
Chapter 460: Testing (5)

Chapter 460: Testing (5)

Cigarette smoke filled the Assembly Master\'s office.

Inside this smog-like air blurring a person\'s vision a little, Kang Jin-Ho silently watched the figure of Yi Myeong-Hwan rushing toward his parked car through a window. Seeing that harried figure instinctively brought a faint smirk to his lips.

Bang Jin-Hun loudly tutted. “This is actually funny to you?”


“I’m telling you, you\'re a sadist, Mister Jin-Ho. You definitely are. Just what have you done to our younger generation? I\'m getting reports from everywhere about how our boys have all gone insane.”

Kang Jin-Ho shrugged his shoulders. “They will return to themselves quite soon.”

“No, hang on a sec...” Bang Jin-Hun was about to say something but could only ruefully smack his lips at how unperturbed Kang Jin-Ho was. Besides, the answer he wanted to hear wasn\'t that, anyway.

\'Just what did he do?\'

Even if they had been royally beaten up to within an inch of their lives, these younger generation martial artists and their pride wouldn\'t allow their minds to get broken that badly. Besides, Kang Jin-Ho only had around five minutes to interact with each martial artist, anyway. Logically speaking, that time was way too short to break anyone down.

And then, there was the matter of the broken-minded martial artists not saying anything when asked about their experience inside the interrogation room. They all carried terrified expressions and were too busy trying to escape to provide a clear answer.

\'...He turned them all into useless cripples!\'

If Bang Jin-Hun was being honest... He was angry. Even if Kang Jin-Ho exerted considerable influence within the Martial Assembly, Bang Jin-Hun was supposed to be the organization\'s leader. Of course he\'d get angry when Kang Jin-Ho turned the future pillars of the organization into terrified idiots.

“Will they really recover from their state?” Bang Jin-Hun asked again, his voice much stiffer than he originally intended.

Kang Jin-Ho seemed to notice that Bang Jin-Hun didn\'t sound like his usual self as he turned his head and stared meaningfully at the Assembly Master. “Have I ever lied to you?”

“...No, you have not.”

Bang Jin-Hun quickly combed through his memories and confirmed that fact. Even though Kang Jin-Ho was guilty of forcibly turning absurd and frankly nonsensical things into reality...

“Don\'t worry, they will be back to their old self soon. They did not experience it in reality, after all. Even if their symptoms seem serious right now, they will gradually recover after realizing that none of it was real.”

“...I\'ve no idea what you\'re talking about, but yes, I hear you. As long as they will get better for real, that\'s all I need to know.”

Kang Jin-Ho nodded briefly as if he saw no further need to explain. And that also left Bang Jin-Hun with not much else to say.

Bang Jin-Hun smacked his lips again, then glanced at Kang Jin-Ho\'s face. He couldn\'t tell what this powerful returner was thinking about from that stoic, expressionless face.

“Mister Jin-Ho, why are you doing this?”

Kang Jin-Ho tilted his head. “What do you mean?”

Bang Jin-Hun couldn\'t help but hesitate a little. Something about Kang Jin-Ho had changed, but explaining that in words seemed difficult. “Well, you said you\'d train the kids, but... I don\'t remember you being this motivated before. Didn\'t we agree to gradually disqualify the applicants while training them? Why did you suddenly change your mind?”

Obviously, Bang Jin-Hun had no clue what Kang Jin-Ho did in that interrogation room. However, he still could guess that breaking the minds of so many people would not be easy. Even someone like Kang Jin-Ho must\'ve exerted a lot of energy today.

If the aim was to filter and narrow down the number of applicants, this kind of hands-on method didn\'t seem unnecessary to Bang Jin-Hun. They could have relied on the luck of the draw, for instance. Or let the applicants duel each other, with losers going home. However, Kang Jin-Ho still chose to go with a method that required his time and energy.

\'Is he motivated by something?\'

In that case, by what?

