
Chapter 820: Plugging Up (5)


“Mm…” Kang Jin-Ho furrowed his brow slightly.

‘No, it can’t be…!’

Han Jin-Seong saw Kang Jin-Ho\'s expression and grew worried almost immediately. He could think of only one reason why Kang Jin-Ho would make that face, but that seemed so incredibly unlikely in the current situation.

‘I mean, this place isn’t that old, so… How?’

This aquarium had opened its doors less than a week ago. There couldn\'t be serious structural problems with a brand-new building like this place.

Even if that was true…!

Han Jin-Seong quickly pondered his options before making up his mind. His eyes began flickering in determination.

‘How many tragedies happened as the result of victims naively thinking everything was fine?’

The victims of large-scale accidents weren’t some idle idiots who didn\'t realize they should have escaped sooner. No, their only fault was believing in other people.

Believing that people in charge wouldn\'t do a sloppy job of managing a large facility; believing that people involved should know more about what was what than they were…

When that belief was betrayed, accidents would morph into tragedies. If only those victims were a little more suspicious of the people and the business running the premises! Such tragedies could have been prevented.

As luck would have it, Han Jin-Seong was perhaps the Number One among everyone here when it came to suspecting duplicity in other people!

“Excuse me!” Han Jin-Seong urgently raised his hand high in the air to draw the attention of the aquarium’s safety official.

“Hello, dear customer. How may I assist you?” The safety official smiled while approaching Han Jin-Seong.

The official’s friendly, relaxed attitude briefly cast doubt in Han Jin-Seong’s mind.

‘Could it be that I’m making a fuss about nothing?’

Everything was relative and connected to each other in some way.

A company that trained its employees well but failed to manage its facilities properly? Or a company that managed its facilities well but failed miserably in training its workers? Such things almost never happened.

Managing a company consisted of various factors coming together. A company that trained its employees well should also be paying close attention to the management of its facilities.

The safety official speaking to Han Jin-Seong had demonstrated an exemplary level of customer service. Han Jin-Seong was young and didn\'t seem to be accompanied by someone old enough to be his guardian, but the safety official still addressed him with a polite smile and a professional attitude.

In that case, would the aquarium be negligent in managing its facilities? Common sense said, "not likely."

Han Jin-Seong\'s agitation cooled down a little from how the safety official responded to him. He bowed slightly before politely asking the official. “Excuse me, I thought I should tell you that I heard a strange sound just now.”

“Did you say a strange sound, dear customer?”

“Yes. It sounded like a loud crack.”

“Ah, I see…” The safety official glanced behind, then replied in a slightly troubled tone. “I apologize, dear customer. I didn\'t hear the noise you speak of, so I can\'t say where it originated from. If you don\'t mind, can you specify what could be the issue?”

“Oh, uh, that is…”

Han Jin-Seong was about to say something, only for Jo Mi-Hye to sneak up next to him and grab him by his shoulder.

She whispered unhappily at him. “I told you to stop making a scene!”

“Wait, Mi-Hye.”

“No, oppa! You wait!”

“Mi-Hye, please…!” Han Jin-Seong spoke in a quiet but firm voice. Jo Mi-Hye instinctively flinched, then released her grip on his shoulder. Han Jin-Seong spoke to her again. “It won\'t take long, so wait, okay?”


Once Jo Mi-Hye stepped back without further resistance, Han Jin-Seong coughed to clear his throat and addressed the safety official again. “Sorry about that. I heard the sound of something cracking just now. I\'m sure it\'s nothing to worry about, but just in case… I was wondering if there was a problem with this water tank.”

“Aha, I see,” the safety official nodded, then smiled brightly… before shooting a silent gaze in the direction of one of the aquarium’s tourist guides.

The guide smartly bowed and began explaining to Han Jin-Seong. “Dear customer, there is no need to worry. We at Sea Paradise Aquarium have paid the utmost attention to ensure every visitor’s safety and enjoyment during your stay with us. This aquarium, for instance, features an acrylic wall 35 centimeters thick.”

The safety official quickly pointed at the transparent wall of the water tank. As there wasn\'t even a single visible flaw, Han Jin-Seong found it difficult to believe the claim of its thickness.

“As such, this aquarium is safer than you may expect, dear customer. Even a shell fired by a tank will not be able to pierce this wall.”

People nearby all burst into laughter at the guide’s confident explanation. At the same time, hints of mocking gazes landed on Han Jin-Seong.

However, rather than backing off, Han Jin-Seong continued to question the guide instead. “Yes, I understand what you’re saying. But I know what I heard, and that’s why I have to make sure, you see? Do we really have nothing to worry about in terms of safety?”

