The Healing Solaris Cleric

Chapter 24: Forge That Doesn’t Cry (2)

Chapter 24: Forge That Doesn’t Cry (2)

Attack Power: 154-173

+5 Strength

+10 Agility

*This blade grants the user a strong will. This weapon cannot break.

A sword that has been brought to the limit of its potential. Requires incredible power to wield.

Requirements: Level 80+ Strength: 500+

Durability: Infinite

"...!" Kai was so surprised that he almost dropped the sword.

A- a Unique rank!

It was his first time seeing such an incredible weapon. The fact that he was holding such magnificent equipment in his hands, which he wouldn’t even be able to find in auction houses, made his hands tremble.

"Isn't it remarkable?"

"Th-this is..."

The opponent's sword lacked the sophistication of Solid's sword. It also didn’t possess the luxurious elegance either.


If asked which sword was superior, Kai believed it would be the one he was holding.

The sword's inherent capabilities have been maximized.

Although Kai knew nothing about crafting equipment, he was certain about the greatness of this sword.

I understand how Solid feels.

If someone he hadn't even considered a rival suddenly created such a sword right before his eyes, it would undoubtedly shatter the pride of an old man who had swung a hammer all his life.

Solid slumped back onto the sofa. "After the competition ended, the arrogant kid bowed and apologized, thanking me for accepting his unreasonable request. That sword... he said it was a token of his apology and hoped I would accept it."

"Y-you mean, he just gave it to you?" Kai's mouth dropped open.

A Unique-ranked sword could easily be worth thousands of gold if sold in an auction house. Being a player, that kid wouldn't have been unaware of the sword's value. To gift such a sword without any hesitation was an action beyond Kai's comprehension.

"At first, I made excuses for myself for losing. I said that I lost because I tried to imitate the beautiful sword he had and ended up making mine too decorative without realizing it."

"Ah... indeed, your sword is incredibly ornate," Kai nodded, looking at the sword from the handle to the blade, which was unmatched in its luxuriousness.

At that sight, Solid gave an even more self-mocking smile and shook his head. "But that wasn't it."


"I dug out all the swords I had made up to now, trying to rationalize my actions. Then I realized that... that was the kind of sword I had always been making until now,” Solid said with a voice full of deep regret. "Most who ordered swords from me were knights or the offspring of noble families. All of them liked flashy things."

"That means...?"

"I made swords for decades to meet their demands, and without realizing it, I had become adept at making ornate swords."


"The moment I realized that, I couldn't bring myself to pick up a hammer anymore." Rubbing his face with his large palms, Solid ended his story.

Kai was left speechless. Would he be able to endure the pain of realizing too late that he had dedicated his life to a misguided path?

...It would be very shocking.

That would be the same for Solid. His pride as a craftsman and his reflections on his life, those two aspects were continually tormenting the current Solid.

But, was his life truly misguided from the start?

Just because one sword is superior, does that make the other wrong? Kai thought that wasn’t true.

Besides, I prefer Solid's sword.

It wasn't just a pity vote thrown his way. Although Kai thought the opponent's sword was superior, if he had to choose one to use, it would be Solid's.

Therefore, he expressed his thoughts without reservation, "However, I prefer your sword, sir."

"Hmph. Didn't I say earlier? I don't take flattery."

Although Kai was being honest, Solid thought he was being pitied and became angry.

At this, Kai made a serious expression with all traces of amusement gone, and said, "No, I mean it."

"...Really?" Solid, reading the sincerity in Kai's gaze and expression, cautiously asked. "Explain your reason. If it's just some random reason that just seems plausible, be prepared."

Tsk, so strict.

Kai then said without hesitation, "I’ll be honest. If you ask which of the two weapons is stronger, I'm sorry, but the opponent's sword would be stronger."

"...." Solid pursed his lips but didn’t deny it. He probably knew that fact better than anyone. "But yet you say you prefer my sword. Do you like ornate swords?"

"No. Your sword.... It seems to consider the user's convenience more."

"The user's convenience?"

Kai nodded, "No matter how great and powerful a sword is, if it cannot be used, it's useless."

Although the opponent's sword was stronger and had outstanding attributes attached, it required too high a Strength stat compared to its level requirement.

Even if you give up on distributing stats to Stamina and Agility and invest everything in Strength, you can't reach 500 at level 80.

In other words, that sword was fool's gold. It looked promising but lacked substance. Though the level requirement was only 80, to use that sword, one would likely need to be over level 100.

