anyone else’s, as I slowly advanced, maintaining the closeness of our bodies.

– Thud…!

After a moment, Young Master, who had leaned against the wall, started looking at me with bewilderment.

‘…So annoying.’

Even in such a situation, his eyes remained confused and his emotions perfectly mirrored such an expression. What I desired from him were simple and clear emotions instead.



Thinking like such, I tip-toed slightly and planted a kiss on Young Master’s lips, causing his eyes to widen.

‘…Ah, he’s so adorable.’

The sight of Young Master acting this way made my stomach flutter for some reason.

– Smooch.

Carefully, I pushed my tongue forward, eliciting a sudden reaction from Young Master.

I wondered how the people in the Empire would react if they knew that the Empire’s greatest rogue was such an adorable person.

I was quite curious, yet at this moment, I was resolute in keeping this secret just between us.

“Mm? Mmmph…”


Well… there were a few people other than me who were privy to this side of him, but I knew something that no one else knew.

The sensation of our tongues intertwining, the feeling of our bodies pressed closely together, and the emotions we experienced as we gazed into each other’s eyes.

How Young Master felt when he accepted those sensations and emotions.

Indeed, it was something only I could know, who was perfectly in sync with him, almost as if we were one body.


After our tongues had been intertwined for a while, I took a deep breath and bit down on my tongue.



“Eup? Eeup!?”

Consequently, my tongue started bleeding, and Young Master reacted just as expected.

– Tight...

However, I resolutely pressed his arms against the wall once more, and slowly transferred the blood from my mouth into Young Master’s lips.


Although it was painful, it was still nothing compared to the pain Young Master had endured so far. It was even minuscule compared to the blood he had shed because of me.

I could only hope it could be a small repayment for his dedication to me and everyone else.


After a brief moment, I heard the sound of Young Master swallowing.



Only then did I gently withdraw my face from Young Master.

“Young Master, I offer you my soul.”


As black flames flickered around us, I initiated the “Blood Oath.”

“I offer you my body and heart, Young Master.”

I declared such obvious words calmly and swiftly.

…Everything I wanted to say to him was totally different from what I desired.


“I also offer you my purity.”

Upon hearing this, Young Master’s eyes widened.

Why did he react like that?

Was it because of the significance of offering my purity? Or was he startled by the initiation of the Blood Oath itself?

If it wasn’t for those reasons, maybe it was because this was the first time I had directly addressed the man in front of me without referring to him as “Young Master.”

‘…Or it’s all of the above.’

Of course, I already knew the answer.

Our minds and bodies were in perfect sync, as if we were one.

“Um, t-that…”

With those thoughts in mind, I reached out towards Young Master’s chest, cautiously extracting the oath bead.

– Syuuuu…


Time seemed to pass in a blur. The oath bead, which I had pulled from Young Master’s chest, was pitch black, as dark as obsidian.

– Wooong…

“Do you see this, Young Master? It’s pitch black.”

“Kania, what is this right now…”

“It’s not just any other color but black.”

I held the bead out in front of him and spoke in a low voice.

“It doesn’t matter what color this bead used to be because black can absorb and assimilate all colors, making them appear as its own.”


“It doesn’t matter what color will be engraved on this bead in the future because black won’t tolerate the intrusion of any other color.”


“Young Master, you’ve already been tainted by me.”


His emotions began to shift.

“Do you understand the point of my words?”

“…What is it?”

That was the emotion I had hoped for.

“It doesn’t matter who goes first.”

I declared, fixing my gaze on him.

“…The last one standing will always be me.”

It was a bold declaration that I had always kept in my heart, yet I had never mustered the courage to say it.


After I finished my declaration, his expression showed an evident dilemma.

It was a look reflecting perplexity; he clearly needed some time to think.


“Have you finally realized it now?”

I already knew what had happened to him.

No, there was no way I wouldn’t know.


“Before I am your loyal secretary, servant, and partner you can rely on…”

I had already tainted his heart with my darkness.

“…I am a woman.”

I had surely tainted him to an extent that couldn’t be undone.

“And not just any woman; I am your woman.”


A strange silence followed.


In that silence, I whispered again in a low voice, a corner of my mouth lifting.

“Do you know what we’re going to do?”

“…Tonight, we’ll have a drinking party.”

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