
Chapter 748: Burning (3)

The Crimson King barely held his hollow chuckle back.

Just who was he? He was the Crimson King, wasn\'t he? The one and only Crimson King!

Out of all the martial artists under the sun, which were as many as grains of sand, only three men could dare call themselves Kings. The Azure King, the Dark King, and finally... the Crimson King! This didn\'t mean the Three Kings\' claims to their thrones were based solely on their extraordinary strength, though.

Yes, it was undeniable that the Crimson King was one of the three strongest living humans in the world. But he didn\'t call himself a king because his strength allowed him to rival the other two Kings.

No, he was also kingly in other aspects. Not only did he enjoy countless loyal subordinates ready to sacrifice their lives to serve him, but the Crimson King also ruled over a vast territory that was distinctly his. No one would dare doubt his identity as the strongest tyrant in the world.

But here was Kang Jin-Ho, daring to walk up to the Crimson King with his swords drawn?! What an unbelievable sight this was.

No one was audacious or mad enough to issue a challenge of this level ever since the Crimson King earned that title. Yes, people like Vator sometimes showed up and wanted to compare their attainment against the Crimson King, but those duels weren\'t fights to the death.

Those duels were simply the challengers wanting to learn more about the Crimson King and his martial prowess. But this blood-covered man before his eyes was approaching him with a genuine intent to kill. And he was approaching with such leisurely steps, too.

Each and every step Kang Jin-Ho took left behind a footprint of blood. Droplets of blood still fell from the strands of his hair. As if he was... a blood demon!

A demon stained from top to bottom in crimson blood was on a stroll with his swords lazily hanging by his side.

The Crimson King\'s heart began beating faster at this sight.

\'My pulse is racing?\'

The Crimson King curiously studied his own condition. He witnessed Kang Jin-Ho\'s true self only a few moments ago. And it planted the seed of fear in the Crimson King\'s heart. Since that was the case, was the phenomenon of his heart beating faster the result of failing to adequately overcome his fear?

\'No, it\'s not.\'

The Crimson King accurately saw through what he was feeling. And like fear, it was also something he had not felt in such a long time. People usually called this emotion... an unyielding desire to win at any cost!

\'Doesn\'t that mean I\'ve subconsciously acknowledged that demon as a worthy opponent?\'

It seemed that his brain didn\'t consciously decide on this. His whole body was trembling from excitement. As if he was welcoming a close friend he hadn\'t seen in years!

The swords lazily hanging by Kang Jin-Ho\'s sides were enveloped in pitch-black demonic qi. This ominous energy burned and billowed like living flames. Which gave off the impression that Kang Jin-Ho\'s arms were on fire.

Or... As if they were the wings of a massive monstrous bird!

The Crimson King\'s expression stiffened even more at this spectacle.

\'...Indeed, that is commendable.\'

He should acknowledge what needed to be acknowledged. Kang Jin-Ho\'s attainment in demonic arts even stunned the Crimson King.

The Crimson King could confidently say he had always remained wary of the demonic arts and cultivators mastering them. He knew the latent potential of the demonic arts was quite formidable.

It wasn\'t just him, though. Many righteous warriors diligently remained on guard over the centuries. They taught the next generation to never forget that there was a time when the entire world had to tremble in fear of the demonic cultivators.

The Crimson King believed their teaching was correct. Despite years and years of persecution, the demonic cultivators still managed to maintain a force of such a scale. Didn\'t that prove how tenacious and driven the demonic cultivators were?

Even then...

\'This is more than what I anticipated.\'

Maybe people like Cai Kechang would look up to the Crimson King and revere him for recognizing the danger posed by Kang Jin-Ho\'s existence. However, that wasn\'t quite right.

The Crimson King was wary of Kang Jin-Ho. That much was true. However, even he had no idea Kang Jin-Ho was someone like this.

Behold, Kang Jin-Ho\'s bloodthirsty demon-like visage! Behold, this stupendously sharp and vicious aura that cut into the Crimson King\'s entire body simply by being subjected to Kang Jin-Ho\'s glare!

\'He is indeed qualified to call himself the Demon King!\'

No, that was a bit wrong. Weren\'t the Crimson King and his followers the first people to refer to Kang Jin-Ho as the Demon King?

“...Oh, hear me, the demon emperor. You are fully qualified to be called that title,” said the Crimson King while rolling up his sleeves.

Obviously, he was not a fool and knew that the situation so far no longer mattered. Who lived and died, and who\'d get to keep living on or get buried six feet under... All of those things were secondary now.

The most important thing was the individual standing before the Crimson King\'s eyes... The one and only demon emperor!

As long as the Crimson King could kill him, all the losses he had suffered would not be losses anymore. However, if he failed to finish Kang Jin-Ho off tonight and the latter escaped somehow? Benefits earned from this moment on would not be benefits at all!

The person who sensed the threat posed by Kang Jin-Ho more accurately than anyone else in this place was undoubtedly the Crimson King.

Step, step...