Before Bang Jin-Hun\'s curiosity could get any deeper, Kang Jin-Ho spoke up first. “It\'s because I detest ambiguity.”


Kang Jin-Ho slowly nodded. “My thoughts have changed somewhat recently. I realized I\'ve been letting life take me wherever it wanted to. And I still got tangled up in various events to eventually get here.”

“Oh...” Bang Jin-Hun nodded while looking back to the past.

Kang Jin-Ho wasn\'t the type to actively partake in events happening around him. He only got involved in the Assembly\'s matters after Lee Jung-Geol\'s granddaughter contacted him first. And it was the \'conflict\' against Bang Jin-Hun\'s minions that got Kang Jin-Ho involved in Bang Jin-Hun\'s affairs.

Even the destruction of the Yeongnam Group was down to Kim Seok-Il\'s crazy decision to poke the bear named Kang Jin-Ho with a stick when the latter was perfectly minding his own business.

\'Right... Now that I think about it...\'

Bang Jin-Hun wasn\'t sure how to evaluate this situation. Should he say Kang Jin-Ho was unlucky or incredibly capable? From a bystander\'s point of view, this situation must\'ve looked as if South Korea\'s fractured martial society got united by a single man after he was provoked by the country\'s so-called distinguished martial artists.

Kang Jin-Ho continued to explain. “I thought about it and realized that... This can\'t be avoided even if I\'m not interested or have been trying to skirt around it. If I had been dead-set on continuing that path, I wouldn\'t even be here right now.”

“Yes, I agree with that,” Bang Jin-Hun slowly nodded. Nails hidden inside a pocket were bound to stab the hand reaching inside one day, after all.

Besides, it was far too late for Kang Jin-Ho to return to living an ordinary life. After coming this far, the world would never let Kang Jin-Ho go, even if he wanted to quit and reject everything.

Kang Jin-Ho sighed softly. “Even now, I... I haven\'t found the goal in my life. However, I do know one thing.”

“One thing? Like what?”

“Well...” Kang Jin-Ho contemplatively nodded. “If it can\'t be avoided, then I might as well get more involved. I should stop procrastinating and finish those matters I\'ve been putting on the back burner. And... If something gets in my way, I will destroy it.”

The room\'s temperature suddenly dropped a little. Although Kang Jin-Ho was saying those things disinterestedly, his words should never be dismissed as he was the type to really do what he said he\'d do. Didn\'t he already perform those seemingly-impossible feats without hesitation, as if it was no different from having a meal or breathing air?

Bang Jin-Hun suddenly remembered something about this young-looking man. He should not forget that Kang Jin-Ho was a predator. A powerful and dangerous predator, at that.

It was just that this predator grew up among humans and had no desire to break free from the cage. That was the only reason Kang Jin-Ho had been staying relatively docile all this time.

However, a predator like him could always rip the cage apart and tear off people\'s throats with his bare fangs if that was what he felt like. And the only thing holding Kang Jin-Ho back was himself, not his acquaintances or the rules and regulations set by society.

Bang Jin-Hun sobered up immediately and pulled his proverbial socks up that had been threatening to slide down his legs for some time now. He should never forget that he was not a beast tamer.

No, he was just a weak little rabbit that coincidentally fell inside a predator\'s cage. The predator was not hungry, so it left Bang Jin-Hun the cute little rabbit alone. And the predator got used to the rabbit\'s presence, so it tolerated the weak little creature\'s teasing. But for how long?

When his thoughts reached that far, Bang Jin-Hun suddenly realized how crazy it was for him to demand an answer from Kang Jin-Ho earlier.

\'Yup, I must\'ve lost my goddamn mind!\'

Humans would eventually take kindness for granted. That old idiom seemed so correct in this situation. Just who did Bang Jin-Hun think he was dealing with for him to demand an answer like that?

