The Healing Solaris Cleric

Chapter 39: True Reward

Chapter 39: True Reward

Level: 64

Title: Envoy of God

HP: 16,700

Holy Power: 23,100


Strength: 172 Stamina: 167

Intelligence: 71 Agility: 82

Holiness: 231 Benevolence: 38

Casting Time -30%

Skill Cooldown -9%

Damage Received -3%

Poison Resistance +30

As Kai looked at his stat window that had grown in the Nest of Fermi, he smiled.

The title of Queen Slayer definitely lives up to the name of special.

The greatest gain from conquering this dungeon was undoubtedly the ‘Queen Slayer' title. Since it was a special title, it had no useless abilities.

"Well, now that the appetizer is out of the way..."

Kai turned to look elsewhere with eyes that sparkled with desire. It was time to eat what he called the main course of rewards.

Hehe, and I’m the first one to kill Fermi, aren’t I?

Boss monsters dropped the best items the first time they were killed.

Kai stretched slowly to avoid getting a heart attack from the incredible items. After finishing praying in a devout posture, he cautiously opened the treasure chest that appeared after defeating Fermi.

"Wow...!" Kai exclaimed in excitement as he opened the box and checked its contents.

"A dagger and some gold... And is that a potion?"

First, Kai checked the information on the dagger.

[Fang of Fermi]

Grade: Rare

Attack Power: 64~89

+5 Agility

10% chance of poisoning target with attack.

Poison causes 1,500 damage per second for 3 seconds. (30 second Cooldown.)

A deadly poison dagger belonging to Fermi, Queen of the Forest of Spiders.

Requirements: Level 75+, 90+ Agility.

Durability 76/76

"Not bad."

While it wasn’t something he would use, Kai thought it was a valuable item that would sell for a good price at the auction house.

Daggers are in high demand, and with these options, it wouldn't be inferior to Unique weapons.

It was a Rare weapon that would make rogue players drool!

Even just this much was enough to feel satisfied with conquering the dungeon.

But this isn't it.

Kai then picked up 30 golds, and checked the vial of poison in the box.

[Fermi's Venom]

[A deadly poison. Can be mixed with water or used in crafting.]

"Hmm, this one’s a bit tricky."

He was unsure how to use the item.

If added during equipment crafting... would it grant abilities like poison release similar to Fermi's dagger?

However, the fact that it could be mixed with water meant it could also be used as a poison itself.

I’m not sure if there'll be a day I'll use poison against players or NPCs.

It was quite tricky to list it on the auction house without knowing its exact value. Kai decided to keep it for himself for the time being and put it in his inventory.

"Well, that's the end of checking the rewards... Huh?"

As he was about to close the chest, a small book caught his eye.

"Wait, no way. It can’t be."

With trembling hands, he barely managed to grasp the book!

Kai then said with his also trembling voice, "I-identify item."

[Skill Book - Black Widow's Venom]

Grade: Rare

After poisoning an enemy, add one of the following effects: Confuse, Incapacitate, Silence, Blind, Slow.

Requirements: Dark Wizard, Necromancer, Rogue class.


Kai's eyes widened. He didn’t expect the skill book he hoped for to actually appear! Of course, he knew that dungeon bosses could probably drop skill books based on statistics.

But I didn't expect anything else because of the Fang of Fermi...

Upon opening the chest, it turned out that the Fang of Fermi was just a bonus, and the skill book was the real reward. Rare skill books could trade for over ten million won.

The effects of the skill are also good!

It was to the point that he felt disappointed because he couldn't use it himself.

But it will definitely make money.

His mother's birthday was coming up soon! He had been anxious as items in the auction house weren't selling, but now that he had this substantial source of income, he felt as if he had an army at his back.

"Is this really all now?"

Taking the lesson from the skill book, Kai flipped the box upside down and shook it.


Then a small bead fell in front of Kai!

"There's something more!"

With a beaming smile, Kai immediately picked it up.

[Essence of Darkness Fragment]

[A latent fragment of negative energy that violently alters the target’s personality.]

"...What is this?"

Kai furrowed his eyebrows. The description was overly simple, and there was no rank or instructions on how to use it.

Essence of Darkness?

Kai's mind raced.

Now that I think about it...

All the monsters in this dungeon, Fermi and her spawns, came with modifiers.

"The modifiers were 'Feral’ and 'Savage.'"

Could this small fragment be related to that? It could be his own far-fetched assumption.

But until recently, the Forest of Spiders wasn't a popular hunting field.

It had suddenly become popular because the levels of the spider monsters appearing in the Forest of Spiders had increased. The levels of the forest spiders Kai encountered before entering the Nest of Fermi were all above 50.

