Chapter 234: Obern Kingdom

Chapter 234: Obern Kingdom

The smell of alcohol was mixed with the mind-numbing smell of flesh and blood clearly telling how decadent this place was.

Furthermore, the nobles of the Obern Kingdom freely vented their anxiety and uncertainty by violating the Princesses of the Royal Family who were placed under them.

Due to the continent\'s situation, the Obern Kingdom could not avoid a war with the Ernes Empire.

Since all the nobles of the Obern Kingdom had a close relationship with the Elmark Empire, there was no doubt that the Ernes Empire, which had started the war using the assassination of their Royal Family as a justification, marked them as the ones who must be beheaded.

Furthermore, back when the attack on the Academy, which was located in the Capital of the Ernest Empire, happened, the place where the suspended animation drugs were developed was also located in their kingdom.

To make things more miserable for them, It was impossible to receive help from the Elmark Empire because their King, who had committed suicide, had confessed everything.

The Elmark Empire fully admitted to the matter, but would pretend that it\'s true to help themselves in any way?

Besides, their Kingdom was nothing more than a toy that the Elmark Empire could get at any time.

However, since the Ernes Empire was marching toward them with conviction to punish them,

From the perspective of the Elmark Empire, they probably thought that there was no need to deal with the Ernes Empire, which was allocating its troops to unnecessary areas.

Rather, they would be happy if they, who were struggling because they did not want to die, could eat away at the Ernes Empire’s troops.

……Their hearts said that they wanted nothing but to surrender to them and aim their arrows at the Elmark Empire together with the Ernes Empire.

However, the nobles of the Obern Kingdom could never choose that option.

After all, there was not a single noble with clean hands who could avoid the sword of the Ernes Empire.

In other words, there was no way for them to survive before they heard the news of the Elmark Empire\'s victory.

The one and only way for them to survive was to block the Ernes Empire\'s army that was marching towards them.

"What kind of heroism moved you to do such a paltry thing to a mere Royal subject!"


One of the noblemans lifted a blunt club near him and struck the Princess\'s head. While doing so, he shook his protruding belly and dug deep at her inner flesh

Due to the mild concussion she suffered, her body started to tremble and foam started to appear from her mouth. However, because the nobles urgently needed to relieve their rising anxiety and uncertainty, the well-being of the royal descendants was not something that even passed through their heads.

In fact, from the perspective of the Obern Kingdom, which was corrupt and rotting, it would not be strange to elect another nobleman who was not even a collateral line of the Royal Family as a King.

The reason that they were still able to maintain their reputation as Royalty was simply because of the fact that they were standing on the Elmark Empire’s side.

Because of that, how could they not be angry at the Royal Family, who were nothing more than puppets, for putting their lives on the brink of the guillotine?

The ugly time that lasted for such a long time did not end until the Ernes Empire\'s army reached their border.

* * * * *

The border of the Obern Kingdom and the walls of Labieta that guard it were widely known as the Fortress of Shallow Sea.

That was precisely the reason why the Elmark Empire chose the Obern Kingdom.

A castle wall was built in the middle of the narrow gap of the high and steep cliffs that flanked it on both sides.

If the castle wall was assaulted, the magic power would interfere with the steep cliffs on both sides and make cracks appear on it.

The debris that fell down like a landslide would undoubtedly kill countless soldiers.

In particular, there was a considerable water vein flowing underneath the ground, so retreating at that point would be quite difficult.

Remnants of the cliff falling from above,

And the underground water that gushed like a waterfall would impede the soldiers\' movements. Therefore, breaking through the fortress using a frontal assault would mean taking a lot of damage.


However, there was no trace of troubled expression even for a bit on the face of Corleone, the old monster of the Alfred family who was watching the scene from afar.

“How was it?”

"In the villages that I marked on the map, the civilians of the Obern Kingdom still remain, Milord..”

“It looks like they conscripted soldiers in a hurry.”

Even though it was called the Fortress of the Shallow Sea, breaking through it with force was not an overly difficult affair.

Because the status of the Empire was not weak by any means.

However, it would definitely be a mistake to break through the fortress by bracing for a loss.

“Select some soldiers for the matter.”

"I understand!"

