
Chapter 49 - : Trouble Has Arrived

A significant portion of the lights that adorned the city at night came from the office units of the Northern Group’s headquarters located on the second ring road.

At the end of the month, Northern Group would be participating in an important exhibition held in Europe. The higher-ups of the company had high hopes of forging new partnerships with their European counterparts and as such, many of the senior leaders had been working overtime to oversee preparations for said event.

On the fifty-secondth floor, a beautiful lady donning a cyan office suit that was paired tastefully with a pair of large, dark-framed glasses, rapped her knuckle on the unmarked door lightly.

“Come in!”

The lady in the cyan suit entered the room upon hearing her mistress’ order.

She briskly walked over to one side of the wide desk where she stooped down a little. With a nervous tone, she said to the woman sitting behind the desk who was scanning through a document, “Miss, something happened to the Young Master earlier today.”

“What’s the matter?” asked the woman behind the desk with a raised brow.

Her heartbeat quickened when asked the question. At the same time, her initially calm and collected demeanor faded away in the blink of an eye.

She was extremely beautiful. The way her brows danced undoubtedly claimed many a male victim in her lifetime.

“A confrontation had broken out between the Young Master and Li Jiacheng of East Union International’s son, Li Dongjun. Apparently Li Dongjun fired his gun…”

The woman behind the desk shot up from her seat before she could even finish her sentence.


This was the first time the woman in glasses ever witnessed her lose her cool. Unconsciously, she stepped back in fear but fortunately, she was able to follow up quickly to calm the panicking woman down. “The Young Master is safe and sound. He had even managed to beat up Li Dongjun and nine of his bodyguards. To my knowledge, Li Dongjun’s bullet did not hit the Young Master. Ouyang Feifei had arrived at the scene shortly after the skirmish started and consequently, brought the Young Master to safety.”


A teacup, still filled to the brim with liquid, smashed heavily against the wall before shattering into a thousand pieces, all of which dropped onto the floor in a scatter.

Steam rolled up from the floor as the piping hot liquid sprayed all over the room. Even the walls were not spared, as evidenced by water stains that splattered over it.

“Wu Yue! What in the world happened?!” The beautiful woman was so infuriated that she glared at her innocent assistant with bloodshot eyes.

Wu Yue had, without a doubt, been given the worst shock of her life. It was also the first time she had seen her boss get so angry in such a short amount of time. She was at a loss for words as adrenaline pumped through her veins. Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to calm down so she could explain everything with what little knowledge she had about the incident.

“Miss, the Young Master was really skilled…”

The raging woman interrupted Wu Yue mid-sentence. “Had he made even a single mistake, and had Ouyang Feifei been late by even a second, he would surely have died under the bullet of either Li Dongjun or his bodyguards, would he not? How dare Li Dongjun use a gun against an unarmed boy! I will never let him slip away unscathed!”


The glass bowl on her desk that contained aquatic plants and two little minnows was thrown to the ground in rage, sending shattered pieces of glass and water in every direction. Some of the water managed to splatter across a large area of Wu Yue’s uncovered legs. She, however, did not move a single muscle nor squeak.

The young lady’s fury had exceeded the prediction she had made before she broke the news to her.

Wu Yue was shaking in fear as she had never seen the young lady react in such a way before. Even during times of crises, she’d always make sure to keep herself calm.

Just like Mount Tai[1], the young lady was one who remained forever unchanging, or so she thought.

The young lady would always appear intimidating without being remotely angry herself. Just the sight of her slightly furrowed brows would send shivers down other people’s spines.

Never in her life had she ever seen her so consumed by anger that she lost her rational side like today. This was truly her first time going through such a harrowing experience, even after working as her assistant for so many years. It wasn’t wrong to describe Wu Yue’s feelings right now as “on the brink of a nervous breakdown”.

If it were someone else standing in her shoes, that person would most probably be so scared that his legs would turn into jelly and give way under his weight.

Wu Yue cautiously stole glances at the red-faced young lady. Of course, she remained silent the whole time. She didn’t dare to speak her mind, especially during a time like this.

In the end, all she could do was pick up the glass shards carefully and throw them into the trash can. Then, using a cloth, she soaked up all the liquid on the floor with her bare hands. After cleaning up after the young lady, she stood right beside the desk, nervously awaiting further orders.

“What was the cause of this whole incident?” The woman sounded much calmer than before but her tone now sounded cold and hostile.

“It seems to be related to Ouyang Huihui,” replied Wu Yue briefly. “Ouyang Huihui supposedly had been bullied by the Young Master repeatedly in the past. She then met Li Dongjun, who has a romantic interest in her. Together, they plotted her revenge on the Young Master, hence why the fight broke out.”

The woman was deep in thought for a while before she continued, “I’d like to meet Ouyang Feifei immediately. I want to meet her by tonight; also, I want Li Dongjun’s life. I will not spare anyone that dares to threaten his life. Whoever that dares to hurt him will have his or her right to live rescinded!”

“Understood, Young Lady!” A shiver crawled up Wu Yue’s spine as she headed out of the room with her head lowered.


After having discussed what her grandfather, Ouyang Lingyun, told her over the course of the past two days, Ouyang Huihui remained seated in the car. Her curious mind egged her on to ask Ouyang Feifei about Luo Ziling’s background.

However, Ouyang Feifei had no interest in being a storyteller. In fact, she was annoyed by the unending series of questions her sister was coming up with. With a stone-cold face, she reminded her little sister to get out of the car and to return to school.

“I hate you, sis!” Ouyang Huihui pouted. “What’s wrong with telling me more about that rascal?”

“Remember what I said. Do not cause him any more trouble from now on. And don’t even think about using someone as a proxy to get back at him.” Ouyang Feifei showed her two fingers as she warned her little sister. “It’s been 2 times already. I don’t wish to deal with the same matter thrice.”

“Okay, I got it.” Ouyang Huihui drooped her head as she prepared to leave the car.

Right around then, Ouyang Feifei’s assistant, Wang Qing, exited her vehicle and walked toward them. She then started waving her phone around as she got closer to the car.

“Young Lady, the assistant of Northern Group’s President, Miss Wu Yue, is on the phone,” Wang Qing said as soon as Ouyang Feifei’s window was winded down. She then whispered into her ear, “She’s looking for you urgently.”

Ouyang Feifei’s expression changed the instant her brain processed those words. Without saying anything, she took the phone from Wang Qing’s hand.

After a customary “Hello?”, the emotionless voice of a woman came through the earpiece. “Am I speaking to the President of Ouyang?”

“This is she.”

“I am Wu Yue, the assistant to Northern Group’s President. Our President would like to schedule a meeting with you, preferably by tonight.”

Ouyang Feifei contemplated for a moment before answering. “Alright.”

They hung up after the assistant informed her about the venue where they would be meeting.

Ouyang Feifei shot a death glare at Ouyang Huihui and in an extremely pissed off tone, she said, “Change of plans. You’ll come meet Ling Ruonan with me!”

“She…how did she know?” For the first time in her life, Ouyang Huihui understood what it felt like to be in fear. She then asked with a trembling voice, “C-Can’t I not go?”

That woman has finally decided to issue her divine judgement, of course she was scared.

“Not a chance in hell.” Ouyang Feifei shook her head. Then, pressing on the intercom button, she gave the driver a new destination. “Drive us to Chuyuan Hotel.”

[1] Mount Tai is a mythical mountain in Chinese culture. Sort of like Mount Olympus for the Greeks

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