The Healing Solaris Cleric

Chapter 2: Ending for the Good-Hearted (2)

Chapter 2: Ending for the Good-Hearted (2)



However, an invisible barrier blocked his path. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break through the barrier.

"In that case..."

Rubbing his sore nose from bumping into the invisible wall, Kai pulled out a magic scroll from his inventory. It was a teleport scroll worth a whopping 3 gold. Considering the current exchange rate where one silver was equivalent to 1,000 won, a scroll worth 3 gold (300 silver) amounted to 300,000 won.

But it's better than being trapped here.

Without hesitation, Kai tore the teleport scroll. Or at least, he attempted to.

Rustle! Rustle!

However, the high-quality scroll refused to tear, only making a crinkling sound.

"Why won't it tear?"

His question filled with anxiety was answered by a notification.

[You can not use a teleport scroll in your current location.]

"...I can’t log out either?"

Growing anxious, Kai cautiously attempted to log out.

[Would you like to log out?]

[When you log back in, you will start at your current location.]

Fortunately, it seemed he could log out, but that didn't change the fact that the situation was desperate.

Logging out won't solve the problem.

He then thought of something and summoned a virtual keyboard.

Tap-tap, tap-tap-tap.

He typed diligently, composing a lengthy email. The email was promptly sent to the customer service of the game's developer, Pegasus.


The response came quickly.

[Hello, this is Pegasus Customer Support. We have received your message and are sorry to hear that you’re having problems.

However, as this is not a bug, we are unfortunately not able to help you at this time.

If you would like to delete your character to reset your progress, we will be able to assist you in that regard.

We will continue to do our best to improve Miracle Dream Online.

If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact our customer support again...]


He hadn't expected such a lengthy response simply to say they couldn't help.

What do I do now?

Kai pressed his throbbing forehead. The saying ‘better alive than dead' no longer seemed true. If he had just died surely as Zirukan suggested, he would have only lost some XP points.

Kai sighed. After taking a deep breath to clear his head, Kai reread the response.

They can't help unless it's a bug... This sentence is what catches my attention. Does that mean Pegasus doesn't consider this situation a bug?

A user was trapped in a location by an NPC, unable to do anything except log out. Yet, it wasn’t a bug. Kai's mind raced.

That must mean there's a way out of this place, right?

His eyes caught sight of a stone statue at the end of the room.

The statue of the Solarian God.

It wasn't hard to recognize it.

The Church of Solaris was exerting prominence in MID Online, more than any other order, and Kai himself was a Solaris Cleric.

"It looks exactly like the ones I've always seen."

The statue portrayed a dignified middle-aged figure.

"But... what is this?"

Kai's gaze shifted to something beside it. There stood a statue of an unknown young girl.

Why would there be such a statue in a temple?

Kai approached the girl's statue and examined it closely.

"Who is this? She looks cute but I have no idea who she is. Was she the daughter of the temple's keeper?"

After a brief moment of curiosity, Kai turned his attention back to the god's statue.

"Solarian God, please exert your power. Your sheep is in trouble right now."

Of course, no magical event like the statue speaking occurred. Kai hadn't expected it either. That's why the surprise was even greater.


[The Solarian God, Helik, takes interest as his existence was mentioned.]

[Helik is watching over you.]


It was natural to be stunned when the unexpected became reality.

The Solarian God Helik is watching over me?

Kai double-checked the message log just to be sure, but it was accurate.

Why would a god be watching me...?

Kai's throat bobbed noticeably. It couldn't be helped. This was nothing short of an unbelievable turn of events for a mere level 46 Cleric. Of course, someone unfamiliar with MID Online could say, 'Isn't it just a god in the game?' Or 'It's just a bunch of data, right?'

Those were statements only someone who didn't understand the essence of the game MID Online could make. Even now, hundreds of millions of users wouldn't dare to look up at a digital noble, let alone a god.

...Why would a Solarian God suddenly take notice of me?

A statue entered Kai's blurred vision. It was the statue of Helik.

Could it be because of this? Because I prayed to this statue?

It seemed unbelievable, but there was no other explanation.