Not too long ago, Choi Jin-Yeong said something about immature brats. As it turned out, even Bang Jin-Hun was included in that evaluation. The Yeongnam Branch folks would never display any disrespectful sight to Kang Jin-Ho. Well, they had experienced the truth already, after all!

“...Mister Jin-Ho, are you saying you plan to train these guys properly?”

“Yes,” Kang Jin-Ho replied while mouthing a new cigarette. He flicked his fingers to ignite the cigarette tip and deeply sucked in the unhealthy smoke. “If I hadn\'t started it, I wouldn\'t have cared. However, I am involved now, so I should do a proper job. Besides...”


“This won\'t be the end, Mister Jin-Hun. I\'ve decided to discard the attitude of letting fate take control of me and the world around me.”

Bang Jin-Hun\'s eyes powerfully quaked just then. \'W-wait a bloody minute. This... This is no laughing matter, isn\'t it...?\'

Since Kang Jin-Ho sounded like someone reading a textbook, even Bang Jin-Hun was lulled into listening with an unconcerned attitude, but when he thought about it... This declaration could have enormous implications for the rest of the world.

Even a slight change in a leader\'s mindset was enough to usher in a storm of confusion for the people under him, after all!

Not to forget, Kang Jin-Ho was the overlord of South Korea\'s martial society in all but name. If he decided to discard his previous aloof, uninvolved attitude and become more proactive, Korea\'s martial society would no doubt experience a rapid transformation. And the ripples of this change should impact the mundane world, too!

“I-in that case, are you thinking of doing something else besides this training thing?” Bang Jin-Hun cautiously asked.

“Yes. I am thinking of something.”

“Do you mind letting me in on it?”

“Well,” Kang Jin-Ho shrugged his shoulders. “It\'s nothing major, really.”


“...I should go since I don\'t want to get my head bitten off later.”

“Eh?” Bang Jin-Hun blinked his eyes in a daze while staring at Kang Jin-Ho.


\'Please, someone save me...!\'

Han Eun-Sol was stuck in a nightmare. Although he had survived countless hellish nightmares already, nothing could\'ve prepared him for today. And this hell still showed no sign of ending any time soon!

Han Eun-Sol ever so slightly, oh-so-slightly, turned his head. Just enough to look to his side while ensuring no one would notice. However, his head returned to its position in less than 0.1 seconds after his eyes took in the pissed-off face of a witch.

\'Oh, dear God! Please, please spare me just this once! Please don\'t let me get involved in this!\'

Unfortunately, he had to get involved. After all, the \'pissed-off witch\' was an actress under his care. And he was about to board a plane meant to take them both to China. Obviously, Han Eun-Sol would have to spend hours with the witch in the confined space of the airplane. And he\'d also have to do chores and other background tasks for her during their stay in China.

\'Yup, I must\'ve lost my bloody mind!\'

Why did he fail to predict this outcome? Did he get too blinded by the allure of success? If Choi Yeon-Ha decided to go to China, Han Eun-Sol would obviously have to accompany her, too! Why did he fail to figure that out on time?!

\'I thought it\'d work out somehow, but this...!\'

Han Eun-Sol shouldn\'t be blamed for letting his guard down, though. Choi Yeon-Ha had been a lot mellower recently, after all! In the past, a small mistake by Han Eun-Sol would usually mean a water bottle thrown in his face, but nowadays? Choi Yeon-Ha would fake a smile and try to brush it aside. And she hadn\'t flipped the entire agency on its head recently by calling the boss in the middle of the night after noticing many missed calls on her phone.

Han Eun-Sol didn\'t want to admit it, but meeting Kang Jin-Ho had finally transformed Choi Yeon-Ha into a semi-decent human being. And that was no exaggeration! But now...!

\'Why is she like this today?!\'

Han Eun-Sol felt like he was carrying on his back a live grenade with its safety pin removed. As Choi Yeon-Ha\'s manager for the last two years or so, Han Eun-Sol could swear that he had never seen her this angry before!