“Yes, dear customer,” the guide smiled back. “We\'ve paid close attention to ensure the safety of all our visitors even before opening our doors. Every safety precaution has been taken to ensure our valued visitors will enjoy their time with us. All the walls boast enough thickness, while the floor boasts a triple layer of waterproofing. Even if some water leaks from the tanks, our aquarium\'s drainage system will ensure it will be swiftly expelled from the premises.”

Visitors, who had been eavesdropping out of worry and curiosity, began nodding in satisfaction. At this point in time, almost everyone here was making the same sort of expression. And that was…

They seemed to believe that a company that had spent this much money wouldn’t be negligent in safety.

If their responses ended there, everything would’ve been fine, but…

‘What the heck?’

Han Jin-Seong immediately noticed how the people’s gazes locked on him contained hints of contempt.

Then again, how could he not notice it? He was scared of those kinds of gazes since he was a little boy, after all. Not many would’ve known what it felt like to be treated kindly on the surface only to be stared at like a bug as Han Jin-Seong.

Han Jin-Seong was triggered by their gazes of contempt and almost started yelling back in anger. However, he managed to clamp his mouth shut just in time. In this delicate situation, losing his temper would paint him as an idiot not worth listening to.

After calming himself down, Han Jin-Seong addressed the guide again. “Yes, I understand what you\'re saying. But I know what I heard. That\'s why I\'m wondering if it\'s okay to respond so casually without checking things out first.”

“Ah, I see. My apologies, dear customer. That is indeed an oversight on our part. Please rest assured, we will get right on this matter as soon as possible.”

The guide remained polite and professional, which led to the peanut gallery shooting more sharp glares in Han Jin-Seong\'s direction.

“What is the matter with him? It\'s seemingly nothing, so why keep making a big fuss about it?”

“That’s the definition of a rude customer, alright.”

“The entry ticket isn\'t even that expensive, so why is that boy going on a power trip here? I\'m telling you, kids these days…”

“What the…!” Han Jin-Seong’s cheeks reddened considerably. “I definitely heard that noise!”

“Stop lying, kid. Nobody here heard anything like what you said!”

“Young man, that’s enough, don’t you think? It’s not cool to play pranks on the employees like this.”

Han Jin-Seong’s expression distorted in irritation. Instead of shouting at the peanut gallery, though, he turned his head away from them.

Of course, he understood that these people weren\'t in the wrong for chiding him. If they really hadn\'t heard that noise, Han Jin-Seong must\'ve looked like a little brat throwing a tantrum at a poor aquarium employee to their eyes.

Even Han Jin-Seong would\'ve responded the same if he were in their shoes. The public had gotten a lot more culturally sensitive toward folks going on a power trip, after all. Even so…!

“Please make sure nothing’s going on,” said Han Jin-Seong.

He was dead certain about this and didn\'t care about being chewed out by the other visitors. If an accident did really occur… It\'d endanger the people he cared about. Being mocked as an idiot was far better than the alternative of people getting hurt.

Jo Mi-Hye looked concerned as she approached Han Jin-Seong. “Oppa, I think that’s enough.”

“Hold on, Mi-Hye.”

“Oppa, please.”

“Look, this is not how I was raised, okay?”

Han Jin-Seong looked back at the guide and the safety official. “Please check it out for us. To see if there aren’t any issues.”

“Of course, dear customer,” said the safety official while bowing slightly. He then retreated slightly to chat to someone on the walkie-talkie.

The visitors frowned even more at this sight and glared at Han Jin-Seong.

“Really now…?”

“What’s wrong with kids these days? I bet you that boy doesn’t think he’s being rude right now.”

“You’re so right.”

“This is why people get more stressed about emotional labor these days. I mean, look! A random kid is busy getting in your face for no reason whatsoever.”

Han Jin-Seong\'s expression distorted even further. He knew he shouldn\'t even engage them, but his anger still broke free from his control. Before he could yell at these adults badmouthing him, however, someone gently grabbed his shoulder first.

Startled, Han Jin-Seong quickly looked behind him. “Hyung?”

As it turned out, the person grabbing his shoulder was Kang Jin-Ho.

“H-hyung, I can explain. I definitely heard…”

“Jin-Seong, I want you to listen to me.”

“...Ng?” Han Jin-Seong’s expression immediately changed. He initially thought Kang Jin-Ho was trying to stop him, but that wasn’t it.

Kang Jin-Ho\'s face could only be described as scarily stiff as he addressed the boy. “I want you to find the kids from Seongsim, and… Get out of here as soon as possible.”


“Can you do it?”

“N-ng. Yes, I can do it.”

Kang Jin-Ho gently ruffled Han Jin-Seong\'s hair. “You did good just now.”

Han Jin-Seong’s eyes powerfully quaked as he stared at Kang Jin-Ho. “H-hyung, does that mean…?!”