“Marquis Alfred, plundering and massacring the residents of that village would not help us in any way to win this battle……”

“Do you think this old man will do something that was forbidden by the Imperial Decree, oh Prince of the Little Kingdom?”

At Corleone\'s answer, Inas, the Prince of Roverium Kingdom, looked even more puzzled.

“Isn’t the morale of their soldiers at rock bottom because they don’t feel anything from the public sentiment as well as their moral duty? The moment the frightened people run away and enter the castle wall, the embers that have been extinguished will be revived...…”

“The important thing is that they will definitely accept them.”


“I have checked through our spy and found out that there wasn’t much food beyond that wall. So, we will round up all the civilians around here and send them into the fortress to make them self-destruct.

As you said, Prince of a small kingdom, in a situation where the morale of the soldiers is at rock-bottom, the people who are scared of us will be a good oil for them who can’t see the long game as well as the poison that they will have no choice but to drink.”

At first glance, his plan wasn\'t bad.

But even if they were to let the civilians who were living in just a few small villages inside, would we be able to reap the results?

Questions welled up in his throat, but Prince Inas did not give Corleone any more attention.

After all, In case they were to launch a frontal assault to pass through that place……

The people who would be at the forefront were no one but his people.

* * * * *

Ten days had already passed after their army started to raid all the nearby villages and forced the people of the Obern Kingdom to enter the Labieta wall.

Corleone\'s army, which received one additional supply run during the passing days, only took turns knocking on the enemy\'s walls as if making light scratches.

As the weather became cold enough for snow to fall, it was not difficult for Prince Inas to understand that Corleone’s intention was to make the enemy accumulate some fatigue.

However, since it was impossible to deliver the final blow like this, it was difficult to figure out what Corleone was ultimately aiming for.

One time, when they were gathered together for a meeting in the barracks, he tried to get a hint about what Corleone was ultimately aiming for from him.

However, as he was only a Prince of their vassal kingdom and it was not a good sight for him to repeatedly question the instructions of the commander-in-chief, he ended up keeping his mouth shut.

It was a dark night filled with questions.

After Inas finished preparing, he led his soldiers and moved toward the Labieta wall to take turns assaulting its wall with the group that had gone before him.

Even if they had slept in advance, the change in their biological day and night still caused considerable fatigue in the human body, so the tingling feeling in their body was anything but pleasant.

But Inas had no problem with it, and just gave instructions to his soldiers to carry out their assigned mission.

Then, at the moment when the soldiers under his command were about to line up and pound the walls...…


Under the softly shining moonlight, an enemy soldier fell down from the top of the wall and stained the small patch of snow with crimson blood.

For a moment, Inas wondered if the soldier had been hit by a blind attack. However, since he had never given an attack order, he could only raise his head with a puzzled expression.

Even though the moonlight illuminating the night was quite bright, it was still impossible to see the top of the castle wall properly which was shrouded by shadow.

For them to have reached their limit simply didn\'t make any sense.

The soldiers of the major noble of the Obern Kingdom as well as the conscripted citizens should be gathered behind their wall.

Was their number so small to the point that they could not respond to their strategy of rotating the assault group?

That was definitely not the case.

When Inas continued to rack his brain about what could have caused the soldier on top of the wall to become so tired, fall down, and die, he realized that he was in no position to worry about that and ordered his soldiers who had lined up to attack.



「……… 」

However, the enemies who had always responded to their attack each time remained silent this time around.

There was no need to turn back time, after all up until the last noon they were still responding.

Could it be that they abandoned this place and ran away?

That should not be the case.

There was simply no possibility for that to happen.

After all, what kind of benefit would they get by abandoning the location that was most established because of its geographical advantage?

So, was this a deliberate bait to make them launch an all-out attack?

However, it was too fake to be considered bait.

If they shook the fishing rod to make the bait on the tip of the hook look alive, even suspicious fish would open their mouths.

“For now, stop the attack and go report it.”

“I understand.”

The soldier who also saw the scene, received the instructions and began to run toward the camp with a puzzled look on his face.

When the soldier returned after reporting it, the order their group received was to retreat and rest.

His soldiers were happy to hear that command, but Inas could not shake off the uneasy feeling that bloomed in his heart.