Then what I need to do now is...

Persuade the Solarian God, Helik.

Kai immediately knelt down.

"Solarian God, I beg of you. Please listen to my plea and let me out of here."

Kai spoke in a soft and sincere voice. He briefly explained everything that had happened since he met Teru.


[Helik heard your prayer and has taken pity on you.]

[Helik is offering you a chance to escape this place.]

[Will you accept his trial?]

A trial?

Kai hesitated for a moment, but he had no other choice.

"Thank you, O Solarian God."

[The Trial of Helik has started.]

As the trial started, a portal formed before him.

I don't know why I'm being put through a trial instead of being sent out directly...but I should be grateful for the opportunity.

Kai entered the portal.



It was a dark place. Therefore, Kai refrained from acting rashly, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. After a while, he realized he was in a space big enough for five or six people to lie down comfortably.

Does the cold stone floor and walls mean it's a cave? There doesn't seem to be anything else... Hm?


As Kai stepped forward, he felt an unpleasant sensation under his foot. It was as if he had stepped on something alive.

A monster?

Kai hastily stepped back and looked at the ground. There lay a person, seemingly dead.

Could it be because of me? No, that can't be.

Kai stopped himself from rushing to give aid, reminded of his encounter with Zirukan.

I was too hasty before.

Over the past 22 years, Kai had performed countless acts of kindness. If there were a Nobel Prize for Kindness, he thought it would undoubtedly be his. He helped so many people, but not all the outcomes of his help were pleasant. Among those he helped, some were genuinely nice people, some were difficult, and some were extremely difficult. Those who screamed for more even after being helped belonged to the extremely difficult category, and Zirukan, for instance, had set a new standard in this category beyond extremely difficult, hell difficult.

Let's see...

Kai squinted and flicked his finger.

“Sacred Flare.”


A faint light emerged from the tip of Kai's index finger, softly lighting the surroundings.

The person's wearing rags, not even proper clothes. Are they a beggar or something?

The hair was also greasy and matted, and the skin was grimy, as if they hadn't bathed in a long time. Kai also took a sniff. There was a strong odor.

Okay. The appearance passes the test.

People often thought that helping beggars once would lead them to cling annoyingly. However, Kai, who had helped many beggars, knew this wasn't true.

Actually, beggars are easygoing. They know how to be genuinely thankful.

It was rare to find a beggar without a story. While not all were like this, most beggars appreciated kindness genuinely and feared being close to others, worrying they might cause others harm because they were well aware of how society viewed them.

Alright, let's help.

Kai, having perfectly assessed the situation, shook the body of the beggar.

"Hey, wake up. Are you dead? If you're dead, at least say so."


After several shakes, the beggar groaned and slowly got up. They were so dirty that it was impossible to distinguish whether they were male or female. The beggar, having regained consciousness, looked at Kai with wide, surprised eyes.

"Who... who... How did you...?"

The voice was thin and high-pitched, indicating she was a woman.

Kai calmed her down, saying, "First, calm down, and then tell me who you are and where we are."

"M-my name is Amy, and this place is...!"

Just as Amy introduced herself while shedding tears like chicken droppings, the cave suddenly started to vibrate.


"Ahhh! It's coming! We're going to be eaten!"

"I don't understand what you're saying, but try to calm down! Cure! Heal!"

After casting a buff on Amy, her heavy breathing gradually steadied.

"Whoo, whoo... Thank you. I'm calmer now."

"No problem. But as I asked before, what exactly is this place?"

"...You really don't know?"

"I wouldn't ask if I did."

"Poor soul..."

Amy looked at Kai with a pitying expression and then said, "This is the nest of a wyrm lizard."

"...I must have misheard, what did you say?"

"Wyrm Lizard."

"One more time, please."

"Wyrm Lizard!"


Although Kai's hearing was fine, his horrified expression didn't lighten. After all, this place was the nest of a wyrm lizard.

Wyrm Lizard means...

A Wyrm Lizard was a giant worm characterized by a thick shell of reptilian scales. However, such appearance was of little concern. The most important part was that the creature's level was over 65.

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