Kang Jin-Ho continued to leisurely walk toward his opponent. And the Crimson King stood there with his fists clenched, his eyes never wavering and not missing a single thing.

The way Kang Jin-Ho walked was plain. Ordinary. Even then, each of his steps was a fierce battle between Kang Jin-Ho\'s aura against the Crimson King\'s!

Eventually, their distance narrowed to under three meters. Non-martial artists would think this distance was still far away, but to these monsters? They could easily cut each other\'s head off at such a piffling distance.

Once the distance narrowed enough for Kang Jin-Ho\'s weapons to reach the enemy, Kang Jin-Ho silently stared at the Crimson King.

The arrogance permeating Kang Jin-Ho\'s gaze led to the Crimson King\'s eyes becoming withdrawn and colder. Had there been another individual who dared to stare at the Crimson King like this in the recent past?

Still, this attitude oddly suited Kang Jin-Ho. It was as if he was born to never bow down to anyone.

After seeing Kang Jin-Ho\'s behavior... A hollow chuckle suddenly broke free from the Crimson King\'s control and bloomed on his face.

What he was about to do was due to a bad habit of his. The Crimson King knew oh-so-well that he shouldn\'t say what he was about to say in this situation. Even so, he couldn\'t help himself.

“Listen, Kang Jin-Ho.”

Kang Jin-Ho didn\'t respond and silently stared back at the Crimson King.

“Come under my wings, Kang Jin-Ho,” said the Crimson King.


“You are powerful. Undoubtedly so. And what\'s more, your strength isn\'t the only thing in your arsenal. You even possess something that I lack. That power... will prove valuable to all of us.”

Even as he spoke, the Crimson King was dumbfounded by himself. He was actually offering Kang Jin-Ho a hand of reconciliation here. Even though he was displeased by the notion when Cai Kechang argued for it so passionately back then!

Even though he knew this \'negotiation\' would never end favorably due to the deepening of their divisions! Besides...

\'...Kang Jin-Ho will never accept this offer.\'

A king never submitted. And that was what made him a king. Would the Crimson King bow his head after running into someone stronger than him? No, of course not!

For the same reason, Kang Jin-Ho would never submit to anyone. Despite knowing this, the Crimson King still tried to persuade Kang Jin-Ho. Why?

Because, Kang Jin-Ho shone so brightly in the Crimson King\'s view. Blindingly so.

All the brilliant light radiating from this \'young man\' meant it was possible to put up with the reality of the situation.

“If you\'re given the time and resources to cultivate and continue to become stronger... Kang Jin-Ho, you will undoubtedly conquer the entire world sooner rather than later. However, do not forget that even the ones favored by the heavens need time and luck on their side.

“As long as we the Three Kings reign supreme over Zhongyuan, you will never get the chance to become Heaven\'s favored child. Your unavoidable fate is to die on this land. That is why... Come under my wings, Kang Jin-Ho. I can\'t promise you the world in the current generation, but in the future... Yes, I will ensure you get to stand on top.”

The Crimson King was well aware that changing Kang Jin-Ho\'s mind with such a \'teasing\' offer was impossible. Knowing it only made him push even harder, though.

“I guarantee you the spot of my second-in-command. Your forces will remain as your forces, too. You will receive orders from no one but me. And the control of your men will still be yours. And I also guarantee you will have the right to rule over the Korean peninsula.”

Cai Kechang\'s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as he listened.

\'M-my liege?!\'

What a shocking turn of events this was! Far too shocking!

Did the Crimson King actually promise Kang Jin-Ho the full control of South Korea as compensation for becoming his subordinate? Not only that, Kang Jin-Ho could continue leading his people, too?

In other words... The Crimson King had acknowledged Kang Jin-Ho.

By bowing his head once to the Crimson King, Kang Jin-Ho could resume leading the rest of the demon cult back to South Korea without suffering further losses. And, unlike how things were until now, he wouldn\'t have to worry about a possible invasion from China either while growing his forces.

\'But, my liege! Why? Why are you offering that man such a thing!\'

Cai Kechang stared in utter disbelief at the Crimson King. Knowing how the latter wanted to resort to any means possible to kill Kang Jin-Ho until now... This turn of events was completely unexpected. Besides, making such an offer was not the right way to handle this situation. How could the Crimson King offer such a way out when no one knew what Kang Jin-Ho would do after raising his strength in the shadows?

If Kang Jin-Ho duly accepted the offer, Cai Kechang and the rest would have to leave him to his devices, which would include the gradual strengthening of his forces. In terms of military strategy, nothing could be worse than this offer.

\'Even then... My liege still wants Kang Jin-Ho to be a part of his faction? Doesn\'t that mean Kang Jin-Ho is too brilliant to let go?\'

Obviously, Cai Kechang also acknowledged Kang Jin-Ho. Didn\'t he think earlier that he\'d not hesitate to bow his head at Kang Jin-Ho and treat him as his senior if they worked together?

Cai Kechang had to admit that he\'d never be comparable to a man of Kang Jin-Ho\'s caliber.