If that is nothing but a farce……

Wouldn\'t it mean that they would be giving the enemy a half-day of rest?

In particular, Corleone\'s judgment, which completely excluded the possibility that the enemy was deliberately doing that, seemed to have some kind of ‘confidence’ behind it.

As expected……

That day, that time.

Marquis Alfred must have done something to the people of the Obern Kingdom whom he deliberately let go to enter the walls.

Since it was possible for a human with magic power to be detected by a human who also had magic power, the probability of brute force sabotage from within was low.

However, even if additional spies were mixed in among the people, what on earth can ordinary people do?

The biggest possibility that came to his mind was that they succeeded in burning the food warehouse...…

I don’t know.

What he was trying to gauge was the real power of the Empire.

If he tried to guess it with his head that had limited knowledge, he would only end up at a standstill.

It was a relaxing break after a long time.

Thinking of re-adjusting his biological clock, which had turned his night to days and his days tonight, Inas forced himself to take a nap.

* * * * *

In the quietly fading dawn, Corleone stood up and looked at the Labieta wall that was covered in the shadows created by the moonlight.

Then, as if following him, the dawn heralding the morning slowly rose over the horizon.

“Are you ready?”

"Yes, Milord."

“Then…… Let us go.”

After ordering his soldiers to rest, Corleone slowly advanced towards the walls of Labieta with all of his servants.

If everything that was reported last night was nothing but a farce and handiwork of the enemy, Corleone\'s action of sticking his head out at the moment when the darkness, which was obstructing their vision, was gradually being lifted could be said to be a mistake unbecoming of a commander-in-chief.

However, there was no hesitation in his slow gait. What he exuded was deep composure and a hint of subtle madness.

“The progress was faster than expected.”

They had expected that it would take longer than ten days.

“No matter how hard they try, an ant will always be an ant.”

Corleone saw the dead body that had fallen in front of the castle wall with his eyes from afar. He then gave the order to burn it before commanding the Auror Knights that belonged to his family to move forward.

Then, they stretched their hands out, placed both of their hands on the heavy gate, and began to open the huge impregnable wall using only their strength.




Even though several Auror Knights were tearing it together, the castle gate was still being opened at a snail-like pace.

However, before long, the pulley fixed to the back of the gate was broken as it was unable to withstand the strength that was assaulting it. Resulting in the gate opening as easily as opening a window...…



The gates of the Fortress of Shallow Water, Labieta had finally opened.


Then, what greeted Corleone and his retinue which stood by his side was a terrible stench that could only be from a dead fish that had its internal organs rotted in the summer.

Yes, what they saw beyond the open gate was...…

Swamp of dead bodies, hanging limply, like fish that had been beaten to death.

* * * * *


Prince Inas, who had been having a nap that was really far from the best nap he had ever had, opened his eyes because of the faint smell of charcoal wafting through his nostrils and rushed out of the barracks.

The only thought he had at that moment was that the enemy had launched a surprise attack on their camp. But……

"What in the……”

The main cause of the faint smell of coal that could be smelled in the blowing air was the flames that raged beyond the huge walls of Labieta Castle.

Unless his eyes were playing tricks on him, he could see that the gate was open.

He could not help but wonder what had happened during the time he was taking a nap which could not be described as long.

Looking around, he saw that the other nobles also had facial expressions that were not much different from his own.

After completing his preparations, Inas hurriedly walked after the nobles who were heading towards the open gate of Labieta.


The moment he stepped over the impenetrable gates of Labieta, all he could see was an overwhelming baptism of fire that used the entire Labieta estate as its firewood to burn so fiercely to the point it drove away even the chill of midwinter.


At the same time, behind him, an old man who was watching the spectacle of a steady stream of flickering embers in a calm manner......

“Did everyone have a good rest?”

Greeted them.

* * * * *

“Just…… What is happening……”

“It was a truly pitiful thing.”

After hitting the floor with his cane, Corleone pointed its tip to the side.

Inas naturally turned his head to follow the cane. Only then was he able to see burning corpses that appeared relatively unharmed.

“I don’t know how you managed to enter the castle in a bloodless manner, but if you commit a massacre like this, the aftermath……!”