"This sword may seem to have maximized the essence of a sword to its limit at first glance, but it shows no consideration for the person who will use it." Kai set down the sword and picked up Solid's. "Meanwhile, sir, as you've said, you've spent decades making swords for others. In reality, most people all want the same thing."


Kai flicked the blade with his finger.

"A sword that is strong, beautiful, and usable. This sword has a well-balanced combination. A wealthy collector might prefer the other sword, but what do you think a soldier heading to battle would prefer?"


At those words, Solid's expression showed a great realization, and he closed his eyes.

After deeply thinking about something, Solid finally opened his eyes and said, "...First, I owe you an apology."


"I sincerely apologize for thinking your genuine concern was nothing more than misplaced sympathy."

"Oh, well, it's not that big of a deal...."

The once loud and angry voice of the drunkard was heard no more. Instead, a voice befitting a master of his craft, solid and firm, flowed out. "At the same time, I express my gratitude." Solid's eyes shone intensely like the midday sea. "You were right. Lost in despair, I had forgotten what it means to be a blacksmith."

Solid lifted the sword he had crafted. "What I must do is not merely create the finest equipment for my own satisfaction."

His rough hands gently caressed the work he had produced. After decades of holding a hammer, there wasn’t a single part of his hands that was not calloused.

"Creating weapons that the user can utilize without complaint for a long time... That is the path I must walk as a blacksmith."

Solid's eyes sparkled brightly as if he had gained a great enlightenment!

As Kai met eyes with Solid's, a message window popped up before him.


[Your advice helped progress Solid’s blacksmithing ability one step further.]

[Blacksmith Solid has become a master blacksmith.]

[You helped an NPC overcome their complex. +3 Benevolence.]

[Affinity with Solid greatly increased. Solid considers you his benefactor.]


They were messages that were hard to grasp at a glance!

After calming down and reading the messages carefully, Kai suddenly got up in excitement as he realized something.

Good deeds aren't just simple kindness acts!

The concept of good deeds was far more inclusive than he had thought.

That means....

Not only physically helping NPCs, but also healing their emotional wounds as he had done now or offering counseling could increase the Benevolence stat.

Solid, with hands as large as pot lids, suddenly grasped Kai's delicate hands.

"Thank you! I feel like I've overcome a great barrier thanks to you. I'm truly grateful!"


As Kai scratched the back of his head and laughed awkwardly, a deep smile appeared on Solid's stern face. He laughed heartily and patted Kai on the shoulder.

"Hahahaha! Now that the gloominess has lifted, my hands are itching to work! Speaking of which, weren't you here to give me a job? Leave it to me!"

Solid, as if eager to swing his hammer right away, rotated his shoulders and neck while shouting. His personality, previously sharp and sensitive from self-doubt and alcohol, had returned to its usual positive and hearty state.

Kai's eyes sparkled as he neatly took out materials from his inventory. "I actually came to request the crafting of equipment. These are the materials."

"Oh wow! Scales and teeth of a Wyrm Lizard! You're a more powerful adventurer than I thought, aren’t you? You don't look like it, though. Hahaha!" Solid laughed heartily, his expression saying to leave it all to him. "Is there a specific weapon you're interested in?"

"Um... actually, I wanted to learn a new weapon skill. Could you recommend one for me?"

"A weapon skill, huh? Hm, let me see." Solid nodded after looking at Kai's arms, legs, and body proportions. "I personally recommended swordsmanship."

"Swordsmanship? Is there a particular reason?"

"Your arms and legs are slender and long. That indicated an extended reach which is crucial for a swordsman.”

"Wouldn't it be better to wield a spear then?"

"I could make a spear if that's what you want. But the most important thing is...."

"The most important thing is?" Kai leaned forward with a look of intense curiosity.

Solid laughed heartily again at Kai’s expression, "I'm just better at making swords than spears. Hahaha!"

"...Oh, I see."

The logic was convincing. Kai nodded in understanding at once.

Then, requesting a sword would get me the best quality weapon.

Whether learning spear skills or sword skills, as long as it slightly aided his solo play, it was sufficient. Regardless of the skill learned at the moment, it wouldn't unleash significant power anyway. In that case, it made sense to use a weapon with better performance.

"Please make me a sword then. You can just make the scales into some armor."

"An excellent choice. I'll try and create a masterpiece of my lifetime. Give me a week."

"Alright, I'll be going then."

Solid quickly prepared for the work after receiving the materials. Then the previously dead forge roared to life with loud noises and flames. At the same time, the quiet surroundings began to echo with a regular pattern of sounds.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Kai, leaving the blacksmith, looked back at the lively building with a sense of pride.

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