
Chapter 1167 You are all cowards

Chapter 1167 You are all cowards

The Overseer of the match spoke and just like the previous two times, the whole crowd was silent again.

One would think that you would get used to it, however, the dominance Nux and his wives showed on the battlefield was simply... unheard of.

The last time this one-sided domination was seen was more than a hundred years ago when the current Top Clans had just formed. Their Complete Cultivators singlehandedly defeated all the existing clans and made it look so simple that the Clans lost their position at a scary rate.

Now, however, those very Complete Cultivators were facing the same situation, this time, from the other end.

Nux\'s wives were already exceptionally strong when they were incomplete cultivators, now, however, after Vyriana\'s training, Nux\'s abilities that they can now use without any time limits, stronger bloodlines, better techniques, their strength had increased at an absurd pace. Now only the Elites of the Ancestral Order were the ones who could face them in a fair battle and probably defeat them.

For now, however, the women had no competition and simply destroyed the middle level clans, without even needing Nux\'s help.

"A-And there it is folks! Another end to another exciting challenge!" The announcer tried to create hype, however, when the battle that people came to see ends within minutes, not much could be done.

"This is a problem."

On the other side, in the Box where the people from the Top Clans seated in, one of the executives spoke.

"They are too strong." Another man nodded in agreement.

"Most of them are as strong as our elite members."

"Then there is also that Succubus. She is probably as monstrous as Nux.

I cannot see through her."

"It is difficult to see through someone whose opponents simply pass out as soon as they step onto the stage."

"The other Succubus isn\'t any different either."

"At least she takes her sweet time and defends herself using defensive spells before her opponents harm themselves, giving her an advantage."

"That simply means she needs more time to get her opponent under her illusion while the other one just goes at it and succeeds.

Have we not given Artifacts to defend against these Illusions to those clans? Why are they not using them?" Another person questioned with a frown on his face.

"Can you not see that necklace he is wearing?

That is the strongest Mental Strength Artifact their body can handle. Those Succubi powers can pass through those Artifacts."

"But... that shouldn\'t be possible..."

"It can be. If the person creating the illusion is exceptionally strong."


The room turned silent.

"...what should we do?"

Then, someone finally asked the main question.

"We need to stop their growth, they are undermining our authority."

"And how are we supposed to do that? We cannot challenge them with our full strength because they do not have a Saint Stage Cultivator in their Clan. And challenging them with just our Semi Saints is... well, even if we deal with the rest of the women, defeating Nux and Aisha is simply impossible."

"What if we challenge them in a 1v1 battles and target the weaker women?" A woman suggested.

"We might be able to handle other women, but Aisha, Astaria, Allura, Melia, and Thyra would be a problem, those women are strong.

Add Nux into the equation, that is 6 wins for them.

There is also that Shadow Demon and the one with Devouring Mist.

Those two women might pose a problem as well and we are not sure if we can defeat them. Even if we challenge them to twelve 1v1 fights, defeating them is not guaranteed."

A man shook his head.

He had already calculated the entire thing and he couldn\'t see a victory, at least not until all the Clans came together and chose their best 12 Semi Saints to fight against ExceedoGenesis.

However, if they had to fall to that level just to win against a single clan,

Then it was already a loss before the battle even began.

"But that is our only option, is it not?" Another person spoke, he still wanted to give it a shot.

"There is another way."

Everyone turned towards the source of this voice.

"If the ExceedoGenesis challenges us to a battle.

If that were to happen, then there would be no reason for us to not use our Saints, we can simply show it off as us humbling the exceedingly arrogant clan that does not know its limit.

It would give us the higher ground for the future, then even if they later decide on our Semi Saints, the higher ground will remain ours since the people would know that we are very capable of defeating them and are just not acting because we do not wish to \'bully\' the weak."

The solution was provided, however, not everyone in the room was satisfied by the solution.

"That is some wishful thinking."

A woman snorted.

"What clan in their right mind would directly challenge us? They have no reason to do so. They have Semi Saints, no one expects Semi Saints to challenge Saints, they will simply come off as a Clan better than us without even having to challenge us."

"There is a high chance that they do challenge us."

The man who suggested the idea, however, shook his head, disagreeing with the woman.

"I have been looking into Nux\'s past actions and I saw a pattern, he always challenges people who are a stage above him. You can see that even now, he is not showing himself as his clan fights the Semi Saints and only fought against Darrain, who was a Saint.

He is arrogant and in his arrogance, the chances that he challenges us are quite high.

We just... need to give him a reason.

A reason that would be enough for him to make a move."

"And what is that reason?" The woman questioned.

"..." this time, the man turned silent.

He had the answer to the question, he just didn\'t wish to say that out loud.

The people in the room, however, understood what he was trying to say.

"You want to target his wives..."

The woman spoke as she narrowed his eyes.

"It is not a secret. That man is extremely sensitive about his women. We do not even have to harm them, simply poking them would be enough for him to make a move."

"Are we going to ignore the fact that he has Lady Vyriana backing him up?" An aged man spoke up.

"Look, you people might not know about her, but Lady Vyriana is a monster. If you people plan to go against her, keep me and my Clan out of it. I do not have suicidal tendencies."

"Do you think someone like Lady Vyriana would involve herself for something as little as this? We are not killing anyone here. We simply plan to use his over-sensitivity against him and get an edge. It is an extremely common tactic and if that man tries to get Lady Vyriana involved in the matter for something as little as this, she would only be disappointed.

Who knows? He might even lose her support altogether."

The man spoke.

"It is still too risky." The aged man replied.

"Then walk out." The man replied.

"I shouldn\'t have expected anything from a coward like you to begin with.

Actually, all the people who do not wish to participate in this, walkout.

The challenge is already over, so there is no reason for you to stay here anyway."

The man spoke, at first, not many moved as they all continued to stare at the man, considering their options, but then,

"Do whatever you want."

The old man simply stood up and walked away.

Then suddenly, another person stood up, "If your plan works, then considering the strength of your clan, I doubt you would need another clan to help you out. If you use your full strength, then defeating ExceedoGenesis is not a problem, I do not see any reason to be here."

Saying those words, he walked away as well and as if they found a perfect excuse, other clan executives stood up and walked away as well.

After all, even if they did stay and the plan worked, the credit would not go to the \'Top Clans\' but to the Spirit Clan, the Clan this man was from.

There was no benefit in staying here as for the risk...

Well, the risk was simply too high.

Staying here was foolishness and the only ones left in the Box were the man and the woman.

"Heh, as I expected." The man laughed.

"Your plan is simply too risky." The woman shrugged.

She expected this to happen.

"No, these people are simply cowards, scared by a mere Semi Saint."

The woman didn\'t say anything. She knew who the others were actually scared of, and she was as well, however, just like the man said, she didn\'t believe that Vyriana would involve herself with something as little as this.

"...what is your complete plan?" she simply asked a question and hearing that question, the man\'s smile widened.

"Amaya Leander is quite a beauty."

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