“Have you forgotten, Prince of a small kingdom? This humble servant will not do anything that was forbidden by the Imperial Decree.”


“Don’t get too close. Just look at those bodies carefully.”

Inas narrowed his eyes as soon as he heard Corleone’s words.

Because the fire was really strong, the surrounding scenery distorted like a haze and made him feel slightly dizzy.

Nevertheless, as he focused, he could clearly see a difference.


Several scars that looked like the flesh had gorged out.

Since the other burning bodies also had the same symptoms, the first thing that came to his mind was an ‘Epidemic.’

Of course, from their perspective, since a large number of people were concentrated in one territory, it was relatively easy for an epidemic to spread...…

However, no matter how rotten the nobles of the Obern Kingdom were, could they really fail to maintain basic hygiene?

“It is a pitiful thing for the people, but in a way, it can be seen as retribution that came from heaven above.”


Inas and other nobles did not open their mouths when they heard Corleone\'s words.

No, to be exact, they could not.

After all, they couldn’t bring themselves to say the words ‘Did you intentionally spread it?’ that was rising to the top of their throat out loud.

Even if they had a strong suspicion towards him, they had no clear evidence whatsoever.

Who would dare say those words in front of the old monster of the Alfred family?

……In fact, the nobles who were gathered here hoped that the result in front of them was nothing but a mere coincidence.

Even if medical technology had developed beyond the era.

Both the knowledge and the technology were still not enough to research and develop a vaccine that was suitable for the disease.

If a threatening epidemic broke out, the best means was to demarcate the region through epidemiological investigation and then burn the entire area to the ground.

Therefore, they would be able to keep a sample of the epidemic and use it as a weapon whenever they want.

Aside from people who awakened their magic power such as a Warlock, an Elemental Wizard, and an Auror Knight, epidemic could be said to be the strongest weapon of this era.

…… But it was clearly a double-edged sword.

From the moment that weapon was revealed, the possibility of the holder being caught up in unnecessary suspicion would increase.

If an Imperial Descendant died from an illness, the Alfred family would be suspected.

And if an epidemic broke out, the Alfred family would also be suspected.

The moment their family became weak, they would become prey for other nobles to use as justification.

Even if it was not necessarily the case, once the power of the Imperial Family, which had found stability after the war ended, became even stronger than it was currently, the fact that the Alfred Family used an epidemic as a weapon would become a strong leash that strangled their neck.

After all, wouldn\'t it be possible for the Imperial Family to intentionally cause a plague, then blame it on the Alfred family, and then destroy it?

Don’t tell me…… Did that old monster do this on purpose?

The relationship between Brutein and the Imperial Family was particularly unique.

Normally, blind loyalty could not exist in the relationship between the King and the nobles.

After all, as the King\'s position became stronger, the power of the nobles would weaken.

In retrospect. when the King\'s position weakened, the power of the nobles would become stronger.

So, in a very realistic sense, this could perhaps be said to be the most ideal loyalty that a noble could give to their monarch.

As long as they could establish a strong foundation and a firm position, they would be given a leash that could stab their heart at any moment.


The Brutein, who shone brightly in the light.

And, the Alfred who was abominable in the shadows.

Even if each of their methods was different.

Their form of loyalty to their monarch...…

Could only make Inas jealous.

In order to get out of the well and turn their fleeting dreams into reality, he would eventually have to bear the weight of the giant Empire that those people support.

And if he took even one wrong step,

The spectacle of a massacre that was unfolding before his eyes would without a doubt unfold in his Kingdom.

Fleeting dreams were something that would always block and crumble in front of the cruel wall called reality. However, Inas did not give up on those fleeting dreams.

Even if he ended his life as a fleeting Prince with a fleeting dream, he did not want to ignore the future that his Kingdom should pursue.


When he held onto his wavering resolve again and raised his head, he saw the Royal Family of the Obern Kingdom who had been persecuted by their own nobles being rescued.

And when he saw them sitting in the corner while laughing at the sight of the massacre...…

I saw something I should not see……

Inas turned his head without realizing it.

The Obern Kingdom probably did not attract the Ernes Empire to uproot the corrupt nobles and the Elmark Empire.

They might have done it to destroy their entire Kingdom and turn it into /genesisforsaken

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