If there was a realistic way to bring Kang Jin-Ho into the fold, Cai Kechang would\'ve bet his life to petition the Crimson King. But now...!

\'Doesn\'t this mean my liege evaluates Kang Jin-Ho much higher than I have?\'

High enough to offer so many favorable conditions, no less?! High enough for the Crimson King to believe that acquiring Kang Jin-Ho, regardless of conditions, would greatly benefit his faction in the end?

Cai Kechang couldn\'t figure it out. He was too freaked out and confused to make up his mind. Still, one thought firmly taking root in his mind stopped him from doing something monumentally stupid in this situation.

It was not possible for Cai Kechang to measure Kang Jin-Ho and his potential. Then again, humans couldn\'t do that to people better—greater—than themselves, anyway. The only person worthy of doing that in this place should be the Crimson King and no one else. Since someone as wise as him decided it was logical to make such an offer...

\'Doesn\'t it mean Kang Jin-Ho is exceptional enough to tempt my liege into accepting a demonic cultivator under his wings? Even though he detests demonic cultivators so much?\'

While Cai Kechang was stewing in the shock of his life, Kang Jin-Ho remained silent, his still eyes locked on the Crimson King.

“Come under my wings, Kang Jin-Ho,” said the Crimson King. He didn\'t try to heap on more favorable offers. And he also didn\'t go out of his way to persuade Kang Jin-Ho.

He believed a man of Kang Jin-Ho\'s caliber wouldn\'t fall for sweet talks. No matter how attractive the proposals sounded, a top-tier cultivator like Kang Jin-Ho would always follow his heart. If he didn\'t want to accept this offer, he\'d outright refuse it. That would be all.

Kang Jin-Ho leisurely raised his voice. “Didn\'t you say you will kill me?”

The Crimson King nodded. “I will. If you don\'t accept my offer.”

“And if I say yes?”

“Then, you shall become the second-in-command of my faction.”

“How... different,” Kang Jin-Ho muttered with a brief shake of his head.

Despite being the descendant of the orthodox faction, the Crimson King\'s action was markedly different from his predecessors. The orthodox faction people of the past would never entertain the idea of having demonic cultivators under their wings. After all, they detested demonic cultivators more than their irreconcilable mortal enemies.

However, this turn of events seemed logical, in a way, to Kang Jin-Ho.

The demonic cultivators and orthodox faction martial artists of the ancient past were unfortunate protagonists of history where they were forced to kill each other. No wonder they ended up hating the other camp.

However, the modern era martial artists had broken free from that cycle. Logically speaking, it made no sense for them to bare their fangs at each other because of some nonsensical ancient grudges.

Even Kang Jin-Ho had to admit that this offer was very tempting. After all, the Crimson King would come out as the loser in this trade. He only wanted Kang Jin-Ho to bow his head once, and the compensation for that would be... Well, everything, really. With that one act of submission, Kang Jin-Ho would get to return to Korea safely, then revive the demon cult to its former glory while strengthening the Korean Martial Assembly, all without constantly looking over his shoulders.

Until that happened, the Crimson King would undoubtedly ask Kang Jin-Ho to perform a few tasks here and there. However, Kang Jin-Ho wouldn\'t have to deal with that anymore once his forces gained sufficient strength.

This equation seemed so straightforward. Very simple, indeed!

“What is your answer, Kang Jin-Ho?” The Crimson King weightily asked.

The corners of Kang Jin-Ho\'s lips slowly curled up. No one would reject this stupidly nice offer... As long as they weren\'t seriously impaired in their heads and still possessed a modicum of common sense, that was!

“I\'ve learned something new today,” said Kang Jin-Ho.

The Crimson King cocked an eyebrow in confusion at that unexpected response. “Mm? What do you...”

That was when...!


Kang Jin-Ho\'s Crimson Destiny suddenly sliced through the air. This swing was neither fast nor slow. It seemed like nothing more than a casual swish in the empty air.

However, Cai Kechang\'s brows shot up when he witnessed that swing. The fact that Kang Jin-Ho swung his sword wasn\'t important. No, what mattered was the result of that casual swing!

The Crimson King\'s cheek split open ever so slightly, then the unmistakable crimson-hued fresh blood lazily trickled down his cheek.

Kang Jin-Ho\'s seemingly casual sword swing had managed to injure the Crimson King!

“It seems I\'m a lot stupider than I look. Wouldn\'t you agree?” Kang Jin-Ho bared his fangs and chuckled softly. At the same time, however...

The Crimson King\'s face distorted to resemble a hideous monster. “You... bastaaaaard!”

A typhoon-like explosion of fighting spirit gushed out of the Crimson King. The land rumbled, and the ocean in the distance tumbled raucously. The heaven and earth were literally quivering from the Crimson King\'s fury!

Even as he faced this fury head-on, Kang Jin-Ho snarkily muttered, “If you\'re done running your mouth, come at me already.”

With that, their negotiation was over.

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