“People won\'t understand no matter how persuasive you are. That\'s why you need to show them with your actions. I would\'ve preferred guiding you all out of here myself, but this situation… probably won\'t let me. You understand what I\'m trying to say, don\'t you?”

“Yes, hyung.” Han Jin-Seong weightily nodded.

The truth was, he had no idea what Kang Jin-Ho was talking about. However, he also had no problem following Kang Jin-Ho\'s orders. That was how deep Han Jin-Seong\'s belief in Kang Jin-Ho was.

“Jin-Seong, everyone must be accounted for, okay?”

“Got it, hyung!”

“Okay. Go, now. Find everyone as quickly as possible and get out of here. But keep your eyes open so no one gets lost.”

“Got it!” Han Jin-Seong animatedly nodded, then began calling at the Seongsim kids to gather around.

Jo Mi-Hye curiously asked Han Jin-Seong. “Oppa, what\'s going on?”

“I\'m not sure myself, but Jin-Ho hyung wants us to get out of here, pronto.”

“Really? Okay, got it.” Jo Mi-Hye readily nodded away in acceptance.

She trusted Kang Jin-Ho the most in this place, followed closely by Han Jin-Seong in the second spot. And both of them were shouting, "Leave this place, now!" in one voice, so what other motivation did she need?

Jo Mi-Hye followed Han Jin-Seong and began rounding up Seongsim’s girls.

“This way, everyone!”

Han Jin-Seong took the lead while Jo Mi-Hye brought up the rear. However, other visitors were dismayed by the children acting in unison and continued to express their discontent.

“What are they doing now?”

“Gee whiz! They have taken this joke too far!”

Ridicule and sneer mercilessly showered the Seongsim kids. However, they paid precisely zero attention to other aquarium visitors. Since Kang Jin-Ho told them to leave, nothing else mattered now. They didn\'t even require evidence or reason to do it, either!

“Hyung! I found everyone. Then…!”

“Mm,” Kang Jin-Ho nodded, his eyes narrowed. “Be careful on your way out, okay?”

Han Jin-Seong urgently led the children out of the main hall. Unfortunately, the exit was just as narrow as the entrance. With people filling up the narrow passageways, going past them without causing issues proved to be impossible.

“I\'m sorry. Please make room for us. I\'m so sorry!” Han Jin-Seong continued to apologize and bowed his head. However...

“Argh, what the hell! What are you doing!”

“Ow, come on! Enough of this rubbish!”

Unsurprisingly, adults began exploding in irritation when children tried to rush into the narrow passageway.

“What the hell are you trying to pull?!”

“Bloody hell…!”

Han Jin-Seong\'s expression progressively crumpled at these so-called adults who swore freely at children. Before he could give them a piece of his mind, however…!

“Hold on! Wait!”

A loud and familiar voice registered in Han Jin-Seong\'s hearing just then.

“Coming through! Make room, please! I said, I\'m coming through!” A man in a black business suit shoved past the unmoving bodies and entered the central room.

“I\'ll guide them out, Mister Jin-Ho,” said the black-suited man, Jo Gyu-Min.

“You came at a good time, Chief Jo.” Kang Jin-Ho nodded. Without saying anything else, pointed at the exit with his chin. “...I\'ll leave them to you.”


Jo Gyu-Min had already finished analyzing the situation by then, so he quickly got down to leading the kids out of this place. Obviously, he didn’t know what exactly was happening here.

However, Kang Jin-Ho said the Seongsim kids had to leave as soon as possible. In that case, Jo Gyu-Min’s role was to act as the children’s guide. It would not be too late to hear the reason afterward.

“Please step aside for a moment, thank you. Please, step aside!”

Adults who got irritated when Han Jin-Seong took the lead obediently got out of the way when Jo Gyu-Min stood in front of the children.

“You there, sir! Please step aside a little more. Thank you.”

Jo Gyu-Min’s voice carried undeniable weight, forcing these adults to listen. Once the path had opened up, Jo Gyu-Min glanced at Kang Jin-Ho for one last time.

Kang Jin-Ho wordlessly nodded, prompting Jo Gyu-Min to guide the children out of the aquarium without an ounce of hesitation.

Soon after that, all the Seongsim kids had left through the exit. Even then, Kang Jin-Ho remained rooted to the spot, his arms across his chest. Anyone with eyes could tell he was waiting for something.

The uneasy atmosphere eventually calmed down. Other visitors continued to glance in Kang Jin-Ho’s direction, but he resolutely kept his mouth shut and simply glared at the gigantic aquarium before him.

However, he eventually broke his self-imposed silence.

“Anyone who doesn’t want to die today… I advise you to leave this place immediately.”

The atmosphere in the viewing area rapidly grew frosty.

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