But when I searched through the community a month ago, the average level of forest spiders was around 38.

That meant something must have accelerated their growth! Kai thought the fragment of darkness he held could be related in some way. After all, every piece of the situation seemed to fit together smoothly like gears.

"...I'll have to visit the library again once I'm done with the Orc Sorcerer quest."

Kai sighed and carefully stored the Essence of Darkness Fragment, then stood up.

Let's leave thoughts of the fragment of darkness here for now. Finding the trapped people is the priority.

Kai's head turned to one side. It was a place he had been concerned about even amidst the battle, so his gaze naturally shifted there.

A door leading somewhere else in the boss room is so suspicious.

As Kai approached the stone door and opened it, the wall crumbled, and a musty cloud of dust rose. Waving away the dust, Kai entered and his eyes widened.


Inside, many people were cocooned in spider webs. Startled, Kai immediately tore open the cocoons to free the people inside. There were fourteen of them! However, even after being freed from the cocoons, their eyes did not open easily.


Kai lowered his posture and brought his ear close to the people's noses.

They are breathing. They’re not dead yet.

Then it wasn't too late!

Holy Power swirled around Kai, his eyes sparkling. "Mass Bless!"

The holy blessing filled the dark, musty space! The complexions of the people, whose physical abilities were enhanced by the blessing, greatly improved.

But they still aren’t waking up.

Eventually, Kai began to move from one person to the next, using healing skills. He earnestly pleaded, hoping they would open their eyes.

"Please, open your eyes."

"Your families must be waiting at home."

"Just a little more strength!"

Healing skills were continuously used, and with each one, Kai's hands emitted light. Perhaps Kai's heartfelt pleas reached the heavens—one by one, the healed people started to hold their heads and get up.

"Ugh... I’m dizzy."

"Where is this...?"

"Eup! I feel sick..."

Although they didn't seem to be in great condition, they had still opened their eyes.

Kai finally sighed in relief at this sight, "Phew... thank goodness."

Even if they were NPCs, watching people die before their eyes was painful for anyone. Kai felt genuinely relieved and shared bread and water with them.

"Everyone must be dehydrated and hungry. Please drink some water first and chew the bread well."

"Th-thank you!"

"If it weren't for you, my wife and I would have already been..."

"When my consciousness was fading, I heard your voice. I heard you telling me to hang on a little longer, to live... That voice pulled me back from the brink of unconsciousness."

The gathered NPCs bowed their heads and prayed to Kai as if he was a saint.

"No, I wasn't looking for a reward or anything anyway. I was just fulfilling my duty as a Cleric..."

Kai waved his hands in embarrassment, but the NPCs were firm in their belief.

"If it weren't for you we would have been eaten by that giant spider by now."

"To save us... you must have fought with that giant spider."

"That alone deserves praise."

"Thank you so much! Because of you, I can see my family waiting at home again!"

"From today onward, I will become a follower of Helik, the god of mercy and order."


As Kai continued to receive the NPCs' gratitude, his lips pressed firmly together.

Why did I forget about this?

The back of his head was numb as if he had been hit by a hammer. The joy gained from performing good deeds was not just about raising the Benevolence stat.

Right, the true reward of benevolence is... those bright smiles that warm the heart.

Kai, who had transitioned to a Solaric Cleric and only pursued quests that raised his Benevolence stat, blushed with shame at his past.

But if I realize I was wrong, I can correct it now.

Improving and developing one’s weaknesses through mistakes, versus stagnating by repeating the same mistakes—many people choose the latter, but Kai was different.

Building up the Benevolence stat and becoming stronger is important, but I don't want to forget this feeling right now.

With a renewed spirit, Kai's eyes shone clear as a lake. He felt a refreshing sense of relief because he had let go of the burden that he must always increase his Benevolence stat.

It was right then.


[As old as time, the existence of gods has given faith and salvation to many people. The envoys placed on earth by their gods must play the same role. Although the number of people you saved may not be many, the undeniable fact is that they were saved through you. Your sincere intention and benevolence in wanting to save them were actions braver and more sacred than anyone else.]

[Title acquired: Saint of Glendale.]

[A new stat, Dignity, has been generated.]

[Bards will sing ballads of your accomplishments every night in taverns. +2,000 Fame.]

[+1,500 Contribution to the Church of Solaris.]

[Spread of the word of the Church of Solaris increased by 15%. Those who have yet to find a religion to believe in will gather under the name of the Solarian God, Helik.]

[This praiseworthy deed will spread widely across the continent, and the order has taken an interest in you.]

[The Solarian God Helik has acknowledged your genuine desire to save the citizens.]

[Affinity with Helik greatly increased.]

[+30 Benevolence.]

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