\'Dear God, please!\'

A small mistake from Han Eun-Sol, and the evening news bulletins would become awash with the headlines of \'Choi Yeon-Ha\'s Unexpected Return Home.\' He needed to do absolutely everything in his power to prevent another nut rage incident!

Just why was this woman so angry, though? Choi Yeon-Ha was the one who agreed to go to China, so shouldn\'t showing up at the airport in her current mood be considered a public nuisance?!

Han Eun-Sol feared the worst after looking at Choi Yeon-Ha\'s angry face. Such as the contract being thrown into the nearest bin! However, to his surprise, Choi Yeon-Ha didn\'t say anything and simply waited for her flight’s departure time.

Han Eun-Sol was still trying to figure out whether this was a good thing or not when his hearing caught Choi Yeon-Ha\'s quiet mutter. Her voice was tiny, so Han Eun-Sol had to focus every bit of his concentration to pick up on what she was muttering about.

“...That\'s how it is, yet not even a phone call until now? I\'m leaving the country today, and no one knows when we\'ll see each other again, and once I leave, I\'ll be gone for six months or more, yet... Yet, not even a single bloody call since that day? Sure, I know he\'s not the type to phone people first. And I know he\'s not the type to message people, but... But! I\'m leaving the country, so shouldn\'t he at least...!”

Although Choi Yeon-Ha\'s rambling had practically zero context, Han Eun-Sol still could understand most of it.

\'Okay, so... Even though she\'s leaving today, Mister Kang Jin-Ho hasn\'t bothered to send even a single text message to her.\'

...No wonder Choi Yeon-Ha was pissed off!

Han Eun-Sol had experienced all sorts of Choi Yeon-Ha\'s power trips and abuse of authority first-hand to know what a terrible human being she could be. However, at the very least, he had no choice but to sympathize with her.

Indeed, not even a single phone call? That was pretty thoughtless of Kang Jin-Ho.

Han Eun-Sol cautiously glanced at Choi Yeon-Ha. “Noona, I think we should think about heading inside now.”


“We\'ll be late if we wait any longer, noona. How about waiting inside before...”

Choi Yeon-Ha sharply glared at him. “What was that?”

“...We, uh, still have a bit of time remaining.”

When Choi Yeon-Ha wordlessly turned her head away, a flood of cold sweat immediately started gushing down Han Eun-Sol\'s forehead.

\'Holy cow. Red alert warning!\'

At this rate, she and Han Eun-Sol would no doubt encounter massive problems after arriving in China. No, hold that thought! Could they even reach China without facing any hiccups? Choi Yeon-Ha\'s smoldering attitude suggested that she was ready to shove the food cart on its side if the flight attendants walked a little too loudly near her!

\'Should I... call Mister Kang Jin-Ho first?\'

Han Eun-Sol realized only one person could resolve this situation. Before he could swallow the brave pill and do what was necessary, though...

“...Huh? N-noona, over there!” Han Eun-Sol shot up to his feet and pointed at the airport\'s entrance.

“What now?” Choi Yeon-Ha responded in irritation.

“Look, noona! Look! Over there!” Han Eun-Sol turned to look at Choi Yeon-Ha while urgently pointing behind him. Choi Yeon-Ha\'s expression initially crumpled in annoyance but instantly bloomed in radiance as if a switch had been flipped.


The normal reaction in a situation like this should\'ve been him shouting \'How fickle are you, woman!\' at Choi Yeon-Ha, but her smiling face was too beautiful for Han Eun-Sol to think about anything else.

As she smiled radiantly, Choi Yeon-Ha\'s irises reflected the sight of Kang Jin-Ho entering the airport and walking toward her.

Choi Yeon-Ha quickly got up and went to meet him halfway. Kang Jin-Ho fake-coughed and scratched the back of his head as if he wasn\'t used to this, then stared intently at Choi Yeon-Ha.

Their gazes met, and for quite some time, they didn\'t say anything and just stared at each other.

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